Saturday, October 12, 2024

Update: OCTOBER 12, 2024


Liars plus losers

This blog done for exposing, plus legally documenting and identifying by crime, "exact names" and mindset , a very sad and tragic Montreal gang of textbook cowardly and criminal cyberbulliesMost shown unable to think for themselves and given to peer group pressure to belong to a small mob. Exactly as documented.

The serious criminal issues range from clear reckless defamation deceit and abuse of media and audience trust, with defamation clearly documented. That added to their efforts to "use" police as their puppet and petty political pawns for textbook "wrongful criminal prosecution" and press. The deceit of such low life blatant. And documented by third parties. The criminal collusion to aid and abet obvious and also documented.

They "ALL", as empowered by their pathetic peers acted so full of themselves. Well, did until they finally did fact check far too late, plus saw even on social media how my old roommate and friend since 1973 a BC "Criminal Court" judge. Another a international recognized legal scholar and former law faculty chair. That added with my work reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford possibly also surprising such sick souls.

They were also surprised with even my Montreal legal history and network, beyond Ottawa and Vancouver, with with both Montreal legal hardly unknowns with Cookie Lazarus representing me, with other MTL bully BS prior. Add even Mulroney guy Stanley Hartt hiring me for his "detective agency". 

As such these creeps failed to intimidate me. And even with their postured pathetic media muscle and mindless mob manifestations. Fools also thinking I knew no media people even in Montreal. Another major mistake.

My references in just Montreal including a "real" psychologists added to my cousin a top "Forensic Psychiatrist" kind of handy as their personalities also textbook for such unaccomplished losers as fact. And from their leaders like dog cage sales super star Gordon Yee to major minor media junk punks. Not near the national known publishers and producers I sailed with socially both from Montreal university circle as well. Real facts are why they ran like little dirty rats full of fear for their criminal foolishness when checking real facts finally. As documented. Fact check?

Plus this blog exposing their gangs brilliant reciprocating "criminal collusion aid and abetting" games, and their clear documented "criminal  collusion ". This with their such impressive leaders Dan Spector and very sick Toastmaster big talker and pathetic puppy Gordon Yee.

Both pretending they're intelligent and a force that demands respect. Hardly? As documented. And best both caught in their criminally incriminating "very own words", as documented, as not a very bright group. As documented.  And the range of personality disorders typical textbook defined. Check.

Their no-name top legal they bragged about may have also helped these major league documented morons understand "criminal wrongful prosecution", plus law book defined "criminal defamation". Using police like their personal props and puppets, again on top of by the letter: criminal defamation and even bragging and using their real names, as possibly really just not so clever?

They thought, as recruited and conspired, as to aid and abet in criminal collusion, a gang of similar, we suspect, mindless ignorant friends and family as to scare and frighten one poor weak little old man with no friends in Montreal. Or in media.  Or knew any legal people to help him when needed? And in Montreal had only worked for low level legal like Stanley Hartt and only represented by Cookie Lazurus. As with Justin Trudeau's mother? Fact check. An easy target for so many unaccomplished and hardly successful types empowered by a mob frenzy. 

A tiny weak old man that they thought they could so very easily bully, frighten, intimidate, humiliate, and even threaten with big shot lawyers they claimed they knew and with documented planned police involvement in "wrongful prosecution", and this as clear "criminal defamation". 

Yes, and thought how so very easy to intimidate and coerce one tiny lonely little weak old man. A senior, who by contrast in reality was over 6'4" so hardly little, and so not so easy to intimidate. Fact check.  And for legal fun had worked reporting directly to the Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. Plus do add a former roommate and long time friend (even on Facebook?) a BC Criminal Court Judge. And further add a third long time friend an Oxford published legal scholar and former acting Law School Chair at UBC. Best also add with family and family friends (with one recognized internationally) in "forensic psychiatry" which helps explain such well documented sad and tragic mindsets so very well. And this blog link still very actively sent and shared all over Montreal. Plus all the names of the clear criminal creeps who follow as now documented: "Liars plus Losers." For life? 

Like a killer or a rapist just once a killer or a rapist a label for life? Same with "cowardly cyberbully" efforts by documented cowardly crowds of such crazy people. Exactly as well documented. Exactly? If done more than once, as likely so often with similar crimes against person(s), and still feeling above the rule of law: the psychological issue of these cyberbullies then become more serious as "serial" cyberbully factors? 

Who marries these people? Are their children also paying a heavy price for such demonstrated intellectual integrity and judgement? Is this the social convention among such types?

Dr. Pinker at Harvard may offer some insight on such frontal lobe problems with "rationality" and that added to Dr. Sapolsky at Stanford's "stuff" on metacognition and more, totally absent? Possible some MRI worthy problem or protein issue? Dr. Pinker a Montreal and McGill Guy. So Montreal still a focus? Take a big giant guess what Pinker might say about cyberbullies as in this exact detailed and documented case study? Or less what Sapolsky might add as to the belief systems of such monkey-like tribes?

And these cyberbully creeps still discussed from stables and large homes in Almonte and Ottawa, Hudson, and more humble hallways at John Abbott campus, to businesses along the highways and even in the hospital in Pointe Claire. Even at McGill (where I was a Dean requested speaker before defamed by these cyberbullies?) and discussed at Concordia. And most cowardly criminal creeps also discussed at certainly various West Island churches and private tennis, yacht and golf clubs. 

Also most certainly some criminal and slime "named-chat" with senior media and advertising executives and old friends from CJAD, CFCF (CTV), CBC, CHOM-FM. Gazette. And even the Montreal Star and Lakeshore News alumni a part of my old network? I still have a few "senior" executive friends in Montreal and Toronto? "Seniors" who also find such "sick cowardly and creepy criminal cyberbully ignorant mindless punks" all ganging up and with "clear criminal" efforts at "wrongful prosecution" with facade of "police" support and serious criminal defamation, and all insulting criminal code, DISGUSTING. Thinking themselves so superior and as "above the rule of law", common sense and formal logic (Loyola), to even the basic appearance of natural justice. Such very sick and sad, criminal proven scum. Now documented and proven, and with very clear "documented evidence" and as very clearly criminal Idiots? Absolutely. Lowest level of journalism, standard of care and due diligence? Absolutely? 

So sad

So often from Global so many great news stories and so many great investigative and researched writers from all across Canada. This while sadly very junior editorial efforts often suffers the most in declining real readership studies. Everywhere in Canada. 

AI another new problem when readers with a brain can create their own news source from Google blocking liars and lowest level tabloid journalism. This future use of AI now only in its infancy. And will soon be a part of a common media business model and "measured" effective project management. Still for optimized shareholder equity. Junior junk journalists soon  just used to no more than provide "fill variance" to sell ads? Hardly making the world a better place and more honest or media more credible? This as we see in the States when one bad reporter hurts a whole organization's reputation and credibility plus share-value to incredibly lucrative lawsuits for defamation, so resignation and NDAs as a given with real pros. 

News stories on future of news

Google has been testing a new tool for writing news stories, even pitching it to the likes of NYT and Washington Post. Called Genesis, it takes in a bunch of content and uses AI to generate news copy. Reportedly, some pitches found it rather unsettling. Sports a great application as numbers and adjectives data pile gigantic?

It’s interesting because Open AI is also actively partnering with news orgs recently. AI's predictive capabilities, being faster and more precise than human intuition, are redefining power dynamics in industries, resulting in massive shifts in planning profit and control. 
Those with documented far less journalistic integrity often so desperate for any affirmation anywhere fare worse. And documented as more reckless, negligent and void of clearly adequate due diligence and standard of care like FOX news settlement with voting machines to make a point when liars lie in published or broadcast media. Some learned lessons from even former Prime Minister's successful lawsuit the standards the law require and our legal system demands. And journalism schools seem now to only suggest?

Sadly, seems poor little Global local nobody Dan Spector prefers to often reuse old news. And as also an idiot trusting rocket scientist Gordon Lee sadly clearly proven to use even friends and family as cyberbullies to outnumber simply one weak old man. As well documented. Even recently. Plus fun stuff as historically clearly documented aid and abetting "criminal" defamatory claims, and hardly defines ones journalistic integrity or executive judgement. And this with no minimal standard of care or due diligence. Yet in profound arrogance and ignorance they assume some superiority faking and lying implying their own BS heroic efforts. But also as documented exactly expects quick replies as such a big shot authority and media types when under the illusion dealing with those not very smart or in a position of weakness that cowards and bullies love. This also as clearly supporting and defines aiding and abetting while "knowing" obstructive criminal deception of police with BS and illogical claims of to quote, "protecting children"? Sick? True? False? 

This as clear documented criminal efforts by morons at wrongful prosecution plus "criminal" defamation lacking logic and evidence, just self-serving illusions, as also well documented. Even published to clearly mislead and make idiot criminals look like community heroes. Reality just sick cowardly fakes and frauds and really just nobodies looking for reciprocal admiration by their own kind. As documented. Fact check the names in cyberbully group and support. All high IQ types? Sad when they found out as such a disgusting group of ugly little liars this old man not so weak and hardly ever felt outnumbered or intimidated by low level journalists and some test and toture animal cage sales star Gordon Lee. Will be fun when we go one-on-one in any equal playing field ideally video taped so he can show off his "Toastmaster" public speaking skills. As such should be more than able to sell his story to serious investigative media, courts or police as they thought clever to not only feel above the law in civil matters but made it Federal as criminal using police like pawns and puppets and props for false credibility. Cyber-bulling also criminal in other matters. Fact check.

This text book definition of cyber-bullying, criminal wrongful prosecution, with clearly organized criminal collusion and added criminal and civil defamation of an honest old man with a "real" national reputation with media and military heroes and oddly even federal security clearance for DND and NRC special projects? Plus add having reported to the Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford and "trusted" on money, numbers and media for ALL Western Canada for Federal Liberals. And two Senators and two scholars from SFU. Too bad for cyberbullies thinking smart to use their own names as they authored their well educated and intellectual criminal defaming opinions as "facts" following the herd. Eh? Funny add even with all my past battles even recently shortlisted for RCMP national projects by their head hunters, as also documented. Even Oland Breweries interviewed me as VP when just a kid helping Labatt with advertising and Dr. Bull at McGill and Marconi Military Communications? Fact check. More involved than selling animal test and torture cages. True? False?

Even more absurd this BS criminal defamation by these cyberbully pathetic clearly cowardly punks (as alone individually one-on-one a bit of joke) all done as to add pathetic reciprocating symbiotic credence to other's 100% BS claims the cowardly cyberbully slime made. As documented.

This including from their earlier big bravado and claims having/knowing power lawyers and power media connections. And assuming I was a weak old man and they all with superior intellects and integrity and ethics possibly lying to themselves as needed thinking I'd be easily scared by their big shot titles prowess and accomplishments? Claims of facts and going and using police for more fake image making will fool so few. As documented. This as to try and scare, coerce and intimidated what they thought in their senior executive judgement without doing homework just an old weak man and best with clear efforts at "wrongful prosecution" with police BS as documented and their added tales of major legal muscle and misleading media muscle. 
Not one of the idiots wondering why I did not fear them or their showboat BS going to and using police for their ego issues and desperate efforts to,make their mediocre lives appear meaningful. And not.

Oddly, and funny this tried on little wee me before on West Coast with other matters with other Alpha bullies trying to also scare me and others? And also failed. Some even know guns don't scare me? And yet such brilliant punks never wondered why I didn't fear them at all? At all! And only worked in writing for evidence? As documented. Or wondered why no respect for their big shot nobody titles? And their added posture exactly as documented demanding almost judicial respect for their documented and displayed arrogance and ignorance combo of lack of intellect and ethics. Sick? Exactly. 

Add even their power cyber specialists who missed the obvious of simple "copy and paste" vulnerabilities with paper trail and various cloud storage and his wrong location claims as documented done to I guess also sadly try to intimidate and threaten as documented before his apology? Hardly a dated "Letter of Decent"?

And that and this, all to further inspire their clearly mindless gang and empowered cyberbully following herd of their documented low level IQ, integrity, judgement and leadership. Exactly as documented. And as well based on small man ego issue with  some sense of rhetorical skills both oral and written and the vanity of some not so lovely ladies deserving far more notoriety. As with claims of even "protecting children". Such documented deceptive now nicely documented fakes and frauds, all on a power ego trip as low level textbook cyberbullies. Exactly as documented. And so easy to prove. Both witnesses and documented evidence hard to beat. Not some idiots conjecture or speculation stated "or implied" as "fact" requiring more and more lies and under oath? True? False? 

Oddly, to their surprise I had a few tiny small connections in national media from sailing and tennis in Montreal, Toronto and Van and even with work at CBC Toronto as national media liaison in 1976 or simply drinking with various top award winning national journalists, western publishers and even national editorial staff (I lived with one). Fact check? And add I even had a few little nobody legal connections from Montreal to Vancouver. This including my former client the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford, as mentioned above, and do add a criminal court judge (I also lived with when just a criminal lawyer) and add another a published Oxford legal brain. All I've socialized and sailed with since high school. They know me. 

So when the lying criminal cyberbully bunch were ready to really accept what losers and liars as lying cyberbullies that they all are were and in criminal collusion, aid and abetting each other, and finally doing a tiny bit of homework on me, the sick slime all ran like scared little humiliated and desperate rats. Again as documented. And with this their stupidity and true serious personality problems also now very evident beyond their criminal efforts and intent. As documented. Bets?

I was hopping they'd ALL in further criminal collusion or even dare alone if not so cowardly escalate with even more legal bravado claims, and continue as postured pathetic alpha wanna-bees, and as such superior intellect and authorities on possibly everything? And illustrate even more documented "criminal collusion", while each still protected by the illusion of effective collusion just a cowardly sick crowd's documented desperate need for attention, and to add their silly authoritative voice as to impress lesser mortals and women also in their criminal herd.  As documented.  This as always the case with such types. And as documented throughout history. Drowning in their own needed cognitive dissonance and Dunning-Kruger documented illusions, acting so very superior to an old weak man also an illusion, and with oddly a very long history of similar "altruistic hobbies" they also defame indirectly. For "decades" and some in CBC know it from delivering Christmas gifts and food at Christmas in Montreal and Ottawa, to national employment programs for handicap in Vancouver. Fact check. My charity work even possibly dwarfs their whole gang's combined efforts by multiples as so sick and self consumed.

Cyberbullies and posturing others as media big shots simply as fact just foolish punks and "Liars plus Losers" whose careers already so seriously limited? True? False? 

Too bad like Socrates I ask so many questions. And like Plato I keep very helpful records and notes on all "major" matters. And even like Aristotle I actually prefer real formal logic to young moronic sophist rhetorical word dancing, plus fraudulent concealment and documented misleading declarative "lies". As documented. Trivia: I was even made familiar with Descartes by Keith Spicer? This after work with Federal Liberals and the Attorney General of Canada? But prior to my work with Federal Conservatives? All starting from my undergraduate law lectures by Sen. Eugene Forsey in Ottawa, and my being familiar within inside courtrooms and with major Montreal lawyers, to my eventual work in Vancouver with the Attorney General of Canada?

Next time possibly these well documented Liars and Losers should do their homework before more stupid obvious and criminal defamatory lies and in overwhelming obvious criminal collusion and with a dateline and a clear chronological time stamped paper trail? Idiots?

And far more careful of their "paper trail" as hard evidence, and as best evidence of collusion. And as beyond debate. This as they also can easily be tricked and trapped, as now also well documented. And by those older, far wiser, far more experienced, more informed, and far more legally and media connected. Bets? Maybe I'm far too forgiving of sick young lying fools or fully familiar with my full legal rights than the cyberbullies best minds and their noted frontal lobe shortcommings?

More on my minor connections to real forensic "psychiatrist(s)" socially, who may not be amuzed by some little masters degree in psychology most neurosciences at Stanford now dismiss or qualify, if not "legally" a literal little league joke in a real criminal courtrooms? True? False? And as courts always far less impressed by such documented unethical postured pathetic authorities. Sadly, their children must also suffer this home life of deception or more tragic their partners? We'll see? Reality: in the same league as an MBA faking superiority to a CEO or COB. Seen it.

Still learning more everyday about this documented cowardly and creepy scum needing so many fools and fakes to try intimidate or impress, one weak old man, that they never ever could scare or threaten? As documented. True? False? 

Other similar criminals in my past also suffered long term similar illusions in another province? I have taken on bigger gangs and groups and even scholars. They all ran as well, when they did their homework, or simply when push comes to shove and found out more to my world than meets the eye. I do welcome RCMP involvement and their voice polygraph technology. Technology I got to use at John Abbott College and at Concordia doing graduate studies and not just GSR? 

Shall we compare in very painful detail my life to even a top animal test and torture cage mid level sales person or a deceptive reckless junior junk journalists involved with criminal collusion in wrongful prosecution efforts.

Hey, I'm still fun and looking to play even more and seriously escalate in very real courtrooms and with major honest media, plus destroy a few careers and reputations with the real truth and facts. And much still to add. Why they run? How come such slime now so afraid to play with little old me and tell more documented lies?

What happens 

What happens to the less honest, less intelligent, less talented journalists and public speakers when more advanced ChatGPT soon developed, and their employer value drops dramatically? Even impressive public speakers and animal cage sales stars will use sales letters and email written by those their superior. This as faster, cheaper and competitive grade. I know top Journalists and sailed with a few from CBC in Montreal to Vancouver Publishers.  The weak ones will suffer their skill ceiling.

Yes, a few dozen seniors I've known since high school in West Island and their adult kids, still in media in Montreal. And even banking and medical. And still so many more to also make familiar with these very documented  low life lying cowardly criminal cyber bullies names, and with fools and followers as those who lead or aid and abet. Names like Gordon Yee and Dan Spector and such classy documented lady friends, have been discussed. Many times. And emails with this link sent about their obvious, documented and published "dishonest criminal efforts". This so sick as to dare even "use police as their personal PR props, pawns and puppets". And in the clear documented act of criminal wrongful prosecution and intimidation, as reported, and the very clear defamation of a far more honest, respected and far more accomplished person. Idiots? 

And even more disgusting and revealing is weak chin chubby little males with facial hair posturing as big shot Alpha heroes, when sadly as documented as just very desperate hardly accomplished small man complexes. One of a thousand journalists in Quebec needing to be decierful? And as documented clearly in love with the spotlight and ego affirmation. Plus as with the very vain, arrogant and ignorant women involved. Women also under the sad and tragic illusion of higher moral and "academic ground", all a bit of a well documented sad and sickening joke. Sad and tragic for their families and trusting friends pretending capable of "critical honest judgement or opinion" and not as fact appear as negligent mindless fools and followers ignoring standard of care and reasonable due diligence. Suggesting also a variety of personality disorders as such. See names.

And sicker posturing as claimed experts and superior. Even acting and pretending as major media muscle when just very low level low paid journalists, as ad reps make more, or overpaid torture testing animal cage sales stars and public speaking tragedy in cognitive dissonance Gordon("Trust-Me")Yee.

Odd they should support that which they ask others so often to condemn? One can only imagine the many and serious personality disorders of such a mob comforted mindset of cyberbullies. Blindly ignoring facts and even at a high school level standard of care and natural justice. 

Bragging as also so legal savvy and networked, plus add documented wasting police time without facts and just their desperate desired conjecture and needed speculation. Void of any real facts and substance. Sadly and logically "insanely" also pretending "protecting children". How defaming? Hardly Christian as one joked? Clear to many now the real honest documented human scam and scum Gordon Yee, Dan Spector and mindless ugly followers as textbook cowardly cyberbullies and gang caught and so very "well-documented" and witnessed, really are. See Dan Spector's helpful handy article, so no debate or denial. And with Facebook words "captured and documented" to reveal what they really are as human scum. The kind you'd want your son or daughter to marry or even be seen with? True? False?

Sadly these very sick documented creeps once showing off how clever they weren't, now also know my friends have also included: a BC Criminal Court Judge, a former acting law faculty chair at UBC and now can note my work with the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. And with past involvement with top Montreal lawyers Stanley Hartt and Cookie Lazarus. Yes, I know top lawyers and legal academics. Some still in Montreal?

News: With so many better sports writers and historians in Montreal, why is Dan Spector even trying to pretend in same league and level with other's repeated themes by even juniors? He needs the work? And yet oddly by comparison there is no doubt Gordon Yee one of the top SMB small animal test and torture cage sales stars in the city.  What a pair.

Maybe Dan should take lessons from Gordon Yee on how to be a leader and a winner and impress vain ladies. Ladies feeling artificially and grossly empowered as to desperately mislead police and mindless followers. As so well documented. These slime lucky, other seniors suffering their cyberbully slime and documented deceit, and character reveal would have been far more cruel. Far more cruel to these low level creeps and documented literal criminals. Bets?

What happened to all the big shot lawyer references as cowards they tried to scare me with, how arrogant and ignorant they were on so many things. Reveals who and what such types really honestly are. And likely continue to be. As documented.  

Funny how so creepy and cowardly they all became when finding out I was hardly a weak old man they could gang up on, ridicule, bully and intimidate with little very nobody journalists and some super salesman like Gordon Yee. Gordon Yee career claim selling animal research cages for testing and torture, and both leading the pack of their mindless mob as exactly historically noted at Salem to Waco lynchings of the weak. The Spanish Inquisition more reasoned and sane? As with mindless ignorant Trump supporters. And add mindless Nazi acts of self-righteousness. Same psychological profiles and personality skews? True? False? Needing only group affirmation not truth, intellect or integrity added with small man ego issues and other personality disorders such examples make clear.

The truth needs to be told to help criminals and cyberbully slime with their impressive careers and socially as much as possible. And where nepotism and cronyism no substitute for talent and integrity. Would anyone want their son or daughter involved with such sick mindsets?
Having studied formal logic and rhetorical fallacies at Loyola in Montreal by Jesuit scholars and even some neuroscience lectures at Stanford there may be brain damage or childhood trauma causing their sad self illusions and self deception. See the real total facts.

Below a bit about the cowardly, ignorant and documented arrogant "criminal" punks below. This should stop some like Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and their very well documented and named very "low-life lying creeps and cowards from swarming and defaming a real  weak old man. As exactly documented. And with their documented deception so typical of such sick type of people. And more amuzing acting as so very clever, so "media" powerful, so superior, as "documented criminal cyberbullies". 

And again, all ganging up on a poor weak old man they thought they could bully, coerce and intimidate with their gang numbers and not so impressive business credentials? Well, or so they foolishly thought. And before busted and a lawyer told them possibly very politely how very-very stupid and disgusting they really were as people. Clearly not what they pretend to be. At all.

Hopefully, this blog make others think before so "self grossly consumed with their false vanity and absurd sense of power and righteousness (so often so silent?). And foolishly thinking that they could "use police as pawns and puppets for criminal wrongful prosecution". And to clearly, as documented, defame and intimidate an old "honest" man with a "trusted reputation". Including reporting directly to the Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. And added with friends as an Oxford legal scholar and even a BC Criminal Court Judge. And various established "Montreal" families. As documented. Fakes and fools and their personality disorders suggested, now a documented understatement. 

They are not only documented criminals, as even their cyber expert missed warning morons about screen captures and file saving to basic copy and paste risk, but also, as such, add documented idiots. 

None suspicious why I avoided phone calls, so every act and claim clearly documented. Nor did I mention I reported directly to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, oddly on money and media, Or had been a Dean requested speaker at McGill on oddly "media economics". Their cyber expert also missed one of my long time friends and former roommate a BC criminal court judge, as he tried to intimidate me showing how he "knew where I lived", but oddly didn't. 

Must have been one literally insane circle of self-affirming low life cowards and creeps, prior to doing their homework on me. Just guess how amuzing it is and was when people tried to intimidate me telling me they'll hire a "good lawyer" and yet I could call a judge, a former law school chair and even lawyers I dated  for free as a friend. Even famous Montreal lawyer Cookie Lazarus didn't charge me?

Add my media contacts in Montreal media must have been an eye opener for the cowardly slime as still knowing and having known senior producers and writers and sales managers from CHOM-FM, CJAD, CBC, CTV (Montreal), Montreal Gazette, and even back when, even the Montreal Star. So not just radio, writers and publishers on West Coast I sailed and skied with? Socially, I'm a very fun guy?

Comparing criminal and corrupt creeps to the competent always so very revealing. Very revealing.

The cost of lost media credibility.

So many great young "honest" journalist taking audience and major monthly profit from mainstream media and the mediocre. Like Dan Spector now suffers. Deserves mention. As documented.

Even with Dan Spector's, also so well documented, so very ignorant and arrogant "well-spoken" life coach Gordon Yee, hurts more than helps Dan. As documented.

Impressing vain inflated cheerleaders means throwing touch down passes not failure and fumbles, that these fools mastered. As documented.

As a note, I have been asked by top business school deans like Dr Goldberg at McGill to Dr Shapiro at SFU to speak on "media economics", so just maybe not as dumb as I look, possible?

IBM(US) had me speak to aerospace engineers while Trizec had me speak to merchant associations in Montreal, and Cadillac Fairview in Toronto, the same. So have empathy for both retail and packaged goods advertisers. Not just packaged goods, politicians, publishers and producers. Retail?

Advising friends, as both CBC producers in Toronto and top West Coast publishers, (both studied at Concordia), how to improve poor ratings and readership, much like when the Attorney General in an election asks for help with voters with message, media and money. This when I had responsibility for Western Canada.

Debates on Crescent street with top media buyers across Canada from Cossette on East Coast to West Coast majors lunching at Earl's (Also a client), teaches one many things. Maybe also why I'm quoted by a national financial publications on future of print and press, like the Financial Post, to national computer publications on future of digital media, maybe means something. Some just remember my friend's Lamborghini on Crescent Street or joking with Nick Auf der Maur . I was almost always at Darwin's bar, not Crescent Street, as less rowdy? I was in the Montreal Press club dealing with unknown labour lawyer Brian Mulroney trying to get press on side for his political ambitions? I have history? I digress,

Many great young "honest" journalist even informally syndicated by posts, copy and share in social media now costing bigger media dinosaurs almost extinct as Dan now slaves for. AI tools will soon write better articles so talent like Dan soon paid less to fill in the blanks and simply address  who, what, where, how and why, like those with no more than high school newspaper experience now master.

Even Conrad Black missed seeing his biggest 2nd threat after prison. The case study of the super success of "Castanet" in Kelowna even when Conrad Black and buddy controlling regional print, both missed.

Some main stream media kept afloat now like radio, based on less than a dozen writers or talent who audience follow and habituate. I met Mr. Black in Sutton when just the Sherbrooke Record in his portfolio

My goal here to compare the honest to the possibly criminal and corrupt and life failures in media. Those so sick and ugly who fabricate lies, so pathetic and desperate, even mislead police. This in efforts at "wrongful prosecution". Trying to intimidate and coerce a poor weak old senior and his incubating volunteer charity efforts. As documented. 

Even threaten a senior with some no name lawyer? But do see the humour. When in Montreal I was represented by Cookie Lazarus and having worked for Stanley Hartt's detective agency in university, and with other lawyers after, really didn't have a clue who they bragged about in Montreal.

My friends oddly a former acting Law Faculty chair at UBC and old my university roommate a BC criminal court Judge. Russ McKay. Fact check. I even dated lawyers.

As far as media, one of my old girlfriends former editorial staff for Maclean's. I also had the pleasure of socialising with top Montreal journalists Nick Auf der Maur and sailing and playing guitar with Stuart McLean. So might know the difference between greats and disgusting arrogant and ignorant junior junk journalist slime, including Dan's friends in radio? Also demonstrating and documenting a lack of standard of care and due diligence and insulting rule of law and basic principles of natural justice. Also as documented. How disgusting. How embarrassing when truth all told and lying scum exposed and forced to run. Extremely fast. So much in writing? 

Every top Journalist can see Dan Spector when handling bigger important "Topics" just "borrowing from other journalist's honest research. No special insight. And sometimes even more than a day or two old. Still likes talking I guess to teenagers he can fool he's intelligent, honest, important and not just another story fill word machine. There to justify ad sales. And appears like many low level journalists soon replaced by robots and AI. 

Who reads his boring and hardly distinguishable garbage other than me? What is his real audience? Really. And only idiots claim total audience reflects their following. My friends also major media buyers at the big agencies knowing media needs to be trusted? 

I guess when a lawyer told Gordon Yee and Dan Spector politely, if paying well, how stupid they both were acting like big shots and disgusting bullies. And caught as bullying and swarming the wrong senior. And as fakes acting like they knew what they were doing. And bringing police as proving efforts at gross wrongful prosecution and other crimes like obstruction they had to run and hide. Rather than confronting us, as per their clever threatening claims of "knowing a good lawyer". And we so much wanted to play even more.  And harder.

Guess when they found out I had reported directly to the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford and two Senators and one of my friends and former roommate a BC Criminal Court judge and a third an acting UBC Law school faculty chair and the various top journalists I knew sailed and played tennis with, plus a top forensic psychiatrist, their whole pathetic gang of cyber bullies and documented idiots had to run. No longer trusting the words and leadership of a small torture cage sales star Gordon Yee and his pathetic career and oratory hobbies. 

Most convinced Dan Spector and his girlfriend at CJAD only survive by nepotism or cronyism and certainly not honest merit or style. And Dan and her a poster boy and girl for why so few trust media. This as circulation and audience crumbles. So sad, and as they now know I love to play with such sick cowardly and creepy slime. Should be obvious I still want to play.

How honestly sick and sad are both Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and their "documented" and "witnessed" gang of cyberbullies? This as very well documented cowardly cyberbullies and liars. Certainly, not the best quality to date your daughter or ever employ beyond very  junior executive roles. Well for some with higher values and standards requiring intellect and integrity.

Even if you commit cowardly gang rape only once, you are still a very sick rapist. If you swarm and cyber-bully an apparent sad weak old senior and attempt wrongful prosecution, and motivated by a pathetic ego trip, vanity, abuse of position, public trust and a sad and very sick desire for gang affirmation and affiliation, you are also as very sick and ugly. As documented. Just like a short fat gang rapist with a weak chin hidden behind facial hair who can't impress honest intelligent women. Or real men. True? False?  

Canadian Mounted Police 

"Did you know both cyberbullies and their victims are twice as likely as their peers to attempt suicide? Taking action to stop cyber-bullying can change the outcome."

Sadly, for these very sick textbook self-entitled sleazy cyberbullies they ran into the wrong weak old man to bully and abuse. A senior who could easily take on a bunch of sleazy nobody punks and their very sad tiny business titles and limited education. And fight back at a greater force. Formal and informal as documented. This with his far superior political, media and legal contacts. May have stopped them from feeling so empowered they wouldn't commit another federal crime of wrongful prosecution again.  And with defamation as also well documented. This blog now haunts them and set as a further legal trap? How stupid are they, the real question? Are they a danger to themselves as twice as likely as their peers to attempt suicide based on their sad psychological profiles and their documented sad need to be empowered with their tragic careers? And lives? As it appears.

Is Dan Spector just a deceitful and very low level boring junk journalist or just has a passion for very boring stories? Or both? Stories with yesterday's news that so many hundreds of others others have handled far better in this age of "copy and paste" journalism? Lazy efforts at research, due diligence and stand of care far below court tests blatant? As documented? Is tragically nepotism or cronyism all that keeps him employed after aid and abet efforts at federal crimes of cyber bullying and aid and abetting in wrongful prosecution with misleading lies to police, with their high school and used car salesman skill of fraudulent concealment for criminal obstruction? Or being best brown nose in Montreal media and with such "documented" honourable friends? The company they keep of note with other birds of a feather. As documented.

Has Gordon Yee's career gone anywhere? At all? Or still tragically a living breathing small man complex coward selling lab animal torture test cages for small animals? I guess as most can order B2B online, he's now so needed? Is he still the documented leader of mindless cyberbullies? Still trying to impress the same sick and sad vain ladies thinking they are above the rule of law and can "use police" for their sad sick and suffering fading vanities? Also as well documented.

Sorry for delay in update. Had to do some very serious career damage in Montreal to one of those cyberbullies named below and a golden career opportunity they'll now never have? The price sick sleazy liars and bullies pay sometimes so costly. And if some think haunting creeps, cowards and lying bullies for ganging up on a senior and honest volunteer efforts haunted for 5 years excessive: some only suffer the most near ten years? I'm very proud having been a serious and very expensive pain for other such cowardly bullies, their BS and their bluffs since 1970.  I think I'm getting good at it? Gordon Yee still my top target. Almost always the first person with Dan Spector I mention when talking to most senior media people in Montreal?

Who "honestly" with media overload needs to read Dan Spector's blatantly below average insights on a Sports, Federal election or Pandemic. And when so many others do far better? Information supply far exceeds demand with media overload as well documented. This while the future of paid advertising fractured more and more and worse as media "credibility and trust" erodes more and more. This fuelled by documented unethical and deceptive writers like Dan Spector. Exactly As this case proves.

Funny to read Dan Spector even dare talk about NHL Montreal Canadians to marketing academics about "sex scandal" draft hurting brand. Yet, not considering how his very own deceptive "integrity scandal" has hurt the Global and CORUS brand and coworkers by association. And possibly stock trends. And even hurt their "brand" in Montreal and West Island. True? False? Can we trust him on Q 107? Ever? Reflects poorly on other "honest" writers who work with him. True? False?

We hope to be in Montreal Spring 2022 for seniors tennis and to meet with Dan Spector's employers, supervisor, and/or editor. Well, if not delayed by pandemic. And at least talk to some clients and employers of others like Gordon Yee and their communities where some have a higher profile deceiving possibly many they can be trusted as now proven. They are clearly well documented liars and cowards. 

Also for fun to possibly file criminal charges, and use a perjury trap already used successfully in Vancouver to bypass statute of limitations. Denial provides defamatory value and forces "reverse onus" in courts outside of Quebec. Also reviewing other key Quebec legal cases and awards. In Vancouver other similar human garbage thought best to quickly settle out of court? Must thank those who have admitted wrong and documented apologies in this Montreal case. At least showing remorse and shame. Small men are always small men.

Certainly some major advertisers in Montreal at Global News and CJAD should know about these very sick arrogant young punks abusing seniors they thought old and weak. 

We are already making contact with old Montreal "senior" media contacts from CBC, CHOM and CTV Montreal days and from Hudson to Hampstead and from Ste. Agathe to Sutton. And at Concordia to John Abbott where some still teach and this human dirt went to school. This blog will be featured as a link in all Montreal social media.

blog is about the "CRIMINAL" exposure of documented deceit, "wrongful prosecution" as police involved, and defamation by junior junk journalist Dan Spector and very sick, sad and goofy Gordon Yee and the rude and so arrogant and pathetic princess at CJAD. Plus their sick gang of very cowardly cyberbullies and social media sophists. And this all extremely well documented and witnessed beyond debate, denial or defence. As documented. 

Their employers, friends and family should know how very sick and cowardly these slime are and their attempt at abuse of position and a senior. Soon they'll fully suffer what they deserve as such sickening cowards under the illusion their numbers and little league positions and titles could intimidate an old man.

Yes, this blog update is about the real honest "CRIMINAL" exposure of the very well-documented deceit and defamation by junior junk journalist Dan Spector and twin goofball Gordon Yee. Gordon Yee sells cages for torture and test of small animals. Dan Spector still failing to make his mark in even sports. What a pair? Gordon Yee using his top Toastmaster sales speaking skills possibly doing no better than Dan Spector's writing. Please share. 

Plus this blog including their "individual named" gang of two dozen mindless disgusting cowardly cyberbullies involved in defamation to "criminal" wrongful prosecution of a poor weak old senior's "charitable volunteer" work. This due to their small man ego problems or other personality disorders that they have now documented about themselves, and in their very own words. Exactly as witnessed and documented. 

Sadly for these documented slime, liars, and losers, a weak old senior wasn't weak at all. Not at all weak. Nor small. Not like others these sad and sick personality types must have bullied or belittled from children to partners as this type will "always do". All their lives. Well, when they think they can get away with it and few will know what human dirt they really honestly are.

And this old boy maybe not so old and still playing tennis and with major senior "decorated" military to media connections and socializes and worked with some known legal giants. Like former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford and Oxford legal scholars as top law school acting visiting faculty chairs. And his old roommate and buddy a BC Criminal Court Judge. And some Producers from the CBC who know me from when I worked for the Prime Minister and handled all western election media buy and message. Innis and McLuhan would be so proud? And on West Coast Publishers he's known and worked with since high school also not old weak men? 

So when they found out the real truth of this old man, the sick sleazy scum all ran away very fast as such sick sleazy cowardly bullies always will when matched or stronger adversity. Funny in their documented prior ignorance they once bragged about no-name average legal and going to the police. I guess they thought I could be intimidated with these twenty young idiots against one senior. As documented. Which oddly those who have seen me deal in courtrooms and boardrooms and even CRTC successful appeals find amusing? How stupid is stupid? 

The real tragedy is others that these twisted textbook personality disorder types must have bullied or belittled from children to partners and parents or deceived as this type will "always" do. And now we have fully documented that they do? Family, friends, employers, and future employers should know the real truth about this whole gang, and this whole story, and no longer just another dirty little secret about such sick scum. Sick people? Yes? No?

Before being in Montreal this summer 2022, the new purpose of this blog is be a foundation for others' reference now in Montreal. This as to more clearly expose the very sad ugly "honest truth" about textbook small man complex types like Dan Spector and Gordon Yee. Truth that will haunt their whole lives and careers, unless another personality disorder protects them from the real truth about themselves and clearly pathetic careers. Now obvious to many around Montreal and Ottawa. And this blog also referencing  ALL their very clearly sad and sick gang of twenty plus. Also, all very well documented as such deceitful, defaming, creepy, ugly and so very cowardly cyberbullies. We have their names. Very well documented. Much more to follow. Justice bats last. Like in the Amanda Knox Italian trial we know how very stupid and irresponsible some can be in even international media and confusing their illusions with facts.  And as witnessed and documented so clearly here.

This sleazy gang of bullies  once thinking they could all gang up and bully a weak "old man doing volunteer charity work". How sick? Really and honestly how sick is that? And more sick the human dirt feeling themselves once so very clever they'd never be busted and so very exposed as mindless idiots caught up in a desire for peer group approval and inclusion. And when once so brave and bold and now such documented cowardly slime. Their personality disorders made clear on any psychiatric nurse's phone app.

Those sick slime who all thought ganging up on a small, sad, weak. shy, lonely, uneducated, old man with few friends, and a nice volunteer 100% charitable cause (setup for others) would be easy. Or so they so very foolishly thought. Sadly, they couldn't be more wrong. Or more stupid. Or more disgusting.

They unfortunately found out far too late with such poor research and ethics this sad weak old man worked directly with the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. His friends a former acting law faculty chair and another old roommate a BC Criminal Court Judge, another working with the RCMP in Ottawa for over twenty years. And in media his East coast friends award winning investigative TV producers to two major publishers on West coast.

And possibly even far more sad and tragic for those now documented lowest life cowardly slime, is how clearly exposed they all "really" now are. And like textbook psychopaths show no restitution or remorse. True? False? And with the very disgusting arrogant insanely rude junior junk journalists from CJAD "helping" Dan Dan create their own truth at Global news and CJAD thinking their meaningless journalist titles could intimidate. Idiots? And so rude. Their parents, friends and family should be so very-very proud as facts make far too clear as to what they really are by how they operate and their tragic ego driven motives. This when both junior junk journalists involved in their so very intimidating two pronged attack, on a presumed weak old man, and hardly their intellectual equal, they  also found out this presumed sad lonely fearful old man was: 

Long time friends and sharing a sailboat ownership with a Telemedia publishers on the West Coast, sailing with a top awarding winning "investigative" journalists from the CBC and even with Stuart Maclean.  in the East Coast. And add with senior connections in Montreal at CHOM, CFCF (TV and Radio). Even his old girlfriend a senior at Maclean's Magazine. Yes, he also sailed with Stuart McLean and drank with Nick Auf der Maur and skied with those from The Fifth Estate in Sutton. I like and respect honest journalists.

Now these slime, a media case study for Communications and Journalism students at Concordia to Law students at McGill. And so they are clear this poor old guy clients included a top Montreal psychologists and scholars from McGill. His previous legal representation in Montreal Cookie Lazarus. 

******************* Below for editing

This as documented exactly with the names and pictures and of their clearly ignorant and insanely arrogant gang.  And this so that "Any and All" future employers, friends and family and sadly girlfriends, if any so sadly so desperate, all know the truth about such clearly documented scum. 

They even got the police involved to constitute textbook criminal act of "wrongful prosecution" to start. With their clear documented "criminal defamation" putting this poor little old man in disrepute with major Montreal families who have buildings named after them and tons of real estate holdings. This as to best define amounts to settle? How stupid, ugly and disgusting can stupid, ugly and disgusting get? Read on.
Side note: Should Dan and Gord avoid visual and audio media to help their careers and focus on print and non-visual media posts, and just use text until serious weight loss, voice changes and can shave their silly looking facial hair even if it hides their week chins and helps with their small man complex and look more manly?

Okay, I'll be honest I'm not a little weak old man. I'm over 6'4" and studied Marshall Arts and was a doorman/bouncer in the toughest bars in Ottawa and Montreal when in university and still can beat far younger men at tennis

How does one build such a career less-than-many with such success stories as these two? Is nepotism helping them keep jobs when "honestly" in "reality" so many so much better, more educated, more experienced, more accomplished and certainly more honest and looking for work, as ad dollars shrink by the minute, and as animal cruelty turns off so many, more and more?

Maybe as I know Pamela Anderson from when she was just another nobody swimsuit Budweiser model working for my client in Vancouver and a key PETA spokesperson, I really should identify Ancare and about Gordon Yee and possible estimated total kill count?

Why should anyone ever show respect for their reputations when they documented such a low standard of care and due diligence before they foolishly thought just being bully cowardly creeps defaming an old man they foolishly thought in all their well documented ignorance and arrogance  who couldn't haunt them and their desperate careers for life Funny how that works as lawyers must have explained to those so very legally ignorant?

New update added below for 2021 fun on the "criminal" exposure of the very sick cowardly arrogant and ignorant deceit by junior junk journalist Dan Spector, and small animal cage test and torture super spokesperson and sales star Gordon Yee, and the documented mindless cowardly and very creepy cyber bullies who followed them like mindless Trump Supporters believed them. Too weird to believe? Just read what they wrote in their own words.

Trump and Yee: Compare?

Some see the incredible similarity between whole life liars like Donald Trump and Gordon Yee, and their mindless followers. And how Dan Spector no better than Barr or Cruz as far as ever deserving any respect or credibility ever for the rest of his career. Only fair even Q107 should know the truth soon ?  This as so well documented and witnessed. With their names and pictures. 

Deceiving their followers, friends, family, employers and audience, probably natural to these two low life slime as facts make so very clear. And
now all completely busted as their lawyers must have warned them. Lawyers they thought could intimidate a weak old mam. It will haunt their lives and careers for years? As it should. Hundreds in Montreal now know about this disgusting deceptive cowardly human dirt in this very ugly group. From churches and schools all over the West Island and very near the slime's homes and their family and friends homes. And literally dozens in media across Canada.  More every month. More and more. And more to know.

So many more honest and far better journalists out of work and this clown by nepotism or cronyism still has work after busted as slime? What does that say about those who employ such human garbage?

Clearly cowardly, criminal, creepy, slime and sleaze? True? False?

Ask struggling, and now so very financially desperate Global News, soon having to layoff the documented deceitful and boring local news "storytellers" like Dan Spector, with their now very very low trending ad revenue and stock trajectory, and as per their well documented junior junk journalist Dan Spector and Gordon Yee. Ask about: 

What exact "42" very costly, cowardly, ugly, embarrassing key legal points are Global News people, and their very top legal brains, so very afraid of here and now due to the deceitful character of Dan Spector to abuse a position of public trust that will haunt his whole career, and that creates so much fear to not even try and defend such a creep? And consider how this may screw up any future employment or promotion opportunities as just one minor goal here for this slime. My contacts at CTV and CBC must not be associated with such human dirt. 

Lying cowardly bully slime must pay for being lying slime whether by deceptive omission, fraudulent concealment or misleading innuendo and conjecture. Abuse of position to try and intimidate an old man with the "Power Network" of the small man and small penis complex of Gordon Yee, a bit more than repugnant and embarrassing as seen by those more educated, more accomplished and higher on the food chain. Bets?

Possibly the solid facts that legally I have all the named creepy and cowardly slime below all busted as documented and looking like very sad and very sick lying deceitful disgusting cowards and with very serious personal issues blatant. Bets?

Note: These claims are based on documented facts with real names (See below) of all those involved in this very disgusting act of ganging up as cyberbullies on an old senior, plus a clearly honest and honourable volunteer effort. This without fact or any legal reason. No standard of care. No due dilegence. Just gross abuse of police as their pawns and as a sick little disgusting junior junk journalist media public trust. Easy to prove. 

Just their ego and vanity and lust to abuse with their clearly sad life tiny positions and feel part of a absolutley documented sick group and aid and abet in the very very criminal act of wrongful prosecution as efforts to mislead police more than evident.

This will haunt Dan Spector for his whole career as both a documented deceitful journalist, as well as a very boring "storyteller". This as compared to thousands of far more honest and far better journalists. Bets?

Wanting to be far more positive I am promoting with friends competitive Montreal Media against Global News Ad sales. Are my SEO experts better than theirs or just older, with major clients  and paid far more?

Good to have a junior junk journalist like Dan Spector with that bottom-line impact? Costing ad revenue now pretty bad? Add the plus of fearing the "real honest" full true story about their Montreal part-time star junior junk journalist Dan Spector: showing off his documented, no debate deceptive and abuse of both Global employer and public trust - and at a very great cost to employer? Bets? And deceitfully defaming and old man and volunteer effort. 89% want action against such elder abuse? Factcheck?

Hope he's not paid more than Youtube rate for viewers of his insanely and documented boring video journalism?

News: This blog link and with targeted cover letters now sent to CTV and CBC journalists where writers possibly far more honest. This to see if Dan Spector gets any big pay job offers. And test other media for integrity. Institutional Investors now getting informed. Cowards and liars cost. The true story must be told and liars punished and exposed.

Dan Spector's gang or group hurting Global News/CORUS revenue and reputation now far more than they could any old man? And as a bigger target and far more to lose. Far more. Do the math. Money matters. Knowledge is power? Time to talk to CORUS investors who own Global about the Garbage needing to be tossed.

"Truth the sharpest of swords. A thousand tiny cuts the most painful?"

And best, the cowardly cyberbully deceptive defamation so very well documented by Dan Spector himself, and as helping other well documented twisted liars and losers playing cyberbullies on one old honorable senior and an honest volunteer effort? As documented. And so very clear. Fearing another scandal like a class action against SHAW as now in BC? Similar CORUS stock problems? Watch the market? National Public Relations plus readership costs and key advertiser and revenue loss? Dan has already hurt the Global news brand as documented and not just in this article. Factcheck?

Some, certainly seniors and their families find such liars and losers cyberbullying of a far more honest, distinguished, senior as simply disgusting, and find Global's local editorial and regional management supporting Dan Spector - as birds of feather...that seldom differ? Wait until investors and senior management know the whole truth.

Pageviews all time history: 7,021

This blog now seen by literally hundreds in Montreal and many across Canada and growing every single day. Every single day. Many now associate the low quality and integrity of Dan Spector with Global News and with his short-sighted foolish local editors and management. Those who support him. And this based on "Honest" well documented facts and evidence. This with Dan Spector's documented deception and fake news. And this again so none miss it: based on absolute documented real honest fact.

Dan is now costing far more than the ads he supports. Bets? Smart business move? Great honest writing? And with supporting editorial management -what a team? As another big plus also hurting Global News is: with Dan holding his job the far better  "honest writers" blocked by Dan Spector on payroll go elsewhere. Gone to where honesty, intellect and market share, revenue considered more important than some sleazy punks ego needing to show off to his unaccomplished liar and loser friends and fuel their cyberbully crusade.

Now time has come for a much stronger focus on his sleazy buddy Gordon Yee of Anacare. The animal cage test and torture Ponte Claire famous Toastmaster selling expert (or "Anacruel" as a few now joke on West Island) to the daring ladies named below - every way you look at it, what a classy team. Hardly? What a future in 2019. So as "legally" and "honestly" having damaged Dan Spectors career and community reputation as with Global News - and with no debate legal or scholarly merit and far more than he could ever mine, and this based on his documented duplicitous deception. And clear effort to aid liars and losers, and added to Global foolishly supporting Dan at further damage to their reputation, revenue and readership. This as his little local editorial people I guess not telling Global legal, marketing, accounting and sadly trusting management governance: investors pay the price, by such "power" posturing at key profit loss. Bets?

As such, we will play Global at bit different? And now focus on slime Gordon Yee this Christmas and late 2019, and the damage done to Anacare or "Anacruel" mouse and puppy torture and testing cages, as legally and honestly I can. Then starting at Christmas to also deal with other documented cowardly ignorant cyber bully slime as named below. Happy 2020 New Year, Dan and Gordon Yee and sadly Global News? Consider legal realism and legal optics.

This will certainly help CBC, CTV, Gazette and others with far higher standards and integrity. Plus not having Dan Spector on their staff. Plus get far better writers Global blocking with Dan Spector. Not so clever clearly. As it already has. Clear to those more sophisticated and understand bottom-line opportunity costs in "ALL" media. As documented. See below. Honesty and facts hard to defend against when so much documented fact.

In the next few days to mid-month, this will be sent to dozens of Global writers so they know why CORUS stock in the dumps and why Global News not trusted more and more by many. And more and more every single day. And why the good honest and intelligent writers should go to other media more respected and trusted. Case in point. Sad for all the quality writers at Global News, that one documented idiot and one must suspect his little local editorial management, can hurt them so much, and in so many ways and even off the job socially. And best Dan not willing to resign to help his team? Or be fired?

Do we have honest truth below and well documented that even their very top "Osgoode lawyers" and top senior marketing executives at parent company CORUS/SHAW, just might also now seriously fear. Will they stand by their Dan while so many ran accepting the obvious? Or disgusted by? What would SHAW family brothers and sisters think if such sick garbage pulled on their father as lawyers will ask? And hurting stock even more? Well, if legal not settled out of court? Fact check? An irony here is we will be using two tools used by SHAW legal?

Hard for any "honest" media company to support such well documented lies and innuendo as further documented at best with lies in court and all across Canada. A writer who costs any media more advertising dollars than you pay them just very bad business? That silly ROI and FNE stuff. True? False?

Just guess if this defaming deceptive article has cost long term Global Readership and Credibility already or helped and added circulation and readership to it? Just guess. And among those who know the real honest full truth and the truth spreading daily
Shouldn't this be "honest" national news now? Honestly?

Cyberbullies and published liars should all review the many key and critical points in: Hill v Church of Scientology of Toronto (1995), Grant v Torstar (2009), Crookes v Newton (2011).

Consider: In this very ugly cowardly defamation and false light and disrepute by cheap unfounded innuendo by lying Cyberbullies, of an old "honest" man to wrongful prosecution? Hey, if the former Attorney General Ron Basford trusted me and a BC Criminal Court Judge plus a former UBC acting UBC Law Faculty chair just really who do Global News think courts will trust. Dan Spector and animal cage sales star Gordon Yee or those documented more trusted. This a possible landmark legal case, please do consider fully: 

- If what this collusion of lying defaming deceptive lazy ignorant punks state ever had "any honest news merit"? 
- And at any time? 
- And thus if it did, thus it still does? True? False? Let's go national?

So, why don't they call police on me "again"? And get the very unaccomplished intimidating, rude and full of herself Emily Campbell from CJAD to also join in "again" on Global News media efforts to try and intimidate and abuse an old man. Clearly the wrong old man. Failed once to intimidate, so best Global News and disgusting Dan Spector try and try again? Emily Campbell get her new friends at CJAD to help her and as Dan Spector's blindly foolish so similar junior junk journalist buddy. Fact: I dated the daughter of a CJAD legend and another's son my friend on Facebook, not just Montreal Molson family. I also dated the family of those with buildings at UBC like Southam and Buchanan. My media connects dwarf Dan Spectors see below. So so fun if this goes national in competitive media. Not just friends at CBC and Global, I've helped with careers.

They can make this a very big national news article now. I want it. Very bad. Why don't they? If not human slime and in fact honest community heroes they fake, as and not just the fakes and frauds as I claim, this will help their careers? Well if not cheap junk journalists as now exposed. Easy to do to make this national? I'm known by many from BC to Newfoundland. From old timers (seniors) at CTV (CFCF: Fineberg, Martz?), CJAD (Balcan, Boxer), CFOX, CHOM-FM, CKO, CJOR and CBC. And many others from media as publishers and producers. I was in the Montreal Press Club dealing with Mulroney when just a lawyer? We also had very bad chemistry.

Are all of the cyberbullies a collection of lying, scum as documented? Shouldn't they attack again? Or why so cowardly now when once such big talkers and bullies. Why we laugh?

This cyberbullied defamation done as to sadly try and intimidate this old man with Dan Spector of Global News, and again with the super CJAD and Global News ace reporter Emily Campbell and local FB pages synergy as a weak effort to intimidate, harass, and defame an old man? Why don't they attack now knowing more about me and more to follow. Plus add other gang members and the other so impressive and very unaccomplished media and mind reading gurus like Karine Saba, Stéphanie Sabbagh, Terry Cutler and Alison Palkhivala. And as quoted in article and in their social media witch hunt frenzy? Documented case in point? 

All then, once disgustingly and deceptively faking as such superior and  disgusting community concerned "champions of truth and protectors of children"? And if any merit in their deceptive and defaming claims to innuendo, they all should make this a big time national news story again? What are they so very very afraid of now? Finally doing a bit of tiny honest research so that they now all run? Such cowards. Such slime? Such human lying garbage "using" Global News. Afraid of one-on-one full disclosure and an honest objective open free forum courts and other media? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

KEY POINT: I guess hard for lying scum to defend their lies to innuendo and now explain after my very well witnessed and documented 40 plus years of honest charitable and volunteer efforts, that I'd suddenly flip and try and cheat community heroes and victims as published, exactly as per deceitful Dan Spector article (link below) and as clear stated fact in a synergy with mainstream and social media that:

I'm a "suspicious" criminal scam, and would expose their children to illusions of risk. And by more juvenile innuendo crash the family computers of heroes and victims. As documented. Justifying even fake efforts to legitimize by even calling police.The later their biggest and stupidest mistake making this a very serious criminal matter.

Had they known my forty year friends span a BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mackay and as an old roommate, and another with RCMP and added with my Federal security clearance for DND and NRC, they now wouldn't be such obvious lying stupid looking cowardly scum. And as far their sick and ugly suggestion I'd nickel and dime real honest heroes and victims as they suggest for margin and foolishly tried to imply and trap - the fact is most who know me would know: I'd do corporate sponsorship by Molson or Labatt (and suffer their audit) before such a very sick and silly consumer effort the slime suggest. This as I know faster and far smarter. So neither documented facts or logic and law support the less than a dozen slime and their mindless blind followers. Plus so much more. Why was I paid more for my time by Federal Liberals, Labatt, Molson Pension fund than these liars and documented  losers? Why was I a requested speaker at McGill, SFU and UBC and these superior liars and losers ignored?

Had the idiots did a correction "honest" article about myself a former flood victim "like myself" giving back miles away and my real history of 40 years of "honest" charitable work their lives would not be haunted legally for years to come, and socially and their sick acts forgiven. Self interest, image, ego and pride expensive. Fools are fools? Very expensive. Once proof solid you're a liar for life, or as a loser, a coward, a rapist or murdered, or untrustworthy media the facts stand you are a liar, a loser, a coward, a rapist or murdered, or untrustworthy media. If you are nothing, as again honest fact, no more then some pathetic mouse and puppy test and torture cage regional sales star and Dan Spector brain trust buddy things get obvious.

Update to make a sad point on integrity and fair play: Dan Spector has blocked me on Twitter. How very clever? He likes the power and freedom of the press when his cowardly cyberbully gang can lie, harass, intimidate and defame a presumed weak old man, and control and monopolize a monologue or the narrative, but oddly not so much  a freedom of speech freak for letting both sides tell their story in fair and honest dialogue? Why not? Such class and integrity?And this most certainly reflects very clearly on Dan Spectors and on Global little local editorial and management, and their documented one-sided editorial standards and "quality" plus bottom-line business judgement. Truth hurts? True? False? More critical it reflects exactly on who and what Dan Spector really is as human garbage when fully busted.

Dan Spector really likes his "fake" serious trusted "newsman image". Take his clips and focus group this loser. See his real readership value? And best almost as much as buddy Gordon Yee likes his as "super brain" illusions, posturing and pathetic pontifications sadly as reality just a mouse and puppy cage regional sales star in the small cage business. Factcheck? And Dan clearly not pro freedom of speech when one side can bury him in documented facts and truth in criminal and civil courts. How odd how the slime now all run. And so fast? Their numbers, mass, credentials now a joke. Does this old man seem afraid of the honest truth? 

So I'm blocked on Twitter by grossly misleading, defaming, duplicitous deceitful Dan and his twit account. So what else could I do? But escalate even a bit more and post to competitive media, some oddly very interested in the legal realities. As in advertising frequency just as key as audience reach. I know why ads need frequency as former 2IC at Cossette for all Western Canada. Still know a few national media buyers and those at big ad agencies I also dated? Yes, I could do far better than the ladies named supporting deceptive Dan Spector. In so many ways. We will compare in 2019 exactly how much better from education and accomplishment and looks. Two featured in just one Maclean's article as good looking accomplished educated respected success stories. One the photo editor at Maclean's the other still a big shot at Cossette? Not just Southam and Buchanan ladies liked me? And better both these amazing ladies know a third girlfriend with a real doctorate in psychology not some miserable looking bragging MA full of herself and a special target for later after fully fished with Dan Spector, Emily Campbell and mouse man Gordon Yee. Those with weak chins can use a beard to cover their fat boy looks but not who and what they really are when truth all told. All truth told.

See my comments in Gazette, CBC, McGill, Concordia, CARP posts and publications. What else could I do when Dan abuses media to both tell his misleading monologue and narrative garbage and blocks an honest and fair response on his twitter and on Global with their documented double standard comment page? How obvious? How odd? Also well documented. Only fair? And best, I get more interested readers than Dan's documented very boring articles on news breaking "parking and traffic management" and "tree control" and to his even making honest honourable "first responders" suspect as well to fluff and BS his community hero and truth talker BS, and as implied by his other documented and detailed articles also less honestly researched and his continued Peabody Award work and documented and demonstrated high ethical standards. My friends award winning writers at CBC.

What "honest" value do advertisers get from ads all over Dan's articles - once termed "Dog's Breakfast" in ad world. What click-through does he get? We will also contact those who suffer being advertisers beside him. Ask anyone reading Dan's articles 10 minutes later if they can name any ads they noticed. What is Dan's real honest  reader fall off rate?

A national senior CARP boycott of Global News advertiser products? Wouldn't marketing and sales at Global News love that making the news? And just love Dan Spector for those trying to pump CORUS or SHAW stock? And already ridiculed by many from ethical fund managers to nobody me?

Trivia: The reason I was asked to speak at McGill in 1980 was a result of my insights and argument with business school Dean Dr. Goldberg on then the recent Advertising Research Journal article on news content on advertiser value. Plus he noted my work with Dr. Bull at McGill on Pentagon presentations and requests to help creative for Justin's Dad at Bronfman PR firm on Sherbrooke and Guy. And to make a point this when younger than Dan and Gordon Yee. Sad but so true.

Damages and awards for defamation referenced below. Hey, but what do I know about media beyond education and forty years experience and as a national media buyer and senior executive at Cossette and a requested speaker at McGill, SFU and UBC? What Toronto ad agency office did I run? And what sailing and tennis buddies as Publishers and Producers. Points to ponder.

And best documenting so clearly and far beyond legal or scholarly debate that Dan and his sleazy nothing and nobody cowardly friends would have the world deceived and defame I'm a suspicious scam? Damages? Who really and honestly suspicious? Myself or the lying, cowardly cyberbully slime. Ask any honest person.

NOTE: CARP has been contacted to further help publicize this abuse of an honest senior by this well documented deceitful duplicitous writer Dan Spector of Global News. Plus to fairly counter his cowardly cyberbully lying ignorant friends he applauded and further fueled with their deceptive defaming article also do get honourable mention. I also post on a wide variety of social media from academic economic forums my facts about Global and Dan and the lying cyberbullies. How much did Labatt pay me to report on the power of word-of-mouth media and do CRTC appeals?

What if it was your weak old grandfather they tried this cyberbully swarm on using unethical media and bothering police to legitimize their repeated lies and/or madness?

Time to expose and bust those who also think police, like this press boy, their paid props, puppets and pawns to be used as clear breach of fiduciary duty and public trust. This as documented as to facilitate wrongful prosecution, intimidation, harassment and defamation. November we start to escalate if no honourable response, "published" apology and settlement by Global News and removal of Dan Spector.

$50,000.00 from Global News to quickly settle by May 30 2019. And Global News will not suffer more ridicule, shame, humiliation, and exposure across Canada with seniors, church groups, other "honest" media and honest mature adults. This as a result of Dan Spector's so very creepy and cowardly deceitful duplicitous defaming efforts to support his well published and documented lying and also defaming loser friends. This as documented in his clearly biased, targeted, one-sided, poorly researched article. 

The focus then after Global settlement, to fully target these other duplicitous, deceitful, defaming, cowardly cyberbullies. One-at-a-time? Registered mail will go out next week to Global News Legal with reference to this link for efficacy.

Pageviews all time history: 5,053

For: "All" Lawyers. All Media. 

Legal Issues/Actions: $685,000.00 (+/-15%) CDN. Plus ALL costs.

Key Defendants: Dan Spector, Global News, Gordon Yee, and others named below as aid and abet part of the collusion of this comprehensive cyberbully defaming gang. This with names as clearly documented and screen captured on Facebook, Twitter and little village social media pages. And with their cyberbully defaming claims stated as facts or factual with zero research. Too bad for liars and losers.

Many of the cyberbully defaming gang, now more aware of who they cyberbullied with lies have removed their accounts in fear, but we did screen captures and Facebook plus also "saved everything" including names and faces with false claims. Now only pictures gone from Facebook. But everything in file.

This time stamped chronology to prove synergy, symbiosis and "fueling frenzy" aid and abetted by Global News article as documented, and below samples from Facebook and other social media. And as defined by law. The Global Article pouring gasoline on a fire of lies by liars, losers and lunatics falsely empowered as a gang of very ignorant and reckless human garbage.

As this involves police and thus criminal matters "I" did not obstruct or try to alter evidence? Or so foolishly try entrap as documented like they did from money offered suggestions to young girls trying to be my friend? And as also well documented. Wrongful prosecution to public mischief are crimes that come to mind. Gross reckless negligence no defence.

The facts of the matter beyond debate as well documented with simply (1) the chronologically time stamped "Local Hero Web Page"; (2) The fueling fires of fraudulent legitimacy, defamation and disrepute of biased Dan Spector article. As exactly documented. And also beyond debate in respect of legal scholarly "statutory interpretation" rules? And more so for those with oddly added formal education in linguistics (semantics), formal logic and rhetorical fallacies and tools of deconstruction methodology. This should these extremely unaccomplished morons try more juvenile sophist cute deceptive wordplay and further broadcast or publish their aggregate ignorance.

Evidence: Direct and circumstantial detailed below. Documentation and sample precedent plus parallel legal references and awards also outlined below. Sample of ignorance and effort to "maliciously" defame clearly documented below and far beyond legal common person test or scholarly debate. Plus do note, how oddly those "far more honest" and as "real heroes" all "oddly" in "honest" support of this old man's volunteer community efforts, as also very well documented. They stated I was suspicious and a criminal scam and could crash computers easily endanger children. The last point as sick and ugly as it gets?

Seems odd the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford trusted me with two other Senators with millions in money and millions of votes (and paid me very well) , and various scholars from Oxford, McGill, Concordia, Queens, Osgoode(Legal), SFU and UBC, plus a BC Criminal Court Judge and a Vancouver Law Firm, but yet oddly not trusted by a top regional mouse and puppy test and torture cage hard sell salesman like Gordon Yee of Anacare and the ignorant and sleazy slime Dan Spector. How odd? They once thought I was just another weak old man who wouldn't or couldn't take on their whole gang? Wrong.

The Motley think CORUS stock can't go any lower? Bets?

Yes, I'm gonna' have fun exposing every single one of these extremely deceitful, duplicitous, defaming, harassing, intimidating cyber bully gang of morons. Clearly the longer it takes to settle the far worse it gets for slime as very serious criminal matters also involved. This as per added wrongful prosecution to public mischief. Don't they talk to top legal as well?

Do you "honestly" think if these documented very ignorant liars and idiots all knew what they know now about me, or had done any research before shooting their very ignorant and arrogant lying mouths off they would do the same? Why not continue if their claims once published as "fact and true" and "newsworthy" and continue as acting like fake community heroes?

Most of the few I know or in my gang would agree they would not dare again stating as published documented fact, that my honest and honourable volunteer effort an obvious "criminal" scam and state as fact or illusion of that: I'd abuse public trust and endanger children? And crash their computers. For fun, if not profit. See Dan Spector article.

Above stated scam as theft and fraud "after I collect funds" as published but not even near honest fact. And this use of a flag even embarrassing my many highly honourable long time Jewish friends and girlfriends and including former references like Beatrice Bazar of the "Club of Rome". What would other honest volunteer efforts do? Sue? 

Next is sample of ignorance fueled by others lies and my honest, well warranted and fair "rude" response (without profanity and some Uppercase type) to defaming lies and efforts at harassment and intimidation and WORSE crippling and killing this volunteer effort. Easy to prove. And as documented. 

Support and counter to cyberbullies cowardly BS below. And as fact: Yes, I got rude to those who 1st ("first") got rude, self-consumed, arrogant? Who wouldn't when a gang of lying cyberbullies swarm and turns on you of nobody punks and junior junk journalists. Thinking you are a weak old man and easy to abuse with lies and  malicious innuendo. Be honest? What if it was your old weak grandfather's honest effort to salute "real" community heroes?

The added notes on my life and past and those who trusted and the few who "liked" me, done as to fully define damage amounts

I have an honourable reputation they defamed and a bit more than a top regional mouse and puppy test and torture cage regional sales star like Mr. Gordon Yee. Clearly. And as far as the junior junk journalists like Dan Spector and Emily Campbell trying to intimidate with tiny titles: when I was still in university I was national media liaison for CBC show "Sunday Morning" so I not only know what top journalists are as friends, I also talked to the top journalists all over Canada? Publishers owned boats with me or I went on others as part my social life? And just still in university with CBC stuff. More on the damages to my reputation in national media world below. And legal. And political.

The start:

Exhibit A) The link below the honest, once anonymous, volunteer, effort to honour "real honest West Island community heroes" - not give press time to clearly "very fake community heroes lying ignorant slime" as named in article. And as Global News documents so well using sophist efforts at conjecture, innuendo to induction and circular arguments. Simply not fact.

Why my volunteer motive? My own house in West Island flooded and saved in '79 or '80 flood and by heroic "volunteers" I can only suspect, who sandbagged my property and driveway. My motive. Have witnesses.

As this also involves criminal law nothing was altered as "clear criminal obstruction" by my side? They removed many things? And easy to prove and in a police matter, as well as civil issues of defamation. No small point of fact. And once damage done to this volunteer effort all volunteer efforts so crippled and polluted by cowardly cyberbully lies also stopped. Any brave enough to try one-on-one and face-to-face in any public forum?

The slime ran and closed their facebook accounts to "obstruct" the facts and others apologized for their stupidity, guilt and deceit. Some pointed to Dan Spector and Global News directly as deceiving readers? As documented.

Exhibit B) The link below of the defaming, deceptive, duplicitous Dan Spector Global News effort to support and encourage or incite cyberbullies and defame what they in their grand illusions thought once was a weak old man who would not fight back. And they thought I didn't know anybody in Montreal or in media and legal world? And that their gang numbers of corrupted and possibly very criminal compurgation, titles, lies could intimidate this weak old man. Wrong. This using clearly biased and totally one sided human garbage looking to self promote while "using" police as their puppets, pawns or props as to further and fraudulently to legitimize their lies. As documented. Done to intimidate, further harass, defame and bring in disrepute an honest old man and an honest volunteer effort. As documented. The sophist wordplay and multiple use of rhetorical fallacies simply juvenile. All disgustingly faking as community heroes:

Their motive? Their egos when I refused to be abused by slime punks on MY WEB PAGE (Just like other social media allows oddly including Global News in comment policy?) and made them look like the liars and losers they "honestly" are.

No problem with 130 who "liked" and the literally hundreds providing names as documented. No problem? How odd? With friends a BC Criminal Court Judge to another a top internationally recognized investigative journalist I was NOT going to suffer little princes or princesses with too much makeup, treating a senior like I also was their paid staff or retail staff they must also abuse (See psychological profiles on cyberbullies below, psychopaths and narcissistic to small man complex below). Nor could I be intimidated by Dan Spector tiny wee nothing title and his mouse and puppy test and torture cage sales star buddy Gordon Yee. Nor their whole gang. Nor their lies. As documented

Latest News FLASH!: We are now getting  250 clearly honest "West Island Residents" signatures as further documented support plus others across Canada (not just two dozen key liars, that falsely Dan Spector misleadingly represents as "West Island Residents" to defame and cripple and kill an honest community effort).

This as to support and prove Dan Spector mislead All trusting Global News readers about an old honest man and an honest volunteer effort recognizing "real heroes" - not like his sleazy ugly community fakes and friends.

This as well documented beyond legal and scholarly debate with Dan Spector helping his sick ugly LYING friends lie, intimidate, harass and defame an honest old man. And as a " Suspicious" criminal "Scam". This oddly on top of 133 unsolicited "likes" for just this "honest" hero page versus Dan's dirty 30 very ignorant and documented lying cyberbully scum. Those that Dan thought cool to try and so impress with his sick cowardly abuse of fiduciary reader trust.

This should make extremely clear how very honestly and as honest fact how sick ugly and  "suspicious" Dan Spector and gang "honestly" are. And what cowardly dishonest ignorant scum.

If Global Legal wants a thousand honest people signatures just disregard offer to settle below. And be insanely short sighted. Ignoring many 3rd party facts and documented claims by lying ignorant cyberbully scum.

Why do police, Facebook legal, my tiny nobody legal and media friends,  all clear I did "nothing wrong" and Dan Spector and cowardly, lying, ignorant and so arrogant, 30 slime gang differ?

Dan Spector oddly missed this:

Do the math. Ask an actuary to qualify the quantifiable. 19,000 "likes" for the old man seems just a tiny bit more than Dan below at 2,099 by say 9 to 1? Can't wait to see what Gordon Yee's and his glorious gang members numbers look "like". And who their friends are. Only fair? I've been forced to expose some of mine. 

So if Dan charged, say at best price for an ad @ $20.00 his CPM for "Likes" would be? Guess a paywall a bit absurd?

Can I get 10,000 to "not like" what Global News and Dan Spector did supporting and endorsing two dozen ignorant sick and ugly cyberbullies to harass, intimidate and defame? And their spokesmodels trying to intimidate and impress a weak old man with their abuse of position and trust? Hey, what do I know about social media as a former national media buyer and starting in 1986 with IBM and teaching html in '92? Back in 92 when just fooling around for kicks with code I got FBI warnings? My depth in social media as a pioneer with Archie at McGill gives me far more depth than simply Facebook, Google, Youtube, Instagram to Chinese efforts. However, for now, only a gang of 30 ignorant, arrogant and sick punk unaccomplished "losers and liars".This as Gordon Yee supports, as living lying proof, and with Dan's other deceptive, duplicitous disgusting defaming human garbage in article the issue. 

If Global afraid of making this national news and long wait legal, as signatures and story grows and on many social media channels, well that's the choice of Global's best "MARKETING" executives and legal brains?


The law is clear. The case law and damages of record. No legal or scholarly debate. As such, it was suggested we now contact Global News, first so they can limit their financial to marketing risk and exposure. Or bluff with higher risks.

This before contacting a plethora of competitive media advertising sales managers feeding ad reps, investment brokers, "ethical funds" and SHAW brothers for a "conversation". As they say in Calgary? Truth should be told? Hey, what do I know about media, defamation law, media, marketing? My references do even include SHAW management and former Global News on-air personalities who know me. And know this whole article defaming and deceptive and based on lies, lies and more lies. The premise absurd. The evidence deceptive. The testimonial blatantly biased. Not just CBC real award winning investigative journalists and a BC Criminal Court Judge know this as totally illogical and absurd even without seeing the plethora of documented defamation efforts by this gang of cyberbullies. Plus their abuse of Global News and other social media. Cute trick? Now the creeps and lying arrogant bullies get crushed.


And this last contact for Global to simply get rid of this mess fast for $50,000.00, and so we can focus on attacking all individual cyberbullies and liars as documented below. National Post paid Nega Mezlekia $80,000 to settle for far less. Far less. And with far less hard evidence. CORUS/SHAW has a history of settling for more for much less. Much less.

This offer ends midnight  May 30, 2019.

This offer ends midnight  May 30, 2019.. Some feel this very generous based on various rulings and out of court settlements as Global legal knows. Or should? And as detailed further in case law below.

Directional Overview:

WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40, [2008] 2 S.C.R. 420, at para. 28, the Supreme Court of Canada set out the requirements for the fair comment defence:

(a) the comment must be on a matter of public interest (Not special or small self interest gangs deciding in all their self interests what they'd love to be "suspicious and a scam" to feed their deceptive small man ego and defame me with all my national contacts from media, academic and legal);

(b) the comment must be based on fact;

(c) the comment, though it can include inferences of fact, must be recognisable as comment (Saying "West Island Residents Suspicious" sounds like a defamatory statement of fact as per the law's common man test and even the Headline defaming and misleading when less than thirty liars and losersas documented no debate fact);

(d) the comment must satisfy the following objective test: could any [person] honestly express that opinion on the proved facts? (We can ask "real honest people" I know?);

(e) even though the comment satisfies the objective test the defence can be defeated if the plaintiff proves that the defendant was [subjectively] actuated by express malice. [Parenthetical notes in original; emphasis removed.]

I guess Global legal afraid with an article documenting itself beyond any legal or scholarly debate as malicious, biased, deceitful defaming reporting and already hurting readership, possibly a touch of fear?

Defaming an honest man with disrepute by two dozen lying cyberbullies hard to defend. Exactly as per article and aid abetting reciprocal social media. And this so sad with so many far better writers on staff now suffering by association with Dan Spector - as with image of editorial staff standards. We can judge people by the company they keep? People suffer by association. I do. See below.


1) Dan Spector abusing position and fiduciary trust of Global News, Advertisers and Readers. Clearly supporting cowardly cyberbullies (as his friends?) exactly as per article. And as very cowardly "defaming" cyberbullies. Exactly as published. And as documented liars. And a myopic reciprocating, synergy and symbiotic play with other local social media blatant for fair and honest damages. The facts stand. As documented.

Dan Spector's established less educated, ignorant, arrogant, cowardly friends who think they can now run and hide closing down their Facebook Pages and erase all posts and lies, are mistaken. See original page to honour real heroes. Add key screen captures. We got it all. The lies, the arrogance, the names. Only the ceiling on damages and awards need debate?

2) And this done to maliciously attack, harass and intimidate and repeatedly defame an honest community effort and gang up on a poor weak, crippled old man. Or so the defaming cowardly cyberbullies once thought was "weak"? As documented. Also beyond any possible debate or sophist wordplay. Maybe not so weak considering how fast so many ran so fast knowing just a tiny bit more about me. And now knowing not such a weak old man they could harass, bully, intimidate. Why not so brave now? Why not get Global News to do a major story on this if once so justified and newsworthy and public interest? Why so shy now? What changed?

3) This article also obvious as doing no "honest" fair research, just malicious 100% documented bias and BS by ALL lying or deceptive cyberbullies. As clear with their lies, misrepresentations, innuendo, conjecture and reckless damaging speculation. As documented. As per article. Maybe just a bit more than embarrassing?

Seems even criminal, as police called and also abused by these documented cowards and slime for "wrongful and malicious prosecution". And to dare try and intimidate an old man and falsely legitimizing their BS as such "sales" types? Idiots? Read below and decide for yourself? And clearly reciprocating and helping Dan Spector's deceitful "Aid and Abet". Clearly abusing Readers to Global employer's "trust". This absolute fact. And absolutely disgusting? As documented. The police blatantly abused as pawns, puppets or props to legitimize their ugly cowardly deceptions. Idiots? They should have checked if my forty year friends a BC Criminal Court Judge and RCMP. Too lazy? Idiots? You can bet on it.

What if it was your grandfather they tried this sick disgusting and cowardly cyberbully attack with  misrepresentations and repeated lies and police and media used to try and intimidate and stress?
Read Dan Spector's article (link above and below) and compare with the real and honest facts as documented below. It gets very disgusting. Who "honestly and intelligently" would ever employ, date or marry such very strange deceptive very sick malicious abusive minds? As documented. 

Are their children safe?

Are their children safe? Seriously, are their children safe from such documented masters of psychological abuse and juvenile actions and judgements? Or just one-time only lying cyberbullies with just one old senior that they feel so very empowered outnumbering and presume very weak and can "gang-up", intimidate, bully, harass and defame? Letting an old man know who is boss? My former client/boss oddly Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada?

And they also sadly thought that junior junk journalists could intimidate with their tiny nothing titles. Not knowing I shared boat ownership with major publishers on West Coast and sail with many in media on East Coast. And so very rude and documenting it like morons. As documented. Really, are their children and partners safe from this psychological abuse and bullying? Are their families proud of them and so well documented for all West Island to judge them?

I could have been an old man making pizza in a community for decades. And liked by community and trusted for quality. And one day, in my restaurant, I have to tell some make-up heavy princess in some very strange gang to behave. Respect others. No profanity. Some exhausted French/Italian hand gestures figuratively. Nothing rude?

And then the mob frenzy begins. A whole gang of possibly very highly high school educated human slime, starts telling the community they ALL "suspect" they got food poisoning eating the nice old honest Italian man's high community quality pizza. (The leader of the pack and top slime appears to be Gordon Yee insanely full of himself and thinking lies works in life like they must in his sales job?) And all his/her slime supporting, echoing or declaring directly: I'm "suspicious" and a "scam". And as per article. As documented on social media above. A mob chant?

And then they even call police to make my pizza look very bad. Say I may "endanger children" with my free pizza for kids as they think themselves so very clever? Then (hardly trusting themselves for overkill?) they even get the small town C-grade cyper delivery pizza expert and self proclaimed and promoting food critic to detail how many ways my pizza can make you and your kids sick. And crash your microwave oven. Foolishly thinking aid and abetting defaming an old man "fair comment" and far removed from "facts". C-grade cyper delivery pizza expert suffers much bigger and far, far better competition, so he milks the free advertising at old Italian pizza maker's honest business and honest character expense that took 40 years of goodwill to build.

Key: In one of the main little village newspapers a sleazy writer, say exactly like Dan Spector, as a junk very junior journalist aids and abets them ALL. Results? My forty years of volunteer work and free pizza at hospitals, missions and with the poor and for children now defamed. My business destroyed. Many won't trust my pizza. Can't do free pizza for the poor, seniors, clergy.

Hope Global Legal like the very honest clear metaphor here? My Italian friends do. Read on. My tiny media, legal and political world should also understand what Shakespeare said on the price or damages of character. And in this case, you are not dealing with Brian Mulroney or Mike Duffy but an honest volunteer community effort. No politics. No profit. Some may vomit.

Their efforts later at entrapment with young ladies also amusing and requires detailing with those more educated in matters of "criminal law". Such sleazy criminal and cowardly minds. Yes, criminal law also a key factor. Again. Idiots? Had they at least researched my extremely attractive and highly accomplished girl friends they'd be further embarrassed. These less-than tempting girls also screen captured. Some of these clowns very sick. Very desperate to entrap as documented. Certainly they underestimate others and overestimate themselves. They also suggested money? All poorly coordinated as cyberbully liars and fools. All documented.

Dan Spector not only deceitful, he is also a very boring writer. This with "his" news that other media like CBC to Gazette covers faster and far better. Fact check. Have sales department, editors, advertisers and media buyers checked Dan Spector's full analytics on his "real unduplicated readership/viewer reach" and so media key his story drop-off factors? Put a paywall on his articles and see if he generates enough revenue to cover his lunch. And not just a way to make cluttered yellow page ads not look like cluttered yellow page ads digitally modernized?

Also Global should review all past articles by Dan Spector for bias. We did. Seems he leans to the side of story with his signature trademark sophist wordplay and suggest subtel posturings a champion of truth and weak. What a fraud? That sneaky kid trick that makes him and Gord Yee look like a hero of the people and children. And as a just a storyteller trying to desperately get a byline and pay the rent with so much higher quality competitive writers everywhere? Hundreds at Global. Dan who should be dealing in 100% fact, not opinion and fiction just a bit sick? His recent story to even dare be or by innuendo again suggest as to be critical of my "real" heroes who work much harder jobs as teachers to 911 heroic staff also a bit strange.

Yes, what the hell do I know compared to Dan Spector? Maybe my "real life" depth, having worked with autistic children with seizures to custodial work at Lakeshore General Hospital in university and with suicide recovery, and having Level III first aid training in BC (to develop software for emergency response?), my "real" experience on the frontlines suggests Dan Spector's arrogance and ignorance again documented and not involving myself at all? And just like his cyberbully friends documented with their similar love for self promotion and byline credits, just a bit too often or far too much.

Yes, I have compassion for mothers with children and with any and every health issue (most do), not just my friends get help? I was a sub teacher at John Fisher in Pointe Claire with "special ed" (Got an honorary whistle from Mr. Bain the principal for my work) to helping autistic kids learn ASL and with seizures common. Daily. Like 911?

This story has no issues. All are heroes except for the storyteller Dan Spector riding the coattails of stories that enhance his hardly competitive portfolio and less than wide audience market appeal. What the hell do I know about journalism? Or news. And as working at CKO ALL NEWS radio in Pointe Claire and CBC in Toronto? What do I know about TV and film production and composition from my work with Disney to Fox compared to fake experts?

All others in this story "real" heroes from the "unstoppable mother's love", the child. Certainly 911 always doing more honourable and harder work than some documented deceptive bias junior junk journalist. The teachers and fire department simply all by vocation, all superheroes by default. Even on the quietest of days.

Having also done sub in West Island high schools on top of grade schools and during university, and at places like PC and St. T ( three years before requested speaking at McGill, SFU and UBC) ALL teachers deserve medals and bonuses. True? False? Sick to hold these other "real heroes" in any suspicion of negligence and recklessness. And more sick when in hard honest real reality he and buddy Gordon Yee can hardly satisfy those standards as detailed below? Other past and future storytelling will be noted later.

What do they pay Dan Spector to try and cover stories on even hockey trades as even more absurd and after hockey readers to world already very well informed? Hardly fresh or news, and no new angle? This blog has near 5,000 pageview pre national launch with one single story. What has Dan Spector done to increase readership with his top ten stories and with his name now hurting ad revenue for CORUS far more than helping. Like E.coli one bad story filled with cheap defamation and deception leaves a bad taste in your mouth and hard to trust the same restaurant or publisher ever again? True? False?

In the 1986 barely out of university 7-Eleven would pay $300.00 for 30 seconds or half typed page. Labatt and Federal Liberals far more generous and called it two hours work? And whether writing, producing or lunch meetings or limo time? I guess thinking a Prime Minister or beer brand worth it?

What the hell do I know about finance and investment. Ask brokers at two major investment houses when I was day trading for a few of the staff at The X-Files? What do I know about media from Geoff Stirling Radio days from East Coast and with CHOM-FM, CKO ALL NEWS, CBC, CTV "friends" and executive families, CFCF to CJOR in Vancouver, and buying TV, Radio, Print nationally (and at retail rates) and studying audience and readership full data? Even studying Conrad Black from early days when just Sherbrooke an empire and his problems in Kelowna, to my insider depth with Telemedia, Bell, SHAW (brothers) and Roger's napkin dynamics. For Telus and Eastlink only have academic and public info on them. Hey, I was even paid well to crunch all cell phone rates and calculations. I may appreciate the value of Dan Spector more than many. And the damages done to my reputation?

Side Note: Corus Entertainment (TSX:CJR.B) Year to date, the stock is down more than 60%, and more from record high. Price has briefly dipped below $4. Guess which writer best to dump? Yes, my LinkedIn contacts include a major ethical fund manager already on record not impressed with SHAW brothers "conversation" and use of dividends. This just adds to matters. He is also a senior, as well as famous historic aerospace engineer. Plus was friends with my client Dr. Bull at McGill. If Dan Spector had tried his stupid deceptive efforts on him CJR would have paid dearly? May still? Dan Spector now representing SHAW family, CORUS and Global Management and legal as an obvious poster boy on elder abuse and deceitful defaming youth.

The economist J.K. Galbraith once wrote, “Faced with a choice between changing one’s mind and proving there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy with the proof.” They now waste hundreds of hours trying to prove facts not facts. Fools?

Leo Tolstoy was even bolder: “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.” Explains gang mentality with other studies below on bullies and why my first polite and helpful warnings ignored.

As far as Mr. Yee, my animal rights friends in West Island, Downtown and Hudson will be activated in Fall to further deal with his client base. Truth should be told. Ideally, get some friend's kids to join Pointe Claire Toastmasters and toast Mr. Yee as a top regional mouse and puppy torture and test cage sales star. And also worldpay black belt liar and key a "regional" sales master. Maybe get Terry Mosher, as a famous Gazette cartoonist and dog lover do animal rights and for product placement value feature an Anacare cage? Never met Mosher but many common media friends. Many. See below.

Credibility with readers may help CJR stock more than defaming clear fake news articles supporting cyberbullies, lies and attack on an old man and an honest community volunteer effort?

NOTE: This blog to be very clear is all about fully defining defamation "damages", and punitive plus. This against a cowardly gang of cyberbullies. Those defaming and harassing and trying to "intimidate" a "presumed" weak old man, with their very big shot junior junk journalists flashing their very petty tiny titles. And the related synergy and symbiosis with other media key for full calculation for damages and costs. Calling the police to try and intimidate me and falsely legitimize liars and losers gets even funnier. And criminal.

Having grown up with, partied, skied, sailed and played tennis and even worked with real top award winning journalists like Terence Mckenna and Jack Webster and many others from Sutton ski weekends and with sailing with publishers and producers as boating friends, I could neither be impressed nor intimidated by such junior deceptive arrogant sophist efforts by CJAD's Emily Campbell and Dan Spector. And both such bottom of the barrel writers. As documented.

With even just my Facebook friends for forty years a BC Criminal Court Judge and an RCMP officer their added pathetic efforts calling the police to try and further bully, intimidate and legitimize themselves also backfires. I even have favourite RCMP in Jasper, Alberta and in West Vancouver? Their sick lies and their fraud and clearly using police as if their private paid pawns, props or puppets defines serious criminal law factors as documented. True? False? In 1976 I was a contract CBC national media liaison with every top political journalist in Canada? I know the many key differences between junk journalists and the best?

As this mushrooms in Spring of 2019 much more will be made far more obvious. Shouldn't this be National News Now?

My Quick Story (As per sworn affidavit trap?):

  • All an excellent, well "liked" volunteer meaningful "anonymous" community effort. This done to recognize local heroes, until some little princess ignores suggestions on helping. As documented.
  • I finally used UPPERCASE type to make point. No profanity.
  • She thinks I'm some personal paid servant - easy to insult and abuse as so clever (as she does the police later and I suspect retail staff?  And anytime she can play and pretend a princess. As documented in her own words).
  • Princess/C+ beauty queens gets superman Gordon Yee to use his hard sell top regional sales skills, as an average mouse and puppy test and torture cage regional salesman. This added to his local fame as Pointe Claire Toastmaster, to put me in my place. Makes a fool of himself. Documents his lies and character. His career and profile novel.
  • His ego hurt, as he's not as superior and smart as he thinks, and would so love others to think. And he's embarrassed in front of his documented lying and loser friends and ladies.They mobilize a documented mindless mob.
  • Gets gang on attack with lies in various social media; has idiot slime Dan Spector abuse his Global News position with clear biased deceitful defaming article with others. Bias further added from a well documented self promoting very low level security expert, (no match for top military or RCMP real experts? See his videos on Youtube); and add some sad vain idiot lady calling police with chicken little BS about exposing children to danger and to abuse both myself and police as so full of herself. True? False? All idiots thinking I'm a weak old man who should fear Mob, Media and Legal. As documented. Never thinking I may have a Mob, Media and Legal friends. And Clergy and Churches so they better say their prayers. Even in Montreal. Exactly. And as clear wrongful prosecution with malicious unfounded, unresearched intent. Liars leading and listening to liars? They all think they can defame, bully and intimidate an old man with their big shot and big title gang numbers. As documented. But bullied and defamed the wrong old man. Or as so many who have known me for decades would all agree: Idiots?
  • Then doing a tiny bit of research the liars and losers found out I wasn't some weak old man and not an easy cyberbully target for lies, harassment and text book defamation. They discovered maybe I even knew a journalist (or dozens? For decades.). Maybe I even knew a junior lawyer as well (or dozens)? Maybe My cyber experts with DND? When my gang seemed bigger and far outclassed this human garbage: They all ran. Two apologized. As documented. And my gang doesn't like liars and losers defaming a weak old man. And calling police was insane. Yes, my gang has a bias as well as we are all seniors. See below.
This legal action against a very creepy, cowardly gang of cyberbullies defaming an old man and his national reputation in his legal, media and academic world as well as with his few nobody friends. Sad they as major losers and liars don't like me. Seems, I can do far better for friends. Far better. As clearly documented beyond any debate.

And defamed based on direct lies and high school deceptive wordplay with conjecture and innuendo, and gross deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment? As documented. The tools of the dishonest. Juvenile wordplay?
I accept everything as "documented" evidence, good and bad, as irrefutable fact

And this blog absolutely not at all about defending my case, as defamation law provides, as "reverse onus", so only ALL the defendants now need to defend their documented published deceptive defamatory claims. And as not defaming, misleading or clear lies, biased and more absurd added free advertising and sickening vain self promotion for some very fake sick and sad also fake community heroes. Now ALL busted. Only those who dare defame or "Publish at their Peril" must defend their claims as "fact and truth". This all to help fully calculate amounts for all lawyers involved. Fast. Amounts can only rise. Ask a lawyer?

However, to be even more clear, the cowardly cyberbully lying defendants named below, including Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and gang, as in Quebec, must sadly now all defend fully ALL defamatory published claims made and in a variety of social and news-ish media as "truth" plus. The aid and abet so reciprocal and circular a bit of a joke in shared liability and solidarity.

These slime must also prove both the valid truth of their claims to obvious innuendo had no malitia or blatant bias. And under oath. Plus prove any public merit and that standard of care stuff . Stuff that the Law thinks matters?

One must see the clear reciprocating synergy and symbiotic frenzy feedings exactly as documented in chronological order with use of Global News defamatory deception to fuel further (aid and abet) Facebook defamation and other West Island junk journalist efforts. And added police called, misled by malicious intent or mindless mentality - and a hardly impressive cyber know-it-all? Was it justified? Were they wrong?

And the cowardly slime must further defend that this was not "Prima Facie" as just a targeted, clearly very extremely biased, clearly misinformed, mob or gang frenzy. As it appears. All showing off not only their very gross sick ignorance and insane sense of superiority and arrogance, of many things, and their too very clear deceitful nature and true unbridled "real honest character". Thus their profiles also of key "psychiatric note" (See Cyberbullies/Pathological Liars/Delusional/Narcissistic notes below).

Again, are their children safe from similar mindsets? Possibly a Global News article on linear regressions of Cyberbully Liars and the damage to their children with such role models with daily interaction and engagement for twenty years? One day and I'm disgusted. Damaged. Are their children safe is a very serious question. See exactly what they document about themselves and in their own superior authoritative lies? Word for word.

All ganging up on a sad weak crippled old man as documented thinking he was easy prey as they presumed both outnumbered and outclassed. Documenting arrogance and ignorance. And possibly as disgusting, all ganging up  and further defaming a documented 100% honest community goodwill effort. That so many many more "Liked".  As with dozens of charitable efforts before (See below). Community goodwill as also killed and crippled by these very low life lying slime. Exactly as documented. Why?

Yes, having family and old girlfriends as "real" Doctorates in Psychiatry and Psychology, and even with Dr. Gandell at West Island's Lakeshore General Hospital as a former paying client, cyber bully and small man complex profiles with what makes women so "full of themselves" as assuming some small West Island blog gives them power to abuse old men, PLUS police trust, should be reviewed. And revealed at length. This will be very obvious with their documented deceit and ego issues. And as documented in a variety of online media.

Too bad they only found out far too late about my wee tiny legal world as well. Oddly including not only "internationally recognized" top forensic psychiatrists but an "internationally recognized" Osgoode/Legal brain and former Law Faculty Chair at UBC. Added to even knowing a few major legal even in Montreal, as mentioned below for damages to my character. Not just RCMP and a BC Criminal Court Judge forty year friends? Who is Stanley Hart? Who is Cookie Lazarus? Even in Montreal I worked for or they worked for me. Not just in BC. Proud of friendship with other lawyers in East as well and not so well known. Yes, I may have a small preference dealing with lawyers who play tennis.

My work reporting directly to the highly honorable Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada of small note? His character thus horribly damaged by his association with me as per the multiple published defaming deceitful claims by Dan Spector and super mouth and major mouse cage sales star Gordon Yee and gang. What did the slime know and realize that Mr. Basford didn't?

Defaming an old man (plus a former Attorney General by association and three Senators who all foolishly trusted me with millions of dollars and millions of votes as not a scam?). What was Dan's reason to promote and feed the ego of a mouse and puppy test and torture cage and supply hard sales star like Gordon Yee? And as possible journalistic career suicide?

And then the idiots provide Gordon Yee's possible career equal in cyber security to make their BS case. Tradeoff as an opportunity to also excessively self-promote and "selling fear" like life insurance at an old man's expense and reputation, just a bit absurd? I'm suspicious but not Russian, Chinese, Wells Fargo, "Fairview" back doors or teenage phones so easily hacked? What a vain idiot (See his videos?). And blatantly revealing as further reckless judgement and malice across the board.

The ladies in the article make very serious fools of themselves and their twisted very ugly motives, deception and loser logic to deceive and mislead police and others. And best in their very own words. As documented. More on this cute but possibly very sick very criminal legal issue below.

As further documented, some really sick ones do think national media and police all their paid personal servants for ego and petty power trips. Or more pathetic they thought with police and media they could legitimize their sickness and deceit, and could then seriously intimidate a weak old man? Sadly not. Were they ever wrong? How wrong? Read on.

Mr Yee and gang will soon think twice before daring such a sad pathetic ego trip bullying anyone from child to seniors that they think weaker as cowards and bullies "repeatedly" do. "Repeatedly" do? True? False? And with lies and such cheap juvenile ignorant and arrogant efforts. And with their obvious very boring and blatant deceitful and juvenile sophist wordplay, and thinking any just another weak old man an easy target for such well documented liars. Sadly one who also studied law, linguistics, logic, rhetorical fallacies, statutory interpretation and as fate would have not too easy to bully. If they had tried this with some of my weaker friends I would be far less polite.

And thinking that this weak old man even outnumbered 24 to 1, with even police called, and with national media abused, and nobody lawyers names thrown around, and some cybersecurity something thinking that I could be intimidated or impressed by such punk efforts and petty polemics, a bit funny? Some of my friends think these nobodies insane? They know me. The RCMP must find this funny. They know me. They know why these idiots defamed, bullied and tried to intimidate the wrong old man? Some already feel sorry for Dan Spector and Gordon Yee.  Some of their friends and even mine have asked for my mercy? As documented. And still they know so little about me. But really who cares about Judges, Senators to Scholars as references, when three of the most honourable and historic figures in Canada your reference? Well if military medals measured by the pound, changing Federal law and Club of Rome means anything.

Let others judge after reading all documentation if intimidating me even was ever remotely possible. My mentors literally historical and very major military or political heroes. Not all just Justin's Dad's friends. Some of my relatives died in wars so slime like this would be crushed. A friend's father lost a leg.

Funny to think how I could have been helping Dan's and CJAD's Emily Campbell's career with who I know and far more important "What I know", had they had helped honour real  honest real heroes and both not helping of a gang of human scum with their added documented arrogance and very ignorant judgement. Both failing to get basic facts. Impressive?

Notice as very well documented how cowardly bullies once were so very aggressive when they thought I was just a sad weak crippled old man and lied I was a "suspicious scam" to "West Island Residents" - and wrong on all points. Odd only their gang and type my critics historically and present and a big mathematical minority using a variety of trusted metrics. Read on. Bet I could still beat them all at tennis as well? Not that physically weak either? And as a cripple? And do note how now the slime all run just knowing a few little tiny tidbits about me? They should have done a wee bit of honest real research first? Trusting Gordon Yee and one-sided sources so sloppy. Seem's the Molson family in both Montreal and Vancouver liked me. And Molson Pension Fund? Not just Federal Liberal money men I helped in oddly again Montreal and Vancouver?

Why not a big follow up news story?

And possibly far more disgusting defaming, is the needless crippling and killing of this highly very honourable, anonymous (initially), volunteer and community driven effort. That also "did nothing wrong". As police, Facebook's very own legal and my few legal and few media friends oddly also ALL agree. But yet super idiots Dan Spector and big shot buddy Gordon Yee and the idiot mob of slime nobodies, as so well documented, however feel in their document superior arrogance and ignorance and well documented and defaming published glory in their own published exact words as free to differ. And state as fact not opinion? Without fact. That's a fact?

What will Global News legal do now?

And the slime must prove as a defence, that all defamatory lies and misrepresentations and innuendo, insults and endless swarm harassment clearly not based on documented blatant gross ignorance or intentionally ignoring all honest real documented fact and the law. And prove documented malice and deceit: not as it appears, also as documented. Plus must prove not supporting other well documented liars. The "Aid and Abet" bit? Tantamount.

And plus, as very well documented, and also very critical and key, they must prove defamation not fueled lies by liars and losers such as Gordon Yee, then pivoting as quoted, off the fueling defaming and misleading article by the wordplay of brilliant Dan Spector in Global News, to further defame.

This Fall we contact, with this blog link, various Global News writers and other media contacts across Canada. This to expand and get some honest writers to fully cover this story so truth is "ALL" told. Can we trust media to police itself like Wall Street doing "The work of God" as well? And this, so I can respond and effectively defend my good name and all my associates, family and friends, against these extremely well documented and named cyber bullies and liars.

Those that Global News helped or aid and abet by editorial negligence, and with no, or too little, editorial standard of care. This as to inflame and further empower other cyberbullies to further defame both myself and this community effort (See Global News Dan Spector article link above and below and real chronological order of events).

24 against one?

24 against one. I'll handle one-at-time now? Not my first time standing up to bullies with abuse of position. Others had very big degrees and think tank notoriety, others had big time Union and Hollywood Lawyers and bikers and even police also called with lies trying to intimidate me? Twice? The police then helped me as liars can be made obvious. Then these other "bullies" also did their homework. They found out not only nuns and clergy and police and criminal court judges like me, but even far bigger bikers? I've done charity work helping all four groups? This case however the very first time media abused to try and intimidate me? So this cute trick a bit novel. No one ever tried to use media to defame and intimidate me. So that really a bit novel. The national "Computer Paper" did once ridiculed me for predicting that "advertising revenues from computer based advertising will dwarf broadcast television". They laughed. As with others. But others paid me so well? I used their press clipping to support my prophetic gifts. And thus I'm on the Board of Directors of a Public Company. Being a Dean requested business school speaker on "media" also helps heal the hurt of critics.

More sick? They defame me in my old home town where my long history community and charity work literally dwarfs all the defaming fame seekers in this cyberbully gang? Possibly combinedFrom getting TV's to the poor kids in wards at Lakeshore General when parents could not afford, and to going into burning buildings to check for children. Oddly with then boyfriend of CTV's Mutsumi Takahashi and he a writer at CJAD. And far better and more honest than Emily Campbell. Anyone know her? I mean Mutsumi Takahashi not classy Emily and buddy helping Dan look intimidating? What a sick sad joke. And other witnesses as well to this burning fire. And Mutsumi Takahashi boyfriend far braver than I and went deep into the flames. And they say I endanger children?

I also went out in snowstorms to bring coffee to those stranded in cars and still alive on highway near Fairview. With Top CBC writers in high school I delivered gifts at Christmas to the poor downtown. With teachers at John Abbott I delivered food at Christmas. CBC people also know me helping their brother during flooding of basement. Having my own house sandbagged and fully protected as waterfront by volunteers also inspiring? Later I would quarterback national employment programs for handicapped, deaf, blind and immigrant women.

My volunteer advocacy work helping Veterans in Ottawa or peeling potatoes for homeless of note.  As a note and a fluke the immigrant lady in my office was the former Physics Chair at Krakow and helped me dance all over both IBM and Mac computer experts trying to sell a national buy. As such I know how to deal with their cyber expert? The first Apple II retail TV ads produced at CTV I wrote and directed. I've known many computer experts? Why was Michael Jackson's million dollar fan base hidden from the brotherhood in my building in Vancouver? And I dated more than just the GM of CTV's daughter. Some friends now working cybersecurity with DND and big cyber crime. But their cyber expert will be given all the respect he FULLY deserves, and soon more fame than Dan Spector's full readership reach and a with a much longer shelf life as national media buyers I know might add?

We will also be contacting both Toastmaster groups around Montreal and Anacare, so both sides of story fully told about Mr. Yee, and as it develops. See changes, new claims, new friends and new names added below.

Why exactly are Global News, and their lawyers, so very afraid of here? The "honest" full true story? Shouldn't this be "honest" national news?

Afraid of the honest truth? The truth that some sleazy deceptive writers like Dan Spector are now documented far beyond any legal or scholarly debate as deceptive defaming punks on an ego trip. And showing off to his very sick friends his abuse of trust and petty power? And now most certainly seriously damaging the Global brand on West Island. And Nationally. Not just in Montreal? Good work Dan Spector. Your tiny very slow going pathetic career now stained "forever" as helping documented liars like Gordon Yee and very ignorant documented for life cyberbullies. And helping with such a tiny title even hurt CORUS stock prices. Bets? And with very twisted media and legal savvy lady friends. Cream rises fast in media, fat sinks and stinks? And more disgusting misleading readers and embarrassing Dan Spector employer's nationally by documented bullying, and based on lies about a weak old man. And a volunteer community effort. And thus possibly poor HR screening suspect.

Key Point:

How come this weak old man oddly does not fear the legal powerhouse of Global or Corus parent, even with their Osgoode legal superstars? Read why below.
How often does CORUS/SHAW settle out of court and why of note?

Does Global News fear that all Global News from Victoria to St. John's will be hurt even more, if "honest truth" fully gets out, and of the clear sick and irresponsible lack of "editorial oversight"(?), due diligence and minimal standard of care rule of law demands?

And now give all other advertising competitors like CBC and CTV a giant "tipping point" sales advantage. Yes, a key sales advantage as it appears with this defaming article, and with the symbiotic synergy with other social media, calculated as well? And thus support by case study that other Montreal media really far  more credible honest reliable news than this example of Global News and staff as best of best? My world not just a bit heavy with Legal, Media, Police across Canada but ad media buyers to media sales management. Not just journalists and publicist? I planned media for Federal Liberals to Labatt. Hardly the smallest advertisers in Canada. I changed message and media for both. Why I was termed "Landmark" in national trade magazine? Why I ran a Toronto office and worked with clearly the very biggest and very brightest. True? False?
And to give credit where credit due mostly based on my  studies at Concordia in Montreal. I just repeated what I was taught. Seriously.

Other far more honest and credible media do "honestly" deserve more readers and more ad revenue. Not Global News and as supporting Dan Spector. Why didn't other major or even minor Kirkland media also jump on this major "crime busting and news breaking story" more? And of a very sick "suspicious scam" exploiting "real community" heroes and tragic victims (suggested for profit? With amusing efforts by two morons at entrapment?) and clearly communicating exposing children and all family member's computers to harm? If in fact newsworthy or in any public interest? At all? Odd I contacted the Gazette as documented prior to suffering these scum. What scam contacts media first?

Wait until competitor's ad reps add this story to their ad sales pitch and directly against Global. Sales reps like every little tiny advantage. I've known Publishers and Sales Managers. Global also appears not very "senior friendly" letting punks bully an old man.  And a national former media buyer? What about my work with the biggest and the best Ad agencies in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. The ad world should know the real honest truth as fact whether:

A) I'm a sick old weak suspicious man and nickel and dime scam who should be exposed exploiting highly honourable heroes and very tragic victims (for profit?) and even exposing children and computers to harm, as per article, and as fact newsworthy and clearly in public interest to must know.


B) I'm a person with fifty years of charitable honest and compassionate deeds from peeling potatoes at the Mission in Ottawa for homeless with top military brass(?), and even high school delivering gifts to poor in Montreal with a future top CBC journalist and years later in Ottawa and Montreal (Rudolph not the only one working Christmas Eve?), and creating national employment programs for deaf, handicapped and immigrant women. Helping Autistic children to cancer patients. And with a very long long history of standing up to women beaters and other bullies. When police pull me over and ask for ID I get embarrassed never frightened. They have files from '73 of me standing up for those weaker? Am I historically a bullies biggest nightmare? Ask those who have known me for forty years?

Which as fact of the two simple choices above, am I? Who are they?

And more sick this volunteer honest community effort gets less press than these fake vain self promoting lying defaming slime. How fair? Only the Financial Post and Computer Paper ever quoted me. Time for Maclean's, Gazette and ideally "Fifth Estate" to cover this expanding tale of elder abuse and the ugly ignorant and arrogant faces of cyberbullying in Canada. How clever of Dan Spector to write a story and trap himself as now the key focus of this story?

And then using lies and misrepresentations on a weak "senior citizen". We think CARP will agree with more distinguished and disgusted legal minds. Just like the legal at Facebook clearly supporting this old man after very clear Gordon Yee a documented liar and as most can see as documented a major nutcase.

And really now, how odd Global News not covering this expanding story, and now far more honestly and fully, and why avoiding this story and legal case "nationally"? It is certainly now "far more newsworthy" and in honest public interest, than original insanely deceptive malicious and duplicitous article. True? False? And this also clear to those far smarter, far more accomplished, and with far more legal depth and as done with lies and innuendo to target me. Once thinking myself as a weak old man. That's a joke. See below.

The slime all run now as they found out too late this is not some weak old man they could easily bully and lie about. As others with such clear bully profiling it must have worked for this cowardly slime in past and sadly too many times with others weaker? Those too weak to fight back or couldn't, or wouldn't. I do. Helps others not be bullied as I've proven for decades. And will prove here as story expands.

And I'm very capable of ruining careers as done prior with similar liars and bullies in Quebec and BC. This blog being generous for now. Soon it gets really ugly. And as directly compared to initial deceptive and defaming article this blog far more honest and far more newsworthy. True? False?

It gets very funny exactly why no honest full follow up? Read on. Laugh or cry depending on who you support. Pick a side you feel most honest as you read below. Others will from lawyers and court rooms to West Island community churches and seniors support groups. My few nobody friends for forty years will also decide who is more honest Dan Spector or myself?  Dan Spector, however, can take great comfort that a well documented liar and goofball like Gordon Yee clearly on his side with other "outstanding deceptive cyberbullies" as named in the article. And as supporting Gordon Yee and his very well and clear documented lies. Aid and abet a bit ya' think?

This legal case about a deceitful, disgusting, duplicitous, defaming junior junk journalist DAN SPECTOR and his very misleading and seriously false defaming article and clear self-promoting lying friends. This, again,  far beyond any intelligent legal or or scholarly debate. Just ask a legal scholar. We did. Just like top law firms do. True? False?

And this article as clear biased, targeted, malicious, cowardly and  poorly research and written junior junk journalism. Exactly as documented. This clear as per this article by DAN SPECTOR, or not? That simple. Deceiving DAN SPECTOR's readers to employers, or not? That simple. And with clearly documented support by clear documented 100% liars and losers and as100% fact. Or not? Or as per my few little nobody media friends and producers and publishers who like me, is this also "award winning" investigative crime busting reporting or just solid clear evidence of junk deceptive fake news combined with cyber bullying and abuse of police and readers? Let all Canada, courts and community decide?

Some of us actually studied law and not simply journalism (See below).

"A perjury trap is a legal situation in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify with the intent to base a perjury charge on their statements, not to indict them for a previous crime. It has been argued by legal scholars whether or not this constitutes a form of entrapment."  

Wanna play? We do.

Best now to let those far more educated, far more honest, far more accomplished, like all other media, lawyers and real courts, decide and now best judge Global News article, and both Dan Spector and Gord Yee's intellect, ethics, integrity, education, experience and accomplishments, as to so arrogantly dare judge and try to clearly bully others? And with 100% lies. As documented. No debate. And the rest of the pathetic petty cyberbully gang no better. And they lie and defame those with sadly far more impressive credentials and far more honest community and charity work than whole cyber bully gang, as per below? Yes, my community and charity work dwarfs all these slime and fake community heroes.

I guess if I had told the human garbage a bit about me (Or had super journalist Dan Spector even asked as any journalist would, when not cheerleading a clear witch hunt?), and instead of being initially anonymous, as I so often am, as fact, I doubt they would have not been so cowardly and sleazy and documenting so many lies. The good news now all the cowardly cyber bullies busted and exposed. And others in future hopefully protected and others they all previously probably bullied hopefully partially avenged. And exposed fully in their own community and careers. Their family and friends should be warned and informed.

New News?

A friend following this legal case reminded me today, that in addition to my other legal friends as Oxford Legal Scholars and Law Faculty acting chairs, travelling the world, and my legal clients as added support, like when reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada and the fun Law Firm of Fox Morgan in Van, and my old roommate as a Facebook friend a BC Criminal Court Judge, and my "volunteer" work with LAC legal, and why my Federal Security Clearance for DND and NRC (oddly hardly scams), now seems in addition another old friend I joked with in high school in West Island and with literally dozens of mutual friends around West Island (who also really know me and many who know me since high school) seems now also another RCMP officer to judge us all.

And judge the very vain, self promoting ignorant and arrogant female sleaze and liars in this gang. Not just boys. To be fair. Those so clever who also used police as their props, puppets and pawns to try and legitimize lies and pathetically try and intimidate a weak old man. Did not seem to work? Ya' think? This should be very humiliating to all these princes and princesses. And best in their own words. Funny how those with far less intellect never aware how transparent they are. True? False?

And add some sad train wreck of a cybersecurity expert as simply no match for real cyber security experts in RCMP and my real military cyber security experts in Ottawa. Just blowing his own self promoting horn without merit but adding credibility to liars at an old man's expense. They thought? And to further defame and intimidate an honest old man as documented. And far worse, and far more vomit worthy as they posture and pretend they were "honest" community heroes not 100% community slime. True? False?

The other RCMP who has known me since high school, he's from  RCMP National Headquarters, and may also oddly now also dare differ with the papal-like  journalistic authority of Dan Spector. And his big well documented lying major life loser buddy Gordon Yee. Plus their very supporting deceptive vain and self consumed and self entitled lunatic ladies also deserving endless less than honourable mention?

RCMP can do an investigation and see if Dan Spector an honest journalist based on facts not fiction, folly and frenzy. See names and pictures below. Plus see now as also very amusing their "C" level cyber security expert. This as directly compared with others who "really honestly know me" as to dare define if I'm a "suspicious" criminal "scam". Or in absolute full honest fact: just a West Islander very grateful to volunteers from when his waterfront property in West Island flooded and selected to initially anonymously to reciprocate tribute? One story is 100% true. One 100% based on lies and liars and deceptive, misleading, journalism. Guess which one? 

Why exactly are big shot Hollywood and big time Union lawyers also so very afraid of one sad, crippled, lonely, weak old man and "needing help" and having so very few friends. Better check?

My "Needing Help"? This added according to some very inflated very ugly ego and another sad mere MA in psychology, with serious self image problems and her pathetic published and pronounced authority, and also key in their sleaze group for aid and abet. But oddly not anywhere near an internationally recognized forensic real psychiatrist in my group, and knowing me also for 50 years. And when fighting other lying bullies.

Oddly, she may feel as fact liars and losers like Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and slime friends the human tragedy and "Needing Help" more than flood victims? Or their children? Again, are their children safe from excessive psychological abuse? Even if character obvious? And have a god-like MA in psychology? Right

Poor Dan Spector not doing "honest" research and not writing an "honest" article to "help recognize real heroes" and trying to show off to his very sick, slime and sleazy lying cyberbully friends as extremely well documented what a big time journalist he really is - or isn't? And with the very clear abuse of public trust as 100% fact and blatant. See names and pictures below of some of the main Liars and Losers.

This case now an excellent case for all top law and journalism schools across Canada on defamation (not just Quebec Law Schools, and on doing legally defined "real honest" research). And how to best protect your reputation, career and income as a journalist.  And the lesson to many, as to never be trusting those like Gordon Yee and sleazy deceptive cunning ugly vain deceptive women. Those who think they can use their C+ looks and charm to literally use police like their paid puppets, pawns or props, and more sick to try and legitimize their evil sleazy ways as community heroes - and as the saying goes "Publish at their Peril"? Debate? Their ugly names and reputations eroding all over West Island daily in Montreal, not just in BC. Ottawa, Calgary, Toronto. Based on many still talking and this story expanding, this may be Dan Spector's magnum opus? But Dan and Gordy shouldn't feel alone as certainly hundreds who hate me and certainly one or two lawyers who also tried to intimidate with their lawyer titles or letterhead may despise me. Women beaters despise me. Even a scholar or two.

Seems when bullies, tax cheats, women beaters, and now more liars and losers find out even just a tiny bit about me and about just a very few of my forty year plus friends, they run. And run fast. Some see the forest for the trees, and join the dots?  Even just on Facebook a BC Criminal Court Judge and RCMP my friends - are Dan Spector and Gordon Yee idiots missing even this as documented, and ignoring and funny  that I even "first" suggested they check with RCMP for reference as documented? Tried to warn them? Yes, bullies and liars they all run with just this? Funny to watch such liars now getting more and more exposed. Much more on me later. Save the good stuff for victims statement and playing aces later? When even a major Montreal family has to call Vancouver and ask me to help with New York banks you may have bullied the wrong oldman? Many fun ways other media can address this story.

When they then find out about the Oxford/Osgoode legal scholars I sail and socialize with, many lawyers get very humbled. As should be. Very humbled. Sometimes even very humiliated. Some even dragged before the Bar?

Some also find my media contacts, from Vancouver Publishers I shared a sailboat with or Publishers I boated with on their Publications boat  (English Bay), to my East Coast work and even again sailing with CBC in Montreal (Lake Champlain)  and Toronto (Georgian Bay with Vinyl Cafe's Stuart McLean), a bit more than eye opening. Join the dots? Seems Montreal Gazette and Montreal Star reporters and no name journalists like Nick auf Demar and Daniel Feist as some know also seemed to like me? More later.

Too bad school and guitar recording buddy Danny Feist sadly no longer at Gazette or CHOM or Mutsumi Takahashi's old boyfriend and my buddy no longer at CJAD? These slimy punks would have had their careers and reputations in total shambles by now. Just trying this if I was in Montreal back then, as such sick cowardly punks and ganging up as documented textbook defined cyber bullies and liars. My few friends at CTV would also been helpful. As would Dr. Gandel as my client for their psychological assessment.

All just trying to intimidate with their tiny nothing titles, bullying and defaming a presumed weak old honest man with lies. Exactly as documented. Funny how this gang once so very arrogant and proud of their ignorance and lies, now so silent you can hear a pin drop. Hope they are ready for many more fun surprises.

What if it was a weak old man they tried this on? Your grandfather who couldn't fight back. Yes that disgusting. With me this just very funny. But costly.

Two of the gang have "already" documented and admitted their guilt and ignorance? And critically legal and psychologically defining "remorse".  The solidarity of their little gang thus a tiny bit fractured? Hard to plead innocence when two members of gang admit guilt and apologize. And more will follow as pressure builds.

Too bad Dan Spector not only juvenile, deceiving and critical aid and abet in defaming, but appears by this clear example he thinks he can abuse any old presumed weaker person. As documented. And as it appears empowered by his very tiny little very meaningless "gig" only title. And now learning far too late, that not all old men, that weak, and that he and Gordon Yee can be easily brought down everywhere. And some now learn that an old men when attacked by a bunch of textbook lying, cowardly cyberbullies, and insulted, intimidated, harassed and defamed will fight back. Big time. And we know many old men and ladies who hate bullies and liars?

Did cyberbully lying slime think their numbers of 24 plus frenzied lying insulting punks scared me? And after my fighting very real criminals in unions and boardrooms with more numbers against me and far more money and big shot Hollywood and Union lawyers, and oddly as similar ignorant losers also using calls to police and phone threats?  Fat chance these slime ugly women and silly little fat boys could be intimidating if very serious criminals not. Here not physically threatened, but have handled that as well in the past. Who thinks anyone over 6'4" has also taken martial arts and militia training? Some surprised.
I couldn't be physically intimidated, intellectually intimidated, legally intimidated, and now can prove not even intimidated by Global News media and Dan Spector. See below why?

Get real? Can anyone really believe who knows me, that a sick punk lying mouse and puppy test and torture cage and supply (regional) super wordplay sales star and as a (Pointe Claire only)  top Toastmaster and wordplay master like Gord Yee could be intimidating? Or even ever credible? Ever?

I clearly wanted to be anonymous in my volunteer efforts "as documented" but when lies and liars publish and post, I have to reveal a wee bit about me to make a point.

Also, all my very unaccomplished friends, family, and many business contacts suffering this deceptive defamation by association with me. As documented with this sick, ugly, deceitful defamatory cyber bully gang attack and thus deserve mention for defamation damages as per below case files. In early 90's I taught lawyers how do to do case internet searches on simple modems? And thus this and more must be noted when defining full damage and financial amounts and awards? And oddly most of those I know not very impressed with lying cyberbully documented losers ganging up on an old man either.

This blog simply about damage calculation. And fully exposing cyberbully human garbage to the media, courts and their community. These deceitful junior junk journalists, documented liars here defined as to be very helpful to the slimes lawyers about damages and awards. This not about defending myself as not required by law, but about financial damages being "maxed out". Got it? This not a defence of me but a definition of damages. Very expensive. See below matching case files and awards. I think I can do better, as so much, so well documented and chronologically. Ask a real defamation lawyer? And a criminal lawyer what is involved here. Bigger than cyberbully BS?

First, great to see Global News using much more "honest" and far better new journalists to cover West Island, finally? And using Dan Spector less and less?

And these  new writers far less deceitful and far better than the extremely boring day old junk from deceitful small man egomaniac Dan Spector. And more disgusting quoting his so biased and also deceitful impressive lying friends he helps. Specifically like Gordon Yee. And others liars and losers nicely documented by his article. Stuff that will make or haunt his whole career. Let those fully informed, and certainly more educated, more objective, judge.

When will Global News fire Dan Spector?

When will Global fire Dan Spector, and for far more than this clear just cause? Some in SHAW/CHORUS legal also have Osgoode credentials so they shouldn't fear my legal world and should see the obvious fast? Should they? Just in Montreal some wonder why such lawyers like Cookie Lazarus have worked for me, and oddly when also suffering bullies also full of themselves. Or why Stanley Hartt ("The brains behind Mulroney") would hire me in his' private detective agency", and with my oddly extremely Liberal network? And why I was national media liaison for CBC, and when just a puppy studying undergraduate law in Ottawa? Seems a very big major difference between the nobody liars and losers defaming me and myself and my references and those who like me. True? False?

Why when in Vancouver, did I write the 7-Point plan for Western Canada for Prime Minister John Turner, when reporting to Ron Basford directly, the former Attorney General of Canada? Why do I stay at the same ranch with the Calgary Polo Club? Why in Montreal was I invited to work with Bronfman PR group to help on East Coast work for Justin's Dad? Why do CBC and CTV have video of me joking with Justin's Dad on our stroll from Parliament Buildings across Wellington to Press Building when Jack Horner crossed the floor? Clearly Justin's Dad found me fun and funny? And certainly Ron Basford had to trust me?

Why are those I'm a best man for at weddings hosting his Dad, or other buddies doing documentaries on Justin's Dad or hosting his private secret getaways. Why "honestly" did Sen. Graftsien, Sen. Fitzpatrick, and former Attorney General Ron Basford trust me and pay me so extremely well and Dan Spector feels in his intellectual superiority I justify an article as "suspicious" and a "scam"? And as best point quoting documented liar and mouse and puppy test and torture sales star from Anacare, the great Gordon Yee, that concludes as published I'm a criminal "scam". Highly "suspect" to documented liars and losers.

And absurdly adding some obvious self promoting "C" level cyber security superstar thinking his pathetic opinion of any merit or related purpose other than defame by cute hypothetical conjecture and innuendo. Well beyond basic generic fear selling he thrives on? Fooling only fools and his uninformed clients? Anything can be hacked on internet? Or others like sad fading ladies faking as community heroes makes a point (when screen captured) acting like they can use police at their whim or will? Why did they stop? I got worse?

Why do I end up sailing with major media types like Stuart Maclean or driving back to Montreal with Nick Auf der Maur and playing piano for his daughter (possibly musically inspiring her)? Are not these people and so many others of national reputations also severely damaged by association with me. Including other old friends like top musicians and old tennis buddy as NHL record holders. This as we must consider this when defining all legal damages and awards from all the life losers and liars involved. These people all hurt by their association with me.

And do consider all the reputations also harmed by the integrity and authority of Dan Spector's and super loser and liar Gordon Yee and their partnered lack of honesty, including harming the reputation of the Attorney General of Canada and 2-3 Senators, very major Montreal and Vancouver families (with top university buildings with family names) and possibly two Prime Ministers, highly decorated Veterans, real honest heroes, Executive Producers of the X-Files. Not to mention my family from top forensic psychiatrist and scholars also suffering Dan Spectors lack of honesty and their damages to their reputations as well by association with me, just as Dan suffers association with Gord Yee to make a point. All my family, friends, business, political, legal, medical  network all foolishly missing I was a "suspicious criminal scam" and liking me and if employers: paying me very well? A suspicious criminal scam as per article: and ready to nickel and dime flood victims and heroes? Both? Plus "Crash" peoples computers on a whim. Plus as added overkill in article expose children to risk and harm. Plus worthy of police alert? The sick, ugly, cowardly slime better be able to show honest facts justified their actions, their exact words and deeds:

I'm newsworthy as a suspicious criminal scam.

Facts that oddly not only my contacts missed but both police and Facebook legal all missed, clearly knowing and showing I "did nothing wrong", but I do fully concede I did use an Uppercase font on some totally self consumed princess as documented treating me like part of her paid entourage? Perhaps recklessly.

Now further add the ladies as my friends to lovers and landlady, who also suffer by association by this defamatory article include some great Montreal ladies like Beatrice Bazar (Club of Rome) and my other very popular and loved fairy godmother Charlotte Fineberg (CFCF, Mosport/Car Racing)?  Why did they like and trust me and even provide references and this useless lying slime Dan Spector and Gordon Yee didn't feel the same?

Why are Molson family my friends on Facebook (I knew his amazing classy father from West Island Tennis Club?) and now also sadly suffering by association by my defamation as a "Suspicious" Criminal "Scam" and suffering the brilliance of so very highly accomplished and respected Gordon Yee and deceitful lazy fat boy deceitful and defaming Dan Spector?

Many honest and innocent now suffering from these lies and defamatory targeted efforts by these very nobody documented dirty deceitful duplicitous slime, including my other nobody friends and business relations. Why would ex CIA like me and consider me as CEO for GeoDom. And as some suspect from my graduate studies even ex KGB liked me? Why was I shortlisted for VP of Oland Breweries but not interested in leaving Vancouver for Toronto or Halifax? or working with very strange people?

This blog is about the very ugly, very cowardly and very deceitful "Defamation" plus pending "Criminal" charges against junior junk deceitful Dan Spector of "Trusted?" Global News. And his similarly and as impressive small man big belly LYING buddy Gordon Yee, (a top regional mouse and puppy test and torture cage superstar salesperson and Pointe Claire major wordplay master working for Anacare). He should no longer be forgotten as just a nobody asshole and should enjoy more fame. I'm certain his gang unlike others won't fracture more and all will still fully support Mr. Yee like Dan Spector in their former frenzy og gang solidarity? Fully? In same solidarity of cause?

I may have very expensive psychological scars from this cyberbully abuse as well? Possibly even aggravates health issues? And add the less than two dozen ignorant and arrogant mindless in their insulting and clearly cowardly defaming gang and synergy of guilt, of same. It still hurts me when idiots, losers and liars defame and insult you. And don't like you. As documented. What number or words did Shakespeare used to define the "cost of character and reputation" or was that an actuary I know?

Now I have to find a fun shrink to estimate the time and therapy I'll need to recover fully and be able to continue my charitable work. How long before I no longer wake up  in a cold sweat from recurring nightmares of being a nice young girl surrounded by documented rapists in a giant Anacare mouse cage. Adding to lucrative sexual dysfunction amounts. How long before I can believe in myself again as not a suspicious scam exploiting tragic flood victims, real community heroes and trust myself not to screw peoples computers and endanger their children?
How long before I can look friends in the eye and feel I'm not now judged as a nickle and dime suspicious criminal scam? And have the feeling I really matter like Gordon Yee and Dan Spector gang all enjoy.

The cowardly illusion empowered cyberbullies liked pretending playing judge and jury, community heroes, undocumented psychiatric experts a bit blatant as well? Now we will put all this greasy slime under a legal microscope and judge them all exactly the same. Only fair. True? Aid and abet demands fairness?

Gordon Yee, such an intimidating big shot authority in the Global News article and with all those other deceitful defaming cyberbully scum as named below. As documented in article. All now exposed as documented: "Liars Plus Loser's". And their whole Cyberbully, Harassing and Big Bully Cowardly Lying Gang, oddly now so very very silent. Odd, when once so documented very aggressive super authorities on crime and mental health and as documented beyond debate very "fake community heroes"? Once so very sick, so loud and proud of their documented ignorance, zero honest research and documented grand illusions of grand superiority over one weak crippled old man. Are they all my superiors? Or even just one? Possibly combined?

Who the hell does the very full of herself Ms. Stephanie Sabbagh and princes Karine Saba think they are, using police like their personal paid slaves, puppet, props or pawns as to desperately legitimize such liars? And Ms. Saba bragging about how she can manipulate and use police classic, as also drunk on her illusion of power and persona. And as too well documented with her posts with others. Now to show how very uneducated these liars and loser really honestly are to all on West Island and all Canada.

From John Abbott College to McGill law and business schools these loser ladies getting known now. And in key places around Montreal and West Island. They are now discussion in Coffee shops by the canal in Ste. Annes to Bars on Mountain street. This will get more and more fun. They totally deserve it. Reap what you sow, pay the piper stuff?

Oddly, I also know police from West Vancouver to Montreal. And have liked them since 1975? Even one again a Facebook friend, if anyone did any "honest" research. And before showing off how important and powerful punks they are and thinking they in their big impressive numbers of losers and those with such baby credentials. Yes, fools thinking that they could easily intimidate one weak old man and using police and media. And thinking that they can get away with lies if legitimized by some junior junk journalist, a cyber security nobody friend, two dozen real losers and liars and lunatics, and with such big time media scum on their side - but really aren't so powerful are they? Not at all.

Why did both police and Facebook legal claim I did "nothing wrong"? And as will my legal and media friends, family, business contacts and anyone who has studied formal logic or statutory interpretation, and oddly all differ with the Dan Spector's and Gordon Yee's very impressive very authoritative cyberbully gang who act and publish like I did something wrong. As civil and criminal court judges angry at sophist wordplay as leading to contempt may ask: What exactly did I do wrong?

Now so easy to humiliate them all in front of employers, clients, their community, courts, lawyers, law schools and national media (with or without Global News?).

Desperate sad little fat men obviously tried to impress these ladies, not able to have better women in their lives, as one must "suspect". Sadly as documented, too much makeup on these ladies who think their fashion models. Having worked with real honest top models (like Pam Anderson when just a nobody and Budweiser girl for Labatt in BC and Shannon Tweed when working Montreal before Playboy and Kiss fame, and as a model for our fashion clients and even West Island's very own Jayne Heitmeyer, who I worked with in Film and TV ). These sad vain ladies sadly hardly compare, and worse as part of cowardly, cyberbully attack and also very deceptive in real reality. They simply could never compare and also now a bit joke visually and legally. Bet this will soon shut them up and others thinking Gordon Yee anything I'd ever fear, or ever respect. Or that I would ever date their well documented deceitful garbage unaccomplished ladies.

We can later easily compare them to my oddly very highly accomplished girl friends with real doctorates to those twice recognized as Chatelaine 100 or as a former actress on Jump Street with restaurant chain and real estate even the "real housewives of Vancouver" envy. Fact check? Too bad all very attractive most underestimated them as well? Like Dan Spector and Gordon Yee underestimated thinking an old man such an easy target for defaming and intimidation by this gang? Why do such extremely accomplished and honestly attractive ladies like me and the far less ladies in cyberbully defaming gang don't? Much more on this to follow.

My few nobody dozen plus legal friends also historically disgusted by liars and fakes and sickening deceptive junk journalists like Dan Spector. As documented and beyond debate. Well, hopefully major moron Gordon Yee still full of himself and wants to show off in a real court room. He's certainly doing absolutely great advertising and marketing for Anacare, and helping mushroom puppy test and torture cages and supply sales, with his fancy word dancing and hard sell sales skills. Why is Gordon Yee on the bottom of the list at Anacare and Dan Spector only on fill stories to stack ads around - trying to outsmart Google Analytics?


Why do the slime now hide their faces?

Why do slime now hide their faces and close their Facebook and Twitter accounts, close LinkedIn profiles, and disappear on other local social to national media? Hiding their sleazy lying faces? Cowards closing their Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts speaks volumes of their shame and full legal guilt. And add pivotal two documented apologies for defamation by part of their sicko group already documented for those still in denial. For some, this also even far more than just revealing? Guilt? Fear? Finally doing real research on me?

Sadly, the idiots and slime did honest research on me only after their lies. Now they must run. Legally the slime best to plead "no contest" ASAP or suffer more in community exposure and much more financially, as all their lawyers know so very well.

All the slime so clever and so intimidating. Do love when slime get desperate and do very very stupid things. They dug a very deep hole with all their lies and big time power play. And now time to legally and socially burn and bury them. For public good? All of them. Their money and reputation they now must defend.

And best now that all the cowardly, creepy, cyberbully slime see "real top legal minds" in both criminal plus defamation matters, with a very "specific focus" on defamation and criminal law. Helps speeds things up when top smart lawyers involved. This not my first time dealing with such cowardly and ignorant liars and bullies thinking they are clever and superior to others. Too bad they didn't do honest research on me. I guess my original soft spoken ways made me look very weak and then the slime further empowered by their numbers and their very brave nobody leader Gordon Yee and his army of literal human garbage encouraged by my apparent meekness.  A mistake others have made. Sometimes kind of fun for me.

Global News with Defamatory and Deceptive Dan Spector article below, was most definitely and clearly as critical "Aid and Abet" to mushrooming others Defamatory and Deceptive attacks. They ALL ganged up and tried to Intimidate and Defame with LIES: Possibly all making very major life changing mistakes ganging up with lies and deception on the Wrong Weak Old Man and as liars and losers sadly also living in the West Island where I know so many I know so well?

Who employs those who are such documented liars and scum, and with such clear documented poor executive judgement and as such cowardly deceitful sick human garbage? Who would let their daughters near such deceitful wordplay masters? This certainly wasn't the first time all were cowardly slime and such sick bullies? Most bullies and liars have bullied and lied before.

In the past with other slime I've been able to expose and hunt down, they lie and bully less. I guess the same in this case. I think these slime will also bully and lie less as well. Appears so already? Seems when many do real research they run. They only like when their victims weak. Obviously. Sick?

All Now Exposed. Including those cowards and creeps who have removed pictures or closed their Facebook accounts - but as not too brilliant, far too late. Such cowards. Such idiots.

We have their names, pictures and lying defamatory claims in synergy or symbiotic with multiple social media attacks and lies. See exact samples below. And by contrast to my sleazy nobody lying deceitful cowardly critics note my support oddly from "real honest heroes" exactly as below and those far more educated, honest and accomplished in both media and law? And psychology? As documented

Get the facts. See the Law. Evidence is everything.

See exact case law & definitions below as per Criminal Defamation, Wrongful Prosecution, Harassment & Cyber Bullying and handy and helpful Aid and Abet stuff. Defined below so less debate by those far less honest, less educated, less accomplished and literally life losers and liars. As documented.

1) This is textbook and case law defined cyber bullying plus published defaming of an Honest Old Man, PLUS crippling and killing a 100% honest charitable community effort to honour REAL community heroes. And done as to show what powerful big shots two very disgusting decietful nobody cowards really are not, and their gang of highly uninformed ignorant gang or group members are. Those as also very ignorant and mindless followers. Exactly. And many cyberbullies as documeted further inspired and motivated by Dan Spectors extremely stupid, poorly researched and documented totally biased and maliciously targeted effort and beyond debate as per articles honest  truth.

2) PLUS, do again seriously add, as further documented, crippling and killing a "very honest community effort". This to help flood victims by honouring "real honest" community heroes (To go that extra yard. Carry that extra sandbag. Make one more sandwich), as a very separate legal action. My efforts for real honest heroes, only an idiot or a very desperate lawyer would dare debate (or needing extra billable hours) from these documented cowards, and proven deceptive creeps:

My efforts clearly:

Recognition. Appreciation. Encouragement of honest and real heroes. And all as blatantly obvious. And yet oddly challenged by extremely well documented lying cowardly ignorant slime like Gordon Yee and deceptive wordplay joke Dan Spector - and extremely easy to prove, if not blatant. Those far more educated and accomplished in journalism, law, business and medicine they sadly will not fool. And clearly appears only those far less educated and having less integrity, less education, less accomplishment are in their gang of documented support. Fact check?

Yes, an honest community effort killed by the named slime above and below. And with the deceptive duplicitous Dan Spector's Global News article as so very key to fueling and mushrooming further needless and added defaming assault and insults. As documented. Evidence is everything? All cowardly slime as named below, and as documented. The very ignorant, deceptive and arrogant liars and bullies overt.

See "conservative" suggested amounts for damages below. Defamation, plus clear and documented targeted, malicious and blatantly biased abet & aided by Dan Spector's Global News deceptive and misleading article a given. And the very clear biased published support of liars and idiots like the highly not-so accomplished and not-so very impressive Gordon Yee, a major mouse cage salesperson. And accessories upsell super star. Further defaming as documented. So easy to prove. Such small man complexes as documented with lies.

Can the slime alone or as gang in previous powerplay full "solidarity" all prove their many defaming, insulting, harassing statements about an honest old man true? Reasonable or ridiculous? Most sleaze ashamed now to show family, friends and neighbours this blog. True? False?

Defamation law reverse onus, so they better be able to prove their clear claims and deceptive innuendo based on "real honest fact", not simply small man egos so easily damaged? Based on fact or fabrication? Concrete evidence or conjecture? Did they clearly lie and defame? That simple. Did they clearly gang up bully insult and harass one weak old man? That simple. Did they gang up and bully and tell relentless multiple lies about a weak old man (joke?)? That simple. Did they document duplicitous deception, arrogance and ignorance? True or false. That simple. Did they 100% lie directly stating and suggesting I'm a criminal scam? That simple. Did they make very extremely selective group one sided bias misleading and deceptive claims for aiding and abetting "criminal wrongful prosecution" to harassment. And clearly using a loaded selected group in article of biased major nobodies, as little league experts to support for lies as fact? Did they try and "intimidate" a once believed weak old man with their very little tiny nobody media big shots - plus to try and intimidate with criminal wrongful prosecution? The law pretty clear. See below.

It gets very funny who they thought was some weak old man and who all these idiots named below all thought they could intimidate. Using police like their privately paid puppets, pawns or props for blatant fraudulent legitimacy for wrongful prosecution as published a bit beyond debate. Who is laughing now? Guess the cowardly sleaze thought I didn't know any RCMP or low level legal minds. Or anybody in media?

Why is this blog so long and so very detailed below? Well, this an old trick used very well before, and done to first run up other slime's legal defence costs as to even dare fake a counter in any form. Gets pricey when pretending and when playing with pros and literal real legal all-stars. My legal friends and lawyers not idiots. It worked very well before when dealing with similar disgusting defaming slime, liars and cowardly sneaky bullies, women beaters and children cheaters. Why not a third time? I have been standing up to creeps and bullies since 1967? Yes, I got lucky. I ended up growing a foot taller and with a few more pounds and muscle than those who once "bullied" me. And got a wee tiny bit smarter than such scum. Now I hunt bullies.

Postmedia to close more local newspapers, cut staff by 10 per cent. 

Will documented deceitful duplicitous defaming Dan Spector be able to compete against so many more mature and imaginative "honest " writers, also looking for work? Those who do "honest" and fair research and less malicious and biased, who do have a marked edge on dirty Dan. Note Dan Spector helping cowardly cyberbullies and liars -are oddly also his very classy and so impressive friends? Like Emily Campbell of CJAD. As documented.

Well dear deceptive defaming Dan Spector should now have very serious trust problems as a journalist, with his once if ever good name. Read on and ask would you ever hire Dan Spector or Gordon Yee or let either of them date your daughter. Would you honestly hire a cyber security expert they'd recommend?

Seriously as you read on ask those key questions?

And Dan Spector skyrocketing career and reputation now fully documented as helping liars and cyberbullies. What a brilliant career move? Now with some time, Dan will even be far more well known and famous in West Island with the strange mouthy mouse cage expert Gordon Yee. My oddly over a hundred friends and family all over now learning both names. All now talking about deceptive Dan and big buddy Gordon Yee, as both so very very clever. Defaming possibly the wrong weak old man? Gets a few laughs already by those in the real honest know and know me. Read below exactly why.


Seriously, transparency and accountability foundations of democracy and law and order. Integrity and honesty absolutely paramount in professional journalism and with public trust. Objectivity in professional journalism also critical as any non-objective bias just PR for selective special interests, as with this junk journalism and journalist. Defaming malicious self interest, as documented, about as low as you can go. The vanity of showing off to documented lying friends at the expense of public trust, and an honest community effort and bullying and ganging up on a weak old man's tiny wee national reputation very sick. Very costly. Very sad. In so very many ways. This exactly who and what they are. I can use 100% truth to humiliate all of them. Fact check? True? False?

As such, Dan should also now have serious problems working in media in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary (SHAW) and certainly in Vancouver as a few friends still not retired. This will be a plus, when Global News finally dumps him for clear "just cause", exactly as documented. Will Global need a signed petition of lack of trust in Global News? Possibly also soon possible problems at border for some liars and losers as per below US filing #, as with lying friend Gordon Yee and others named as also provided to US authorities. This blog has legs.

Gordon Yee's became a regional Marketing Director (salesman) for Ancare selling stainless steel and plastic products used in "animal research" after 16 years. I was a national Marketing Director after only 8 in B2B and on the Board of Directors of a Public Company in under 10 years? Revealing? And this loser thinks he can publish lies about me and could ever intimidate me with nobody nothing junior junk journalist Dan Spector? They should have done some serious and honest research as demanded by law on me and long before they documented how stupid and dishonest they all mostly are. As documented.

Two places or major clients in Ottawa who will also probably now never employ or consider Dan's cyber security expert an expert either. We can often easily judge people by the company they keep, and the liars and losers they document support they support and associate with? The cyber security brain who recklessly thought his sick and obvious documented "B" level self-promotion "at an old man's expense", would be forgiven. What is an idiot? What is a liar? Read on. And with his, exactly as documented effort, clearly supporting or aid and abet of cyberbullies recklessly lying and defaming an old man beyond debate as well. Also shows his and others very honest and true character and sad lack of serious executive judgement as documented in article. Like Gordon Yee and Dan Spector thinking they could intimidate me? Were they all so wrong? In a few more months they will know more and know how wrong.


And for the sick, sad and vain, arrogant and documented ignorant ladies in article who foolishly thought they could use police to intimidate me, not knowing anything honest or valid about me, and before shooting their very ignorant and arrogant mouth's off, no better. Too much makeup to be much either. As documented. Well that backfired in spades. Trying so hard to fake their legitimacy as super fake mindless community heroes they called police on the wrong old man - and so much worse: documented clearly as "using" police as their "personal paid puppets, props and pawn"s to fake legitimacy of claim and hysteria about as stupid as one can get. Now add wrongful prosecution and criminal defamation. Bets? This was also tried before on me before in other legal dog fights. And failed. See RCMP files.

I clearly warned Dan to first check with RCMP on me, and the super idiot ignored me, and didn't. Figured that would shut the stupid punk down fast. With a tiny wee bit of honest and responsible research and calling RCMP, he would have saved himself so much shame and so much well-deserved ridicule and exposure. And legal costs.

I have a files from 70's with RCMP when standing up for others. Dan would also have found out that even as friends on Facebook, that my forty-year friends include a BC Criminal Court judge and an RCMP officer.  What is an idiot deceptive journalist? They would appear to differed with super brains Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and their tiny gang on my character. How odd? And the slime with some homework possibly would have found out about some extremely highly decorated Veterans, and about my special security clearance with DND and NRC and about my other RCMP files. Just today Ottawa wrote and asked if I was interested in a security project in Ottawa?. And I do have a very long history of taking on similar liars, bullies, women beaters, cheats, frauds, Hollywood and Big Union lawyers, CAs, and MBAs. And a scholar or two. From corporate boardroom to union shop floor, seems I'm a bit of a trouble maker for liars. thieves and bullies (See RCMP files). Too bad Dan didn't check up on me and other morons. Or why RCMP have been my heroes?

This slime will soon appreciate "no one is above the rule of law", no matter how they flirt or fake any Gord Yee like superiority and charm or fake their superior intellect and insight.

Other slime have been discovered living a few houses down from my Montreal friends, so the slime soon no secret to neighbours. People talk. Slime simply gets exposed more and more, and day by day. Hey, they all had zero respect for my reputation based on their ignorant, dishonest  and unfair judgement and blatant LIES, as documented beyond debate and the amazing wordplay skills of both Dan Spector and Gordon Yee. So now this scum become the hunted and not the hunters anymore. Only fair? And hunted down with the 100% honest truth as documented and revealing exactly on who and what these very creepy, cowardly cyberbully scum really are. Really are. Nobody liars and losers seems the best description.

New Flanker Move:

Was suggested for big fun when "push comes to shove", with the character and credibility stuff, as so very key and critical to court and community - and when it's time to play big boy hardball with all these cyberbully publishing deceitful, defaming cowardly slime that:

I just get a half dozen grandmothers that all know me, or of me, and in just the West Island, and for "over forty years"
, and with their own dynamic very long history of charity, volunteer and community work - and also again dwarfing  all slime experts in defaming article (as named) - and all the cowardly slime's cyberbully social media support "combined". As named below. And we simply compare fact with fiction.  We can trust "real honest local real heroes" as per below over lying life failure fakes can't we? Those who honestly know me over those who lied and didn't know me at all? And didn't want to "honestly" research and be honest and fair. And then far too late. Or a minimal standard of care as demanded by law. Plus add a symbiotic synergy of a supporting plethora of published 100% lies plus painting me as "criminally" "insane" (See my friends, family and employers all with doctorates or better in psychology to forensic psychiatric super stars). This defamation to unjust harassment as documented by clear collective efforts from Global News to various Social Media and Blogs. Exactly as documented. Links below. Time for Facts vs. Fiction. Evidence is everything.

Time for ALL slime who maliciously defamed, harassed and insulted a poor little crippled old man (me) to pay the piper. This back when the slime foolishly believed their own BS and very well documented arrogance and superiority and  I was a "presumed" very weak old man. One who would simply suffer their type and profile. Hardly.

And the foolish slime thought I was so very easy to bully and insult plus harass. Plus so easily frightened and easy to intimidate, and by such gangs and their defaming collective intimidating collective cerebral force and with their major media giant network, as documented. They should have done a tiny bit of research. True? False?

I'm not a weak old man. And oddly I also have a few interesting friends as well. And my friends sadly and oddly, more honest, more educated, more accomplished, more charitable, more heroic, more scholarly, more attractive,  less makeup and also kinda handy they also despise cowardly, arrogant, bullies and liars.

Once slime thinking myself as documented: a weak old man, and as an easy target for two dozen plus slime. And as well documented slime authorities on truth and as keepers of beauty, they began their multiple cowardly uninformed ignorant defaming attacks. As documented. This as to defame, insult, harass and bully and yet knowing nothing of me?

And now so very amusing, when once ,when ALL so brave and bold even showing off their major big shot media junior junk journalist credentials in their network, and thus also documenting much more than the very serious and obvious abuse of public trust. Obvious as you read on.

What honestly and seriously was the slime gangs motivation? Ego? Show of force? Be a part of a gang? Pretending they were somebody deserving respect with "C" level credentials? All across the board. Fact check?

So say, as to continue,  as to challenge the incredible BS babble bubbling out of Gordon Yee and Dan Spector minds, I get half dozen grandmothers, from noted heroic nurses at Ste. Anne's Veterans Hospital to those who help or work with various Protestant and Catholic Churches in WI, and from both St. John Church groups, and noting the highly honourable missions they all support, from Lakeshore General Hospital Palliative Care to Cancer groups - add even artists who donate their work. And if they all say Dan and Gord full of BS defaming me with lies and innuendo, as fact not knowing me at all? What could that mean for legal optics and public opinion. Or their employer's opinions. Odd my support has known me for forty years or more? And my critics never met me?

That Catholic and Protestant network above added to my previous Montreal friendships and references from poor little Charlotte Fineberg (CFCF/etc?) and Beatrice Bazar (Club of Rome). This to show even Jewish old ladies also trust and like me as much as very major Grey Nuns. Not just young Jewish girls? And do note real honest heroes document they like me.

How odd, while major know nothing documented nobodies like Dan Spector and Gordon Yee, think themselves so very clever to dare defame and deceive that I'm a "suspicious" criminal "scam" - and speculating as to further defame, that I could/would possibly try to get money from tragic flood victims and heroes, and not hit on my millionaire friends? How odd? I was hardly hiding who I was? Or exactly what I was doing? Just hidden were my accomplishments, references and credentials as initially irrelevant before legal issues and my charitable acts mostly anonymous prior and easy to prove. Only here stated to make a major point on such scum.

Were those, who are my long time friends and family, just not as brilliant as Dan Spector and Gordon Yee, and all fooled by me for decades before Dan Spector and Gordon Yee, and the well documented aid and abet slime support gang proved them all idiots and fools? Sadly for decades not seeing me as a "malicious suspicious criminal scam" as Global News clearly documents and paints me and as newsworthy of  - and with near zero research. And with such obvious literally juvenile sophist deceptive and duplicitous wordplay. Their true credibility integrity and professionalism nicely documented by slime Dan Spector in his crime busting award winning masterpiece.

And how very odd even Montreal police to Ontario, Alberta and BC RCMP also fooled by me...and for years, and with others in media, legal, as it would appear all also fooled before Dan Spector and Gord Yee decided with slime friends to save the world by exposing me. Now my turn and I expose them and destroy their reputations with documented truth. This now based on the very measured integrity and intellect of Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and supporting gang directly compared to the other side of story? As documented. Good to get both sides of story when junior junk journalists clearly biased and serving liars and losers over honest people and honest community efforts. So many not fooled by such disgusting deceitful human garbage.

How very easy is it to make Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and their moronic aid and abet documented insulting very cowardly ignorant and misinformed misfits and cyberbully gang support, all look exactly and based on fact like: cowardly, creepy, cyberbully Liars plus Losers? Hold my beer. Read below. That fast. Why? Read below about concepts of legal realism?

Was I taking on such slime bullies and cowards who beat up special education students starting in 1967? Why some mothers in West Island really liked me. Maybe why 19,000 "Likes" on Facebook as well? Fact check. Did I also, later end up taking on major bullies, woman beaters and other cowards in unions and board rooms? Ask more accomplished media. They know me? Why couldn't big shot union and Hollywood lawyers ever scare me? Fact check?

Sad, if only I had some tiny wee little legal guidance and some inside media contacts like slime has - and beyond just well respected grandmothers, or some tiny local political reference or for cred as to add to my "West Island Grandmothers against Dan Spector Deception and Defamation".

Then I might have a tiny wee chance against the collective brain power of Dan Spector and Gordon Yee, and their very expensive star lawyers? And then I'd be able to humiliate and crucifying both legally - and key in the court of public opinion. Well, if I only had a friend in legal, politics and media. Well guess what I do. Read on. And add to this a few very distinguished grandfathers also not given to like those cowardly creeps like Gordon Yee who lie and bully old men with help from the deceptive defaming efforts of  documented for life junk journalist Dan Spector (with Global News). And a gang of document moron followers. Exactly as documented.

Seniors don't like pompous, pretentious, sleaze, cowardly highly unaccomplished bullies and liars or their cyber security expert friends as a rule of thumb. Bets?
Some may now have trouble getting work in cyber security work in Ottawa cyber security boom, like Dan Spector trying to now work for other media when Global finds more honest writers as so many better than Dan in so many ways? Many getting to know who Gord, Dan, Terry and the very sad ladies they socialise with and their sick abuse and illusions of power formal or otherwise. Time for a showdown. One old man against a gang of lying punks and their friends. Do I seem afraid?

Four grandmothers mentioned above are even my Facebook friends. Like a former RCMP officer. Some in Pointe Claire and Kirkland, to those with very nice waterfront homes in East Gables and Senneville. Those who have known me or have known those who have known me for forty years as very generous and kind. But not someone idiots should try and bully or out smart. And as some up to date on this legal case, now actually feeling sorry for gang of slime defaming the wrong old man. Not doing their research and getting facts as law demands. Who in hell did they ALL think they were - so full of themselves? As documented.

As new readers read on, think how very sad for poor Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and all their lawyers still having to just simply try and figure exactly how high my references really were for special security clearance with DND and NRC. DND and possibly as others I fooled, as now a published "Suspicious Criminal Scam" as per deceptive duplicitous Dan Spector article and gang swarm?

How did I fool  screening systems but not the super brain of Toastmaster wordplay salesperson Gordon Yee? Will the sworn words of Dan Spector and Gordon Yee trump my military and police counter references. Not in a million years.

Important note for junior lawyers:

Legally, having been here before, I know I have absolutely no need to defend myself, as defamation "reverse onus", but legally am now allowed to defame these scum and humiliate them, while protecting my good name and documenting my efforts to mitigate damage done?

NOTE: Some do feel as Dan Spector clearly a bit slower and feeble minded compared to super mouse and puppy test and torture star salesperson and Pointe Claire Toastmaster wordplay master Gordon Yee - himself the ever impressive small man complex. And so it appears Dan was also manipulated by Gordon Yee with the other mindless idiots in group as documented. Trying to impress their kind of ladies - far less impressive then the real ladies I know. Fact check? Read below.The sleaze all suffer their very own kind, and their documented cyberbully to liar profile - and the company they keep only further reinforces birds of a feather bit. Liars and losers?

What is also to note:

The added victims of defaming, deceptive junior low level junk journalists like Dan Spector as with this legal case, also includes deceived readers, his honest coworkers (as now as also suspect on their credibility and professionalism by association as nature has it, and with Dan's continued questionable employment. All suspect? How low paid is Dan? This as Roger's lays off 75 good people?), This added with his editors and supervisor's apparent reckless judgement or executive standard of care issues also at Global, as also very clear now suspect and oddly based on real honest fact, no hearsay, speculation, conjecture. As documented.

Plus any trusting advertisers, as also victims wanting "real audience reach and engagement" (and sales), not this garbage clickbait BS by cyberbullies, aid and abetted by Dan Spector showing off to friends his power to mislead and serve lying gang member goals.

And further long term victims are institutional and private shareholders and investors as also victims "long term" (Including Ethical Funds not fooled by dividends for years?). I did good audits for Molson Pension Fund?
And on BC Tourism for Cossette Advertising pitch? These things cost dearly.

And add trusting Global management also as victim, as still foolishly trusting Dan Spector for some basic quality control for product, and share value build (or dramatic decline), plus efficacy in branding, as all also "all" added further victims.

Can it get worse?

In this legal case, Dan Spector additionally also made victims of "real honest heroes" who "honestly" deserve "honest" full recognition/motivation, and more sick hurt even tragic flood victims. Those who may have needed future and added support and the top-of-mind such efforts help provide.

Two very sick little fat boys with such manly facial hair as to hide these two cuties baby face weak chin scum possibly both with small men complexes as documentation also suggests? Use any nurse app checklist on narcissists to psych-sociopathic tendencies with these documented super authorities with no remorse? Sadly my journalist friends covering major international stories when far younger than this punk so very far from impressed or intimidated as documented. And know dozens far more accomplished and educated than show off Gordon Yee at his age. Bets?

The victims, as you read of defamation below, hardly just an honest local volunteer effort and one honest old man that suffered. And by association all those who know him. Trust him.  (See Damages).

As you read below consider how two very sad and sick small man, big belly complex deceptive clowns, Dan Spector and Gordon Yee, with some of their ignorant and arrogant cyberbully group gang members, all in that symbiotic synergy mob frenzy (as law allows), paint me as a suspicious criminal scam. And yet both knew almost nothing of me and sadly for these two sad little clowns they did obviously very little research. obviously. Well until far too late. And now the fear the full story? What scum.

Cowardly thinking I was some "weak old man" and as such now well  documenting themselves as clearly lying ignorant and very arrogant self-promoting cowards, creeps and cyber bullies. Bets? Seems when they do their research they all run like the punk defaming, insulting cyberbully scum that they certainly are. As documented. And in their own words.

Ironically, Dan now in Montreal with his cyberbully friends and  now (and justly), also themselves now victims my of "honest and legal defamation". The hunters now the hunted. Any running fast. Due to this weak old man they couldn't intimidate, bully or defame. And more and more, and day by day, both slime brothers with their cowardly lying gang or group exposed more and more to West Island. Like Chinese water torture one drop at a time. Documented self-consumed, creepy, cowardly and selfish  documented liars and losers deserve no better. This exposure to their community, courts and their present and future employers and neighbours is only fair? They bully. I bully back? And best using their very own well documented words and lies against them that they must now use defend to those of much higher intellect. Deceptive omission blatant in article, as it is blatantly biased, malicious and defaming?

Intro: Absolute 100% Proof that Global News can not be trusted to be honest with clearly- as documented beyond debate, deceptive defaming writers like Dan Spector - and his documented lying sources. And still employed? All still trusted.

They defamed exactly as published an old man as a "suspicious" criminal "scam" based on lies. Oddly an old man even known in Montreal West Island for helping local churches with Christmas gift and food deliveries for poor to even designing database and analysis of Church children's programs? And not religious, so did it to simply help. My charity and volunteer work dwarfs all these scum as named below?

And yes, add 40 years of honest, charitable, community and volunteer work dwarfing all the defaming cyber bully slime and junior punk- junk journalists. All. Not only my accomplishments and charity work dwarfs their very pathetic lives but see below how my legal plus media network not actually neither low level legal and junior junk journalists either. Makes it so much fun now as now clearly defamed as documented by these cowardly creepy slime and by any form of statutory interpretation or legal common man test. Bets?

Some great honest writers at Global News as noted below. But one very sick deceptive fake news junk journalist, like deceptive Dan Spector and he makes all around him  look suspect? Like their friends on Facebook to LinkedIn? This reckless deceit as mainstream media market, media credibility and stock share declines  (See below). See Dan Spector's efforts using day old or meaningless news and exactly how often so very boring and hard to read. I know a few top journalists so the difference extremely blatant.

What will Global News do?

Legally, and as smartest business practice, what exactly will Global News legal do as to handle this very serious growing credibility bad-for-brand issue for Global News,  hurting their top honest journalists at Global by association with Dan Spector and GN brand and as hurting market, salesperson efforts to share prices, and exactly as documented below for all media losing such reader credibility? One bad apple? Ripple or butterfly tipping point?

The limit of effective communication is about two standard deviations, roughly 30 IQ points. Why Dan and cyber bully buddy marketing master Gord Yee missed so much and when so much put right under their arrogant uninformed nose, yet clearly Dan already committed to help cyber bullies and moron's publish and defame and the little nobody junk journalist could impress his sleazy dishonest documented liar friends? 30 IQ points possibly why smart "honest" people hired me and paid well and far more when I was their age or younger. And sadly these two very desperate small man complex punks and slime support just an animal test and torture and possibly the most dishonest journalist in Montreal. As documented. We have already collected a year of his work for proof. IQ problems possibly why my lying highly unaccomplished lying critics clearly not the sharpest knives in the drawer, as documented below.

Idiots, those secure by cognitive dissonance skills, the uninformed and criminals will try and spin this as exaggeration and diminish. Not. Obviously. Those more  informed, honest and not part of this slime group will dramatically differ reviewing facts with their own eyes. Obviously? Those far more educated, honest and far more accomplished may differ with such cowardly defaming, lying and deceptive slime. As documented.

Nor has Dan Spector, legally as they say, "shown remorse". And with that Dan Spector now an extremely well documented junior junk journalist and clearly who 100% aids and abets textbook and law book defined documented liars and cyber bullies. And more repugnant (Laskin) helping some slime disgustingly faking as such community heroes for Dan Spector's cowardly duplicitous deceptive defaming junk journalist efforts. See Article. That fools only fools as followers. As documented. All easy to prove. Any legal superstars dare debate these extremely well documented facts? I may know a lawyer? No debate? Then fire the deceptive scum.

If what I say not absolutely true they can sue me and write a bigger misleading story? What are they so afraid of?


1) My modest FB effort to honour heroes link below. Note the liars and cyber bullies and their tragic illusion of superiority, authority with their obvious ignorance and arrogance and clear deception:

Global Defamatory Misleading Junk Fake News Journalism:

    Deceptive Dan Spector

    & Loser and Liar Gordon Yee

Keep it simple:


My Motive:

My motive for doing the Facebook Page as documented clearly for: Honouring "honest heroes" of flood.  Sad Dan Spector didn't appear to care to research fully? Odd for any "honest" or more intelligent journalist?

Motive for my page: I had waterfront off Gouin Blvd, in West Island, in my Montreal days, suffering a flood in Spring of 1980. I left for work with my friend from CJAD radio station as flood rising around house and returned to see our house plus driveway fully protected by sandbags. Same with my neighbours. I owe such heroes. Don't I? Also helped two brothers from CBC in Montreal when a third brother's basement suffering flooding. My volunteer work including going into fires (checking for children) with CJAD guy in same part of town noted below. I understand flooding and fires at ground zero.

The issue here is:

Was an "honest" old man; doing a "100% honest, modest, volunteer community effort", honouring "real honest heroes" as clearly documented, defamed, insulted, harassed and suffering "intimidation and coercion" to very clear wrongful prosecution,  by a very sick deceitful and documented ignorant slimy gang of very cowardly and very unaccomplished abusive, ignorant and very arrogant insulting cyber bully punks? Yes or no? True or False? As documented.

And with further lies and fires clearly fueled by:

 Dan Spector's Global News deceptive and clearly defaming article in Global News as to impress his loser lying scum friends like Gordon Yee and others, as named below and very obvious to those of higher intellect and legal education. And an article as some further sourced as validation for added further defamation. As documented.  True? False?

What's any "real and honest" person or legally "common person" to think? Or courts? Or say honest more superior and accomplished journalists? We will ask those I know.

If I'm not telling the 100% truth so very easy to call police on me for harrassment? Why such sick obvious cowards, now that they know me a bit more about me and a bit too late?

Or the whole lying gang ALL can take me to court if slime not already humiliated enough as exposed and now documented ignorant and arrogant liars and very cowardly cyber bullies as now getting more and more known in their hometown? Or are they fearing more exposure in both criminal and civil justice system? Real easy to call police on me "again" unless they are, as my greater experience and perceptions allow, all just very deceitful cowardly arrogant human slime? Note how superior they acted with their very mini titles. Embarrassing now?

True or False?  

Was an honourable old man's reputation with literally decades of community and charitable work and various industry and academic accomplishments and trust, damaged by this articles extremely misleading very targeted hit job versus honest truth and real facts? And as defined by law, common sense, and intellect. That simple. And how much in damages? Money matters. With my ex girlfriend a senior executive with Cossette Advertising (The biggest in Canada) Gord Yee would be wasting his time trying for better work and pay. My other media contacts from SHAW to CBC will certainly help other employers not be deceived
by Dan Spector when Global sees dumping Dan Spector a very smart business imperative.

This, as per law, with "reverse onus" realities a problem for this slime plus common man legal test to the more sophisticated takes on statutory interpretation in case law as below - and incorporating linguistics and formal logic. And add a tiny wee bit of Latin and Shakespeare to be cliche', as is also added by moi for a bit more fun below?

Let the most honest and educated in our legal system and in all national media judge. Oddly like below with "real" Criminal Court Judges, Forensic Psychiatrists and Legal Scholars and as they would. My friends and family or not?

Also note, how far more "honest and interesting" Dan's Spector's story "really" would "honestly" have been, if he had told the "real honest truth" about me as you read on. Compare his other boring little league articles hardly building readership. We did.

This crime busting defaming BS article a bit of a major departure with this very demeaning, defaming, deceptive, duplicitous article. Yes, Dan Spector faking as big city crime buster with his documented  juvenile sophist word play not hiding the obvious biased false defamation and clearly putting my character in disrepute. This with his gang of documented liars he clearly supports as friends.


This article, besides being defamation, is it really honestly newsworthy if honest truth all told and over unsolved murders in West island and overdoses to homeless (some from flood) to major cyber security expert "failure" at major banks - and even on Dan's West Island beat recent protests against cruel animal caging and testing? Oddly not covered? True or false?  And it would be a more fascinating story if Dan Spector told the real truth about me and not support defaming LIES. And liars so clearly. The believe their BS, but have no "honest" facts. NONE. Bets?

Wouldn't the story have been far more honest and interesting by telling the real honest truth about me from  my work reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada (helping one of three Prime Ministers on economic to federal election issues. I wrote the 7 Point Plan for Prime Minister Turner) and how my lifelong friend was a BC Criminal Court Judge (and Facebook friend). Yes, how so extremely odd that all of them never ever finding me oddly "suspicious or a criminal scam" like these far less than honorable and far less educated and so well documented cyber bully scum like Dan Spector and Gordon Yee "judged" me hardly in the same favourable light, thinking themselves as so very clever. And thinking no price to pay. Judge and be judged? True or false?

But yet in Dan Spector's very revealing, disgusting, deceitful juvenile wisdom and clear lack of responsible "honest" professional journalistic research, as demanded by law, the documented deceitful idiot decided instead best was doing a clearly "targeted" incredibly deceitful defaming "hit job" on a once apparently weak old man. Not that weak in reality with bigger surprises to follow. What was  Dan Spector's real motive? Impress his documented cyber bully lying friends? Bullied as weaker than Gordon Yee and by Gordon Yee? As it appears.What was Dan Spector's real motive? Use the Global News to pretend he was someone I should or could ever respect. Hope to meet at Global News and face-to-face with Dan Spector when in Montreal in late summer.

This defamation it appears done as to impress others cowardly cyber bullies and in his 100% one-sided clearly biased article support group - and so all could flex their so very impressive and intimidating media muscles and publish and show off the abuse of power as allowed by the press when no editorial control or standard of care. Painting me as a "suspicious" criminal "scam" PLUS requiring police being called. Exactly as documented.

Nothing sadder when a bunch of documented small man real life losers and nobodies excited to get media attention and free self promotion, and further aid and abet in the deception that they are also community heroes as super fakes and while crippling and killing a real honest and modest community support effort. How sick are they? See below? it gets more and more ugly when truth all told. And in a well documented conspiracy of wrongful prosecution.

Kinda wrongful prosecution and defamation when both Facebook legal and police say you've done nothing wrong as "judges and legal scholars one may know" might also agree and only punk nobody cyber bully slime and Dan Spector to differ. Missing again the obvious?

And as well documented, oddly only very arrogant and ignorant morons differ in statement of facts with a BC criminal court judge, legal scholars, the former Attorney General of Canada, Senators, Nuns, a forensic psychiatrist, some top journalists, local West Island long time residents and a church group of whether I'm a scam and scum or they are? All of them? ? Beyond debate? True? False? Who would honest intelligent and far more educated and accomplished people "honestly" believe. And based on honest documented facts as evidence? Not the lies as needed by liars as well documented.

Sadly for the documented defaming unaccomplished liars and losers in cyberbully group, that harassed and defamed, that as100% fact: a former Attorney General of Canada, a BC Criminal Court Judge, a former UBC acting Law faculty chair, a top forensic psychologists ALL would disagree with such clear nobody coward and creeps like Gordon Yee and  Dan Spector's and their postured superior "integrity", "intellect" - and with the the fake meaningless low level authority of his extremely well documented one-sided biased "hardly even near expert" or impressive gang of support. As per article. As documented. As evidenced.

Like his lying puppy test and torture cage sales super star cyber bully buddy Gord Yee. As documented. Who the hell is this documented arrogant and ignorant slime? Facts? Check my honest history? Check his. And compare exactly to these other sad misinformed defaming slime. They like to dare judge others now they get judged for years to come by courts and community. What about the children and families of such documented deceptive slime. What damage can they pull on children or partners?

Yes, these pathetic unaccomplished cowardly cyber bullies defamed the wrong weak old man. Now they suffer the honest truth. The truth about who and what they really are as documented human slime, and best defined in their own ignorant, arrogant, authoritative and exact lying words.

Some say some possibly so small minded they were jealous at the solid "honest" readership my simple honest Facebook Page honouring "real honest heroes" got compared to their real best life media ratings efforts? Sad for Dan. I may not write well, but my stuff is honest.

Dan Spector and Gordon Yee's gang thought clever to paint me with their very clearly juvenile text book sophist defaming deceitful prose as a "suspicious" criminal "scam". Oddly literally hundreds will not - and in just Montreal? Including real honest "real" top journalists also familiar with my very long honest charitable history. Labelling an old man as to desperately try and intimidate with a disgusting abuse of freedom of speech and press, as a criminal scam and suspicious, is just a bit sick? True? False? Read on. It gets really ugly and far worse below when key details addressed.

What "EXACTLY" was this very cowardly gangs REAL motive for defaming an old man?

Fact: The problem seed was this old man doing 100% volunteer community work wouldn't be treated, as documented, as also beyond debate, like paid staff by some punk princess in their gang, when printed rules ignored on this old man's very own page (HIS PAGE. HIS RULES), honouring real honest humble heroes, and as documented clearly ignored by the vain to self absorbed. As documented. I didn't use upper case type without cause on some random person did I? Note: Absolutely beyond debate as documented so very clearly no problem with anyone else just "Likes", praise and appreciation. Stuff Dan so deceptive and/or lazy missed to fake-make liars and losers in his cyberbully group look legitimate and as community heroes. Vomit?

Nor was this weak old man (joke) willing to be abused and lied about, and absurdly insulted by such well documented major junior nobodies in Global News to other little local social media super stars. Spent to many years with Publishers on West Coast for me to be either impressed or intimdated as they must love doing to others? A creep is a creep. A liar is a liar. And both Dan Spector and Gord Yee's group proof.

Nor would this old man let himself be abused by any of their cowardly well documented and arrogant gang's "repeated cowardly" insults and well documented LIES. Cowards empowered by numbers. And as documented by time stamps and syntax in social media synergy and symbiosis factor. And I avoided profanity. My only regret.

The beauty of defamation on Internet is so easy to prove as so very well documented and stored. The further beauty of defamation law is it is "reverse onus"? Combined?

Here's a legal judgement. Sound familiar: "Plaintiff's behaviour and the attacks on his character were held to be completely false and unjustified."

Can Global, Dan Spector and Gordon Yee group or gang of documented cyberbullies even dare try and prove with "honest" documented facts (ALL communications documented and time and date stamped) as not false claims defaming my honest character and "justified" as their only defence. Hardly. And not obvious bias and malice. And very misleading and very deceptive? And lacking minimal "honest" research and standard of care. Any legal hot shots want to debate and run the slimes legal costs through the roof based on their conjecture and mindless ego driven perception and no facts?

My damages far more by multiples by simple honest and direct comparison.

"The B.C. Supreme Court's recent decision in Pritchard v. Van Nes (2016 BCSC 686) serves not only as a reminder that a (social media) poster of defamatory comments on social media can be held liable for the damage caused by those comments, but also as an indication that courts are prepared to hold them liable for the damage caused by further sharing or republication of those comments, as well as for the damage cause by additional defamatory comments made by third parties who post in response thereto. The rapid integration of social media into many facets of daily life as well as its ability to generate discourse in a "viral" manner, necessitate a corresponding increase in attention to the manner in which one conducts their communication online." As evidenced by the court's $65,000 damage award in Pritchard, approaching social media postings with casual disregard for their truth or potential impact on others can have very serious monetary consequences.

Good luck Dan and Gord.

And this old man responded, "all alone", to a whole gang of over twenty lying bullies empowered by their Mob numbers and sold on words and lying claims of fact of a mouse and puppy test and torture animal cage salesperson Gordon Yee?

Yes time to crush this disgusting lying scum so they never try this again on anyone weaker. And humiliate them all over West Island. Some of my friends know exactly who they are?

Even when the gang all attacked, thinking with their gang numbers and with such major big shot media contacts like Dan Spector at Global News, Emily Campbell at CJAD and some other nobody West Island bloggers (names on file), that they could ever impress and intimidate me as to accept their bullying and  lies, harassment, coercion and intimidation as documented? Fact check.

My mentors as real honest military heroes (and in my family and as neighbours in West Island and Ottawa) did not risk their lives so lying scum could bully an honest man and think themselves so very clever. And with this deceptive media as provided by Dan Spector clearly further used to inflame and tell their repeated mindless clearly very ignorant lies, and insult, harass, intimidate and defame one honest old man. And mislead the public trust? As documented. Fact check.

Did these very stupid deceitful punk sick cowards try to bully and defame possibly the wrong old man? See below. Always a new surprise. Yes, I have absolutely no problem dealing with very cowardly, lying cyber bully liars and losers and junior junk journalists who support,  promote and publish such sick efforts. Or lawyers?  And face-to-face. I have had major screaming battles with lawyers in courts and on the street. Handling Dan Spector alone and one-on-one in Global News offices should be loads of fun.

And then the ignorant slime, thinking a crime busting Peabody award winning work by some junior junk journalist like Dan Spector's abuse of reader's fiduciary trust could intimidate me? Wrong. So very wrong. Others far bigger have already tried. And failed. As RCMP files support. I clearly as documented in my past hate bullies, women beaters, liars and other such scum whether big shot union executives or divisional presidents on the board of directors. Fact check? Ask my media and legal friends.

Seems I do have a known and documented history of taking on liars, bullies, women beaters and a variety of fools, frauds and felons long before this stupid gang showed me how clever they were. And from boardrooms to union shop floors. And oddly successful? 475 in one dishonest union certainly like what I do exposing other cowardly, sneaky and creepy liars and bullies? Have suffered many lying idiots prior. For only a short while as well.

And best this obvious, deceitful and misleading defaming attack by a low paid junior junk journalist Dan Spector as textbook "fake news", and helped by his slightly far more prestigious and very pretentious buddy, Gordon Yee, (as a very impressive top regional mouse and puppy test and torture cage sales star ) is also so very well documented. Enjoy the humour below.

Side Note: The self serving and self glorifying idiots even claimed in their highly uneducated authority "real heroes don't need recognition". But again oddly their faking as community heroes does? Such disgusting, fakes, fools, cowards and creeps?

Yes, even the RCMP agree with military, that heroes should be recognized. These life time cyber bully losers document that they disagree? idiots? Liars? See below. Ask what a criminal court Judge and civil litigation would consider?

 Seriously! We need to get to that point where making deceptive, misleading, defaming accusations and with help by Dan Spector and Global News isn’t just written off as “social media noise”. People need to be held legally accountable for their lies or it will never stop. Or be contained and resisted. True? False?

Will be so very funny when all those cyber bully punks ganging up and telling lies and defaming one weak old man, have ALL their lawyers read ALL related documents - as to not fake the law society standard of care bit. ALL related documents! Or their lawyers may miss very clever legal tricks and traps as coached seeded down below, and placed specifically for their defence lawyers?
Yes, I've done this before. Great coaches. Great lawyers. In just Montreal was helped with other sick bullies in late 70's by Cookie Lazarus and hired by Stanley Hart.

Including critical and pivotal is reading ALL other key social media where this old man also further defamed, and run that all by their lawyers as well, where "lies clearly stated as fact" and further fuelled by the deceptive and duplicitous superior intellect and journalistic integrity of Dan Spector as documented and his "expert" witnesses. Also a legal must read. And again, as documented defamation clearly further fueled by Dan Spector's very misleading, deceptive, malicious and clearly defaming Global News article (Link above and below). Which makes clear, all documents must be studied in full honest context and syntax or left to "fake" a legal defence for "fake news" by liars and life fakes? Brilliant? Synergy and symbiotics of logic to be noted. And time lines noted as also very very key.

Will lawyers after reading ALL key and critical documents tell these documented cowardly arrogant and ignorant human slime their statistical best actuarial Bayes chances of any defence as "to even simply reduce damages" less than 10-20%? Fact check? Far worse than a coin toss? Better odds on a slot machine? Just to even try and reduce damages as per below. See case law examples and superior court rulings below.

And will their criminal plus defamation legal help tell them ALL how so very expensive to continue to play silly sophist word games, when so much evidence, as so well documented, and so very clear, as lies or misleading to the common man and verses real full honest truth? And so many more educated and accomplished now judging their brilliant wordplay? This is not about my opinion this is about their documented words and real case law.

Dan Spector is not good for Global News.

Dan Spector is not good for Global News and for both Global and whole industry wide media credibility and spiraling decline (like their stock prices) and obvious by research studies on media decline to declining shareholders value. Credibility critical. And when "media" credibility so key in focus groups on media, as also in decline. And now Dan an added key legal risk to Global ad revenues and share prices. Hurting more than helping with fluff and fill. 

No point Global to continue using Dan's deceptive poor efforts and abuse of public trust, when in fact so many hundreds of far better honest writers and far more honest journalists looking for work. Thousands? And all across Canada. 

How many English media cover West Island as now such serious overkill and media needing to script ad reps and support rate cards with so very many deceitful omissions? Impressions? Dan clearly very redundant on West Island with old or meaningless news as compared to other media in West Island. Compare? Even a few blogs far better for "honest" and meaningful real news. Fact check. See analytics.

Dan Spector to sign a "sworn statement under oath" he "knowingly" doesn't aid and abet liars and to bully and defame an old man, if he's not really deceitful and defaming? And calls to police were warranted and not a very sick and very well documented witch hunt by such documented lying idiots. He can swear he's an honest journalist can't he? 

A boycott of Global News advertisers in Montreal West Island has begun. Here's why. Watch stock prices?

(Does truth matter? See how many "millions" Labatt lost to Molson in BC in 70's from not adjusting to just word-of-mouth? Or to more recent cost in millions to Subway by CBC report and their spokesperson? Why is Global News parent CORUS (SHAW) stock so down as audience and readership/viewers erode? Why do Ethical Funds have trouble with dividends as part of the "conversation"?)

Blog Purpose: 

1) All "Honest" people have to stand up against misleading defaming deceitful media and their disgusting junior junk fake news journalists gross and malicious abuse of public trust. And all cowardly abusive bullies. In homes, schools or workplace. And all liars plus losers must be confronted. In any form or degree. And as much as legally possible.

Wearing an anti-bully T-Shirt very nice. But this blog, public exposure and defamation laws and courtrooms work far better. As documented. As proven. And far more educational. This exactly as I've proven years before. Back when I also exposed other such very sick cowardly bullies to both community, employers and courts. Why? This mindset type will again try and bully others again they "presume" weaker as per profile of bullies and published efforts. Such cowardly slime often as documented seeking affirmation from their own profile types. See Social Media. That's their cowardly sick style. As documented.

This legal effort as such as basic behavior modification for these mindless cowards. Kinda fun using behaviour modification on even an arrogant MA in psychology and her documented malpractice. Not legally malpractice but very defamatory with such minor fiduciary credentials. Fun legally. My ex girlfriend a real psychologist and my cousin a top recognized forensic shrink. I was a business consultant to Dr. Gandel at Lakeshore General. I understand what a ignorant fraud she is very well?

Previously, similar efforts at exposure to legal realities has shut down and shut up many similar liars and losers, women beaters, tax cheats and cowardly mindless bullies, of which I'm very proud. Sadly, from children and women to seniors, again often the victims of such cowardly lying bullies, criminals and morons. Cyber bullies, not able to handle one-on-one intellectually and sadly sometimes also physically, always need a mob support as to feel falsely empowered. Or need a "presumed" distant weak old man as a possible easy target, unfortunately deceived by his humble and modest effort he must be some weak old man who won't fight back? True? False? See article? And further here cyberbullies empowered with an unethical obvious effort at juvenile sophist wordplay as documented by deceitful junior junk journalists, who give their lunantics and lying friends voice. Feeds and fuels defamation and should also be exposed and confronted as such. And legally. I will. This legal fight has now begun with Dan Spector's and gang's defaming and deceitful efforts noted here. This will expand hopefully to national news coverage by honest media showing they can police their own. Or not? As fully documented. Meet others very fake community heroes in their like-minded gang below.

And probably most bullies here, as named already "have" in their deceitful past also bullied others? See real studies on repeat offenders also showing no remorse. So good to have a major full showdown with such sad sick slime.

From school yards and home to workplace, these people are socially toxic. There is also a mindset for domestic physical and/or psychological violence and child abuse within this psychographic. Clearly. Fact check? And such obvious breach of any fiduciary trust as published, just makes it more critical to fully expose these cowardly types. Society and democracy only progresses when media honest. And can again be trusted. And liars and even top puppy cage test and torture sales people with trained Toastmaster skills and documented cowardly cyberbullies like Gordon Yee fully exposed to his community, employers, clients and industry. Gordon Yee documents he'll lie to defame on social media with fake facts stated as truth and now real honest truth will haunt all of them. All?

And liars plus losers must be publicly exposed, prosecuted and punished. Or they'll do it again. You only have to kill or rape somebody once as solid fact to be a known killer or rapist, or posting or a publishing moron, well now same with deceitful duplicitous defaming junior junk journalists and puppy cage sales stars and their impressive friends as named. The legend sticks. And forever and follows you everywhere. Integrity tested and failed. Any wonder Dan missed the story on animal testing protests in West Island and even knowing an "insider" like Gordon Yee and ability to interview expert Gordon Yee cage sales person on cage size and solitary confinement laws? Why not?

Many in West Island read this blog. Are animal test sites in West Island also suspect of "cyber threats" from those like myself as published, whole US military, Canadian banks and for some, as cyber expert in Dan's article communicate also by my volunteer facebook page? What an idiot their cyber expert exactly as documented by correspondence and article. His correspondance worth a few hours of legal review alone. We'll ask their cyber security expert many questions? I started working with networks with first 48k modem and my friends have bigger degrees than their so called expert.

If I don't do this who else could? Who else could?

IMPORTANT NOTE: This defaming article, as per case law reference below, can not be seen as standing on it's own. This as misleading to the full damage it further fueled on Facebook, plus other social media (Examples below). As documented. And must be seen within a full "honest" context and an "honest" timeline from both the prior social media abuse, plus the further added: post article mob cyber bully frenzy, that Dan Spector's amazingly well documented deceitful and misleading defamatory article aids and abets. The "whole truth" and nothing but bit. This added for the full honest extent of damages to be calculated and the full true story with given synergy and symbiotic factors, that all must be recognized. Helps define full amount of damages. This blog isnot a defence of my actions as defamation law reverse onus but to note provide defence lawyers with best damage estimates.

Key point:

Note below the very well documented plus real and "honest" dramatic difference in article used by very fake deceptive and defaming  cyberbully fake heroes and as directly compared in high contrast to what "real honest heroes" have to say. Good people. Honest people. And in "unsolicited honest support" of my 100% volunteer efforts plus honest community purpose. And very clearly advising me to ignore these clearly negative lying slime. And do note the very clear difference compared with the liars plus losers as quoted experts in Dan Spectors biased one sided article, defining ego, arrogance and ignorance by those slime involved. Those deceitful self glorifying fake heroes in a mindless, reckless witch hunt may just have bullied the wrong weak old man? Yes? No? As documented.

Those that Dan Spector helped fake as heroes in community, plus helped bullies defame an old man now exposed and trapped. Plus as sick, they directly helped cripple and kill an honest volunteer community effort, that far more people supported. Fact check. Do the math. Dan didn't? How odd? Compare their BS babble to a real honest hero below who oddly supports and encourages.

Now add over a hundred others who also support and encouraged and "LIKED" as documented. Odd? Sort of sad Dan missed all this much more positive stuff as to now not to appear so biased, malicious, defaming and deceitful. So misleading and deceptive. Courts will not miss this. Too much too obvious.

Sadly for Dan Spector and Gordon Yee as masters of of juvenile sophist word play, others more intelligent and more educated will now see "both sides" and honest timeline. Neither will my nobody friends and contacts miss the chronologically documented obvious. We are all just a tiny bit smarter and certainly far more accomplished and honest than Dan Spector and Gordon Yee. Bets? Debate? Many also far more educated and accomplished as well, than the other liars and losers also named as defendants and some below.

I started on contract with CBC in '76 as national media liaison working under multiple award winning journalist Terrence Mckenna, and was a requested speaker on "Media" at McGill, UBC and SFU. In just Montreal I worked with CKO (CFOX) and CHOM-FM. I even went to school and knew writers at Gazette and Montreal Star. My social friends on West Coast publishers. I do understand media beyond my degree and graduate studies some think. Not just a tiny bit of Law, Latin and Logic. I changed Fortune 500 media buying. Even at CJAD?

We will also directly compare my fifty years of kind, charitable and honest volunteer work compared to this slime gang combined to define damages. Makes two no debate points clear to all courts. Facts vs. fiction.

Here's what real honest heroes claim:

Seems pretty prima facie stuff that REAL HONEST HEROES above are oddly not suspicious at all that I'm a criminal scam and how odd only very dishonest, deceitful, defaming, ignorant, very uninformed human slime pretending they are community heroes and authorities on so much,  or media big shots appear to differ? Dramatically! How very odd? And it gets even worse for these slime below. Efforts at wrongful prosecution, to harassment and public mischief a result of calling police doing no honest even minimal research. Amusing, now finding the slime tried to bully and defame the wrong old man?


Global News "Fake Deceitful Expensive Defaming News" (
See case law below):

Am now, very slowly contacting various Global News people across Canada for fun, as to clearly and empirically test the real integrity of Global News organization as to best police itself (I'll avoid the Latin). Ignoring this only makes Global  News more obvious. And as per Global News using their very own clear guidelines on "fair honest comment" how the big fail documented with this article. Two standards as documented. Makes clear some certainly major hypocrites. Media trust. See readership numbers.

About me: Do consider for reference below as my friends, contacts, lawyers and judges most certainly will. And if, as legal hard textbook fact, I've been clearly defamed, harassed, bullied (25 bullies to 1 old man?) suffering "published" deceitful misleading disrepute by a very ignorant and arrogant sick cyber bully gang? And as one old man as victim, plus bullied, insulted, lied about by over two dozen unaccomplished punks clearly intent on "defaming me". Culpa? As documented. Many further fueled by Dan Spectors defaming and deceitful article. As also documented. And linked to further inspire deception and more bully BS.

And ask any lawyer one knows if this is clearly classic textbook case law defined defamation. Yes? No? As published. And as documented as aid and abet feeding further deceit and defamation in multiple news and social media? This all helps when courts calculating full damages and awards.

Some of the bullies now in fear, now getting some honest facts, have oddly closed their Facebook accounts and/or removed their picture. Fortunately every things documented and we still have their names. Two have documented apologies/guilt?

What can it mean? Two former cyber bullies have documented their apologizes and with court required "remorse" as documented in defining damages. They must know lawyers? What will Global News lawyers do and think? See below. Their parent and affiliates have a long history of settling lesser matters out of court.

3) This blog also to promote my future book to a key target audience from journalists, publishers and broadcasters to political and PR marketing and advertising experts and with respect to Google and Facebook Analytics:

You Might be a Major Media Moron Just Guessing?
(If you ignore MIT, McLuhan, Mander and Morrison).

4) Promote a movie idea on classic Canadian bullies from "Roncarelli v. Duplessis" to Reena Virk murder, with a working title called "Dan and Gord's Excellent Adventure".
Note: This Number 4 just a very insider joke for my friends reading this. For now. Hey, nobody likes when a gang of bullies and sick cowards rapes a little girl or when tough guy punks gang up on an old man to insult, ridicule, harass and defame and worse, when based on 100% lies and absurd illogical conjecture by a one sided group of fake experts faking as community champions. True? False? And ego evident? How stupid is stupid? Read on.

Yes, they certainly may have defamed and bullied the wrong old man plus made Canadian Legal History?

To simply start: I will do a sworn statement all my statements and following 100% true. Best way to expose, ridicule plus trap such slime. Will they?

This means for slime, as to also not "all" do exactly the same - makes many liars and losers immediately look like lying slime cowardly bullies and life frauds fast. "ALL" the bullies can only counter with is sworn statements for blatant legal optics. They must as such "ALL"  also do a sworn statement to match. Trap number one?

And also state that clearly ALL their claims 100% true as fact as stated and/or implied - and critical, that this based on "real honest facts". Not their documented mindless ignorant expansion, speculation and conjecture, deceptive ommission as to impress nobody friends at an old man's expense - as idiots once believed an old man such an easy target. Wrong!  Yes, a sworn statement by ALL in their gang or sick self help group, so critical to offer any believable or credible defence. Did they defamed, insulted and bully the wrong old man? Yes? No?

Read on. It gets very funny. Is there any other old man in Canada worse to try to bully, insult and defame than one with my parallel legal and media experience and connections. And experience with  former defaming slime. And defamation law? My previous top BC defamation lawyer taught me well. With noted Oxford Legal Scholars. I'm ready. Again? My history of volunteer and charitable work also dwarfs all 25 slime possibly combined. Fact check?

Consider Gil Zvulony, a top Toronto defamation lawyer as per:

How do you write an online review (on a volunteer charitable effort or restaurant) and not get sued?

1. Don’t make things up

Zvulony suggests not telling fibs online but says if you do, as long as it’s not damaging, you likely won’t get sued.

2. And if it is damaging? Make sure it’s true and you can prove it.

“Now, when you’re talking about reviews, the onus is to prove what you said is true, which can be difficult at times.”

My Note: The beauty of defamation law is, it is "reverse onus", so national publications and junior junk fake news journalists - and even those who sell mouse and puppy test and torture cages like Gordon Yee, all suffer the fact the "onus is to prove what you said is true". In article and other social media. As the rule of thumb in law schools goes: "Publish at your Peril". Guess the ignorant and deceptive defaming types below missed that as well as so many other key points, obvious to lawyers and judges. Those their superiors in integrity and intellect.

3. Be specific

Zvulony said good, non-litigation-inducing reviews should be specific about the problem.

My Note: Any journalist who misses (or deceptively avoids) my motive and the "WHY" of the Who-What-Where-When bit needs to go to back to school as hardly specific.

4. Reach out and tell the company they’re not very good. Before you publish.

What exactly is the "real honest truth" about the problem and where did it "honestly" start? What EXACTLY was their real motive to maliciously and deceitfully defame using classical fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission and sophist juvenile sophist wordplay?

Now it gets fun!

First, this story summarized quickly in next few paragraphs, but follows with item by item details. This has been used before by me. The long form as taught to me in an undergraduate law class in 1976 on legal realism and used in '80's and 90's. It also runs legal bills through the roof sadly for those hoping to "defend" being defaming bullies to the aid and abet bunch. And also without merit?
Method to the proven madness? Proven. Can be forced to get very very expensive for liars and losers trying to play games defending their obvious BS with those their legal superiors? Fact check? Ask a top lawyer how it works?

Now it gets fun exposing and making bullies, liars and losers pay dearly socially and financially. Those who think fun to defame an old man with literally dozens of lies and insult. And ALL ganging up on one weak old man. Sadly for this cowardly sick group or gang of deceitful defaming cowardly creepy slime, they tried their juvenile tricks and wordplay on possibly the wrong weak old man?

For starters and a fun intro ask Vancouver Sun "Justice Critic" Ian Mulgrew if I helped former Attorney of Canada General Ron Basford when billed out more than doctors helping Federal Liberals and writing for Prime Minister Turner. I was also paid well for work for what Famous media personality Jack Webster called "The miracle of Quadra". I reported directly to the former attorney General of Canada? So I do have a small feel for "real legal brains" as such. Damages? Odd how the former attorney General of Canada never thought me suspicious or a scam. And the very highly unaccomplished "experts" as in Dan's article differ? A publisher for a major Montreal media company introduced me to Ian Mulgrew, and as a mutual friend also from Montreal. And they dare defamed me? I also helped PC after with East Coast - and Justin's father six years prior invited to review wording by Bronfman PR firm PIR also for East Coast? I was also paid well helping a real "honest" psychologist at Lake Shore General in West Island Dr. Gandell.

Seems also rather odd the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford didn't think me a criminal scam or suspicious, and oddly just like real honest flood heroes (documented below and above) and highly decorated veterans, nuns, journalists, publishers and a few hundred others - plus Facebook Legal and Police? All also oddly thinking not at all I'm a suspicious criminal scam? And all noting clearly I did nothing wrong? Yes, including police and clergy. And clearly all I did as documented was just confronted by those who lie, insult, are rude, bully, defaming or are difficult. Deceitful Dan Spector called my reply "combative". NO KIDDING? Reality was I was not willing to be abused, insulted and lied about. Not the weak old man they thought easy to bully and defame. Fact check. As documented. With "normal honest" people I had no problem? Fact check. At all? How odd no problem with "honest" people? As documented. How very very strange? Yes compare exactly the many who support me to the few two dozen liars and losers who don't.

And certainly those who paid my bill out rate and expenses, like Fortune 500 Giants, a Federal Political Party, Scholars and oddly even a Law Firm and a Montreal psychologist, oddly never questioning me or my expenses as a suspicious criminal cam, whereas a documented deceitful nobody junior junk fake news journalist like Dan Spector dare does not doing "honest" research and with his documented as quoted biased one sided experts in article? And he thinks himself so very clever with wordplay and publishes about my suspicious criminal scam nature. And based on lies and the liars he has as friends. As documented. And thus Dan Spector warrants his journalistic prized Peabody Award winning work for defaming one weak little old man and his honest community effort, while documenting his deceitfulness and blatant duplicitousness supporting his cowardly cyberbully liar friends. As documented. What kind of scum is Dan Spector exactly behind his Ted Bundy belly bubble boy next door good looks?

Too bad and so sad for Dan Spector that some of us on our side read Orwell and "understand" how "doublespeak" is used by deceitful slime for self serving propaganda or for friends? We also studied Edward Bernays, so know how unsubstantiated claims can be sold by very dishonest PR types and "Storytellers" as Dan Spector admits. We also studied linguistics and logic and even rules of legal interpretation. With this Dan Spector as such, a tad more than obvious to those more honest, intelligent, educated and accomplished than little chubby tragic Dan Spector and those he aids and abets like bully big mouth buddy Gordon Yee. See below how obvious.

And whereas these low life idiots clearly stated as fact, my suspicious, criminal and scam nature - obvious oddly seems this for only themselves, and those clearly of a similar in their herd mindset. Or in such a psychological profile. See below for profile notes.

And they clearly felt so very clever and so superior to publish their most sincere and honest deceitful defaming remarks. Clear biased and malicious efforts, blatant. And oddly others and those clearly far more honest, more accomplished so dramatically differ with Gordon Yee, Dan Spector and Global article as very twisted. Worded a bit like opinion in parts, as so deceptively clever, but on face or very deep value to both common man legal test and "rules of statutory interpretation", only fools fools. As published. At their peril, as they say in law schools.

Terence Mckenna, also a top journalist and another real honest award winning investigative CBC journalist was also there at Richmond Leadership convention with Vancouver Sun Ian Mulgrew when I worked for Turner reporting directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada. Why do I have references from Senators? And asked to speak at McGill, SFU and UBC (and not just on politics) where oddly both Gord and Dan combined oddly both together combined have not. And oddly myself also as a documented media expert at Cossette introducing Goldfarb psychographics in media measurement, and quoted by national financial and computer media? My work featured in New York and LA. But they as documented fake their pathetic authority and superiority, as with their titles, intellect and integrity. Maybe it fools their mindless bully gang to help lie and defame? Not others.

As such for full damages I've been defamed by Dan Spector and Gord Yee support in both academic and business world all across Canada. Plus in film, TV and radio from my work with East Coast "Trailer Park Boys" to Victoria BC young rap artists I worked with. Published and defamed as a suspicious criminal scam. Even if Facebook legal and Police and clergy already say I've done nothing wrong and as hundreds support my efforts as honourable. And 100% volunteer.

Also ask two "real top journalists" Mulgrew and Mckenna,  if I "also" work for "free" to bust criminal slime in film unions, women beaters, tax cheats and frauds. Even if again also outnumbered by bullies and very similar liars thinking themselves as so very very clever. For free? Others have seen me stand up to other bullies both physically and intellectually.

Both top journalists briefed in my previous case with ugly lying union executives. And do ask why exactly I don't fear very expensive Hollywood and Union lawyers? Key question? Yes, a very stupid union executive also defamed, insulted and bullied the wrong weak old man years before as well. And kinda funny they - as also as so clever, also called police. Also to fake their legitimacy as well and with exact same similar BS about in their hearts to protect children. This intimidation failed as well. Big time. This now the second time frauds tried that very stupid move of calling police on me and backfires again, and also again as key oddly suggesting I endanger children. Liars are so dramatic. Such dejavu? West Van police then helped me. Big time. As Montreal police will as well when truth "all" told and motive blatant in this very similar sick case.

Police really don't like when they find out lying slime use them as private paid puppets, props and pawns to fake legitimacy by cowardly bully frauds as community heroes to defame.

Yes, I've helped get CEOs, CAs and MBAs fired or asked to resign. Nothing new here for me. Just the lower level and youth of human scum here a bit new.

I also helped the BC legal world with my volunteer LAC work. Or ask others when on Board of Directors of a Public Company if I'm also rather nasty dealing with similar sick deceitful slime in corporations exactly, and even those with divisional president titles? Just as I have as with union executive big shots and local presidents also abusing shareholder and/or public trust with similar lies and deception. Have always liked courtrooms from Small Claims to Criminal Courts. Also enjoyed doing CRTC appeals "alone" and outnumbered with tribunals as well. The power of truth the sharpest sword. My mentors another story?

Now time for junior junk journalists like Dan Spector, as also deceitful defaming and as helping liars with his idiot buddy puppy cage test and torture top sales pro Gordon Yee, as to now both also  honestly get to know me. Just like others have.

And more fun is in both cases police called on me based on lies and wrongful prosecution. Being honest I don't fear police at all? See below my work with polygraph technology to bust liars. In fact most have helped me. And in both cases backfired big time on liars and losers. Financially that stupidity made it impossible to leave film business for years. And still more seeds to sow. See below. Back then also about two dozen slime also defamed me. Sadly 475 documented their support for me. 475 vs. 24? And the 475 oddly also more educated, accomplished, honest.

Mckenna as a "real honest top award winning CBC  journalist", also oddly knows of my forty year friendship with former acting Law Faculty chair at UBC and an internationally recognized Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar. Her other Oxford Legal buddy also helped me deal with other slime mentioned above. And they both made me dinner. Both media and legal friends served salmon.  I protected my Oxford buddy's husband in a fight once? We also "all" sailed together at one time. With both media and legal. I think they will make more honest judges of my motives and character then the slime in Dan Spector's world? Yes? No? How I got to know literal media legends and very honest and noble class acts in media like, Rafe Mair, Jack Webster, Stuart McLean and Nick Auf der Maur and as fun guys. And other legends in BC. How I ended up reporting directly and why to Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada, another story for later in court. If need be to entertain.

And as hard honest fact what "Exactly" have I honestly done wrong? Exactly? And to warrant a gang of cyber bullies with fuel from Dan Spector negative deceptive article for other social media, as to honestly warrant an attack by over two dozen documented uninformed or intentionally misinformed, very documented morons and their psychological cyberbully profile as such?

And ask others as well, why I'm considered kind and charitable by those who "honestly" know me. Or ask if one old girlfriend a former photo editor at Maclean's Magazine. Another a "real" psychologist. Seems those far more accomplished in media, far more honest and more educated in media and law, not only trust me, like me, but some also willing to marry me?  Including two real "honest" psychologists? How very odd Dan felt his very different deceitful and clearly misleading biased and malicious and duplicitous story was "newsworthy" as law defines?

What was his real motive? Yes indeed, what was Dan's real motive for such bias, malice and deceit? What was his real motive? To warn and protect West Island or show off to his very ugly lying friends? Which? Was poor Dan Spector just another aid and abet puppet to help Gord Yee's damaged ego. More to follow below.

Other friends and contacts have included magazine and community paper publishers and major producers who I socialized with, and oddly also know me as a nice guy.  And never as a "suspicious scam" needing police called - or even really newsworthy. However, I have been quoted in Financial Post to Computer publications. So defamed in media as well.

And some do know many do fear me? Afraid of eye contact with an honest man, some even moved towns or cross the street at the sight of me. Just criminals and human slime my targets. How odd? As such I have a small feel for both media and law. And defamation. At the highest levels. All across Canada. See below. Liars and losers and bullies have suffered me since grade school. Fact check.

Most of above also not aware that my old roommate another buddy a former BC Criminal Court Judge and actual friend on Facebook. Dan didn't research that either? A guy I "helped" when out of Law School. Back when roommates and still years later still Facebook friends?  Dan missed that a BC criminal court Judge a friend right on Facebook but clearly made obvious and documented Gord Yee a very sick and deceitful enemy? How odd a Criminal Court Judge has me as a friend and a nobody low level junk journalist and his impressive lying friends have what "honourable" judgement of me and exactly what friends? All easy to prove, as also well documented and dozens of witnesses. And they defamed me? A weak old man. Damages defaming me in my academic, media, legal and finance world all across Canada and parts of US? Sounds expensive.

Or ask if a former on-air Global TV on-air financial expert (now at CBC) was an intern I also helped. When others wouldn't?

What would these honest and far more accomplished journalists, publishers, broadcasters, legal scholars, Grey Nuns, lawyers, and a criminal court judge and on camera personalities, who do oddly honestly know me, think of Dan Spector's and Gordon Yee's gang and their demonstrated and documented very sick and cowardly deceitful defamation? And their ego driven very fake authority as to dare judge or defame anyone? And bully, lie, and insult, harass and threaten what once appeared a weak old man? Plus as a distinct and separate legal issue cripple and kill a small honest volunteer community effort to honour community heroes?

Their credentials a very sad joke of who and what they really honestly are as fact. As documented. And the slimes combined lack of intellect and integrity and documented abuse of public trust evident? And bullying an old man they foolishly thought weak. What kind of cowards bully and insult an old man? And more sick and ugly further defamed an honest volunteer effort to recognize real honest heroes?

And their twisted clever cyber bully gang friends will be thought just how very clever, after all the real honest facts? The slime have no idea how obvious they are to those more intelligent, far more honest, and far more educated than a puppy dog cage test and torture sales star and a "certificate" cyber security expert?  The article based on added facts the courts can now see shows how twisted the objective of targeted malice by deceitful defaming bias was.

NOTE: I only talk about my connections and charitable work here, as when needed, and as needed, as here in this legal case, as such? Never before. Fact check. Why they thought I was just another old man easy to bully, intimidate, threaten, defame, insult, harass and call police on, is because sadly for them I don't self promote. Or they'd be idiots to do what they did if knowing who I was and a few of who I knew. Word-of-mouth, recommendations, awards and academic and media recognition I guess adequate for me i don't need to fully self-promote?  They should have done more honest research on me. And still should?

I never blow my horn other than with other bullies in legal matters. Many long time friends still know little or nothing of my many good deeds. All do know some small part to support me and my claims as fact, but not the total or even half of my good deeds? Ask them. Together, however, they do know enough to prove both the total and how silent I am for decades of my good deeds? And where certainly rather loud in other matters. Many family and friends will be surprised reading this blog as I never mentioned many good deeds.

Some Saul Alinsky and "Laskin" and some time in university law classes on legal realism and I think I'm an expert. Maybe I spent too many years reading too many obiter dictum and ratio decidendi stuff, debating Superior court decisions with Revenue Canada and CRTC, and all adding to my confusion and foundation as also studying formal logic and statutory interpretation and linguistics, and oddly starting in Montreal. Can I handle the sophist word games of Dan Spector and Gordon Yee? And their lawyers? Bets?

The slime certainly failed to do any honest minimal research before defaming me or even simply counting my real fan base and critical metrics and forty plus years of honourable volunteer work, that they so recklessly defamed. And with my charitable efforts dwarfing any of their community efforts.  Possibly combined.

My friends might think I'd play international currencies short and day trades to legally screw an international bank (to give to the poor), as far more likely than, as article suggested as a suspicious criminal scam exploiting hometown flood victims and heroes. And the idiots even state I'd use some nice small community effort as a cover to exploit real honest heroes and tearful tragic victims and their scared children. Plus as per article adds I could crash their computers and further endanger children publishing their names?  How stupid is stupid? How sick is sick? Read on. It gets worse for the slime.

There's other friends to note later who will also differ with Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and not just legal and other scholars, top journalists, producers, publishers and a criminal court judge. Including some rather prominent Montreal and Vancouver families with even university buildings named after their families. Now they with others sadly also defamed by their association with me and their university buildings and businesses as such suffer these lies by cyber bully ignorant punks. And this must be noted for damage done and damage awards.

See my very few allowed facebook friends for more hints? Those who know me from West Island tennis and yacht clubs to my being best man at certain weddings. Did the man from Toronto who once owned the Gazette Building and tiny wee little Northern Electric building and other Montreal Skyline silhouettes, trust me? Liked me and trust me? A historical hero whose generosity also well known. A key mentor.  Bets?

And do judge honestly, if junior junk journalist Dan Spector at Global News in Montreal, an absolute deceptive idiot soon making legal history, not doing minimal honest research before he maliciously aids and abets helping punk nobody cyber bullies defame my forty years of honest volunteer efforts as per article. Exactly.

Not simply my career and reputation they all defamed. And in this specific case this defamation effort against my volunteer help to honour real heroes. Like my mentors. How sick is sick? They certainly defamed and bullied the wrong old man?

Some find it amusing their gross stupidity and with their defaming deceit made so very obvious. And so well documented and best in their own so very  clever chosen words, and thus beyond debate or any wordplay. And so critical the lack of minimal research before all shooting their clearly ignorant and arrogant mouths off, calling police, then bragging about calling police to others, even contacting Facebook to pull me as also very serious legally. Fortunately Facebook legal smarter than Gordon Yee and far more honest as well. And in both cases looking like a major legal joke now and as a future reference for all Canadian law students. As oddly both police and Facebook support I did nothing wrong. As documented. Should get a few laughs in court at sick slimes expense? And then also having a junior junk journalist deceitful punk showing off his abuse of his "employer's or editors blind trust, readership trust and advertiser trust, and abuse of fiduciary power, kinda fun stuff for any courtroom and legal classroom. Ya' think?

Did Dan Spector do this deceitful defamation construct as embarrassed as just a part-time junior junk journalist just filling mortar space for advertiser merit? And so sadly to try and show off to slime friends, what a top investigative reporter he could so deceitfully can "fake" being? Plus demonstrate his power lust for a sick deceitful abuse of even minimal position and power. Plus further very seriously misleading and deceiving all Global readers by his clever word play and design? And as well promoting very fake dishonest fraud community heroes? True? False?

As such, even his very rude friend at CJAD could hardly impress or "intimidate" me. Another junk junior demanding unearned respect documented as very very repugnant now. I dated a CJAD personalities daughter. And another friend on Facebook father a rather noted major CJAD personality as well? My old best friend also worked at CJAD. And he dated a present CTV news nightly host.
Funny I've had friends at CBC, CTV and various print publications and radio stations and none at Global News? None oddly finding me a suspicious criminal scam or deserving of such targeted malicious bias?

See Dan Spectors article to see how other deceptive idiots also defame my efforts and article fueled a mob frenzy of morons. As documented. And even more foolish called police on me. As other idiots had tried also before trying to legitimize their deceit. Nothing new for me here? At all.

Here again below is the link of Dan Spector's national published defaming article that critically helped mushroom the defaming frenzy of other well documented and published recorded lies, insults, threats, by cyber bullies ganging up all on one lonely friendless old man to defame as criminal. Economic interference? All at same time. And for wrongful prosecution to public mischief crimes, as calling the police - that they also all aid and abet in their petty power trip echoing chants. As documented. See Criminal Code ref for aid and abet below.

Let others judge all the facts. Like real judges. Honest facts. Using police like they were their private paid puppets, pawns or props for wrongful prosecution, that they document, that they all aid and abet, as to create false legitimacy as community heroes, seriously very very sick and now also a tiny wee bit criminal. And insanely stupid. Even a bit funny. Have fun at the US border Mr. Lee and friends. And planning vacations in future with a police record on both Canadian and US soil.

New Note: Dan Spector just did an article about recruiting at John Abbott Police Technology Department. Fate? Oddly where I first was educated on Polygraph tools. Later used GSR at Loyola in graduate studies in Biocybernetics. Very soon after a Dean requested speaker at McGill (Canada's Harvard), SFU and UBC. And these unaccomplished human trash try and defame me in front of all Canadian academia and my Federal Government and Fortune 500 clients with lies and deceptive word games. And that I put children at risk? How clever? How stupid? yes, now even defamed at McGill (Canada's Harvard), SFU and UBC. And defamed with the Oxford scholars I know, known now as a suspicious criminal scam police some feel need to investigate. As per Dan Spector's defaming deceitful duplicitous article.

As Dan clearly respects police it appears in both defaming article and on this story: why don't Dan and I both do a handy, fast, easy, simple "volunteer" voice polygraph trusted and used by CIA, FBI, MOSSAD, MI5 and various Canadian police forces? And let all very quickly see exactly who most likely is the real disgusting deceitful liar and loser: "myself "or both "Dan Spector" and bully buddy "Gordon Yee"?  Two of them so they get two chances to fool police and machine. That easy. That simple. That fast. Fair to both Dan Spector  and Gord Yee. And myself. Unlike article.

Yes, of course I know very well poly not admissible in court and volunteer, but as this a criminal matter as police called, we can save both police time and taxpayer money helping them decide if investigation warranted for wrongful prosecution, obstruction, contempt, public mischief stuff? We all want to help police don't we? This is certainly fair to all parties. Very directional and helpful justifying police costs for this very handy technology.  Objective, fair and honest. Unlike defaming Dan Spector's article.

And we can see if calling police used again like their private paid props, pawns and puppets for fake legitimacy, wrongful prosecution and abuse of police time? Fun for police to bust those who abuse police time when oddly, they could be using that wasted time to actually really and honestly save children's lives as also real heroes? Opportunity cost. And ask if police used once again against me to help legitimize liars and losers and backfired as well? True or false. That fast. That easy. I'm in.

My clear claim is Dan Spector 's deceitful and defaming is even in headline and in article below. And have police ask me while I'm wired if my 100% volunteer effort a "scam". Or just more 40 year small nice good guy stuff and if any of my other 40 years plus charitable, volunteer efforts also a "suspicious criminal scam"? Just as article clearly provides for the "common man legal test". Or just stinks of BS by documented liars plus losers in their herd or cyberbully gang? And with poly do ask Dan if his friends deceitful defaming liars and while denying visible reality as documented. Yes or no? Hey, give him and Gord a few tries. Both very new to this truth stuff. I found offering this helpful with West Van RCMP years ago to send others cowardly bullies running in full legal panic and for myself very financially very rewarding.


West Island Residents
"Suspicious" Over Roll-of-Honour Heroes Facebook page. 

(Oddly facts, as hard honest truth, is that most West Island residents not. With over 130 "likes" missed and with reality less than thirty in defaming negative defaming cyberbully gang this kind of misleading trend analysis gets you fired on Wall Street? Kinda misleading math and malicious deceitful claiming highly inflated reference of "West Island"? And real truth is as real fact: "Only 30 cyber bullies max at all possibly suspicious of my honourable efforts" and convoluted at best. This clearly inflated, misleading and deceitful and defaming wordplay plus starting right in headline? True? False?)  Why not say Catholics and Jews suspicious of criminal scam as just as misleading? True? False?

Dan Spector's deceitful and defaming article:

This picture below is exactly what happens when other sick and so full of themselves and greater than God idiots and sick cyber bullies fueled without reason or objectivity. As documented. And why they must suffer the rule of law and common good. And all as such, now must be exposed, ridiculed, ostracized, punished and stopped. And how this much bigger newsworthy news is the real true story here and more newsworthy than original Dan Spector BS. And as should be published by Global News and other media (Hopefully soon CBC 5th Estate) as a warning to all lying cyber bullies. And from other sick Facebook posters to other junior junk fake news journalists. All across Canada. This story has real honest media meat and legs now.

All slime sadly thinking their wordplay works with those more educated, more experienced, more accomplished, more knowledgeable and more honest about real honest facts and so many things.

Funny how Global spells Role not Roll? Editorial mistake? Sloppy about everything? Not just numbers and research as misleading.

When journalists like Dan Spector at Global News in Montreal with clear bias and malice knowingly aid abet a cyber bully frenzy it gets really sick. A gang of cowardly cyber bullies lying and defaming an old man plus a 100% honest volunteer effort, certainly provides further insights into this type of cyberbully human slime. Compare the claims they made about me to this below. Things get obvious fast.

Sad how some with sadly low IQ so quick to shoot their mouths off and defame and insult not knowing truth. As per below. Funny how some very sick people willing to attack those more honest and far more sane. Some lesser minds seek comfort with their own herd types and safety and empowered in mob actions. As well. This also made very clear in this legal case below.

Note: My Montreal friends recommending as my Montreal legal shortlist Mark Bantey, Christian Leblanc, James Woods and Alan Guttman. I helped Mr. Guttman when he was asking for names of a top forensic psychiatrist for a major criminal case. I said my cousin. I did like Gowlings work in Van exposing and crushing dirty sick union executives and making an idiot out of their lawyer. And Mark Bantey has offices at Place Ville Marie when and where Trizec trusted me with money more than CJAD? Oddly I wasn't the suspicious scam as I proved as so embarrassing for CJAD and their problems with math.

Linked above and below is the deceitful defaming disgusting article, that lit the fire on this twisted Montreal to US deceitful witch hunt and international defamation against me (Gord Yee has US friends). And based on lies "stated as fact" by many, and with classic absurd defaming conjecture. Plus article incited others and flowered by synergy and symbiosis into other social media as very key to legal issues. As also so very well documented. Far beyond debate.

The article and other media it mushroomed as more and more misleading, dishonest, defaming. And based on a gang of liars plus losers making statements of fact based on 100% lies. Helped clearly by Global News paid support of part-time junior junk  journalist Dan Spector trying to impress deceitful friends with his "Role" and abuse of position and his abuse of Global employer and Global readers trust. As well as the lies, the ignorance also blatant.

Key to readers: If  similar human bully slime, from a similar nobody very junior junk journalists to a very impressive top regional animal test and torture supply salesperson like Gordon Yee and friends, all ganged up to defame, lie, insult, intimidate, and ridicule YOU or your weak old grandfather (exactly as documented), and even called police based on lies, what would you think and do? Really? If they did it to you?

See all documented facts and even obstructive removal of evidence by some now running scared. How guilty and obvious? As with very obvious juvenile efforts at entrapment. Seems they wanted to also try and blackmail me as well, when the fear and panic set in for some. Seems to some they lied about and bullied the wrong old man? Also well documented.

How sick is sick? Maybe some should Google the psychiatric research on such deceitful and defaming cyberbullies to profile this culture or exact cult dynamics. We did. For fun also Google "profile of seniors doing volunteer work". Some idiots defame even Jimmy Carter.

Kinda funny these sick defaming sleaze not realising their lies not obvious to those with higher intellect and accomplishment. If I don't fear top Hollywood and expensive Union lawyers as documented to bikers with guns, just how stupid they must be to think their tiny junior journalist titles could ever possibly intimidate me. Or I should respect a lying nobody mouse and puppy test and torture cage salesperson like Gordon Yee and bully friends as authorities on all matters? Idiots?

And then they got their lowest level Junior Junk Journalists buddy to dare aid and abet and try and intimidate you - and they even called police, how would you feel? Or they did it to your weak old grandfather? Really how would you feel? And more strange when you get tough and angry at their lies and insults on your page - and "combative" the bullies think you not normal? What a well documented joke on the liars and losers. Considering all real honest facts. Is being "combative" with lying bullies defaming you plus an honest community effort not normal? Who first insult, lie and defame you? And on your web page.
I guess lying slime gang caught off guard when I didn't respond like some weak old man? And took them all on. Alone!

I fortunately have many various resources and legal connections, so they could not scare me nor ever impress me. Now they run. Now they hide. Cowardly bullies now afraid to go "one-on-one" in any public forum, or with bigger media or courts? Or do police volunteer non-admissible voice polygraph to show they are what they claim to be and not really very sad fakes as they must fear, as so clear they are liars and losers?

I will do a poly. No fear here. And provide sworn statement which is very admissible. As I will. As I can. Can they? All of them as compurgation to concur? In needed full solidarity?

As you read below see how they ganged up to defame, ridicule, insult an old man and how these cowardly creepy bullies in their demented illusions thought their numbers of twenty against one and their very nobody titles and absurd "authoritative posturing" could intimidate me. The ladies helping defame also of note in article and on social media with others documented below with their lies as statement of fact. Did idiots try and insult, defame and bully the wrong weak old man? Let others judge.

It will be very clear how they picked the wrong old man in so very many ways below. With more surprises to follow. And even more sick and disgusting crippling and killing a real 100% honest, 100% volunteer "nice little effort" to simply honour "real honest" heroes. Not the smartest move by these disgusting, deceitful defaming cyber bullies and their mob leaders and possibly mind damaged media support.

Doing no honest minimal research they now all look like very sad pathetic and very obvious liars and losers, all clearly ganging up on an old man. The wrong old man. Like they may have others in their past and now fully busted?  As documented. Let others judge. Like both criminal and defamation courts plus public opinion, police and other media when real whole truth "honestly" ALL told?

Here's the joke or one more simple sample trap: If any truth "at all" in their so very cowardly disgusting deceitful claims and lies as to warrant this exact article, with the so-called authorities as referenced, and defaming me as a "suspicious" as a criminal "scam" nationally, and as a warning to others simply:

The slime cowardly cyberbully gang should have absolutely no problem "at all" also doing sworn affidavits warranting warning DND and NRC that my strange security status also a "suspicious" "scam" and add their name signed and impressive credentials. If true? And providing sworn statements to support previous claims by all in gang to police as more criminal wrongful prosecution? If they are honest this should be no problem. At all. For all? If in reality as liars and losers doing this as I claim, this sets them up for real jail time - well at least on weekends cleaning garbage off highways- and a record with police and headhunters. And at border. Will they bite the bait.  Have used this before.

Even add how if Facebook legal disagrees with the liars and losers and even real honest police state I've done nothing wrong, this kinda supports I'm doing nothing wrong. And they still do. And now with hundreds of others supporting I did nothing wrong to be defamed as legally defined and as documented.

They can now show once again and show off how much smarter they are than both police and Facebook legal, my legal and media friends and prove they are now not totally busted as very fake lying fraud community heroes and just ALL do sworn statements against me. That simple. Makes so much so very obvious. To so many. Fast. Think hard now of the loud legal optics if afraid to "all" swear under oath their statements valid as defined by law. And what a gold mine for me? Ask a lawyer how this works.

Having been helped by dozens of lawyers in the past in BC and including Montreal lawyer Cookie Lazarus when suffering other bullies and cheats, I may know more than others how legal realism works. Idiots talk big but literally within an hour I had a cheque delivered. Some lawyers advise loser and lying clients to write a cheque and run it appears? Knowing as friends Charlotte Fineberg and a lady from Greene Ave as a member of Club of Rome also helped. My two fairy godmothers I'd call for help when young. Why Cookie never billed me.

Seems by article slime just looking for vain ego gratification and free ad space and now gets very risky. And they should also send these claims to my Federal political contacts who I worked with or for, like Sen. Fitzpatrick and Sen. Grafstein, and my few media contacts as well with the EXACT same claims?  If honest. And honestly not a low life gang of lying cyberbullies. Yes, the slime should protect all my friends and business contacts from me if what they claim, suggest even remotely true? As published. Put up or shut up? If valid then, still valid now. Should be? Or NOT? Or never was?  They could have helped but decided to cripple and kill and honest effort to honour real heroes. And bully, insult and defame a weak old man?

This below the defaming, needless and very misleading article that lit the fire to mushroom similar abuse. As documented below.

Points to ponder:

As per pain and punitive: "...the judge said was necessary to satisfy the interests of justice and denounce the conduct." I like that. Sounds very expensive.

"Malaysia outlaws 'fake news'; sets jail of up to six years"? It appears now in Malaysia, we could possibly put Dan Spector and his other junior junk journalists and puppy cage testing and torture friends away for eight years, considering real truth vs. the disgusting deceitful added factors by Dan and friends like Gordon Yee helping below fueling a defamation frenzy?

Testing: A Global News possible CARP advertiser boycott may make some think about abusing seniors?

Hopefully, Global News who now has many good writers stained by association with this junior junk journalist, will now put a far more senior, far more honest, and much more trusted and respected Global News reporter on this story like Anne Leclair? I think a great idea.

This to cover this story as it now mushrooms all across Montreal. And as such will satisfy the courts as now easily Global far more newsworthy and far more trustworthy than original article and easily for far more public good. And just simply doing the honest and right thing to be fair. Too much to ask of Global to "show remorse" as they say in making legal awards?

And doing a new honest story so Global now gets all the real honest facts and regains some credibility as an honest and objective local Montreal news source? And fires Dan Spector for obvious and very well documented reasons detailed below with related and very supporting case law. Putting Dan the deceitful dummy on recent small grade school stories now about hockey team tragedy that even high schools news ignore as hardly unique, or news, now very  amusing. And might be safe so his ability to deceive now limited. What next preschool?

See plethora of points below. More than just lies and defamation here.

The intellect and integrity of this malicious, deceitful false, fake, news by Dan Spector and very sad and sick lying friends like Gordon Yee as documented torn to shreds below. Some think I can be as nasty as I am kind and generous.

Below are legal case reference and awards added, so no more silly debating with idiots. And with his article's published multiple misrepresentations, claims, conjecture and innuendo as to aid and abet clearly and honestly now exposed.

Add Dan Spector's very blatant fraudulent concealment or deceptive omission to his clever sophist fallacy wordplay and his very selective all star, all very biased, all one-sided authorities. His deceptive duplicitous games will now haunt him for years. Years. And follow his sad junior struggling career. This only just? Only fair? See why below. And when no honest unbiased minimal research and clear malicious targeted biased deceitful defaming an old man so very clear. As documented.

As I've proven in the past, even very expensive big shot union and Hollywood lawyers no match for truth, documented evidence and rule of law. Others have spent over a hundred thousand dollars trying to scare me with lawyers letters. Failed. How much will these sick ugly cowardly gang of cyber bullies willing to spend for some lawyers to also try and best play me and my few friends? Clear their very pathetic petty titles and a couple of dozen liars failed to scare me. Will their standard regular lawyer do the same? As documented.

Read the defaming malicious article (link above) then consider the many serious and disgusting facts below. With the abuse it fuelled. Will my forty to fifty year friends who know me very well from Oxford Legal and even Oxford Science Scholars, to those who knew Justin's Dad from both work and play and those who know of my work directly reporting to the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford, think Dan Spector a very sick disgusting and deceitful punk? And very full of himself and his buddies tiny titles - or are people to best believe Dan Spector and Gordon Yee? Both as hardly honourable people? As quoted. As documented? Many feel I'm far more honourable than many politicians, priests and many journalists. Fact check. And I get defamed by morons with no better targets for their abusive character like real criminals?

Odd, how I lived with a guy in Ottawa who has worked with the RCMP for over ten years and he trusted me with his house, car, dogs, credit card and others trusted me with their children. Never-ever thinking me suspicious and/or a scam?
Odd? Why "really" did Dan do this article. The real honest truth?

And odd those who don't literally know anything about me, think and state as honest and as published fact I'm a suspicious criminal scam and state it as fact or makes clear to the legal common man test that defaming communications extremely clear. Ask Shaw/Corus/Global's head of legal as also Osgoode, about the legal optics.They settle out of court so often to avoid case law. Like dirty unions do when busted.

We will compare exactly their ignorant judgement and impressive credentials from education to experience  and real honest charitable history with mine and my support compared with both Dan Spector and Gordon Yee "combined" plus their mindless slime gang's support. And against those who know me better and for over forty years. Real facts. And my forty years of honourable charity work for over forty years also defamed. Even including my volunteer work for "ALL" BC lawyers helping with LAC.  For free? And add the exact evidence as documented. Seems as hard fact I help lawyers and police. And I still owe West Van police as such class, intellect and integrity. And not because a dear friend married one.

In all honesty and fairness, for all to note, Gordon Yee is in honest reality just a top regional mouse and puppy prison, test and torture cage and supply salesperson. How impressive for courts and legal to consider. Salesmanship his skill so animals also suffer?  And thus both deserve a fair measure of respect. Plus also deserving added minimal respect, Gordy also a top local Pointe Claire Toastmaster. A sales star and good with words? We certainly have our hands full. Feel our fear?

Let courts judge as objective. Was Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada wrong to trust me with millions in money and votes and so many others to trust me (including police), and yet nobody life losers and liars like Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and their gang of sick slime cyber bullies, while literally so much far less accomplished, far less educated and far less honest, as documented, in their clear cyberbully defamation, best to be "trusted" than those in my "real world", that I'm really a "suspicious criminal scam" and based on what evidence EXACTLY - that silly evidence stuff courts like and as documented idiots sadly ignore and worse when reverse onus?

Do they lie? Do they live in world and life of lies? A life of lies as sales people good with babble like Gordon Yee and "story tellers" as Dan promotes himself as? As documented. Guess what courts will think after ALL real honest full facts established? As one of my top mentors Joseph D. Carrier advised, "if you can't force people to be honest, then force them to tell more lies"?


We "think" that courts will "think" exactly like BOTH Facebook legal "think" and Police "think": that I did nothing wrong. And as literally hundreds supported "think"as this effort was very honourable including REAL HONEST HEROES as exactly documented "think" (See below and above). And do most certainly add two documented apologies and remorse by former cyberbullies in their gang who now also "think" seeing the obvious? And do also add what all my friends and family "think"? And what will courts will "think" of documented nobody losers drunk on illusions of power to abuse employer, public trust and those who lie and intimidate, defame and insult a weak old man - as they once thought. Why not still lying bullies? Odd? And further defame, cripple and kill an honest volunteer community effort to honour real heroes. Dan Spector and Gordon Yee who both document their clear deceitful desire to oddly dramatically differ with police and Facebook legal to top legal minds and my few friends should be worth getting bigger news coverage . And with big pictures of the whole defaming gang in a new "honest" article?

Even my old intern and former on-air Global Investment advisor now at CBC and other media friends, publishers and producers to my legal friends in West Island to Victoria who "honestly" know me, what will they seriously "think" exactly of the deceitful small man complex intellect and integrity of chubby little defaming Dan Spector and Gordon Yee twins? What do ya' think? Small man complex? Narcissistic deceitful sick sad show-offs?

The key question for courts for those of integrity and merit:

Am I a newsworthy "suspicious" dishonest criminal "scam" as published article communicates to the common man legal test? Or not? That simple. Or are these cyber bullies, as so very well documented deceitful disgusting, delusional punks abusing public trust better trusted?

UPDATED: Jan 5, 2019.   Official 2019 national media blog distribution and launch December 30, 2018, if no settlement with Global News for damages done. Then we play hardball and years of legal "realism" mind games.

Pageviews last month 638 Pageviews all time history 5,618.  Yes, many in West Island now know much about the very cowardly, corrupt, deceitful disparaging and defaming Dan Spector and big shot cyberbully Toastmaster Gordon Yee. Soon thousands. Some pages viewsare rereads as some know lawyers and very scared. Which is very reasonable as you read below.

From Downtown Montreal to Rigaud the truth, pictures and names of these very sleazy lying cowardly creepy bullies to be very well known. More exposure the better. And now some real honesty, now with both sides of story now told. So many more now watching and reading Dan Spector's articles and video news and his cute chubby face and almost manly beard, and now knowing his face and name and very clear documented duplicitous and deceitful nature. As documented. Smart career move. Lucky for Dan I only know a few dozen people in media at higher levels.

Note: We have until May 30, 2019 as per "allowance" and prescription in Quebec Law to file for any lawsuits for damage to reputation in Superior Court (85K+). Longer if proof of helping a cancer patient and other matters while also being bullied and defamed? As of now have senior accomplished "honest" real top award winning journalists who can support me as certainly NOT a criminal scam and makes very clear what a sick ugly junior junk journalist Dan Spector honestly is, and by Spector clearly helping as clear aid and abet with his major nobody cyber bully friends to deceitfully, defame, harass, intimidate and ridicule an old man. All on an ego-power trip it appears, and their clear conspiracy and abuse of public trust as such far more than evident. Such an ignorant and arrogant deceitful group? As documented.

Odd, they once had no problem insulting, defaming an old man who they once thought weak and knew nothing about and the bullies and slime thought wouldn't dare fight back. Back when they thought I was a weak old man once with no friends or contacts and that gets no "Likes" on his Facebook pages. 19,000 "Likes" is evidence (See Below) they were very wrong on many other things as well so sick arrogant and ignorant. The idiots missed my obvious few friends include a forty year friend a BC Criminal Court Judge as my Facebook friend. Great research? Such self serving one-sided research beyond belief. A double entendre? Losers? And liars?

Plus, now add I now have two superior experts in cyber security as well who both outclass Terry Culture by both real university education and real graduate degrees to their big clients such as military and the major banks, and who might just find his sick added needless malicious authoritative fiduciary/professional sick defaming statements against me total BS. And more as to self promote, not able to afford advertising. And such poor screen presence and far superior competition. He's free to promote himself in any desperate way possible, but not at this old man's expense! His?

Whose web page honestly more suspicious of a scam Well Fargo or my Facebook page? Honestly? Donald Trump University or mine? Be honest. Amuzing, as now kinda highly suspicious why a such cyber security expert would have such a blatant big very biased malicious focus all on my little 100% honest modest Facebook page, and with so much nasty defaming speculation, conjecture and innuendo? And void of solid and critical fact? And based on absolutely no minimal standard of care and due diligence for real honest research. And I expect he also knew both Facebook plus police in even Montreal could see I've done nothing wrong to even warrant an article? Isn't there something more real and far more "honest" he could be doing? His persona and credibility also as documented by his own words.

And even more odd are his sick claims related to my possible criminality when in absolute honest fact neither police nor Facebook legal oddly feel any problem? At all? But this hardly real cyber security master so very oddly "suspicious" of me? And based on what EXACTLY? Just hearsay from liars and losers his foundation? And more strange, again, this when even police CLEARLY stated I'd done nothing wrong and even Facebook legal reviewed my page (2) twice as all legal and acceptable with literally hundreds oddly also in full "HONEST" documented support? Fact check. Facebook noted this. Dan Spector didn't. Dan as such a duplicitous deceptive documented defaming slime appears as documented Dan not only dumb, but dumb and dishonest. Was he bullied and sold by hard sell Gordon Yee sales tricks to risk possibly his whole career defaming an old man, just so Gordon Yee could try and impress and intimidate me with his ego trip  and impress various ladies he's not a failed moron? Poor Dan a victim of being bullied and sold?

Hundreds thought my efforts honourable. As they honestly should. Odd how a few dozen slime "all obviously connected" my only problem and so well documented and dated with timestamps, as both arrogant and ignorant as per article and the mushrooming defamation on other social media this article also fueled. My only problem? Why?

And further add when everything I did so "very very" bare bones and so transparent. Too honest? And more weird no money involved? Zero. And no personal or private info needed. At all. As documented. And I clearly wasn't looking for friends? Or even girlfriends. Mine impressive enough. And the cyber security expert babbles what defaming speculative needless malicious BS?

Side note: In all honesty, when my efforts when anonymous before idiots dared me to reveal myself, when absurdly easy to check, the only recognition I wanted was from one family member who establishes my high standards and target for community effort?  The added FB "likes" and documented support I've had before. For years. Just have one hero I need to impress who inspires as my many great mentors did.

And then with my very minor credentials alone, I will make a such a sad joke of the mouse cage sales star Gordon Yee and his other noted accomplishments and cyber bully defaming cowardly character. He likes being very sick and insulting, and thinking himself so very very clever, hope he can take it as well as he gives it. And when not huddled in the false safety of a created crowd of his other cowardly cyber bullies and junk journalists friends who aid and abet him? As documented. As defined by law. And I'm better in courtroom than as writer. And was paid well as a writer for a Prime Minister. Even Fortune 500 companies like 7-Eleven paid $300 for a half page of my babble.

And add even more obvious my ladies, as per below also far more accomplished academically, as journalists and legal, and much more honest than the vain, deceptive self serving self glorifying female trash Dan Spector also builds his BS defaming article with. And clearly far more attractive and accomplished. Chatelaine and Maclean's would appear to agree. Also very obvious.

These three small man complex overweight fat faced small minds will be obvious as to what they are exactly, and best just using their own words and their own disgusting narcissistic self promoting videos against them in court. We are now almost ready for a full legal war. My legal resources outlined below. My turn to be as insulting and demeaning but I'll only use truth and real facts. As the law allows. I could lie to defame as law allows victims but have higher standards. i also avoid profanity.

Fire Dan Spector and all those like him? 

Or is Global like FOX and with even more like him on staff? One bad apple makes so many others look so very bad? So "suspect"? Possibly as stupid? Fair to say? Will Dan Spector be the future Sean Hannity to Andrew Scheer when Canada sick of dance video and drama lessons as diplomacy?

Very Serious.

Seriously, and sadly, think how dangerous if we don't hold "all media" accountable for their journalist's sick cowardly abuse of public trust, readers, advertisers, with such malicious deceptions. And don't ensure they are reported and fully ridiculed and exposed and career suspended for a few years? Or life?

To let any in such fiduciary positions and very serious public trust feeling free to use false facts to innuendo, that justly hurts media ad revenue, and unjustly the trusting public - to the very clear direct victims of their lies and with very clear misrepresentations, not very progressive. This as informational fraud as per law, also very sickening, cowardly and unjust. As awards and damages below far more than simply suggest.

If all slime not held accountable, this is very dangerous from commerce to all political reporting. Honest objective news an "essential service" in any attempted honest progressive democracy and for respect for rule of law. Freedom of speech and "OPINION" an absolute. However, lies, abuse of position, malice, bias and defaming those of 100% honest merit and 100% honest effort as to appear to the common person as per law as a "scam" and "suspicious" must be exposed and punished and full recovery for damages covered. We can't all play stupid to all forms and real rules of statutory legal interpretation and think a disguise as "opinion" not blatantly as malicious, and when so very clear it aids and abets others clearly stated LIES.

Much more disgusting if slime in all their documented ignorance and arrogance, as documented, also posturing frauds faking as community heroes. And based on lies. And easy to prove they have no meaningful honest legal facts for their deceptive statements of fact.

We don't like it when misrepresentations or fraudulent concealment by criminal car mechanics or mobile phone salespeople, or simple MA's in psychology, who also document a form of reckless negligence and thematic fiduciary malpractice. And we must take legal action. Same with media and sad nobody junior junk journalists and their very clear helping aid and abet their cyberbully ignorant and far too arrogant, cowardly bully friends, also as well documented. And moreso when given such a digital soapbox to scream their lies from. Any of the slime want to debate me in any public forum and one-on-one? Or with police voice poly? Cowards? Bullies? Liars? Losers?

And media must, with their own writers, for basic credibility, demand the same code of conduct they so oddly promote and publish as their own comment guidelines for readers like Global. Or simply just suffer more and more serious credibility and big time ad revenue problems. The documented hypocrisy of note.

We critically need a trusted objective news source in any democracy. Not souls for sale to peer group pressure. Not to help sad and sick small men complex bullies and ladies with low self esteem issues and too much makeup or too little? We need honest and objective news? Not slime supported motivated for profit or for petty, pathetic, pompous, posturing of postulates and power, with needless and meaningless prophetic personal insights as to legally defame any, must be crushed. Yes, I'm having fun.

Using police as their props, paid puppets and pawns to fake legitimacy also highly transparent and duplicitous to those with a much higher IQ than they as so very clearly document. See below for more brilliance by this cyber bully gang of human slime.

Positions used for abuse of position, as such, we must both objectively and honestly investigate, prosecute and fully punish. And expose their names to public. And all those who breach this social contract and law, or aid and abet must now suffer themselves for who and what they really honestly are.

Yes, I listened when Senator Eugene Forsey during a lecture in law class screamed in my face me on public duty and was baptized by his spit. I felt honoured? Three lectures on legal realism and I think I'm an expert? I certainly had great mentors and great teachers. Many. Not just Ron Basford and Oxford scholars.


Will Troy Reeb, Senior Vice-President of Global News and their legal department, as based solidly on case law below or HBR marketing realism, fire Dan Spector ASAP? Or make him go down further from old news grade school reporting to preschool coverage. Or in all honesty, believe that junior junk journalist Dan Spector doing local news in Montreal, with such well documented criminal defamatory clickbait, really helps Global revenue, readership and advertisers? Share values? FNE actuarial analytics? Get real?

And there are literally thousands of far better writers looking for work. Junior and senior. Far better. And far more honest. As documented. My journalist friends were covering international news stories when younger than Dan from Jonestown to death of Elvis Presley. Not grade schools. Hope Global covered Dan's gas to get to the Kirkland grade school. I was still in university when put on contract by CBC as national media liaison? Why is Dan's career so pathetic he needs to respect a mouse cage sales star? I was invited to write creative for Justin's Dad working with Bronfman PR firm on Sherbrooke and Guy just out of university. Based on my other success in Montreal. And why also a Dean requested speaker at McGill. And not because Dr. Gerald Bull at McGill my client.

You only have to murder once to live with the name murderer. Same with any journalist proven and documented as so very disgusting, cowardly, deceitful and defaming. Can Dan ever be trusted on any story where a conflict of interest so blatant? Or even a mouse cage or puppy prison test and torture sales star like Gordon Yee also certainly not above the rule of law. They are now as well documented fact deceitful and defaming liars and losers. Fact check.

Funny how so easy I can prove their very well documented deceit and bullying as real documented fact. And yet the slime literally can't prove anything other then what? I use "Cap Lock" on a keyboard when some princess thought I was her junior hired help? How does this arrogant abusive little girl treat waiters and waitresses. Yes, they look very silly. And very sick. And very obvious. And add when police say I did "nothing wrong" and the former Attorney General of Canada trusts me as with "extremely highly decorated" honest Veterans? I've also helped very distinguished veterans and seniors for free. But based on Dan's detective defaming article seems I'd exploit tragic food victims and heroes for $10.00?

And everyone who knows me, knows how absolutely ridiculous any premise or postulate that, as I appear by this sickening deceitful and so misleading article, as a "suspicious" and as a criminal "scam". And as to my communicated "PSYCHO" motive as article supports to exploit real honest flood heroes plus tragic victims. PLUS damage their family computers, PLUS publish children's names, PLUS use uppercase type, just a bit over the top and more than simply very very strange defamatory overkill as per Dan Spector's article so clearly lacking honest integrity and intellect on so many levels? Certainly very absurd when all "honest" facts factored. A bit sick. A bit obvious.

Why won't Dan Spector defend himself? And do more articles on me and this issue? And get other one-sided experts again to state the same? Legal optics revealing?

And more obvious and sick, do some still really "honestly" think any support for Dan Spector 's defamation efforts, as documented, plus his helping incite, plus legitimizing others disgusting lies (aid and abet), will also help the Global Brand in Montreal as truth spreads from churches to schools, homes and business?

This case also clearly about the "synergy and symbiosis" with social media factors on Facebook and other social media frenzy. We can't paraphrase reality and timelines in real courts like Dan Spector with Gordon Yee and friends did with his garbage published grossly misleading article in National media. Let the documents, timelines and evidence speak to court rooms.

And can Global senior management "honestly" think that Dan Spector 's clear and too obvious 100% one-sided support for a bunch of his very well documented very cowardly cyberbully friends, and as all well documented, defaming, insulting and ridiculing an old man, really a smart business practice for Global News to ignore? What would they say at Wharton or Western? At McGill, Loyola and Carleton? Or SFU?

What will CARP think of Global News and support for defamation and bullying, harassing, ridiculing, and abusing a "senior old man" and his 100% honest community effort to simply and modestly honour real community heroes. This clearly as to honestly honour heroes and beyond debate - an effort now crippled and killed by this junior junk journalism? As documented. Global shouldn't worry about seniors as they don't read newspapers or have any time for online reading and now leaving for more trustworthy media like CBC and Gazette? My story already getting around. Some retailers have sale days dedicated to seniors - who can ignore that ad revenue? Global? Will stock drop another $5.00? Not doing to well as per above? Fire Dan Spector as obvious spot fill between the saturation of advertising. Adding ad frequency about as honest as radio reps talking value of all reach plans for advertisers.

Plus, do seriously add as a total separate legal matter additionally Dan Spectors aid and abet defaming, crippling and killing as well a 100% honest volunteer charitable community effort, hardly makes Global credible? Or "likeable" or "trustworthy" as the say in marketing research and focus groups? And with other media metrics? Point made?

Plus, then add Dan's help with more aid and abet making and desperately legitimizing very fake community champions, and this as to allow this slime to appear as very clear fraud community heroes and as pretending at protecting the community. And as seen as cheap PR for his very unaccomplished cowardly deceitful friends? My friends think so? And clearly Global Fake News only excites the more mindless cyberbullies to mushroom social media attacks. As documented. And note how the slime love the free advertising or self promotion all at an oldman's expense? "Acting" like they "honestly" knew all key facts and had any superior brains or impressive careers. Blowing their own very vain horns and BS. Plus, again do add asvery key killing a 100% honest volunteer community effort? And this is not clear textbook defamation? As documented. Will be more fun when we get names of those at Global who will support Dan and Gordon Yee? Fun times to follow.

Victims of these liars and life losers:

a) Flood Victims
b) Flood Heroes
c) This 100% Volunteer Effort
d) One Old Man with forty years of honest charitable efforts.
e) Global Readers trusting objectivity and newsworthy not aid and abet BS to help ego issues with cyberbully lying friends.
f) Global News
g) Global Advertisers and Revenue
h) Global Coworkers
i) Truth

And oddly deceitful, lying idiots wonder why I'm angry when attacked by such deceptive scum? Or "combative" as Dan Spector allows and paints the image with his painful malicious prose? No kidding? I was furious as anyone would be. Bullies lying about anyone reason or provocation enough as law looks to cause? And Truth all told? All told?

As per article:

"He (Gordon Yee) and others accused the page publicly and were met with combative responses from the administrator."

Note the words "others accused" claiming a calm credible compurgation validity trick. How juvenile? Translates legally as conspiracy to defame and accusations also thus made as "statements of fact" - oddly that they have no meaningful, honest and related facts to support defines the defamation basics? Liars? Losers?

These idiots think they can fool courts with postured pretentious objectivity and opinion that claims of "accused" not defamatory. If feeling so clever why not add accused of murder and rape and see if courts still fooled by wordplay?

"Accused (as a "suspicious scam") and by ignorant, uneducated, deceitful disgusting cyber bully punks who do no research or homework as documented, and as such, I think both a criminal plus civil court Judge would BOTH be very "combative" as such, if victims. Ya' think? We'll see? What would an old judge think normal if he was attacked and his reputation by unaccomplished ignorant and arrogant punk nobody liars? Shall we ask? Who EXACTLY are the "others" who accused and defamed? Names please?

Here below another textbook definition of defamation as deceit and lies they can't support or defend as demanded by law, by facts, and in any court and clearly aided and abetted by Dan Spectors dishonest duplicitous article and "liked" by Gordon Lee:

Note the defamatory factual claim: "This is a scam" and the clearly pathetic very sad and lonely singular desperate Gordon Yee "Like" above? This lady certainly finds herself superior to others and world needing her warning based on her lies stated as fact. And her comments about money needless and unfounded. See below:

This not a problem at Global with Dan Spector's cute aid and abet bit with mushrooming defamation on not only their own online BS but on Facebook fueled by Global News deceit?

See share value history above. Should Global do the smart business and legal move - and the honourable thing, and fire Dan Spector? For shareholders, stakeholders, brand integrity, readership and advertiser value? Quality control?

Or best believe that not firing Dan Spector and his deceitful types will logically honestly help spiraling poor stock, revenue and audience ratings and advertisers? So many in Montreal no longer trust Global or Dan Spector and growing daily. Including advertisers. And believe such documented abuse of position to help loser friends ego trips and then fake as community heroes makes Global look trustworthy? Trusted?

Does documented defamation help Global really honestly compete against more established, trusted and credible Gazette and CBC Montreal regional reporting using the well documented deceptive skills of Dan Spector? And will not soon readers now go to even more trusted local blog sites for West Island reporting not so blatant as self-serving and deceitful, as truth grows and slime exposed from Ottawa to Outremont? More and more daily do know about the tragic intellect and integrity of Dan Spector and the great word and wisdom wonder Gordon Yee and amazing lady and male friends. As named. As documented. Word-of-mouth/testimonial will ensure as documented Dan and Gordon both known as deceitful punk scum all around West Island. The price deceitful cowardly bullying scum pay. This I can document and prove. And they can't prove their lies anything but an ego-power trip in cowardly juvenile deception to defame an old man and an honest charitable effort. Bets? What was their real motive?

Need I do an online survey of media or a West Island petition to make a point to destroy Dan Spector and Global news credibility? I even have a database of real honest heroes to query? Now very handy. And the names of over twenty sick distorted losers and liars names to publish? And a plethora of places to post. If Global less than honest? Less than fair? Showing no remorse or integrity as warranted. The law allows me to do such to protect my good name. Truth be told.

The reality of why FIRE Dan Spector should be very clear below or by FNE and other analytic stuff? And how firing Dan a very big plus from branding to legal.

Media buyers beware?

As a former national media buyer this article leaves a very ugly and very disgusting taste in my mind hurting all Global image and revenue. You only need rape one child and try and pretend to ignore or cover it up, but national exposure to other mothers or media buyers eventually hurts business. Same with documented, deceptive defamatory media. Many media buyers may also agree? I worked running an ad agency in Toronto for an Editor at Marketing Magazine and was a bit of a media expert at Cossette.

Anne Leclair should do a full honest story on this.

As a note I do like Global News B.C. reporter Richard Zussman and "trust" Anne Leclair in Quebec. Other stories also very impressive.

Global News can even now spin the honest story that Global made a very stupid mistake ever hiring Dan Spector after CJAD had no "literal" use for him. And not worth any higher pay or position, as we might "suspect" (I can play word games that can haunt them like they think so clever). And clearly Global was very negligent as per standard of care and due diligence in editorial supervision? Penny wise? Pound foolish? See chart above. This firing of Dan Spector as a show of basic integrity and class, plus brand value, and a desire to try and be an honest credible trusted news source again? And cut legal costs. Shareholders shouldn't know about such things? But they soon will?

Oddly, I advised as some know, as Facebook friends to sell SHAW/CORUS when over $20 based on problems as reported with senior management nepotism and second generation efforts in media and the documented ethical fund issues with dividends. I did audits and forecasts for Molson Pension fund investments. I was also on the board of directors of a public company with mentor, COB and former PC candidate William Grant.

My thesis or dissertation for maximum awards and damages here and based on solid evidence and honest premise, and as very well documented is:

Dan Spector's Global News article is, when all truth told, and motives for bias and malice clear, as misleading, deceitful, duplicitous, biased by very selected one-sided know-nothings, with no minimal research (as required by law), plus BS authority cherry-picked reference, with clearly one-sided deceptive and self-glorifying authorities, plus sickeningly "faking as community heroes and protectors", and clearly malicious and defaming and transparent, using such juvenile sophist rhetorical fallacies from ad hominem to petio principi, and blatant excessive fraudulent concealment and excessive high school hyperbole and innuendo. Blatant. As EXACTLY documented.

This very clearly done to aid and abet his named cyberbully buddies in article involvement with wrongful prosecution, public mischief, harassment, and too transparent done maliciously as an abuse of position and public trust as to  insult, intimidate an honest old man and cripple and kill an honest non-profit charitable community cause. 100% human slime? This with the witch hunt deceitful defaming fire that Dan's article helped pour gasoline on, helps qualify damages and liability. And as visible to legal optics. Thus he should be fired.

True or False? That simple. That honest. That documented. Is Global News a business or country club with protected writers killing shareholder value?

Any super legal brains dare deny or challenge these real honest facts below and not feel embarrassed and very stupid trying to requalify the extremely obvious and 100% documented facts? Read on.

Keep it simple:

1) As to damages for defamation of myself and my efforts, clearly Global News junior junk journalists deceitful Dan Spector publishes in Headline that "West Island Residents (reality/truth: less than 30 and oddly all one biased group) Suspicious".

This, as even clearly documented in deceptive HEADLINE misleading as to who and what slime liars "actually" as real honest fact suspicious and inflated numbers from less than thirty to West Island Residents? True? False? What obvious deceitful juvenile hyperbole? And right in the headline he misleads and deceives. But how odd Dan fails to mention how a real honest top award winning investigative journalist and others in more senior positions in media do NOT find me suspicious at all? And actually know me? Nor police. Nor Facebook? Nor all my "Likes". Dan Misleading? Absolutely.  Why only these slime referenced? Will a real top award winning "real investigative" journalist in Canada I've known for over forty years agree with Dan Spector?

And for that matter add how literally hundreds of West Island Residents also do NOT think I'm a scam as per Facebook "Likes" and comments of appreciation. And not just my friends from John Abbott, BHS, St. Thomas, JRHS still Facebook friends on my side. And many still living in West Island? Dan's a documented deceitful loser with his lying friends. And those more accomplished not on FB also on my side. This a foundation even before, I do add all family, other friends across Canada and wide variety of highly accomplished as documented, social and business contacts? Not just the "dozens" Dan so deceitfully grossly suggests and understates as my honest support, and as clearly supporting and oddly totally problem free before the bullies got involved with their documented sick cowardly cyberbully gang lies. See metrics below. As documented. Kinda of misleading? Certainly deceptive right from the headline. Hardly the honest and minimal research the law demands. Kinda also a small sample size and biased to allow a claim of projected generic "West Island Residents". Right? Deceitful or what?

2) And where it also clearly appears, as documented, top regional mouse and puppy test and torture cage regional salesperson star, and extremely trusted and respected Pointe Claire Toastmaster "word spin" master, Gordon Yee, and his less than accomplished less than 30 classy friends, clearly state or by innuendo imply that:

If I'm a criminal "scam", it clearly appears the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford did NOT. And his classy lawyer friends did NOT. Nor do the legal scholars or a BC Criminal Judge I've known for forty years or his friends ever suspect same. NOT. How odd? Why exactly and honestly do the real facts and these nobody lying frauds differ? Why? "Exactly" why? The real "why" the real story. What is their very sick very ugly motive? Read between the lines and lies in Dan's article? We did.

3) And where their quoted cyber expert makes rather clear how I'm "suspicious" and defames by reference and declaratives, that I could easily exploit:
(1) tragic victims and
(2) exhausted heroes, and then in addition
(3) also include as appearing as some digital Dr. Hannibal Lecter madness type, also throw a virus and crash or hurt their computer,  as icing on my cruel cake of excessive abuse. As defamed. As documented.

Now readers do really honestly and intelligently consider how compared to this cyber security show off that both POLICE and Facebook legal clearly did NOT. Did NOT. Think me suspicious, a scam or both. Nor my friends. Should you trust police and Facebook legal and their "real" cyber experts or Dan Spector and Gordon Yee, and their self absorbed self promoting cyber expert (See his videos) by his design. His university degree in what?

Nor will the tiny international engineering firm, nor a law firm and fortune 500 giants and real scholars who trusted me as NOT suspicious or a scam believe for a single second any merit to Dan Spectors article to Gordon Yee's many claims. I am NOT a suspicious criminal scam. These cowardly clowns my only 30 critics. Yet, 19,000 likes below? Why? Do the math. 19,000 - 30 = ? Exactly why did they want to defame? Ego? Envy? Tragic going nowhere fast lives and careers? Media and marketing failures. As documented.

To be fair, I did once have a difference of opinion with a computer scholar from Cambridge, on staffing needs in a presentation to a major investment group. Later considered a penny point. And the Computer Paper "once" defamed and ridiculed me as a "Communications Guru" for prophecy that ad revenue from Computer use would dwarf broadcast. Some laughed at me. Some laughed at the new silly search engine name Google. Some I know had already done very well with Yahoo. Some, very few,  listened and bought Google when just a very simple search engine. Even working for IBM "Infowindow" with 7-Eleven in '86 many laughed. I started with "Archie" at McGill? I also have computer depth and a network to challenge their best cyber security expert as quoted to show his stuff and full credentials. He who laughs last laughs best. McGill (Canada's Harvard) has asked me to speak, as well as UBC and SFU. Academia not the intellectual or scholarly match for the likes of Dan's Spector and Gordon Yee as clearly my superiors in intellect and integrity, as they posture. And as they state and publish faking appearing "factual"? Liars?

4) And now add to this defamatory buffet, where some other very sick ugly idiot implies in article, I was publishing children's names and thus as per: putting them at risk on top of exploiting:
(1) tear filled victims and
(2) exhausted thankless heroes, whose computers
(3) I could crash (as anyone could?), I suspect, seems I now further I will
(4) "endanger children" as she states as fact, as documented. Note oddly their mothers did NOT. Yes, their mothers did NOT. Their mothers actually as 100% honest fact requested their children's names posted. Dan so deceptive did not add that. And I suspect, as both civil and criminal court Judges, as not near as stupid and deceitful as those as so well documented in Dan Spector's article and Gordon Yee's defaming aid and abet gang, may ask:

Just EXACTLY how can anyone can tell a child's name from an adult name if no picture or age posted? Trick question? Just how? 

Or just too obvious to those with more intellect and integrity what malicious, biased inflationary defamation looks and smells like? That simple. This easy to test in court? Have a list of a hundred names with no pictures and no ages and ask any in slime gang to guess which exactly are children as they must all concur as per aid and abet in article. We may even be cute and use a name like "Billy-Boy" or "Bitty" for a child or a senior? Good luck.

NOTE: A friend I know and worked with (and without my wide and varied legal network, as per below) and all alone, got a million plus when he dropped his lawyers telling him to settle for $35,000. Inspiring? Fact check? Some Judges it seems differ with 50% of lawyers? Some gotta win, some gotta lose in both civil and criminal court and 50% of lawyers lose in court? Sometimes the defence. Sometimes the prosecution.  And even the very best top lawyers money can buy don't always win? A coin toss? Stronger real evidence and facts and trusted witnesses always the best bet?

Intelligent actuarial textbook risk management experts, as such, feel settling out of court still very very sound judgement as to diminish far greater risk and costs playing games. As SHAW legal knows so very well? And certainly when a case against so very well documented and strong. And the defence has no defence in defamation law. And their costs literally mushroom daily. Ask SHAW legal? True? False? However both fun. And best defamation is "reverse onus". Kinda fun?

Key question: Would any normal honest person now lower their impression of me and be suspicious of me being as defined in article as suspicious of being a criminal scam and ever "fully trust me again", after reading this article (link above and below)?

This communication by the hardly honest and hardly brilliant Dan Spector article and so many now sadly now trusting Dan and his documented lying friends and support? (See apology to me when one cyberbully got more informed of truth and facts plus another cyber bully "clearly" citing Dan's misrepresentations defaming me the cause of his insults and defamation)? And further many suckered into trusting the very hardly high level one-sided trusted authorities he quotes and references - blatant as a bit biased - also now to be believed?

And with their one-sided gang defamatory fraudulent misrepresentations as documented? Four against one also a bit of bully BS as clear from article. Bullies flexing muscle to monopolizing media and message as documented. Such cute and clever little fat fascists deceptive acts. True? False? "Monopolizing media and message", such integrity? Liars? Losers?

And now my social and business world all across Canada, as such, can no longer trust me with the marked dark shadow of  now "suspicious" as a criminal "scam" that Dan and friends in article left all Canada with as to my potential and their probability of exploiting flood victims, heroes, plus exposing children and computers to threat? Am I as fact that type or are the cowardly lying cyberbullies and junior junk journalists more likely that sick?

Wouldn't my business world now be "suspicious" like the highly inflated "West Island Residents" (when clearly less than 30  in cyber bully gang, as very deceitful and misleadingly and documented in headline) of the article's articulated communicated dishonesty that as published, that I should now be suspect of?

And based on article and the social media witch hunt it inflamed, all Canada can no longer trust me, nor near their computer, children, pets, credit cards, car, homes, chocolate, wine selection, or cooking their poached eggs - as article directly or by innuendo communicates rather clearly. Heck, I wouldn't trust me after reading that article and not knowing who I really am? But I do know who I really am and exactly what they are? True? False? This as article clearly communicates directly and by innuendo and loud screaming theme.

And as to also again appearing from article, I may try to both exploit exhausted heroes and tragic victims. How sick? Exhausted heroes or tragic victims that my contacts might also know, and now based on article direction and declaration, suspect that I now might also again try and exploit? And as per this articles so impressive character and authority references gratuitously provide. As documented beyond debate?

NOTE: Could quote Shakespeare on "value or price of character and reputation" or "pound of flesh" bit and add far more Latin, but won't yet.

Will my Fortune 500 clients, engineering and even a law firm who once trusted me, now question my oddly large invoices and past previous expenses? Seems they all got excellent value.

Will all heroes and victims now be suspicious of me? Like "the less than 25 West Island Residents" as per deceitful Dan's major inflation and misrepresentation appearing deceitfully as thousands in his headline, so very falsely suggests? Hyperbole as malice? False first premise? And in headline?

Dan's article link below? Can you trust me? Can all Canada? Who wouldn't be angry attacked, insulted, lied about  and ridiculed by such scum punk bullies?

Disclaimer: Please note, while I'm trying to fully expose:

A very deceitful disgusting gang of very sick cowardly low life, highly hardly accomplished cyber bullies punks, all ganging up thinking safety in numbers with other cowardly slime, and ridiculing and defaming me as a "suspicious" criminal "scam" - including Dan Spector's aid and abet bit, with his blatant, biased deceitful, malicious sophist amplification and hyperbole, and the others as well with their names and faces and exact words considered as for legal address? As documented. Just as they left on MY WEB PAGE to defame me with lies and innuendo as documented, they will now suffer real honest truth here and in criminal and civil courts. Both. As such and in all fairness I now can "legally defame" all the sick ugly slime and with honest truth exactly as documented and their names, and their communities and employers soon all warned, and the public good it addresses. They faked as community heroes but how odd all my actions prove I'm more like the real thing and they certainly are NOT? Compare?

Bullies must be busted. Liars should be exposed. Plus this effort to show courts my clear efforts to mitigate damages to my (oddly as honest fact) superior reputation and accomplishments and far superior charitable history as compared to this cowardly cyberbully slime really hurting victims and heroes,  NOT helping. Clearly. And myself not paid a penny.They should be exposed?

Note at same time I am also trying to address multiple audiences from legal, political and media, to amusing and entertaining my varied legal support and other non-legal scholars, plus other long time friends. Many will find this very funny. And many more will find article, motive and methods very very disgusting and cowardly at the same time. Cowardly defaming lying punk cyber bullies ganging up on one weak old man, plus in addition with lies and innuendo, with conjecture no court would allow, plus defaming an honourable honest effort to honour community heroes, just a bit over the top sick? Two (2) separate legal cases.

And at the same time with the case law below, this blog provides damage issues and awards for key reference. This for the cyberbully criminals, liars and losers legally very ignorant of law and so very many things, and also sadly also reading this. This as to best reference when talking to their very own expensive top quality defence lawyers about damage and punitive ceilings. Real truth. Real facts.

This so they can use it as an agenda with their very own expensive top individual criminal plus civil lawyers, trying to plan their very best defence possible without lying under oath and getting caught, even if void of evidence or of any fact other than very silly conjecture and unfounded illogical speculation.  Or go as group to a lawyer reinforcing criminal conspiracy to defame? Economy class can backfire even at a very attractive group rate?

Or use this blog as a handy agenda printed out with notes and highlight as to argue possible lower settlements. Well, if not still fooling and even lying to themselves once again. Liars lying to themselves very amusing. Cognitive dissonance a critical life need it appears.

Will Gordon Yee claim both criminal and civil law and rule of law all also a scam? And further claim both police and Facebook legal and real cyber experts wrong about me? And he's smarter than all of us? And he knows better as a top regional mouse cage sales star? And will, in a desperate defence, will Terry Culture find Canadian Law digitably suspicious and very unprotected with his documented insightful gift of such actuarial probability with near zero responsible honest research?  Does he just sell fear like life insurance and not really honest FULL solutions and ignores real facts and too lazy to do honest research before such "authoritative claims" with such a fiduciary trust? More to follow on his generic claims and word games.

And here I'm also trying to both inform some and "entertain" hundreds of supporters and some close friends from my days in media, marketing, politics, finance and even movies, and help undo the all the sick ugly damage done and mitigate my damages all across Canada from this deceitful defaming article. Plus again also amuse my few very classy "old" friends. And with some humour below added at others expense. And well deserved.

NOTE: Judges do find me entertaining. And from small claims, criminal and civil courts to even CRTC appeals, seems I'm funny? And very successful. And for those already familiar with such matters, is exactly why this style here is used.

Note: I will also do a sworn affidavit everything I say 100% true or a reasonable or a very logical "honest" and educated opinion. Can the slime? Better be able to swear to something "collectively concurring" or look like stupid and very ugly human garbage to many? Very many. Very fast.

And below added, just some old fashion very deserved insult and ridicule Ad hominem stuff back in their face for the slime gang of very cowardly ignorant cyberbullies telling lies and defaming a clearly once presumed weak old man. No research, like no radar

Classic copy tools from Spell Checker, Grammarly, Flesch–Kincaid (to dumb down for cyberbully punks) and Canadian writing  guide adjustments and editing to follow. May even ask those who edited my stuff before to do it again? Please consider for present key focus now, the real related legal cases and high damage awards below and for far less defamation and the logical and legal references on costs that follow.

Note: For over forty years of community, charity and volunteer work I've never suffered any or such well documented very ugly abusive defamation by such sick twisted cyber bully morons and junior junk journalists or any such negativity to their documented defaming lies as published. As documented. Zero. Fact check? Yes, zero? My case just gets stronger and stronger as you read on. Damages reflect.

Ask my character references and RCMP about me and my plethora of previous suspicious scams. From helping deliver gifts to the poor. Helping flood victims. Going out in snow storms for rescue or just to bring hot coffee to Montrealers stranded, to my leadership of national employment programs for paraplegics, deaf, blind and immigrant women. Ask a former acting UBC Law Faculty chair who knows me if I'm a scam or "charitable and generous"? Ask others do I go into burning buildings in Montreal to look for children and teach autistic children sign language (and not just to post their names). Note, I did not as far in the fire to check for children as my old buddy from CJAD but in it on my hands and knees. Or ask about my advocacy work for veterans and seniors? Why is a BC Criminal Court Judge a forty year friend? Let all real honest facts and more honest people speak for themselves and the real truth about me. Not the published defaming BS by sicko deceitful Dan Spector and those he falsely legitimizes like world class asshole Gordon Yee to those mindless followers he incites. As named. As documented. Then compare by each and every word in Dan's article, and put his very so one-sided selected sources and authorities he quotes and references, and put them all under a legal microscope, and compare. Whole truth. Both sides of story.

I am not a suspicious criminal scam as Dan Spector's Global News article and Gordon Yee's gang of the arrogant and ignorant followers stated as fact or using juvenile innuendo to deceive and defame me, and mislead clearly all readers. Deceiving readers and their mindless followers.

Those documented who aid and abet with lies and such clever word games for dummies 101, but tragically not clever enough to be able to fool even one basic rule of legal statutory interpretation? Or basic common man test as per law. Or both criminal and civil court judges? Or any Chomsky semantic references, and with such claims stated as fact and as truth, but really just sick, sad desperate lies and deception in both article and on other social media, as documented. The sum greater than the whole, synergy and symbiotic rules of thumb apply? As per damages. And aid and abet exactly as per case law. Exactly.

And both Danny and Gordy trying so very hard to impress their well documented slime lady and male macho/alpha lying fake friends?  As named. As documented. All slime once thinking I was just some weak old man they could all gang up on and defame, harass, intimidate, insult, ridicule and cyberbully, as documented, and without foresight or minimal research on real ramifications as being rather stupid lying bullies. As documented. Guess I don't seem like a weak old man anymore? Well maybe a bit old but hardly weak. Maybe a tiny bit shy. Is this a hate crime against all seniors claiming early pension? I'll ask CARP?

Never even one single negative comment "ever" in prior charity to community efforts in forty years of honest community and charity work (detailed in part below). Neither with my national employment programs nor when peeling potatoes in The Good Shepherd mission in Ottawa. Nor in my early days handing out and delivering gifts to poor with a "real" honest top CBC award winning "real" investigative journalist.

Yes, I certainly know the difference first hand from top real award winning journalists and such sickening low paid junior junk journalists like Dan Spector. I worked for CBC, CKO news, CHOM-FM and CJOR, back when just starting as a kid in media and later a national media buyer and have been a quoted media expert in Financial Post to Computer Paper, plus a Dean requested speaker at McGill, UBC and SFU. Two of my girlfriends were journalists. So, I must know a tiny bit of something?

Now all academia to media contacts suspicious I'm a suspicious criminal scam. As per article. Possibly or probable of exploiting suffering victims plus thankless heroes and crashing their computer after posting some names endangering children.

I now live with this "overkill of disgusting, cowardly deceitful defamation" with all those left to question my motives, as article makes so clear to suspect as a criminal scam. This based on the integrity and intellect as documented by a small gang of sick ugly cyberbullies

I know what a defaming junior junk journalist is now. Exactly. Will Global? And know why Global News should fire Dan Spector to protect brand and revenue, and as legal should advise very shortly. With thousands of far better, honest and far more accomplished journalists all across Canada, how did Global get stuck with creepy deceitful Dan Spector? Low price? Penny wise. Pound foolish?

And then here, in both this criminal and civil case, I'm attacked by a gang of punk unaccomplished ignorant and arrogant cyberbullies, harrassed and defamed with wrongful prosecution to public mischief and nuisance criminal issues. This  as police called to further fake and legitimize their image as very FAKE concerned community heroes and champions. As documented. Criminal? Vomit worthy.
They thought their abuse of police and media could intimidate me. Wrong.

And more absurd having a very low paid junior junk journalist Dan Spector and Global News clearly aid and abet and give this gang a major national media voice as to bring my national reputation in very serious disrepute and with as always irreparable damage. Like an oil spill. And done with clear and false direct false claims and blatant biased suggested innuendo. And thus damages as per below lucrative. I will look at Google Analytics to see what other countries and hemispheres where my "honest" reputation damaged by Global News readership as their ad reps claim? I'll get a circulation profile to see what other countries I need visit to repair damage done.

Anyone think these sleazy punks would have dared tried this knowing I once worked reporting directly to Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada and trusted with millions in media money and votes before defamed by the extremely highly hardly accomplished and documented hardly trustworthy Dan Spector and Gordon Yee - and their self-glorifying goofy lying sleazy scum friends. And very very disgustingly then further them faking as heroic community protectors. I know more top legal than I do journalists? They thought in their documented arrogance and profound ignorance I was some weak old man. Now sadly they suffer and get the real truth. If they can't show police wrong and that I did anything wrong, certainly they can explain what exactly I would have done wrong and criminal and unlike any other honest person? This should be funny to question them on. Very funny.

If anything they said even remotely true and honest fact beyond reference to my type and font use of Uppercase type as per article exactly, I should "honestly" have my Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC pulled. Anyone smell a very big trap? They better be able as a whole consensus all be able to make sworn testimony against me. And get the other two who already admitted guilt with apology to retract? The fun begins.

Here's the legal brief and summary. 
Judge Notes. All documented.

My legal claim is for "both" (1) myself plus (2) the separate honest and very appreciated volunteer effort (as documented) crippled and killed by these cyber slime bullies with Dan's aid and abet deception critical. As documented. Recent Case Law defines damages below.

  • Criminal Defamation.
  • Wrongful Prosecution.
  • Public Mischief.
  • Economic Interference.
  • Cyberbullying.
  • Harassment.
  • Intimidation.
  • Dan Spector
  • Global News
  • Gordon Yee
  • Emily Campbell
  • Karine Saba
  • Stéphanie Sabbagh
  • Alison Palkhivala
  • Terry Cutler
  • West Island Watch Group
  • More names, pictures and their "exact words" as documented and published to follow.

Short Form:

1) I'm a retired senior proud of my honest reputation, small successes and efforts and I started initially a humble bare bones "anonymous" Facebook Page. This to recognize and honour HONEST REAL community heroes involved helping flood victims. More than obvious to most as honest fact. Not designed for slime and cyberbullies looking to show off and those clearly looking for free advertising and PR, self glorification and self promotion as documented based on deceitful defaming efforts. And at an old man's expense.

I once also had my home on waterfront in Montreal protected by sandbags placed by similar heroes. I literally left in the morning vulnerable and drove home to a house protected. And even driveway protected. The free labour visibly worth thousands. I also helped (2) two top award winning journalist when their brother's basement flooded. So, I understand water damage. In Montreal.

2) I had no problem on MY page with over a hundred names that quickly poured in requesting posting of heroes many felt should be honoured (SEE EVIDENCE BELOW). And as they certainly should. And many more should  have been honoured before effort crippled and killed by very ignorant VERY cowardly cyber bullies deceitful defamation and harassment and aided by Dan's clearly deceitful construction and composition. As documented.

For those arrogant idiots who claim "heroes don't need to be honoured" as such, and now as documented idiots, should see the Vietnam war memorial and as quoted in their very own exact "authoritative" words, makes them so visibly self serving and so self promoting and horn blowing also vomit worthy? Stupid and silly? Or just go to the military cemetary  between Pointe Claire and Beacon Hill on November 11th and they should shoot their extremely know-it-all ignorant mouths off  again and claim "heroes don't need to be honoured". Idiots?

3) Only (1) one person a problem to start. ALL others "liked" and many words
of thanks. And by very key people and "real honest" top heroes. As documented below.

4) The only (1) one I had a problem with to start, before twenty plus support gang attacked, I scolded to follow policy for obvious efficacy and consideration of others and I used uppercase type fonts. And as Dan Spector's article also confirms this madness in uppercase font size was definitely used. (See below. Caught using uppercase type?) Does that justify calling police and a clearly knowing deceitful designed defaming article?

I was also treated like a paid servant on MY PAGE simply asking that she thinks of others as well documented and apparently all as such, very criminal, and thus justifies claims as suspicious criminal scam as per Dan's article as key plus for calls to police? Idiots? And in honest fact with only honest premise "against me" I used UPPERCASE type? But no profanity?

Threatening Gordon Yee his "hands better be clean" later means nothing against me and still extremely very well warranted. So have no problem repeating to his deceptive dirty hands. Even now moreso. And still my very clear repeated counterclaim? As documented. Why is he appearing to so guilty? Bad legal optics? Why did all the creeps and cowards run so fast when just finding out a tiny bit of truth about me? As documented.

5) Then this cyber bully gang or her key idiot support, including low level journalists, and "solicited" friends and family of twenty plus, all named as documented and in their very own EXACT words, starts as definition "cowardly cyberbullies" and then "all" attacking, defaming, insulting and ridiculing: (a) one old man plus his once (b) humble and anonymous volunteer effort to honour real heroes. Now as the full legal response demands they will be exposed to community and courts. For both. As documented. Separate legal cases (x 2)?

6) Then they get two very very full of themselves ignorant and arrogant very junior junk journalists to dare try and intimidate me as well, and their abuse of fiduciary trust and with the petty position on their business card, as also very well documented. Note how rude and arrogant the slime get?

7) Then defaming article then provides as clear aid and abet fire and flames to the witch hunt. With added defamation by:

a)  A  low level "B" or "C" grade cyber security expert claiming I was "suspicious" and could cause a virus or take your money, or both, thus exploiting BOTH real hurting tear filled victims and real exhausted honest superheroes. Wanting free press it appears? Other real experts can challenge him from RCMP or bigger far more credible cyber security firms. Should be fun for many.

What sort of person am I portrayed as, by this sick article and deceitful authority reference as to not only be suspect as to  exploit poor tragic victims and exhausted real heroes, but can on purely on  a mindless whim or mood swing, also crash victims and heroes computers. Am I that sick as article probes? Really? Honestly? And then more absurd accusing clearly a tiny wee company with a few dozen legal magicians like Facebook, as an aid and abet factor in my deeds and negligent, not the smartest career move I've seen so well documented.

And add claims on how twisted I must be as I insanely post children's names (when their mothers asked. As documented) and as reason to call police?
b) another goof Gord Yee saying I'm a criminal "scam" (repeatedly and echoed by others in their cowardly choir more than evident) and
c) a third and most sickening of all, and possibly most expensive, says I was reckless "posting children's names" (when mothers requested?) and thus the sum of my actions logically deserved a police investigation. I deal in far more detail below on these matters and the duplicitous deceitful absurdity of such claims.

8) Then the insanity mushroomed. This based on the synergy and symbiosis of Global News article and Social media insulting with previous lies stated as published fact. Added with this very pivotal defaming seed article in Global news. Directly or indirectly or by clear innuendo (and the common man legal test) defines the abuse, lies, insults and ridicule and legal defamation. Clear defamation lowering my character by disrepute in article and not any honest fact of merit to warrant, and then cyberbully actions increased even more.

9) I had initially, when first insulted, suggested they simply contact the RCMP and check me out. I trust RCMP and police why can't they? And even ask RCMP why as a suspicious criminal scam I have special security clearance for DND and NRC in Ottawa HQ? Their mistake. They ignored me? I also warned them they were defaming me as even article makes clear and Dan Spector missed the clear warning? They laughed. They ignored me? Insulted, defamed and ridiculed one old man even more. Sadly, not doing any real honest research they all missed on my FB page two of my forty year friends a BC Criminal Court Judge and another a investigations officer. Idiots and liars and losers? Only when I told them to check if another forty year friend a REAL top award winning "real" investigative journalists in Montreal, did they start their minimal research on me. And then the cowardly sickening little creeps ran away like frightened little mice. Very fast. Cowards? As documented.

Two of the guilty have already documented full admission of guilt and apology after their minimal research. Most didn't.

Others who tried to defend me were blocked or ignored. Classy crowd? Certainly cowardly? Possibly criminal? Wrongful prosecution as calling police based on type style use without profanity not really funny?

Then they found out about my unusual security clearance for DND and NRC. They then appreciated my forty year history of volunteer to community work was unquestioned. Well,  until these cyber bullies and the brilliant salesperson minds of Gordon Yee and buddy Dan Spector started both showing off their misuse and abuse of media muscle and public trust to their sleazy lying friends and all of Canada? And most embarrassing my charitable work might not only dwarf my critics but literally dwarf them ALL combined. We certainly should put all of Dan Spectors and Gordon Yee's real honest and full charitable, volunteer, compassionate community efforts local to national combined and  compare to mine. Only fair? For damages. His paid articles paid and hardly counts as charitable or compassionate but as with others an effort at career and community promotion. I was not paid.

And this thus to both legally humiliate them and haunt them personally from industry and career to family and friends as they tried to do to myself - plus handy as to help further fully define damages and punitive as per below legal awards for far far less deceitful defamation. A warning to other cyber to school bullies. And for years to come.

Then they found out another forty friend for character reference also for defining damages, also an an Osgoode/Oxford Legal Scholar and former acting chair at the Law Faculty at UBC - again another forty year buddy suffering disrepute by association (dinners and sailing). Those who know me will clearly differ with these cyberbullies unaccomplished punks and liars. Why? Real Honest Knowledge and History. Simply they "honestly" know me and think all the article and claims very sick, very ugly, absurd and ridiculous when asked in any court. Yes, my friends laughed. But with me not at me? Some have seen me crush careers of bigger liars and losers and with their very expensive big shot Union and Hollywood lawyers. Hey, I like a good honest legal fight.

Even the methodology of the crime they suggest absurd. Now they, in addition, have to calculate the fact I also reported directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada. Trusted with millions and millions of votes. And they defamed me? Who and what are they exactly? Later even Federal PC Candidate William Grant trusted me on his Board of Directors of a Public Company and to herd the Merrill Lynch & Co baby bulls on his desk. A trusted role. This based on my once trusted depth in marketing research and "media". And now all Canada "suspicious" I'm a criminal "scam". And sadly some thinking they can honestly trust Dan Spector or Gordon Yee to date their daughter or sons and not lie and bully. As such with other major investment groups and brokers as former interns my reputation suffers.

I may have even been defamed by this article and social media abuses even in US where I once helped a well known Montreal person from a very major building family name with New York banks? How much to again to repair such trust in damages in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Banff, Jasper, Whistler, LA, Dallas and with banks in New York? There goes my retirementment now having to travel around to rebuild my honest reputation and prove to world I'm not a suspicious scam looking to exploit victims and heroes and publish children's names and crash computers. I will expect the same car and air allowance and expenses as when Molson Pension Fund, Labatt, Liberals, to Spelling, Disney and Fox trusted me as NOT a criminal scam. As a note none of them ever called police on me. Or question invoice or expenses? Ever! Yet Dan Spector and quality friends qualify in their documented ignorance and questions my efforts? Nationally.

Now defamed by article and by such far less than real experts and on other social media as a "suspicious scam" I can no longer be trusted all across Canada. And in northern US states. I may not even be able to ski at Jay Peak when border security see I use uppercase type and post possible children''s names? Not simply a suspicious scam as seen by "West Island Residents" (Now far more than just twenty plus human scum Dan inflated from to deceive readers) as once referenced and since further defamed.

Many may also now suspect I'd use UPPERCASE type and post children's names (at any mother's requests) and will now worry with others of similar mindset and logical mastery of such threats?

And if society not protected from me by Dan Spector's defaming article I could be looking for more tragic tear filled victims and exhausted community heroes to further exploit. And with Facebook accused of aid and abet in my efforts to possibly and as randomly suggested, give other's computers viruses or crash them as article makes kinda clear. The obvious conclusion from my alleged abuse of uppercase type and potential to spread a computer virus and later ask for money clear. Not satisfied simply exploiting heroes and victims, but I'd possibly be crashing their computers as article communicates as to my published diabolical character. Cute transparent games in sophist rhetoric with fraudulent omission thus blatant.

Much more about me and the damage done by these cyberbully authorities below to fully define full damage ceilings as per related case law and awards. And all their claims of possible claims of defence torn to shreds below, so no more stupid juvenile game playing.

Below the full story.

Note: Narcissists are dangerous because they think only about themselves. Megalomaniacs are dangerous because they think only about their petty power and invincibility even with literally real nobody junior junk journalist business cards or head swollen as top regional territory sales person of mice to puppy test and torture cages and as a Pointe Claire Toastmaster word spin master like Gordon Yee. As documented.  A narcissistic megalomaniac who’s unconstrained like Gordon Yee and  Dan Spector appear and their many gang members, also a problem for all society. Seriously. They have documented their deceitful minds and in their own words and as such a threat to others they could bully. Nobody isa bully just once? Maybe this will stop them and others feeling as clever and full of themselves. What can it mean when a cyber security expert is suspicious and thus can't be trusted by companies where my friends work in Montreal. Or when those few against animal cruelty and testing on Facebook know the truth about Gordon Yee's career in West Island.
CBC's Code of Conduct

This noted as Dan Spector article and thus Global News hardly reflect. At all? See Global's comment policy their writer Dan Spector hardly reflects or respects. True? False?


We seek out the truth in all matters of public interest. We invest our time and our skills to learn, understand and clearly explain the facts to our audience. The production techniques we use serve to present the content in a clear and accessible manner.

Note: Global News and Dan Spector did NOT.


In our information gathering and reporting, we treat individuals and organizations with openness and respect. We are mindful of their rights. We treat them even-handedly.

Note: Global News and Dan Spector did NOT.


We contribute to informed debate on issues that matter to Canadians by reflecting a diversity of opinion. Our content on all platforms presents a wide range of subject matter and views.

On issues of controversy, we ensure that divergent views are reflected respectfully, taking into account their relevance to the debate and how widely held these views are. We also ensure that they are represented over a reasonable period of time.

Note: Global News and Dan Spector did NOT. Not yet?


We provide professional judgment based on "Facts and expertise". We do not promote any particular point of view on matters of public debate.

Note: Global News and Dan Spector did NOT.


The trust of the public is our most valued asset. We avoid putting ourselves in real or potential conflict of interest. This is essential to our credibility.

Note: Global News and Dan Spector did NOT.

$400,000 – NEWMAN ET AL. V. HALSTEAD ET AL., 2006 BCSC 65

Here's one of many cases to ponder and the Ratio Decidendi and Obiter Dicta bit as key. Always is. My case the reverse with a gang of cyber bullies  ganging up on one old man and far worse defamation and thus far worse when talking damages. As should be obvious. And far worse in many other ways as also a volunteer charity defamed plus police called without honest warrant cause or care:

The total award of about $400,000 above was made up of a number of separate awards in favour of each of the plaintiffs, including three claimants who received between $100,000 and $150,000 each, and other plaintiffs receiving smaller awards between $15,000 and $20,000 each. Reciprocal reasoning skills required.
Some may pay only $15K and some $150,000 using this guide. Guess who?

An add if most find repugnant the idea of one nut attacking twenty reputable people now consider twenty plus ugly sicker nut jobs ganging up on one reputable old man doing honest volunteer community efforts to honour real front line community heroes. Yes, far worse.

I guess I get it all? 400k as per above as a basic starting guide, and as just one old person as victim. Me! Yes, some will go charity. Certainly my favourites children, seniors and veterans.


Any idiots want to debate the following?

The exceptional factors in this case include the fact that the allegations were made

- persistently, over a prolonged period of time (no debate here?);

- the campaign was on the Internet and by email (no debate here?);

- the allegations against the plaintiffs were "unfounded" (no debate here?); and the charges were knowingly false or characterized by a "reckless indifference to whether they were true or not" (no debate here?).

- The-defendants all were "Wilful in their conduct", and there was never any apology or retraction (no debate here?). 


To foreshadow, as to build reader interest and story tension here's the climax of Dan's story where honest facts end and all the gang's defamatory lies all come from. This as per Dan Spector's crime busting article and key facts:

Think of the time you expect others to waste doing one name at a time…we are not your secretary,” Sinclair responded in all caps."

"In all caps"? In Quebec where every second word a profanity and as the smoking section of Canada, I dared to respond "in all caps" sans profanity. What kind of crazed old sick monster am I? Do I need help? And then even dare add even asking someone to think about others, heroes and other's volunteer time? As an honest fact I was also, as well, clearly not her paid secretary.

With murders, rape, fraud, homeless, hungry, comparatively and honestly, is "in all caps" really and truly newsworthy and of public interest? Honestly? Did deceitful, defaming, duplicitous Dan Specter, as such a now documented prima facie junior junk journalist confused the meaning of a "Capital Offense" with his keen sense of detail, as per "in all caps"? Or is it, as well documented in his published article, as more like a deceitful duplicitous malicious biased witch hunt? And clearly targeted and extremely biased as per those quoted as "selected" and hardly trustworthy reference and with clear malice also to defame?

Or is "in all caps" legally logical, normative, or reason for cyber bullies "gone wild" to (1) ALL gang up and insult, defame and intimidate one weak confused old man? Plus, (2) insult and defame, cripple and kill a very proven honest charitable effort. Plus call police? Some pity please for their lawyers defending this tragic human slime and gang? Will their lawyers dare to even make eye contact with older judges possibly not amused as contemptuously wasting court time trying to best qualify and defend the shameless and obvious?

An honest and charitable effort oddly ALL previously supported until just one (1) problem person. After hundreds served.

How much of my stuff not in caps oddly was never referenced, nor my hundreds of likes? Nor any of my friends?  Capgate? What a crime buster Dan Spector is. NOT. What a focus on key story factors? This should get a few laughs in criminal and defamation court. And "in all caps" hardly warrants calling police for many more laughs. After police said I'd done nothing wrong Dan must have felt the police missed critical key evidence that:

"Sinclair responded in all caps". 

Such sloppy police work it appears from article missing this key tipping point? Or is Dan now the most documented idiot ever in Canadian journalistic history? And thus police can once again also to be trusted? And myself? Dan can't even get a job working for low level police tab journals with such gross pettiness. I will for fun fight my next parking ticket as "All in Caps".

What is not very funny and very sick and very very ugly is the innuendo suggested by the claim posting "children's names". That gets very very expensive as extremely defamatory, as needless misleading deceitful malicious bias. True? False? Just the facts? And to point, this claim as per children's names (mother requested) that Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and their whole gang aids and abets. Clearly. This claim of use of children's names I tear to total shreds below and will ask the most damages for. This based on my work in Montreal teaching gym as a sub special ed kids at John Fisher (and honoured by a free gym whistle) to kids at St. Thomas and my other work with very special needs at McGill Business School. Add my teaching refugees for SFU Pacific Institute. And teaching MBA's, CA's, and Oxford scholars and Federal Liberals computer skills.

Then the gang all started, and ganged up, and tried to intimidate, insult, harass and defame a weak tired and apparently confused old man, and all as well documented as idiots now. Idiots even just thinking I'd fear their numbers, noted maturity, integrity, intellect, limited education and the clearly unmatched quality and credentials of their "authorities" and clearly less than scholarly aid and abet gang junior junk journalists support as now, defines their deceitful and cowardly crowd of ignorance . We may be forced to ask for proof of high school completion.

And the fools even thinking this old man could totally fear a top Pointe Claire Toastmaster and super (regional) salesperson of mouse and puppy test and torture cages, Gordon Yee, possibly most absurd? Certainly for those who know me. And know who I know. As so well documented. I forgot the fear. They forgot the facts.

Why Truth and Facts Important

Consider these words below about truth and facts. As you review the truth and facts, do note Dan Spector's very poor research (below legal standards) and/or his excessive bias and targeted needless malice as it provides an example as defamation on steroids. As defined. As documented. As per damages and awards below.

Seriously consider these points after reviewing the truth and facts and seeing video below:

Would Peter Mansbridge vomit if he saw what Dan Spector did with his abuse of mini position and power and readers fiduciary trust nationally? And as a junior junk journalist and with such BS biased and defamatory references? Helping documented losers and liars gang up and lie about a weak old man? Peter kinda old? Adding and empowering generous amounts of ridicule and insults so harassment claims also a no brainer? Bets?

WATCH Peter Mansbridge's stirring speech after accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2018 CSAs. Then look close and objectively at this defamatory abuse of truth as fake news to abuse an old man by an ignorant self promoting gang of expert cyberbullies and junior junk journalists (all links below):


Hot News: Seems I'll be using a very high profile criminal lawyer in Montreal. As criminal defamation and criminal harassment as police called. Add public nuisance, wrongful prosecution to mischief stuff. And as icing on "multiple" defamation claims. And most sickening crippling and killing an honest, volunteer, charitable community effort to simply and clearly honour heroes. As all extremely very well documented.

And do note exactly how most appreciated my efforts prior to cyberbully attack and slime faking like community heroes and champions. And beyond debate. Well, for those with much higher IQ and life accomplishment, well far higher than a mouse and puppy cage test and torture documented deceitful top regional salesperson like Gordon Yee. As documented.

Oddly, this lawyer an "old" West Island/McGill guy. Don't know him personally. But a good friend of many other 40 year friends/character references. Should Senators and a former Attorney General of Canada and a highly decorated Veteran not fully suggest the damage done by Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and their selected biased non-expert experts and cyberbully gang as to my real honest reputation and motivations. This as these idiots claim I'm a "suspicious criminal scam". But in all honest real fact NOT.

And I did help this lawyer get in touch with my cousin a top forensic psychiatrist that he needed for a big Montreal criminal case. And her not just another MA from McGill. He kinda owes me? And certainly likes the people who like me? Stay tuned.

See also below my new ref for Forensic cyber security rebuttal below. A surprise to me as well? Getting to be more fun daily. For reference and kind of cute both this guy and lawyer from West Island.

A picture worth 19,000 words?

Revealing picture below? 20 plus sick ugly cowardly bullies deceitful defamation as compared directly to friends 19,000 "Likes" of note. Possibly as per below even this understated. Yes, and I can document hundreds of union votes to many in top boardrooms of Fortune 500 giants and in Federal politics all across Canada supporting me to even coworkers votes of appreciation. And proudly many have documented the "marked loyalty" of even those who worked under me. I am fun. I am fair. And I am honest. This stated as to get a feel for the full cost of defamation damages plus punitive levels.

Again, I have the slime outnumbered by friends, and best even only just counting those in just Quebec, and add as critical, both the quality and quantity of accomplishments of my friends and myself like my charitable history with real facts, also completely dwarfs "all theirs". Again, as does my charity work dwarf all the lying scum. Two big points for punitive damages?

Too bad the sick ugly slime thought I was just one weak old man who would run when the big power gang of remedial intellectuals attacked and an old man with no friends and no "Likes", and that they once thought that they so easily could intimidate - plus very deceitfully defame, insult and ridicule. And that the old man could be cyber bullied into fear and silence so intimidated by their cheap business cards as junior junk journalists and fearing Gordon Yee's sales skills and word spin notoriety. Well they got that wrong as well. Big time. Clearly. As documented.

Even Dan Spector's extremely juvenile transparent duplicitous deceitful revealing sophist attempts with selective bias of authorities, quotes and limited silly facts on fonts and type, deceptively and clearly faking objectivity, public interest, news worthiness, or adequate honest fair research, now a bit of a major legal joke. Ya' think?

Like a D-day invasion, or end of the original Godfather movie they won't know what hits them until the day stopped getting into cars and handed envelope or find in their mailboxes or at door have registered letters demanding full damages and all the games begin big time. And fun as at their escalating daily cost. And then too slow and far too late, they can all run to criminal and defamation lawyers they really can't afford. And their legal asking for retainers - as credit and character checks on these slime will make clear needed, and as with their documented deceitful character, as will also make clear, as both fair and reasonable.

Note a brief reference to my other forty year charity, community, volunteer, compassionate and other honourable efforts provided below for damages estimates. In addition, my very long documented history of standing up to bullies, women beaters, tax cheats, fools, fakes and felons and in corporations (when on board of directors of a public company)  to unions where hundreds documented support for my efforts addressing other human slime who thought their numbers and big shot tiny titles could also intimidate me with illegal duress. Were they wrong. Yes, I've destroyed careers of dishonest presidents, vice-presidents, CAs, MBAs. union executives, and now these unaccomplished pretentious punks my last battle.

"Correlation does not equal causation". We have both. And much more.

My claim for damages is evidence based. As is. As documented. Fact check.

Their cyber bully illegal defaming claims NOT.

Just a weird and wide variety and prima facie cherry picked twisted points and deceitful hyperbole. Heavily deceptive, highly misleading, distorted, malicious, biased, demeaning and insulting claims and false statement of fact to juvenile sophist rhetorical fallacy, conjecture and innuendo, that they simply can't defend. And on a very wide variety of multiple points and claims. And it appears some in the cyber bully gang so documented stupid, they may not barely understand most written here. As exactly documented. In their laughter you can hear their fear? The echoes of their ignorance clear?

By the very clear and blatant fact the police said I did "nothing wrong" added to the honest truth about myself and my "honest" and recognized forty year plus history of charitable and community work compared to these documented self glorifying defaming critics makes a point none will miss. None!

With a tiny bit of honest research and fact check, this news story clearly should have been HELPING ME and this effort. Yes, HELPING this effort as oddly also case study evidence based charitable volunteer effort, NOT crippling and killing it.

I think both criminal and civil courts and any honourable media will agree as will many more? And far more than the twenty scum who like to pretend otherwise? As documented. And killing this charitable effort with clear illegal defamatory claims and very documented no-brain opinions from idiots void of solid A or B list credentials as to any authority or meaningful certification, education or experience as to dare make such brave and bold very clear deceitful claims and publish them. Idiots? And those who like blowing their own horn (and in their very own words) also well documented, and best as very disgusting fake community champions, protectors, heroes. Vomit worthy? Big bag vomit worthy?

And as per purpose of this blog, this helps defining damages for damaging my reputation from my work on Trailer Park Boys on East Coast and Oland Breweries executive issues to those on West Coast, that I worked for and directly reporting to, such as the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, and now as documented, defamed as a "suspicious (police called so criminal) scam". Motive? Malice?

And once, before this disgusting cowardly defamation, I was previously trusted with millions of dollars and millions of votes. Now considered by the intellect and integrity of these very nobody slime as a suspicious criminal scam and even working out of a foreign country, posting children's names, and using uppercase fonts to frighten teenagers. Also was once trusted before defamed by these cyberbullies, with others children, pets, cars, homes, credit card, taxes, investment, wine selection. Now as law allows suffering being defamed as a "suspicious scam" to now possibly really all West Island and all  Dan's and Global's national and international readership.

And as they imply or declare to defame, I may even some day be so twisted I may  even post pet names and pictures of pet's belonging to real heroes and with their ages (not in dog years).  And all in caps. And ask for money. Yes, Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and their amazing gang of lost or life losers and their so honest authoritative reference now look all like very deceptive disgusting very cowardly and creepy fools and idiots and best documented faking like community heroes. True? False? Need more? I got more. Much more. Read below for the sharpest swords. Bet they can't even fool their own lawyers. Or criminal and civil courts. Bets?

Now I'm published in Global News as a suspicious criminal scam by literally B grade "selected" biased less-than-experts, or less, and as needing help and the very sick disgusting claim suggested by "using children's names". As quoted. As documented. The latter claim torn to shreds below and such scums true character fully revealed. True? False?

Defamation is "reverse onus" and ALL the cyber bullies who  ganged up and who attacked a once thought a weak old man, must now defend as all fact the sum of the parts bit in the synergy and symbiotic factors, as per aid and abet legal stuff, and as per case law and criminal code reference below.  And hope for a  legal miracle their inflated and embellished misleading and deceiving authoritative statements and research will satisfy criminal plus civil courts and their minimal standards for evidence and that stated claims or implied as fact are fact. Proof.

Historically, myself, I have found actual legal court decisions more critical than any lawyer's opinion. Which I know so often often differ. Just like medical doctors, CAs, CPAs and MBAs. A problem I suffer having had as forty-year friends a former room mate as a BC Criminal Court Judge, plus another an internationally recognized from Brisbane to Berlin Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar and former acting Law school faculty Chair at UBC. And some RCMP who know me or have helped me. Lucky me?


CTV admitted and documented wrong malicious fabricated reporting about Brown as an Ontario PC candidate. When will Global News Legal people show class, "economic efficacy" and critical brand protection and honestly admit Dan Spector defamation far worse. This as disgustingly crippling an honest charitable volunteer effort as well as key to cyber bullying frenzy on one old man.

See how many in cyberbully gang stated or scripted echo as fact I was a criminal "scam", as inspired by the intellect and integrity, and scripting for echo of Gordon Yee and the pivotal aid and abet with Dan Spector 100% biased and malicious article. His career will now be haunted by the truth of his deceitful punk efforts to impress similar slime.

CTV legal going through the motions, but know from their research a defence for 100% lie also a joke in case law. Why media so incredibly often not very successful in courts and as such far more often settle out of court, should be obvious to some. And as such Dan Spector's 100% one sided selected biased authorities claims extremely more defaming. Very biased. Very malicious. As documented.

Brown had to try and run again to show effort to mitigate damage done as to keep damages and punitive awards high.

I'm very lucky as both Facebook and Global News name my exact defaming accusers and document their "exact words". Some screen shots from others fake community heroes efforts on multiple social media also very well captured. And documents extremely well the synergy and symbiosis of how Dan Spector fuels the fire for this witch hunt for cyberbully buddies to all gang up and bully one old man. And on multiple social media platforms. Yes, defamation "reverse onus" and "peculiar" law, in both Quebec and other Provinces. But high claims for damages clearly demands the following support.

Yes, police confirmed I did nothing wrong and so what's honestly newsworthy as fact? I scolded one (1) documented self consumed punk for not following MY page policy with no profanity and some reckless use of UPPERCASE font type on my part. I concede both. And what else did I do wrong before gang attack and their lies began? ZERO. Fact check. I won't even mislead that I accidentally hit "Caps Lock" and will fully admit using UPPERCASE type on a teenager trying to reach their mind set, while suffering a mild rage at their rudeness. Newsworthy? Hardly. Abuse of fiduciary public trust and defamatory by Danny boy? Absolutely.

And then her gang of cyber bullies begins to all attack this old man and his volunteer, charitable, honest real heroes with their far too well documented deceitfully defaming, insulting and demeaning of an "honest old man". Plus as far worse and far more ugly an honest volunteer charity. Both.

Chronological date and time stamps documented by third parties. And both myself plus volunteer cause both suffered beyond debate. As documented. What if a police investigation results in claims Brown "did nothing wrong"? Used no profanity and just used some UPPERCASE font type. How much could he get in damages? Millions? As police have already conclude in my case I did "nothing wrong"? And as will criminal and civil courts.

Criminal Code Notes:

Parties to offence

(1) Every one is a party to an offence who
(a) actually commits it;
(b) does or omits to do anything for the purpose of aiding any person to commit it; or
(c) abets any person in committing it.
Marginal note: Common intention

(2) Where two or more persons form an intention in common to carry out an unlawful purpose and to assist each other therein and any one of them, in carrying out the common purpose, commits an offence, each of them who knew or ought to have known that the commission of the offence would be a probable consequence of carrying out the common purpose is a party to that offence.

With a a documented gang of cyberbullies the party to an offence bit beyond a no brainer.

The above legal points as documented in Global News article and on Facebook.

The collusion of the authorities quoted with their false, fake and implied claims as documented.

Latest very related fresh BC defamation case:

$115,000 for far less than I suffered as per:

- (X 20) cyber bullies picking on an honest old man, plus crippling an honest volunteer charity,  oddly also with claims of  criminal "SCAM"? But in my case worse as claimed mine a scam also exploiting both "real heroes" and suffering "victims"? Very sick if true. Insanely expensive in defamation law if not.
- But now further add  repeated calls to police used as their private puppets or props and documenting and best documented even bragging about it;
- Plus add national Global News deceitful biased and malicious word twist as documented, as clear published aid and abet inspiring others to further insult and deceitfully defame;
- plus the extremely and sick twisted claim I was also exposing children to danger BS (A full review of this sick claim below. And a paragraph or two on the absolute idiocy of such claims and the very obvious deceitful claims of those making it);
- plus they added claims I can possibly give you a computer virus if I get someone's name. Economic interference law lends to this in spades. A tad generic?;
- plus add my very long honest and real history of charitable efforts also defamed yet ironically dwarfing this very sick cowardly defaming herd and possibly dwarfing all combined quoted experts;
- plus consider damage done with my far more accomplished life and national "honest" reputation from youngest non-MBA shortlisted as VP of Oland Breweries on East Coast, youngest invited member on Justin's Dad's creative team in Montreal. Later to my work directly reporting to former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford on West Coast, and my position on the board of directors of a Public Company with COB PC candidate Bill Grant to my work with top TV producers from Spelling and Disney to Bob Goodwin at the X-Files
Coast to coast damage via the brains and hardly honest research by Dan Spector  Global News. My work with CBC as a trusted national media liaison also now appearing suspicious and a scam as so defamed.

The judge in this BC case said the "plain and ordinary meaning of the posts" rules, none of which were true in my case. NONE! As with claims that the company was a “major scam shop” and a “deceitful photography mill business” engaged in extortion and dishonest and unfair practises. Sounds like what the cyber bullies state about me as fact as also claims I was a criminal scam and my honest charitable efforts dishonest and unfair practises. And even worse in my case as stated exploiting both heroes and hurt hard victims, plus publishing innocent children's names - and using Uppercase fonts.

Compare honestly why I should get twice that. Ordered to pay $115,000 in damages. Can I get $250,000.00 as a ruling against "each and every single simple minded lying bully". Each one of the twenty of the deceitful insulting cyber bullies far less accomplished and yet in their published arrogance and ignorance dare judging me from their illusion of very very fake superiority and authority.

Let's just see what an "Old" judge might think about bullying and insulting another "old" man plus defaming both (1) an honest old man and (2) a new honest volunteer effort to recognize and honour honest real heroes. As based on motivational research and community building case studies? As documented.

As per new ever expanding legal twists: 

A) $65,000 : B.C. Supreme Court's recent decision in Pritchard v. Van Nes (2016 BCSC 686)

"the Defendant's allegations on Facebook concerning the Plaintiff's behaviour and the attacks on his character were held to be completely false and unjustified."

I also concede spelling and grammar mistakes on my part with use of Uppercase type. I'll come clean. Hardly deserving these lies by such lost losers and liars.

NOTE: With this far bigger abuse here with Dan Spector article gang with the addition of:

1) national media,
2) calling police,
3) repeatedly stated as criminal "scam",
4) "non-researched" to non-acceptable psychological assessment (by some simple minded myopic "theatrical" MA full of herself as an acceptable authority, just like their far too obvious very one-sided selected cyber expert selected and so oddly over RCMP who I'd much rather trust than this loser. I'd like RCMP real experts to say if my Facebook page looks "suspicious" (Not clever when police can't be used as by such very clever cyberbully punks as their paid pawns, puppets or props to postulate some legitimacy and so sadly make clear can only state as fact if not obvious enough I did "nothing done wrong". And now, I can in addition have police to now make some look like fools on how suspicious my page looks rated from 1 to 10 and compared to real honest slick real cyber scams? And note even with Police claim I did nothing wrong defamation still blindly continues? Nor did they find my page suspicious or a possible scam and possibly causing a computer virus. Sloppy police work or insanely sloppy journalism?),
4) a very very stupid and very sick and very very twisted ugly reference to my posting children's names with that clear documented idiocy as best defined below,
5) suggested "suspicious" virus use with Facebook. (Neither of us to be trusted?)

Note  Mar. 2 a buddy who works with DND who I really didn't think could be helpful as to ask if I appear "suspicious" to other "real" top cyber security experts noted:

 "Opening the Canadian office for an international company involved in digital forensics and analytics for major crime investigations as well as defence and security intelligence."

He was just DND stuff I thought? Could be handy?

Am I lucky or what? And in this legal case with all my "old" friends for forty years or more, a BC Criminal Court Judge, plus an Oxford/Osgoode super brain and former acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC.  Plus Publishers, and a top multiple award winning investigative journalist conveniently in Toronto. We'll certainly be doing lunches and reunion in Montreal based on this case. And lunches and dinners also covered as costs. And best a few of my "old" friends know of my generous charitable history from delivering gifts at Christmas in high school to decades later even peeling potatoes at The Good Shepard Mission in Ottawa. And peeling potatoes as an already very accomplished senior executive who even did CRTC appeals across the river and wrote for a Prime Minister. Alone.

And more fun in fact most of my "old" friends know each other through me, and university days and all but one soon in Ontario and Quebec for witness testimony on damages? I clearly have nothing to defend as both police and Facebook concur I already did nothing wrong nor appear suspicious or even worthy or suspension. And so now I have not only Facebook and their legal and cybersecurity experts agreeing with Montreal police as per article that I did "nothing wrong". But now add my old guitar buddy doin' "digital forensics and analytics". Plus hopefully RCMP can comment whether other police and Facebook wrong and if Dan Spector and Gordon Yee gang right as rain. The RCMP know what real scams look like. And don't fake it? And are experts on what "honestly" is suspicious and what's a scam? And probably can identify liars and losers very easily.

Not related but add two very top architects and even a NHL hockey star and record holder who also played guitar with me and/or tennis, for character reference for damages done. In tennis my even line calls now suspect. I do have a few character references to ensure awards for damages are "very very fair" as per case law below and above, so I'm not short changed and so that cyberbully slime ALL pay dearly in public exposure and financially, and by public ridicule and by exposure to family, friends, bankers, CRA, community and courts. Not just employers. Only fair. All very legal. Check?

 6) And for icing on the cake cyberbullies all far less accomplished and both insulting and attacking one old honourable man with forty years or more of charitable, volunteer efforts that literally "dwarfs" all cyber bullies. In both charitable acts and accomplishments  Yes, I dwarf these lying bully punks in both charitable efforts and accomplishment. Yes, I dwarf these punk bullies (Why such ignorant idiots laugh at me and insult me as documented, and yet oddly Oxford to McGill Scholars (not all legal) part of my social life, and Fortune 500 Giants to Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada pay me well. And many of my friends as such do oddly like me.

Why also such very very classy and very accomplished media recognized women (Macleans and Chatelaine 100) also like me. Two lived with me? Why does Labatt fly me all alone from West Coast to Ottawa to do CRTC appeals? Why would IBM have me speak to aerospace industry? Why do I have security for DND and NRC projects? If a scam exploiting tragic victims and heroes? Well, my friends find it hilarious. I'm now teased as a suspicious scam.

Am I a disgusting pathetic liar or are they?

Do I make a case for $125,000.00? Each? Maybe a tiny bit less as they were oddly 100% honest about my use of UPPERCASE font type, and didn't lie and say I used profanity. Say: $124,995.00 "each" to be safe? Good to have goals and targets. Better when all facts and "whole truth and nothing but bit "ALL" on your side. And then even better when all your references and resources dwarf all theirs in both size and quality. Big time.

See other very critical case law below. Do note exactly how often top media legal (and their legal defence) not often very successful at all just increasing cost and exposure? And in so many cases. CBC, CTV and many others. The amount of out-of-court settlements easily dwarf all these. Legal realism being what it is? Many. And note all the many very related added factors drawn from a variety of these key legal cases below as they relate to this case exactly. Read all. Don't look stupid not doing "honest" research. More fun to follow.

SEE: "The Superior Court considered what a "simple reader" of the article would likely consider?" We have documented samples of exactly what simple minded readers do after "mislead" by Dan Spector and the great super salesperson Gordon Yee. They document going on a cyber bully frenzy. As documented.

Help? To keep it very very simple for the simple minded cyberbully slime reading this, and ganging up on what they foolishly once thought a weak old man and defaming, harassing and insulting him and his charitable acts, and just possibly educated enough as capable of reading this reference below - and their junior legal: this for all those simple minded cyberbully slime who deceitfully defame, as documented myself as a criminal "scam" and "suspicious". Please do consider if my career not creating concept, strategies and tactics and I just simply made pizza.  Simple enough?

Say a pizza for example that I oddly have a forty year charitable history of making and giving single slices to homeless and hungry. Not a big deal, minor compared to many others, but shows character? Yet some feel and document they can in a gang and deceitfully defame this old man's many decades of charitable efforts of giving his time to make volunteer and charitable pizza.

Now add my pizza high priced for many others (Billout at more than medical doctors) and enjoyed for years by top executives with Fortune 500 Giants like IBM, 7-Eleven, Labatt, Molson Pension Fund, Disney, Fox, Federal politicians and even among media from accomplished producers, publishers, plus the literally biggest and best ad agencies in Canada, and seems very respected by top "published" journalists across Canada, even a psychologist at Lakeshore General in Pointe Claire, a law firm, an engineering firm and even  the Attorney General of Canada and two Prime Ministers. And three business school Deans. Good pizza some would think? Plus my pizza recognized by international trade and consumer media and even international awards. Before defamed communicated as a suspicious criminal scam.

And then consider as documented, some self consumed punk princess complains about how I make free pizza to help others, as a volunteer with "normal ordering instructions", being asked to be followed? And as article points when ignored by self consumed punk I clearly respond in a certifiable criminal mad rage of using a tiny bit of UPPERCASE type. No profanity. No option of italics or underline or highlight function luckily limiting my insane mindless rage. Dan missed that key qualification of my typographical limitations, and as documented even on minor details his biased defaming documented word play as misleading. And as malicious as biased.

And then her gang of cyberbullies, all 20 plus? (All so very impressive as their tiny very junior titles make so very clear. As documented.) all gang up with key deceitful and criminal defamation. And harassment. This with very noted leadership, to be fair and honest, by a very impressive top regional mouse and puppy cage test and torture top salesman, Gordon Yee (and as a very highly respected  local Toastmaster word master SPIN masterand star?). And Mr. Yee with Dan Spector as pivotal both fueling and mushrooming this defamation. As documented.

This so others join and bully plus deceitfully defame. As documented. And key to mushrooming deceitful defamation clearly done with a very low level deceitful defaming junior junk journalists Dan Spector's and the Yee-man aid and abet bit. And he publishes in his online national media my Free Pizza "Suspicious" in headline by residents of all Canada (much like his inflated reference to "West Island Residents") but in reality has no more than a bunch of (20) nobodies he exclusively referenced. Pumped further with incremental BS by four very biased, selected very fake top experts.

20 misleadingly referred to as inflated and embellished hyperbole as a much larger image as "West Island Residents" ( Misleading? Just twenty slime and including the three selected authorities used in article) who think, state and publish your pizza a criminal "Scam" "Suspicious" and the Chef needs psychological help? Misleading even in headline?

Referencing as West Island residents in even headline also clearly misleading and defaming as reality only 20 plus losers and liars. Truth all told. Clever boy?

And then the slime document my efforts criminal enough the Pizza quality, even warrants "calls to police"? Wrongful prosecution to public mischief criminal issues result. Trying to use police as puppets, pawns and props to posture some fake legitimacy as community heroes and champions, while at same time crippling a charitable effort and defaming an old man about as sick as you can get? True? False? Seems in the past more fun senior RCMP also liked my pizza?

And others in cyber bully gang also trying desperately faking as a community heroes, often clearly documented as just "blowing their own horn" as self elected speaker for the masses. So often documented as well.

Then idiots, if not enough on the overkill on my use of UPPERCASE type, make some very very sick and very very ugly as it gets, defaming suggestion that "children" eat my "suspicious", "scam" pizza. Sick? And then added - and not much more than by fair parallel, add a low level pizza delivery boy "food safety pizza security expert", then states your pizza appears "suspicious" and could create a "virus". And says even the pizza box could be used against you. Clearly no one safe with my type making pizza?

How much money exactly would courts award this charitable bullied old man as a forty year respected charitable pizza maker, with a forty year history of charitable acts and "honestly" very well liked "high-priced"  pizza? All across Canada. And now sadly his superior reputation, public trust and business network so damaged by documented cowardly, ignorant, deceitful falsehoods, and clearly duplicitous, biased, targeted, malicious efforts on social media, and with Global News key, and with blogs and West Island Watch gang group getting points on assist. And clearly one our three star selection. This defamation by a bunch of highly unaccomplished bully punks?  And using such juvenile sophist efforts at textbook rhetorical fallacy to fraudulent concealment and deception omission. How clever? As documented. As published. Transparent and blatant?

Hint on cost and awards? See case law below.

Click to enlarge image below. Note exactly who Doug Liberman working with? how come oddly he didn't think or claim my efforts either suspicious or a criminal scam. How odd is that? And he's a "real honest hero" not a fake cowardly scum faking it? And do note exactly his reaction to defamation, insults and negativity from these sick cyberbullies and cowards faking any authority to judge me or my efforts clear? As documented.

Yes, selectively Dan Spector missed all the good statements about my volunteer effort and oddly by  far more "West Island Residents" than he dares falsely reference negative about me, misleadingly over representation  from his buddies in the cyber bully gang. Praise for my efforts "ALL" missed, but not his 20 scum and few fake community heroes and experts insights reflecting both their intellect and integrity. And oddly so biased and malicious he selectively missed ALL those who did not find my page or myself a criminal scam or suspicious or needing police called. So many oddly did not call police? And clearly documented they the normal people all appreciated my effort.

B) Patrick Brown suing CTV for defamation demanding "accusers charge him". (Why should CTV now be sued for millions and not Global for similar fake/fabricated stories of "anonymous underage girl claims" now proven totally false and not Global with Dan Spector's article when a more misleading article that I'm a criminal scam exploiting victims and heroes and exposing childrens names as "Communicated"? And "in all caps" when simply asking rules on my page followed as consideration for others and obvious efficacy?

Lucky, I do have ALL the exact names of my accusers and their exact lies as documented, and in their very own exact words. So as such, far more easy to prove truth. And that used for very big honest damages.

And their cyberbully harassment also extremely blatant. And best all their malicious, biased BS claims, literally impossible to prove in court as not lies or clear misleading innuendo, fabrication, extrapolation, conjecture - and hardly a chance not clearly maliciously and biased defamation? Very hard to defend. See case law.

I am not a criminal scam. Nor was asking for money. Or working from a foreign country. Nor am I a "donkey" as some other rather mouthy unaccomplished loser and self proclaimed authority claimed as fact. Yes, I threatened Gordon Yee he better have "clean hands". Still do. His hands very dirty and cowardly as documented.

C) Plus Corus-Shaw & Global News is getting rid of all needless staff, but left very deceitful defaming Dan Spector still at Global News. This as per new notes to Global News legal and HR dept. to dump him ASAP? As costs escalate daily for those with very low projected past case law and actuarial odds of any success to defend? Some lawyers can do regressions. Will now contact others at Global News emails to test others journalistic integrity and to start covering this story nationally. Honestly. Fully.

D)  How can I run for GREEN party and help Liz May as I did Liberal and Conservatives, when I'm defamed by such cowardly unaccomplished slime as suspicious and a criminal scam? And stated that I was exploiting the poor victims of disaster plus honest heroes for money as they repeatedly defined? And more sick and twisted added possibly very sick endangering children. The cost to undo damage done very expensive? Imagine how much printed and digital ad space would cost to undo all the damage done? All across Canada. Will Global give me full page ads in print to undo the damage done?

Never in my fifty years of charitable, generous acts have I suffered such scum. Fact check. I was accused of being generous to a fault in grade school.  Back when mothers also liked me protecting their special ed children from school bullies. More recently my work exposing women beaters and crooks also of note. Destiny?

E) Removing evidence in criminal matters is criminal obstruction. How stupid are the severely stupid and very deceptive? Didn't help even Conrad Black avoid jail time. We can document evidence removed.

F) Why does a note to Facebook legal brains get me back up and within a few hours, after super slime Gordon Yee had me blocked with false claims and being so deceptively clever, and yet still nothing for months from Global News for their big human resource mistake with Dan Spector's defaming article? Facebook legal must be smarter? And even with a low level cyber security technician as another of Dan Spectors selected, primed or scripted authorities stating as fact my page looked "suspicious" and where how oddly Facebook's "real honest researching cyber experts and legal" oddly "NOT"? Nor police. How can Global News still dare defend and support Dan Spector and Gordon Yee when police, Facebook real experts could not? A judge may ask if their legal smarter and better than Global's posturing? Seems so.

Seems neither police or Facebook any good helping these slime legitimize their fraud image? Nor will courts. And add even police with Facebook making crystal clear "I did nothing wrong" or not missing that somethings all very nice and kind said about me dwarfs the critical cyberbully gang's claims and lies. Support and positive claims oddly as Dan Spector selectively avoided, as best supporting his malice and biased article and very sleazy creepy, cowardly friends, and also forgot to note over a hundred "LIKES" on Facebook compared to honest reality of only twenty problem people Dan calls "West Island Residents"? Inflation or hyperbole by the thousands? As he also documents and missing much, as deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment his documented key skill set. This as those far more educated won't miss for a single second.

Add how when others came to my defence they were blocked? Sick? Legal optics? Who you going to trust Terry their top cyber expert, Gordon Yee super test and torture cage salesman or Facebook's top cyber experts and real RCMP experts?

Why do I still get harassed to date by those in their gang, still support posting under false names and ID. Cowardly? Creepy? Proof of more incremental "Damages and Punitive" for article aid and abet inciting others? Makes a point. The aid and abet, symbiosis and synergy not lost on those more educated and understand legal actuarial applications.

G) Facebook Page: 5,195 people reached all across Canada before this 100% honest, 100% charitable effort to clearly honour "real" community heroes was crippled by cyberbullies deceitfully "faking as community heroes and champions". Clearly defaming an old man and his once very anonymous volunteer honourable efforts? As documented. Very well documented.

See all the names of those who honestly "Liked", Posted and left "unsolicited very kind and positive comments" about my volunteer efforts at honestly honouring real honest community heroes - and how my goal clearly not to have MY page hijacked by published fakes, fools and felons and before this sleazy very creepy  cowardly bunch of deceitful, dublicious, malicious, biased uninformed gang of defaming self-glorifying punk idiots - and again disgustingly "faking as community heroes" and champions, made insulting, demeaning claims about BOTH myself and the honest volunteer effort. As documented. Fact check? Now my turn to humiliate them but with the honest real truth as documented exactly what and who they really are. Only fair.

And best some of the super idiots called police. And bragged about it. Fools not doing research on who they thought they could intimidate as such. And again as all documented. And with clearly very selective and very false statements of fact, or using deceptive omission or fraudulent concealment - for lack of a better legal term. Truth is truth. Facts are facts.

They can't support their postured illegal defaming very fraud authoritative claims nor have more than minor credentials to even dare judge others far more accomplished and experienced, and certainly far more honest and charitable. And better I can document and support everything I state as fact (other than clear subjective very "informed" opinion by comparison) and ALL the pivotal prima facie bit saved by Facebook and Global News, PMs and other social media stands as documented.

This story and legal case now honestly is national newsworthy, and of very serious public interest and education:

A well documented story that even as one old man you can still fight back attacks by a swarm of connected or conspiracy to defame punks and as deceiving low life cowardly cyber bullies. Why don't they try and further defame me now?

And you can fight back even when bullied by those trying to "intimidate" and "impress" with such very low level junior journalist titles (and ethics).

And this story clear how one old man can even dare to challenge a top regional market puppy and mouse test and torture cage super sales star like Gordon Yee and his gang of best of best? And so many others as posted posturing in gang of twenty as smarter than God and very disgusting some also posturing as fake community heroes on a platform of fake news. Very defaming? Very obvious?
Very documented.

If not frightened out of their minds of the damage to future career and revenue and bank accounts, or not on cognitive dissonance on overdrive, the slime gang should call police on me again? Even if the tiny wee bit of any "honest merit" to ANY of their bold and loud previous bully criminal claims. And charge me for something? Anything?

Funny how Global News oddly missing this now mushrooming story, as clear as day, as of "far more public interest/value and far more newsworthy". More details makes better news. And if honest far better. Far more than original very deceitful defaming article, and with an insanely dumb reference to UPPERCASE type as clearly their strongest and oddly most honest point? True? False?

What kind of democracy do we live in and respect for rule of law when (20) twenty cyberbullies think they can demand an authority over (130) and bully an old man and cripple and kill an honest charity? Jail time?

And yes I do get rude when ganged up on by self consumed punks thinking I'm their paid staff. Exactly as documented. No profanity. As documented. Just selected use of Uppercase fonts my 100% true real crime? True? False? Will other older seniors agree? I think the gangs attack should be accepted as anger pushed to Uppercase levels justified?

With rapes and murders, children abused and taxpayers cheated in Quebec and even West Island, just how newsworthy is the use of UPPERCASE type? Really? With a bit of honest effort research Dan Spector may have noticed Facebook does not give an option to underline or use italics or highlight. He even failed to qualify that "honestly"? So lazy. So sloppy. No minimal standard of care and research. Even the very simplest and stupidest of points misleading as to be malicious and biased. CLEARLY! The bigger deceptions defined below as even much more obvious.

Why Global News must fire Dan Spector ASAP?

This questions and this blog link soon will be sent to various Montreal and National Media and to Global News Editorial and Legal. Again? Helping Dan Spectures style of journalism be fully recognized by peers. And asking if Dan Spector if still presently at Global News, is as a now very well documented as just a junior junk journalist deserving dismissal? True? False? And is Dan Spector clearly guilty of very deceptive, very biased and case law defined malicious defamation. True or false? Notice he's now put on very limited or allowed to only publish very safe very little league stories? Or was that his real mandate before joining cyberbullies to defame? Some high school papers and people do cover much bigger news stories? See high school kids in US on gun control and high school newspapers handling bigger issues. Odd his days as faking a major crimebuster and top investigative journalist have now ended? Or soon will.

This all above exactly as per Dan Spector's article (Link Below). As documented. Exactly.

"Scam and Suspicious" false claims could hurt a dentist to a car mechanic severely. And to ask if now his cowardly gang of bullies that he empowers, misleads and inspires or legally defined aids and abets seems also clearly far more "suspicious" of dishonesty all collectively than I? Far more than I do here plus on my original Facebook page to honour "real honest" community heroes. Tables turned. Judge and be judged. Publish at your peril. This as per comparison to insulting Dan Spector defaming article and the fires it lit for a witch hunt and burning of a good witch. For the less educated: imagine in the "Wizard of Oz" all the flying monkeys in a frenzy burning the good witch. For direct comparison?

And to question other media and lawyers with different media, if Dan Spector's effort at journalistic research, far below legal demands (as per Supreme Court decisions and other case law below)? Far below those legal tests clearly? And the Dan Spector article also proving beyond any "honest and intelligent" doubt or debate: extremely biased, malicious and just far too one-sided? Like 100% one sided as very well documented. This as defined below and far below standards defined by law. His word games faking objectivity hardly any match for honest and historical time stamped documented facts.

Too many good "honest" and far better journalists now looking for work. Dan Spector should be so very easy to replace. Very easy and to improve content and readership scores and critical melting ad revenue. Basic brand image protection and revenue development comes from quality upgrades. And on a personal level Dan hardly one to be trusted as such. Obviously wouldn't let Dan Spector or Gordon Yee date my daughter. Or in my store. I might use Uppercase on one of my signs and be rude to abusive idiots waving their intimidating business cards and credentials at me and again suffer a gang attack of their flying monkeys..

And Global News would have a far better writer with easily better stories at same price and simply replace dishonest, deceptive Dan Spector with some person more mature and senior? Advertisers do deserve at least that? And this should be so very embarrassing for all Global News with such malicious deceitful defaming trash. Makes other writers seem possibly suspicious? And one wonders why Global News readership research, credibility scores, ad revenue and profits plunging with other less credible media similar deceptive efforts? See Dan Spector article (Link below).

Irony? My discussions with Dr. Goldberg in 1980, then Dean of McGill Business School, when we discussed the cost of ads as per poor editorial placement reflecting on studies in the Advertising Research Journal oddly referenced this.
Then I was a requested speaker? Later UBC and SFU. Still waiting for invite from UVic?

Dan Spector's articles claims I oddly just magically and suddenly just got aggressive. This is absolutely absurd. He totally avoided mentioning the real seed/cause and honest well documented exact motive or "WHY"? Such low life deceptive slime are some? As documented. What journalists avoids the question "Why"? The rules of Why, Where, When and How, seem awkwardly selective for Dan Spector as to best allow one to misrepresent, deceive and bias maliciously. When in honest reality the "Why" starts with and when (1) ONE initially selfish self-consumed punk treats you like some private paid staff and ignores MY page policy and warnings. And this when many (hundreds) documented as so very very polite, respecting and a joy, and also as well documented. This also missed from this extremely misleading biased malicious defamation Dan article.

And then when her gang all gangs up on you by misinformed human lying garbage, possibly one might get angry?  Ya' think? Get real. Get honest. Both anger and thus even the apparent reckless use of  UPPERCASE possibly in such extreme cases warranted. Defaming an old man's volunteer efforts plus an honest volunteer effort to honour heroes and calling police clearly not warranted even by use of Uppercase fonts. At all.

Ask any honest sane normal person if they'd get angry when ganged up on by punks insulting, intimidating, uninvited and disgustingly deceptively posturing as faking their community heroes and crippling a 100% honest, 100 % volunteer effort and clearly communicating my motive as suspicious as a criminal "scam" and to both exploit victims and heroes. And further warrant calls to police. A tiny bit upsetting? Angry? ABSOLUTELY!!!

Ya' think any normal person might get mad when challenged by those not doing minimal honest research and those clearly less educated, less experienced, less knowledgeable, far less accomplished and just arrogant and ignorant punks when 20 all gang up on one old man? As documented beyond debate. Such a classy cowardly group of liars. As named. As documented. And getting a gang involved to insult, defame and harass FIRST as documented also beyond debate. Dan Spector's article missed these and many other "honest" very very key points. This with his very high school pathetic effort to fake objectivity, and now he will only fool the ignorant, less educated, and those badly mentally balanced and biased. His herd? As documented.

All Dan Spector  had to do was a tiny wee bit of "honest" basic research and give myself and my friends and others, an honest and fair chance to tell their "honest" side story as very far from either a scam or suspicious and very far from being just some weak old man they thought they could insult, bully and defame. Plus fairly allow time to source documentation and "honestly" reply? The other side of the honest story as now defined below.

And reply not when Dan Spector  and some slime punk buddy at  CJAD "demanded it" with both twin junior junk journalist bottom-of-the- barrel writers demanding I fit to their timeline? Who do they think they are as compared exactly to what they really are? And as also nicely, also very well documented.

Such demanding arrogance and documented ignorance disgusting? Typical of arrogant punk bullies? True? False? Shouldn't Dan Spector and insulting buddy Emily Campbell cover this story now, fully and honestly? Fully? With much more "honest" research. And with full critical editorial control as neither can be trusted. This is proof. More fun stuff on the insulting Emily Campbell exchange to follow as documented and even in her exact own words.

And did Dan Spector have any legal right "at all" to  mislead and inspire others to insult, defame, ridicule and all bully one weak old man and an honest charitable effort? A weak old man they once had illusions that I was, as doing no acceptable research. At all! Now they find not such a weak old man? This now the reality for Dan Spector's authoritative  buddy top regional mouse and puppy test and torture cage salesman Gordon Yee. As documented? Did Dan Spector have any legal right? See case law below. All slime and cowardly bullies well documented in Facebook pages with Global News article as the clear mushrooming, "pivotal" and "booster" rally point, feeding both synergy and symbiosis for some possible sociopaths .

Did Dan Spector used his juvenile sophist wordplay to fake objectivity for far lesser minds? Wordplay that simply won't fool my far more accomplished media friends and legal buddies and some as linguists. At all. Nor will they be intimidated by such very low level junior junk journalists titles, as should be clear as you read below. Or will they all buy the slimes BS as they are clearly far more educated and accomplished than this West Island 20 plus pile of human garbage. Their gang meets my gang. And my gang more in both quantity and quality. And some very hardened figurative street fighters. They also have personal reasons to hate bullies as well. Not just scholars void of passion. And hate bullies and liars as well.

This malicious defamation done with Deceitful Dan's disgustingly grossly super fraud friends all faking as "community heroes" as his 100% one-sided, clearly biased and malicious effort defining fake news so well documents. What sick frauds? As documented.

Does society not have a thousand more things to warrant being worried and warned about like murders, rape, homeless and hungry? Strange odd article seems designed to deceptively defame and so very targeted at best. And based on newsworthy rudeness in "Quebec" and use of uppercase font? And lacking profanity. Hardly newsworthy? Am I the only rude person in "Quebec" or uses Uppercase? Hardly if based on fact. Hardly newsworthy when truth all told. All told. And basically deception and defamation what it does best as documented? True? False? However, now truth all told this story now extremely newsworthy? Odd they ignore real truth now. Read below why scared out of their minds of honest truth.

Thank God, the fluoride levels in the water in Montreal keeping them all calm and big screen TV and snow caging them and capturing their minds diverting any critical thinking? But so logically clumsy missing the obvious.

Now kind of funny when Dan Spector and Gordon Yee and gang or swarm of cyber bullies finds out: they lied and misrepresented and seriously picked on the wrong old man. An old man that they all once thought was far too weak to fight back. And against all the punk power rangers and their skilled video game mind set. Bet Dan Spector wishes now he did far more real and "honest" research now, instead of trying to show off to his very sick self serving and very self glorifying low life friends, as documented.

Read below what a life changing and career mistake Dan Spector made being so deceptive, defaming and duplicitous. This will haunt and shadow his career for years to come. Hard to hurt the career of mouse and puppy test and torture cage sales star as how much lower can Gordy go with such word skills as a top Toastmaster? But soon Gordon Yee may be too embarrassed to go to Toastmaster meetings or even walk around West Island.

And Dan Spector, now possibly, as real irony, appearing as a possible clear junk journalist to hundreds more and soon thousands, and as a real fraudulent "scam" trying so very hard to impress his documented friends, at his power and abuse of position and fiduciary reader's trust? And paid for it by Global News? And his now well documented true deceitful nature beyond debate as documented? Very well documented.

And deceitful defaming Dan Spector also guilty of such a sad juvenile attempt to intimidate, insult and intimidate one old man. And with twenty others also in on this sick witch hunt and documented cyberbully frenzy and cross media mix synergy and symbiosis that they all document their aid and abet bit with? Very well. All named. Again, so twenty could insult, maliciously defame, bully and intimidate (1) one old man. And more tragic an honest volunteer charitable cause that specifically Dan Spector's article  and sleazy friends truly helped cripple and KILL!

Some are not fools or easily deceived. Even have Gordon Yee documented starting to even disgust his very own followers. Others in their gang also got suspicious that others just "wanting attention". Makes a point. Add as critical others very clear and very well documented admission of guilt of defamation, documented and apology.  And better documenting they were "mislead" by Dan Spector article.


Here below is one of literally dozens of samples of the cowardly cyberbully gangs insults, defamation, deception and harassment based on totally false claims that I'm a criminal scam and very false statements of fact.

Note the classic juvenile uneducated, unresearched, illogical rebuttal, full of sound and fury and starting with a statement of truth for illusion of credibility (a bit worn) and then even lecturing the masses on "why most people help", like the most don't know? But so clever suggesting quickly I'm providing for those who help for themselves and wanting recognition? Insulting many listed. Oddly by word count wanting far less recognition than her. As documented. Then uses that postured platform of credibility to make claims I'm a criminal scam and with her incredible perception claims my web page has "Makings of a (criminal) scam written all over it"? Odd police don't think so? Or police missed that? She must be so much smarter, than police, Facebook, myself and my friends and past employers. Nor will courts of law be as smart? Blowing her own horn clearly. As a self defined and empowered voice for authority (credentials?), majority (election results?) and honesty (will she dare swear under oath her statements true and not malicious and based on fact?) and her very gifted perception, but really all a bit of a flop. And also wrong on three added points. I did not ask for money and with a bit of research I'm more than capable of Lobbying corporate sponsorship and support as a far better use of time. Her babble is self glorified BS.

- Her idiot claim "too many vulnerable" vomit worthy faking as a community hero protecting the ignorant masses supporting me and acting like some honest democratically selected voice. But in all hard honest reality not. Odd police don't think the same? Nor my friends. Nor will courts of law?

- Then she thinks we need her almost visual biblical wisdom, oddly much like Gordon Lee, as why people help people, or is needing mention, and oddly seems need-to-know stuff, she/he feels should shared with real honest heroes, oddly while honestly not helping honour real heroes.  Not helping honour real heroes at all. And as clearly absurd pontificating with some papal infallibility bit.

Yes I see the obvious. My Jewish friends in media and film and employers might find her very embarrassing. My Jewish friends had me visit at Jewish General in Montreal to make a sick family member laugh and smile. A member of the Club of Rome from Montreal fame also gave me recommendations? My prefered fun lunch buddies in Montreal oddly also Jewish. Two of my girlfriends Jewish. Certainly Norman Finkelstein, Christopher Hedges or the late Christopher Hitchens or Chomsky might use this pearl of proof of something questionable. And even if none as smart as the self appointed voice of many as per Lissa Albert and word master Gordon Yee.

- And then she finishes babbling more false garbage and statement of false fact about taking funds from heroes for a plaque. She must know a very good lawyer?
Everyone who knows me and my career knows the only ones I'd ask for funds are corporations?

Can any in this gang or type be trusted on any statement of fact?

" If we value honesty in politics and accountability in government, then it’s time that we collectively agree to invest in quality investigative journalism. This is a cause that I am passionate about, both as a former journalist and a trustee of the Jack Webster Foundation".

Bridgitte Anderson is GM of Edelman Vancouver. She previously worked as a local and national news anchor at CTV and BNN. I was a big fan of Jack Webster.

They bullied & defamed the wrong old man?

And media and legal must now ask if Dan "needs help"with classes on "Journalism Integrity" and "Defamation Law". And with help by both a defamation defence lawyer plus a criminal defence lawyer helping him? And his whole gang of cyber bullies. Yes, criminal issues, as this legal case now, and so very very handy, also involves Criminal Law as well. Calling police about as sick and stupid as it gets. Publishing and writing such misleading defaming garbage as stupid. And criminal elements here range from wrongful prosecution to public mischief? And possibly more. Research in progress for more. Not just clear documented defamation. Note: Removing evidence in criminal matters is clear criminal obstruction. As documented. Not clever either?

This national and Montreal media distribution with this blog done as to establish or test the integrity of a wide variety of news media even those already proven defamatory to others in courts? All print and broadcast media should know and be warned about Dan Spector. If believing quality, intellect, integrity matter.

And this done to show my efforts to help mitigate damages and defend my good name and cover fair costs to my other efforts. And help destroy Dan Spector's career before he abuses his tiny wee position to dare again to defame, bully or intimidate others who are too weak to fight back. Old man, woman or younger person. And can't or won't fight back.

Those media with class and integrity, should fully support my efforts to honour real heroes and expose these documented frauds and "fully" cover this full story.

Or if slime-friendly media, help cover up Dan's defamation deeds by avoiding covering this with focus on much smaller stories as "Fill"? And be proud of themselves? And avoid mirrors and self realizations.

And this done to help more honourable media not wanting to compete with such scum junk journalists and needlessly lose audience to such junk journalism clickbait documenting deceitful and such misleading online local low end defaming journalism. And trying to boost audience with classic tabloid journalism?  And help to best expose such slime. Like Toronto media going after CTV's fake dishonest news.

And here media intentionally used as by Dan Spector to defame an old man  is a bit sick. Mike Duffy, Mulroney were not resumed weak old men when defamed and were not helping a 100% honest, 100% volunteer, 100% charitable cause. Something Dan Spector didn't highlight as so deceptively clever. So now all media can help undue Global News and Dan Spector doing so very wrong. Or not? And as well, for better more honourable media, to keep this link in their media HR files. This incase Dan soon needs a job with those with similar bottom of barrel ethical standards. As documented.

And Global News will now be asked  for a written apology, and to provide a one thousand dollar donation to future flood victims to settle all my claims against Global News, and to fire Dan Spector for blatant deceit, distortion and duplicitous efforts to defame an honourable community cause clearly designed to simply and clearly honour community heroes. As documented. Use legal rules of interpretation of Literal, Golden and Mischief to simple "common man" test or ask a linguist if not clear enough. Ask any honest intelligent person? So much so obvious as truth revealed. They not only ganged up  on me but a separate honest volunteer effort. Two different legal issues?

Do note exactly how my FB page headline so much more honest than Dan Spector's headline hyperbole. So much so obvious if one thinks? Read his article after blog and when more informed. Honest research and real background as reference.

Plus Dan Spector's help was so very key as per aid and abet bit for his sleazy group of cyberbullies, as legally defined, and to fuel and repeatedly defame and repeatedly insult one old man's far more honourable efforts. Fact. And using Dan Spector's article as sick Petitio Principii validation for their defamatory claims as major life failure Gordon Yee documented, makes so much so obvious. Lies serving lies. In formal logic if both the first and second premise false guess what the conclusion renders?

This defamation done with twenty other cyber bullies ganging up on one old man.


Some already from this gang documenting and admitting guilt of their defamation "already", as documented, plus posted, and further to point, adding and admitting that they were mislead by Dan's Spector's deceitful article. Good luck Global trying to defend against confessions of guilt by others. The ethics disgusting. As proven and documented below. More simple: Say two of twenty in a murder or rape gang but only watched and insulted victim, then confess and show remorse and document apology, just what can courts really think of the others not yet confessing or mitigating? Legal optics,  realism and "objectivity" more than just a one hour graduate philosophy lecture?

See Sworn affidavit. Criminal charges soon follow.

Where, as very well documented, is the basic "natural justice" when the one old man didn't get to even know who all my exact accusers were in advance or the "true and exact accusations" of each or allowed an "honest" and equal fair and chance at a fair honest fact based reply prior to publishing lies? And honestly and fairly reply to excessive defamatory claims and conjecture by Terry Cutler and Karine Saba as a case in point. Biased? More than obvious? And Dan Spector and Emily Campbell at CJAD dare demand their deadline as my timeline as documented. Sick punk bullies. Honest? Fair? Sick? Cowardly? Abusive? Their friends and family should be so very proud and their employers very embarrassed, disgusted and on alert.

Then Dan Spector  cherry picks his selective quotes with sick sophist juvenile word play and allows only clearly one-sided support: that I'm a criminal scam and that I required police calls as "quoted". This a bit biased and one-sided? Like 100%? Malicious in black and white obvious as when back when words like Libel and Slander used. We no longer separate the written word from spoken lies against character/currency as rules of evidence of far more merit than modality. Written just better evidence. Why I avoided any phone calls?

Hey, let's be clear I have no problem with "honest" defamation and name calling at all EXCEPT when based on "illegal lies" used as stated fact or position of authority used as to fool others. I've been in union halls and political party leadership backrooms. And have a very serious problem with lies made directly or clearly implied by blatant innuendo or of statement of fact, misrepresentations, sophist suppression and expansion, deceitful omission or fraudulent concealment. And done to defame an honest community effort to honour heroes and worse: when a lying gang all bullying one weak old honest man, I draw the line. As do courts..

I'm a freedom of speech freak from 60's? As documented. I've also worked for CBC, CHOM-FM, CJOR and been quoted as a media expert by Financial Post and Computer Paper and worked for a former Attorney General of Canada writing words for a Prime Minister. My friends have worked for Gazette and Macleans. I know very well the difference between top award winning investigative journalists and junior junk deceitful journalistic scum. I worked, sailed and played tennis and some guitar with the best ones plus publishers and producers. All across Canada.

The absurd needless overkill of bringinging in any self-claimed cyber security expert into the article borders on insane?  Should have been needless fill, if other research efforts had any merit? Some such idiots that they miss the point when police say I've done nothing wrong. As will courts and public opinion say I did nothing wrong but get angry with self-serving and such self-glorifying punks. After police said I did nothing wrong they then disagreed with police and continued creating the sum lie. Cyber expert's  claims and very self promoting non-sequitur comments more than revealing as with his real honest credentials and education in cyber security. Free advertising. At my honest good character expense? Not.

In late 80's when FBI told me to stop playing any further at NASA as a pioneer on the Internet as would be criminal I did. I did the programming for the first Apple II ads for a Montreal retailer and got over $300 dollars for a 13 week cycle buyout from ACTRA as also a top hand model. As a bit of a head start I may know something about computers? And hand modeling.

While on the subject of damages: My famous hand modeling possibly also defamed? Later my hand would man-up the new strange beer bottle design when stubby left to history and Cuba, and some bottles and brand on West Coast needing my manly and computer friendly hand?

How much in damages to ensure my hand's reputation also not suffering being defamed? Hard to find work and a quick few hundred as a national Fortune 500 hand model when your hands accused of being part of multiple documented bunch of fake community heroes claims as a criminal scam. "Scam hands" hard to shake? Hard to trust. And now my hands based on Global News my hands also now considered suspicious. Possibly spreading a virus and a predisposition to typing and posting children's names. My manly once thought "honest" hands. And possibly my honest respected honest hands behind my work with Trailer Park Boys on East Coast to recent rap video on Vancouver Island. Now my hands not to be trusted as a highly reorted in Global News as possible of being scam-hands and so suspicious as Global News sees it? $10,000.00 in damages to help prove my celebritish-like hands not part of scam once published as used to exploit "victims and heroes". Both hands. $20,000.00. Fact: My hands are clean. Ask RCMP, DND and NRC? And both clean hands look forward to giving the finger to Dan Spector and Gordon Yee in both criminal and defamation hearings on damages. And the rest of the flying monkeys.

The calls to police as "quoted" an effort at criminally wrongful prosecution to highly ignorant public mischief and harassment escalated as a further deceptive effort to legitimize their lies and fuel witch hunt further. And all failed. On every count. And based on a motive of ego trips as also very well documented.

Why was my support not quoted at all? At all? I had 130 (84%) unsolicited Facebook "Likes" before charity crippled by cyberbullies vs. their pitiful "solicited" 20 (16%)? And so called five experts oddly ALL one-sided? Fair, honest, equitable reporting or highly grossly misleading biased defamatory abuse of fiduciary duty to Dan Spector's  public trust and readers? Those sadly all foolishly trusting Dan Spector as not biased and very deceitful in purpose and method? Possibly not the first time? Hopefully the last?

Soon the fun begins. Justice served. Rule of law must be respected (As former mentor Sen. Eugene Forsey lectured myself on back when I was in Ottawa). Gets funny below how stupid they are. I do oddly have a few friends? "Old" friends?
Legal and media.

A bunch of slime young bullies insults, defames an old man plus an honest volunteer charity, and now in honest fairness and to help protect others, this gang and their names now gets more and more exposed for what "they really are".

And exposed to civil and criminal courts, media and public. Local and national. This blog just the seed. With luck this will go national to protect my reputation and career(s). From highly unrecognized national hand model to writing words for a prime Minister. And make clear "What they really are" beyond parallels to flying monkeys attacking the good witch in the Wizard of Oz over used. Exposed as documented and using the slime's low life names plus with their "very own words used and pointed to". That easy. See real truth exactly why they must be exposed and prosecuted below. Links below.

"When honourable media  make mistakes, they correct them. There must be trust and respect between an audience and any media. Poorly constructed arguments shouldn't make it out of editorial process. Some media take great pride in upholding high standards".

Some clearly not. Why? In the long run, the truth always wins and deceitful dummies easy to expose. Always.

Journalists like Dan Spector lying and/or distorting evidence for its own, nefarious purposes makes all Global News and staff now all sadly suspect. Like CTV all now shamed. No apology to date by Global News only makes their visible image and brand look far worse. To many? Too many? Lacking class. Expensive? Read on. A real honest person with intelligence admits their mistake as we all know. And others don't.

Some of the guilty have apologized, others based on narcissistic ego or cognitive dissonance still might debate and spend hundreds of hours (like Gordon Yee now must) to desperately try and defend? And literally thousands and thousands of dollars. But, so far,  I've heard nothing from defaming, deceitful, distorting, duplicitous Dan Spector and his present temporary employer Global News, as to even dare counterclaim or concede for blatant legal efficacy with written apology? CORUS and SHAW do? Or mitigate increasing daily costs? Or make this story a "major feature" and fully fair to both sides. This also possibly speaks volumes as to their logical and huge legal weakness?

My forty year friends do include a BC Criminal Court Judge (See FB) and another an Oxford/Osgoode internationally respected legal brain and former acting chair of UBC Law Faculty. Add an RCMP officer also as a grade school to FB friend. Yes, Dan did not do even very minimal in-your-face research at all defaming and picking on the wrong old man. Thinking the old man once weak and fearing such junior junk journalists fiduciary abuse for "coercion and intimidation". Dictating and documenting a timeline and agenda defines their arrogance and ignorance. Thinking myself old and having no friends they attacked. As documented.

I may not have many friends. But many classy ones. I refuse most offers. More surprises below. And to follow. We play aces and not just kings and queens when in courtroom. We can easily compare what others think of me like Senators and Grey Nuns and a variety of charities to these biased malicious "authorities". This as compared to these self defined authorities defaming me as a criminal scam to make a further point on damages. These Grey nuns I helped from medical to computer issues will now be very surprised by all my other charitable acts I never mentioned, but for damage assessment should note here. Many of my friends only know of a very few of my charitable acts and will now also be well-informed by other friends. Yes, I'm even nicer than they thought. Most don't know of my famous hands either.

These cyberbullies were very deceitful, cruel, insulting. As documented. Harassment more than defined. Dan Spector pivotal to giving them published legitimacy to further defame. Clearly.

Now this old man takes his turn to reciprocate as one old man against twenty aggressive punks. And where many of my friends and family noted scholars, I was also a bouncer in a biker bar and a custodian in a psychiatric ward during university, and a national media liaison for CBC with all top national writers, so I can handle such loud, opinionated and aggressive deceitful manly and not-so-lady-like authoritative types. And can easily trade their lower level style of insults with them very easily. But now I just deal with the cowardly and creepy cyber bullies who once felt so safe in larger numbers bullying and insulting one old man, but now one-on-one. My hands now free to fight back. Truth hurts. And their lies to deceptive innuendo and rhetorical tricks so easy to define.

This blog's pre launch Page Views all time history:
Pageviews last month 424. Pageviews all time history 3,561.
(And blog still not even "officially launched". And launched all over West Island from Dorval to Dorion, Shawinigan, QC to Shawnigan, BC, where I also have previous political and personal investment and a far more accomplished reputation to defend and undamage than these punk slime. Combined?)

Also important is showcasing nationally this legal case as a warning and education to other sick ego driven bullies and similar junk journalists trying to intimidate not simply insult an old man or those weaker. As documented.

Important is fully exposing all cyberbullies and slime in this gang and for full legal response as also a very very clear goal. This as a major life lesson to many others across Canada from junior junk journalist to the other named community creeps and frauds. And if enough media attention nationally a warning to others. Will still push this to the CBC's Fifth Estate as they know a few people who have actually and really have known me for forty years. Or more?

Already 3,561 page views? And note this now a very fun hobby for this old man. Beats crosswords and lawn bowling. Busting sick disgusting, deceitful, defaming punk bullies and their blatant BS and junk junior journalists an honourable sport. Well, until my reputation fully cleared and I can continue my long history of charitable acts, media and political involvement? And competitive senior tennis goals.

Executive Legal Brief/Press Release draft notes:
For Release Upon Receipt.

Key Point: "Seriously, what about the sad hidden innocent little children or poor family of these documented defaming, deceitful, insulting cyber bullies and suffering this exact type of sick documented no-research judgment and ugly mindset? And think of the coworkers, lovers and partners of such a textbook checklist group of sick narcissistic deceitful minds? Are they safe from exact similar abuse? Are others also similarly abused, insulted and defamed"?

Are their family and friends as added prior victims? Also bullied, ridiculed and suffering similar deceitful sophist word play and similar well "documented" abuse and lack of judgment and research or reference? As their now well documented style of little meaningful research illustrates in spades? Children? This probably not the first time these very sick bullies pulled this on somebody they thought far weaker. Is it? Their cowardice blatant.

Legal Note: Have sprinkled, on March 30 a few more new and very neat novel legal tricks and traps down and around below. This done so "all" the lawyers "helping" this deceitful slime should read fully. And very very carefully. Everything must be read from all the different Facebook pages and Global Article to these legal notes. All! All evidence. And must be read in both honest context (See  Legal Case Reference Below) and very key must be read in critical honest chronological order. Critical before any young foolish lawyer dares faking any adequate due diligence and standard of care overview that judges often seem to simply hate. We are not fools. Key changes? Some legal cases below only have one or two key points. Read carefully. Join the dots.

This "real full reading" needed as to not also look too stupid to far more honest media and many other far superior legal minds as clearly defined below. Some forty year friends having more legal depth and accomplishment than most lawyers. Fact check? And will look very silly attempting just faking they know what they babble about.

Some do have a very deep understanding of oddly media, defamation law plus experience in such exact and similar cowardly criminal matters, plus wrongful prosecution to public mischief in criminal law. Note: And where not at all (for now) directly related, seems I'm also not bad at tax law either?  I myself am grateful to both RCMP and CRA. Fact check?

And this defamation even far more sick and "criminal" when such slime use and abuse police as their private, paid, props, puppets and pawns to try and desperately legitimize a mob for wrongful prosecution and character lynching - and oddly this other stupid trick also not new to some. At all. 
And the cost of settlement apropos such factors also well understood. If they have any hope they are not totally busted they all should call police again. If any of their claims have any legal merit as they once claimed so very clearly. Any merit at all? We know what Gordon Yee thinks clever and courts will understand makes him a major disgusting moron.

Note this name "Jon Sinclair" top left. This is some of the "ongoing" cute juvenile evidence of added harassment by their gang support. Not I. And this cute use of "Jon Sinclair" was reported to Facebook. As documented.

And consider with an added Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar and former Law faculty chair at UBC plus a BC Criminal Court judge as my 40 year friends and my work directly reporting to Ron Basford former Attorney General of Canada, why some settle so very quickly to cut costs, fighting far less and hoping and begging their looking less foolish longer to many many more? If anyone wants to save hundreds or possibly thousands of hours of time (x 20) and many thousands in money 
(x 20) in 2018 let me know? Or not? Read on if this point and those missed or over their heads. This offer for all others with Gordon Yee, Emily Campbell and Dan we go the distance. Flying monkeys now warned.

Executive Overview:

Issue: Am I seriously as legally defined: defamed by Dan Spector's and Global News, falsehoods to deceptive malicious innuendo, as defined by law as in this fake news article? And from an obvious synergy of defaming article in Global News and symbiosis with other documented Facebook attacks by these cyberbullies? Yes, Global article hardly stands alone as courts see it, as referenced. And unwarranted calls to police? What would a "normal honest" person think? Ask courts? Ask anyone? The truth and whole truth bit will sink this ship of disgusting fools.

Below, my link to my humble once anonymous effort to honour honest community heroes. And clearly this effort was not designed to give free press for a bunch of vain very sick ugly self-glorifying, self-promoting fake community champions as too well documented. Nor was page designed as to allow them to insult and defame (1) one old man. And show off to friends and waste police time as all too well documented with their very deceptive personalities and documented ego problems.

Inculpatory Evidence,?

A) My page that they attacked (Note others  as named and self posted in gang also lying and defaming uninvited on "my volunteer" web page to honour "real" heroes as per link):

B) See defaming, deceptive, duplicitous Dan Spector article dare bringing me into disrepute as per "my" honest page with dime store deceptive sophist efforts at rhetorical fallacy, fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission and nobody authorities:

Yes, some issues not clear in these two links as to what went on between or prior to any real research and before judgement done by these deceitful ignorant punks so I'll fill in the blanks below.

How sick, moronic and cowardly will all these well documented very arrogant and very proven ignorant and very highly unaccomplished, cyber bullies and junior junk journalists, will now ALL look in both criminal and civil court? And to their coworkers, community and neighbourhood, family and any "honest friends"  judgement? Family and friends? Can we judge any by the company they keep? Can they lie and twist their words as a desperate defence still? And try to fool an honest and far more objective, educated and intelligent, credible media and public? Or courts? Or police? Or my few friends?

And to their community and industry, will all now be seen as a very sick and very cowardly documented swarm, all ganging up and defaming, insulting and abusing one (1) old man? Never being honest or fair. They once thought 20 of their top super bully brains against one old man and their lies would intimidate me with added calls to police and junior journalist business cards. Wrong old man. Very wrong. Never being honest or fair. Now they must.

An old man they thought wouldn't fight back? Plus as sick: crippling and killing an honest volunteer charity designed clear as day to so many as simply to honour "real heroes" thinking their deceit would not be avenged. And again, this honourable effort was not designed to provide free press and ad space to those who "fake as such community heroes and champions". This as documented in Dan Spectors very strange defaming article. Compared to his other articles a very revealing anomaly? Flattering their very vain false ego and small intellect. And as documented. And with their so cute juvenile sophist wordplay and excessive use of rhetorical fallacy also just as transparent.

What will so many from courts to community honestly think when I try to reverse ALL the damage done? What if punk bullies can't support their clear claims as published as fact and not biased or malicious as on both Global and Facebook as both abused as complimentary. This as clearly implied and suggested or stated as direct honest fact by many in their cowardly insulting gang or swarm. And their so very clever transparent deceptive sophist innuendo? And all obviously so very biased; so very one-sided and so clearly insulting and malicious? What are the real facts and key issues as per legal objectivity and realism stuff. As documented?

What is the truth? What are the documented facts?

a- Am I as stated as published fact a criminal "scam" needing calls to police as honest fact as per Dan Spector and Gordon Yee's major deceptive efforts "allow", and as documented in his article and others as named, who also aid and abet to defame me in same Global News documented deceptive defaming article synergy - plus wrongfully prosecute to further defame?

And again, as per common man legal test on their juvenile word play, intellect and integrity (Detailed and Dissected below) what are the actuarial odds defamation not obvious? And even more moronic when police made very clear to them "prior" I'd done "nothing wrong"? Even when furious at self consumed punks who started getting insulting and build up a gang or group to insult and defame an old man police seem very clear I had still had done "nothing wrong". Nor used profanity on those from Quebec. Class or what? And some do think kinda really funny now how both criminal and civil courts will obviously and must fully support police 100% on this fact, that I did nothing wrong? Ya' think? Or do idiots think police, criminal and civil courts will beg to differ with such a needless police investigation? And side with the flying mokeys?

b- I "need help"? Do I "immediately" (now months later)? As they are so superior in their illusions that they are in anyway have any legal certifiable authority at all as to judge others and publish, and yet dare make such sick defamatory and misleading statements as authoritative fact. Courts historically don't like cowardly punk creeps full of themselves as documented who play judge of others without "adequate qualifications" and some "minimal research". And superior qualifications to those they dare judge. See case law. And many want more than an MA to fake any quick judgement no-research authority to make very false and clearly biased, ignorant and malicious attacks. See case law. This research demanded as to show minimal due diligence and standard of care to make such very very sick claims as published statement of fact. Need qualifications or "substance" and "evidence" or even minimal research as to do so - and not look like talking from self inflicted gross ignorance, self-love and ego. Plus clearly doing it to maliciously, duplicitously, deceitfully defame also not amusing to courts? Check. Documented.

Yes, no debate, I absolutely do get very very angry at documented rude and abusive ugly very creepy vain self-glorifying punks ganging up and all taking turns insulting one old man, and often I get angry to protect others  (Like seniors, veterans, women and more. See below. Fact check?), as most would? And also you are allowed to be angry when insulted and clearly far their senior on many matters and far more accomplished than majority of slime and more to point "many combined". And they insult and defame me and defame a volunteer effort to honour heroes. To keep it simple. And I get angry. And I get even.

So was a bit hard for this old man to take their intimidation, arrogance and profound ignorance, insults, ridicule and deceptive defamation as also well documented across various social media? And I "need help"? Hardly. Their careers and community reputation needs big help soon. Yes, I got angry and am in fact even more angry now. And proud of it. And proud of standing up to a gang of creepy human garbage. Then I was taxed by a friend with cancer and a sick child. Now I can fight back. This last note for junior lawyers to review with seniors as per "prescription" in Quebec Law. Aslo one of my needed legal friends not back in Canada until summer to teach law again in Canada. She is recognized in Australia, England and Germany as very clever. Why SE and MT pay her very well.

My anger and disgust very warranted. Ask "any" honest objective third party or any legal authority, or old person, if they'd be angry if insulted and falsely and deceptively defamed by a gang of young cyberbullies and very arrogant and ignorant junior junk journalists trying to intimidate? As documented. Exactly. Ask anyone? And adding as possibly far worse insulting, defaming an honest 100% charitable and 100% "meaningful" volunteer effort so many more actually "Liked" by 500%. This about as low, as cowardly, that documented ignorant slime can go? Some do get angry and disgusted. And some now get very very even. Fun stuff for next few years until justice served and rule of law respected.

Who wouldn't be angry when names and faces not invited nor their deceitful statements of fact and then the gang insults "your charitable facebook page" as a "criminal" scam or fraud and appear all scripted claiming you are a criminal "scam" - and on "my" web page? And the synergy and symbiosis, as well abusing public trust in media with their far beyond debate extremely so selective and blatantly biased and so very one-sided authorities and for crippling and killing honest efforts to honour community heroes is "very" strange. Very strange? Now a possible major legal landmark. And so little honest research and facts - as continually demanded by law.

c- I'm more "suspicious" than what exactly? And exactly why? And clearly again by a far less than a highly qualified real top quoted expert. This as Terry Cutler's very honest and real education makes just too very clear to many? B or C quality at best, and for the moment to be kind. In court, we'll get very cruel face-to-face and very very technical to test him and reciprocate with very hard realities with my full audit now of him with my know-nothing friends to define cyber bully damage ceilings. Judge and be judged. I have some impressive tech friends? From my work with IBM (US) I met a few people. To be fair. And get two sides of this story as well. Also, to keep it very simple RCMP have real honest cyber experts as do IBM, RSA, Dell as to best objectively qualify such matters of what's suspicious and what's sick self serving, self glorifying, self promotion. I trust RCMP, IBM and Dell over Terry Cutler. Obvious why.

Could Terry Cutler have protected Bell Canada from hacks, as such an authority and such an expert? What can he exactly protect if not even Bell Canada safe? Or as documented just inflate fear in others as to promote sales of his too often obsolete bandaids; and that they should fear "Facebook and honest charitable efforts"? And based on his very limited professional reckless research and integrity as documented in this matter? Did he find anything suspicious at Bell? Anything suspicious at Western Union? What exactly can he do better than AVG? Exactly?

d- My very real and honest long history of compassionate and charitable to volunteer efforts also dwarfs these deceitful slime big time. And dwarfs a few of the slime even "combined". Maybe all their charity and community efforts "all" combined? Worth comparing? (See below). Well, helps define damage done by defamation as case law supports - that make smart ones always settle out of court for financial, career and psychological efficacy.

e- My accomplishments in media, politics, computer tech, marketing dwarf all these sick losers and liars as well. They defamed the wrong old man. And even when younger than this unaccomplished arrogant and very lazy and ignorant slime. All thinking they have any real experience, sufficient education, and any basic integrity and intellect to even dare judge and bully one old man far their senior and superior with no research.

None were invited and started defaming with lies as documented and insulting me "first" as also well documented and beyond obvious. They just got surprised and their big "small man complex" egos hurt, when this one old man stood up to all these bullies and their lies and insults. They thought I'd run in fear of them. And not reply. Wrong. Their numbers, their little shot titles, their brilliant wordplay. Wrong.  And I guess I replied to this cowardly abuse as documented, clearly hurting their fragile fake fraud ego. The idiots thought their numbers would scare me. What a joke? Not knowing I've stood up to far bigger lying gangs. The slime a bit shocked I wouldn't take their BS. Now not a peep from these creeps? Speaks volumes? This now a very newsworthy national news story. As it should be.

Documented: I just responded as not one to be bullied by a gang of punks, protecting my page and charitable efforts, and thus trying to be as insulting as they were. Maybe better? No profanity? Some uppercase type? Some quid pro quo ad hominem as my standard, admitted. They deserve no better as a gang of twenty young punks against one weak old man as per their motive and mens rea? See root cause? Get the real truth. Some so documented ignorant they may have confused the use of Latin with profanity. See how ignorant and boastful they are.
As documented.

They didn't expect me to reply or respond when showing off to their friends their insults and false defamation claims. Thinking in their illusion of safety in numbers with twenty against one with some "C" grade experts and know-nothing authorities and very junior junk journalists like Emily Campbell at CJAD and Global News Dan Spector, that they could intimidate me. Like all cowardly creeps and bullies so tough and strong until someone far stronger fights back. Thinking sadly as I was once seen as just one weak old man I'd fear them? Wrong old man! So, I replied to their showoff deceitful claims and they got very embarrassed and humiliated in front of those they were so tragically so very pathetically desperate to try and impress. As documented. And I'm proud of that as well. They had now more motive for more lies as egos damaged. Again I have prior experience trapping and baiting idiots.

And to point on damages for settlement: None of these slime by direct and honest comparison are recognized from both international consumer and trade media. Nor even more sadly and revealing even "locally" in just Pointe Claire  as so sadly noted, or for really much at that at all. Their lies, fake news, and liar and loser lives may now get some of them noticed. Big time.

Some local Pointe Claire Toastmaster award winner and a regional mouse cage and puppy cage test and torture salesman, Gordon Yee and a very deceitful junior junk and very boring journalist, Dan Spector, the reality of the deceitful frauds playing leaders with such clever fake community heroes and dare defaming others. This the best they got? Better do far better or be crushed as deceitful scum over next few years until court dates when 11th hour out of court offers laughed at. Junior lawyers so easy to play.

As with others named in article looking so vain and to self promote their mediocrity (See below). And yet failing to research who they bully, and so they call police on me and defame me more. As documented. And how many of these sick slime Dean requested to speak at McGill, SFU and UBC?  Any? And why not? Not one? Not even one? How revealing? As with other facts. The charity work I've done also puts them ALL to shame even more. Much more. See below. And all so clever and such super brains to judge and defame others. Judgement without reason and "honest" research defines an idiot and/or a very bad lawyer?

f- My free and far more accomplished legal network also dwarfs their highly paid for every day lawyer and for both key and court critical character reference and very sophisticated coaching. With forty year friends as a Criminal Court Judge and another an Oxford Scholar and former acting UBC Law Faculty Chair, some will look so very very stupid, very fast. Very stupid. Very fast. And this hardly the only legal stars I've known and worked with. See below. Some bigger surprises saved for later? Like any Bull Fighter the sharpest and biggest sword used last? With past defamation I had two Oxford scholars.

Add my working and reporting directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada, just further makes the point they ganged up and lied about the wrong old man. Ron Basford trusted me with literally millions of votes and millions of dollars. And gets so very expensive such a combo of ignorance and sick deceptive arrogance. Hey, I've only helped two Prime Ministers when calculating damages? Creative for East Coast for Justin's Dad,when invited by Bronfman PR firm PIR on Sherbrooke St. in '81? (based on my successes in just Montreal and with Dr. Bull at McGill also a client and with Dr. Gandel a psychologist at LGH a client). And later on West Coast with Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada, when helping Prime Minister Turner deal with Mulroney and "Patronage" damage control for all Western Canada, and from Vancouver. And based on my success out West in key market political types is why I wrote the 7 Point Plan for Prime Minister John Turner's group. And did the cartography using Goldfarb. By 1985 a Prime Minster using my words. Funny those who like me, respect me and pay me well so accomplished and so well educated and how clear how such documented 20 named major life losers and liars don't? Compare? Seems the same with the highly accomplished women in my life as well. How many women who defamed me and judged me are Chatelaine 100, worked directly for Bronfmans (Phyllis and Charles), Photo Editor at Macleans? Why are a famous Montreal brewery family "tennis player" some of my very few friends on FB? And others in Montreal to be mentioned later. I met Brian Mulroney at the Montreal Press Club when just a chain smoking lawyer in 70's. Who was I at Montreal Press Club with?

g- My family and even an ex girlfriend with real doctorates in psychology and psychiatry (top forensics) make their documented deceitful, theatrical, loser lady, Alison Palkhivala look like a very sick disgusting joke with only a dime-a-dozen MA in psychology and yet she's shooting her very huge big ugly mouth off clearly ignorant of so very much. And writes copy for big pharma? Like she's some final respected authority as documented? No research? And clearly her sick theatrical prose and judgement makes her now appear as a possible psychological danger to children or neighbours defaming them with possible scars for life foolishly trusting her self implied authority. This with her lack of documented reckless judgement and pitiful research as in this matter? Quick to judge. Slow to no research. And with the MA in psychology and her very "excessive theatrical posting" also adds some more humour. Now and later. Or helps why others with same degree flip hamburgers. That's my opinion for now on Ms. Palkhivala. She should see a lawyer. See exactly why below. More to follow for her so well thought out hardly honest authoritative cruel insulting defaming words.

h- Their efforts at fair, honest, unbiased research makes them look very deceitful, dishonest, sick, lazy, sloppy and reckless and literally and absurdly one-sided. Negligent attempted character homicide? Clearly. Now my turn with real truth to be as insulting as law allows clearly. Both sides of story now told to be fair. To be honest. Yes, truth hurts all these real life losers and liars.

i- Their word games make them look so very petty and juvenile to those far more educated and accomplished? And further even adding references to my using "uppercase" type font as a way of defining my twisted criminal scam mind, clearly shows how desperately leveraging any credibility with such absurd "Fluff and Fill". UPPERCASE? This possibly borders on the most totally idiotic item referenced in all Canadian journalistic/legal history? I'll make Dan Spector famous all across Canada.

This legal case a perfect case study for journalism schools from SFU to Carleton and Loyola on the hopefully soon to be famous and well referenced "The Dumb Dan Spector Defamation Case". Or referred to in future by even more playful law students as "The Goofball Gordon Yee Case" or more playful and literary the case of "Mice and Men".  Even handy for law schools from UBC to McGill. As a former requested guest speaker at both universities, I see the merit of classic Harvard Case Study methodology here for examining the "real" motives of Dan Spector and Gordon Yee who maybe mice must fear. I don't.

j- They needed so many (20+) to try and intimidate one (1) old man, who as documented now, could take them all on at once. And I feared none. As documented. Or their very tiny little nothing media titles trying to intimidate and impress me. As documented. And for more fun in legal matters, soon I get each and every single one  "one-on-one". No more safety in numbers illusions for this sick cowardly slime gang. Twenty vs. one a bit tricky. One-on-one this old man can easily handle. Their real honest credentials speak volumes with their documented deceit and so very minimal accomplishments and real history?

k- And when as well documented, sick low level low paid junior journalists also think they can impress and "intimidate" me, when my other forty year friend a multiple award winning real "investigative" CBC Montreal journalists also a bit of a big joke. A journalist who to add, who has witnessed a few of my other volunteer and charitable acts. From delivering gifts in Montreal in high school to poor and with him to helping his brother oddly when basement flooded. Irony?

And add with my own media contacts across Canada and more, their tiny wee media titles a bigger joke. (See below). They could hardly intimidate me or even come near impressing me with their tiny wee junior journalistic titles compared to those I know and know me. For decades. How many others suffer their junior abuse of their tiny media titles? Is this the first or last time they used their minor media titles to bully or intimidate others old or weak or this an ongoing sick small minded ego trip? See what I got documented from Dan Spector and Emily Campbell and their arrogance and ignorance both trying to impress and intimidate, and faking honest integrity as journalists? As documented. And so very rude. So one-sided. So demanding. Scum? As documented?

From the many in media I've known across Canada from CBC, CHOM, CJAD, CFCF, Montreal Star and Gazette in Montreal to Courier, Vancouver Magazine, Western Living, CJOR, CFUN and SUN in Vancouver as publishers, producers and writers, they certainly are possibly as fact the scum and possibly the dumbest journalists I've ever encountered. Still checking. Arrogant and ignorant as documented. Hardly doing any honest research on me. But so quick to judge. Idiots? Too bad they only researched I was just a weak old man  and "only" based on hearsay after ganging up and defaming and insulting to harassing. And then finding out the real truth about me, and the trouble they will now relentlessly suffer? And now far too late to back peddle. Far too late. I'm inspired doing this for all the old men or women they could have insulted and abused and treat as weak or weakened. Those who couldn't or wouldn't fight back.

Everybody loves a news story with a major twist about how a 1 bad old guy really the good guy with a long history of good guy stuff and taking on a gang of the 20 very fake vain self glorifying false community heroes and society's finest, then revealed as the very bad ugly people. A story about a man who all alone documents he honours community volunteers (like he does veterans) and at same time alone fighting a sick cowardly gang who would cripple and kill volunteer, honest efforts to recognize "real heroes"? The question is why?

l- And as documented idiots and slime thinking calling the police could legitimizes them  and also intimidate me. Wrong. Very wrong. Motivates me for years to come. Again, friends police and even on Facebook as a tiny bit of research would easily have revealed. I always like when police called. Always worked for me big time in past. Have West Vancouver RCMP on my hero wall. And very fond memories of RCMP in Jasper. And an  RCMP buddy in Montreal.
And the slimes liar and loser authoritative opinions and false statement of fact count for exactly what? And compared by my friends even if few on FB, do also out number this gang in both quantity and quality. And all very honest and honourable? More educated. More accomplished. My friends. All old. Like a weak old man? Empathy on "old" a given.

The slime should check why "exactly" the police warned them that I'd "done nothing wrong"? A bit of an understatement. They should  find out fast why I had special security clearance for DND and NRC in Ottawa as such to those in article in direct contrast felt and stated a suspicious scam. And oddly crimebuster junior junk journalist felt newsworthy even when police stated I did nothing wrong. Their ignorance of me still like their critical youthful cognitive dissonance will help them sleep at night. For now.

Slime should call police on me a few more  times, well if not feeling totally busted big time as deceitful, dublicious, defaming lowest life slime, and if any of their prior BS babble still has any minor or major merit at all, and not make too clear all now cowardly frauds? Any merit still at all? Any idiots think any of their claims still have any merit? Call police again? Why not? As intentionally documented here, I'm far worse and far more rude now and more insulting and an aggressive as another very cute very deliberate trick and trap. And even still use UPPERCASE type to further bait Dan Spector's full intellectual curiosity and integrity? Why no gang ganging up on me now should be far too obvious. Want more? There's more.

Let others judge honestly and fairly the honest facts. Read on.

Key Side Note: 

Would be nice if some other "honest" group in Montreal West Island will take over this concept to honour community heroes when floods occurs again in West Island. And for blatant economic efficacy get corporate funds or partners to aid victims and as most who know this done to sincerely honour heroes and volunteers. As documented.

And as was my clear goal and oddly based on my experience with Red Cross "volunteer recognition" to National Employment programs and when I worked with refugees for SFU/Pacific Institute. I had only hoped to incubate systems respecting basic PMI guidelines and have some kind and clever Montreal students take over. 100%. The model critical.

This would be ideal for students to still and best take over to put on a resume as tipping point potential for students looking for jobs in the community or on a Montreal University Graduate or Law School application. Shows a team player and social sensitivity and some tech smarts. Big data use with social media activation for meaningful community recognition of real community heroes has legs.

This would have been a proven template for possible floods this Spring for West Kelowna to West Island?

And for those very well documented on my page as legal idiots, while oddly and obviously blowing their own horn as super fake dublicious community heroes who dare claim: heroes "don't need to be recognized"? Please go to any military cemetary on Nov. 11? And if the sound of bagpipes and guns not loud enough, do note the wreath and those (who can) standing at attention in uniform. More academic see Red Cross research on "Volunteer Recognition"? Or just Google it?
Idiots or what. Faking authority on almost everything?

Or for the mindless blind and so opinionated and really weird self declared speakers for all mankind as they claim "not needing recognition" as documented a bit more than embarrassing they use their own names as champions of many. Not. See real numbers. But also very symptomatic. See the Facebook Page defaming me. Some really make clear what idiots they really are?

Dan Spector felt with his bloated hyperbole in headline claimed as a fact my actions "Suspicious". Compared to what exactly? We should ask him as to illustrate his BS skills. And to explain his very unqualified inflated reference of "West Island Residents" in headline where in fact absolute no more than (20) twenty? And more obvious all one-sided and hardly authorities with obvious motive to maliciously defame. This as enjoying spotlight with aid and abet provided by Dan Spector for their sick ego driven, free self glorification, free advertising and sincerely sick obvious self promotion. As documented. Faking like community heroes disgusting. True? False? No research. Just judgement. Not even middle management material at all.

This may explain, in part,  why I did this, to why top business school Deans request me to speak on media at McGill, UBC and SFU and connect Innis and McLuhan to last weeks algorithm change at Facebook and actuarial insights on Google Analytics. And why Law firms, engineering firms, Fortune 500 and Federal political parties paid me more  than these slime. And often when even younger than my clever lying and defaming critics? Damages?

I have worked beside or studied under the Giants and Gods of Media and Message. From university textbook authours like Dr. Stan Shapiro at SFU to National Trade "Marketing Magazine" Editor Elliott Ettenberg to standing in the shadows at The X-Files with Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin - all who paid me very well, and certainly all clearly respected experts or tops in their field. My studies at Concordia also with the tops in their field. Trusted with many millions in marketing and media investments. I was a national media buyer and defined critical imperatives. Why publishers of magazines to producers of national TV asked for my opinion on media. Not just the Financial Post, Computer Paper and a Prime Minister used my words. Well, before defamed by this article and cyber bullies as a suspicious scam, I was once trusted. And with friends children, homes, cars, dogs. How will do I against the quoted authority of Gordon Yee a top toastmaster locally, plus a top regional sales star of mouse and kitten test and torture cages. And as authoritatively quoted by Dan Spector article and Dan's deep research and use of such selected experts?

Handling all Western Canada and reporting directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada while legend Keith Davey still influencing East Liberal Election message and media, may also explain in a small part why national trade Marketing Magazine oddly listed me as one of the "Landmark 100" for a decade in the 80's. I did much before turning 30. But sadly the magazine however failed to mention awards from Hollywood or my Federal election success and decades of honourable charitable work. Or as a requested speaker at top business schools and why. This as Sen. Grafstein, Sen. Fitzpatrick witnessed and SFU graduate papers document.

Hey, I had a head start, I started in media with CBC Toronto during university in 70's as national media liaison with all national major Political Editors and Producers for a highly respected team of journalists later key to CBC's "The Journal" and "The National". Heck, I even sailed with Stuart Maclean and other journalists. I may know what top honest journalists are and are not. And those who suffer illusion they are great storytellers and crime busting investigative reporters and Peabody worthy like Dan Spector. Or maybe seen best as just sick punk slime by exact, fair and honest comparison. Hope he enjoys when tables turned. Judge and be judged only fair?

Later I was a handy 2IC to many including when at the biggest and best ad agencies in Canada in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver and even on the board of directors of a Public Company with former PC candidate William Grant as COB and a former CEO. Why a Law Firm hires me like Fox Morgan in Vancouver and a psychologist in Montreal like Dr. Gandel also pays me well. And now some lying punks with massive mini qualifications and accomplishments showing off they dare defame me, insult me and faking totally any superiority to judge me? What are their full credentials and accomplishments to dare deceitfully defame and judge any? Any?

My world of media from CHOM-FM and CBC Producers in Montreal to Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Magazine, Western Living and CJOR in Van referenced below. As such I may have far more honest real depth over Gordon Yee and Dan Spector to comment, as I have on both media and law. And will.
True? False?

Gets expensive when such clear and sadly such unaccomplished low level cowardly cyberbullies and junk journalists and in-their-own-mind qualified as real psychiatrist when seriously not, all gang up and defame a more accomplished old man based on malicious biased - and as also clearly documented, to lead, mislead and misinform very arrogant and ignorant other morons to also do same? And all to also repeatedly insult and defame with lies one old man. And junior efforts at faking objectivity abound.  And also as a crystal clear prima facie stuff defaming and insulting as criminal scam an honest volunteer, charitable community effort. Gets more disgusting. Read on. Legally a nightmare to defend? And with "nothing" based on honest fact or minimal research standards by law? Well, except for use of uppercase type as their key honest legal cornerstone, which  borders on the insane. Thinking an older man can't get angry when treated like paid staff or servant and his use uppercase type justifying calls to police and a Global News article possibly classic and simply more insane. Like millions and millions of others on Facebook "My page. My rules" applies.

For non-lawyers and simpler minds reading this:

Why DAN SPECTOR must be fired from GLOBAL NEWS. ASAP!

Plus note why all those as listed on Facebook heroes list as "real honest heroes" who will
all also now soon be contacted by FB PM email and get this blog link and "private covering letter". This as to get my fair side of story out and with names of all the 20 losers and liars highlighted at top of email for public ridicule. Tit for tat? And their insulting deceitful defaming claims all countered in detail for many honest good people across West Island. "West Island Residents" will be suspicious but far more than twenty. To be fair.

All can also judge Global News fairly. As many now judge CTV back peddling.

Would like to say something nice on how honourable Global News was in this matter and donated a thousand dollars to flood victims to avoid legal and competitive media notoriety? This if they soon apologize for Dan Spector's abuse and deceitful innuendo and too clever wordplay. And dump him based on the obvious. Or not? Lucrative? Global News parent CORUS has some Osgoode legal alumni on staff who can help them. SHAW holdings famous for out-of-court settlements.

Hundreds that gave theirs or names of other honest heroes that they wanted honoured, now must ALL be "honestly" informed exactly about Dan Spector and Gordon Yee (the major mouse cage for test and torture sales expert and documented authority on my my motives and methods) as public spectacle. 

And everyone now gets "both sides" of story. As per "natural justice" to basic fairness. And with certainly the 130 "strangers" who liked what I was doing vs. their minor 20  deceitful to misleading family and friends (16%?) with such major minor media titles, as documented, also of note. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump more unpopular than me and my (+/- 15% of 16%) disapproval rating based on this random survey or random focus group's limited projectable realities? This private PM  with the lying defaming 20 slime named listed as well and as also named in copy mentioned for maximum community exposure. And to again listing and thanking the "real honest good" West Island heroes before efforts crippled and killed. Both types for comparison. All names of all slime will be posted, and also all will provided this exact blog link when fully edited. Real heroes names plus real liars and losers names for crippling this worthy cause should be known.

All key as to give my side of the story a final fair chance to just begin, and to be honestly told to all and the real heroes and victims, as also now cheated by this slime. Opportunity cost is often used to define legal damages. Economic interference a fun legal concept when applied to charitable and honourable volunteer acts as well for damage and punitive reference? As documented. And this will help a few on West Island get to know who are the liars and losers exactly and by name and location as their possible very creepy, cowardly, deceitful, spooky neighbours. Only fair? Dan Spector and Gordon Yee gang certainly weren't fair to me. At all. They get what they deserve.

Maybe time to borrow from Dan Spectors headline for a new News headline with far more public interest and much more honest merit:

"West Island Residents very suspicious of misleading malicious very minor media junk journalist Dan Spector and top animal cage test and torture sales expert and top local Pte. Claire Toastmaster word play star, Gordon Yee".

A malicious and defaming article as documented, and now more than obvious. And yes, I'm allowed by law to protect my good name and more meaningful reputation against their statements of false facts, claims, innuendo, conjecture, rhetorical fallacies, deceptive 
omissions, fraudulent concealment and postured very pretentious authority in both psychology, legal and technical issues. And again my cliche legal threat stands Gordon Yee and family "better have clean hands".

This below stated for those not as familiar with the law. As per the names of liars and losers as listed above and below. As defined below.

WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40, [2008] 2 S.C.R. 420, at para. 28, the Supreme Court of Canada set out the requirements for the fair comment defence:

(a) the comment must be on a matter of public interest;

My note. I guess every story where police state that someone did "nothing wrong", but where use of uppercase type font used of public interest and some liars and losers' egos easily bruised? Hardly? 

And hardly public interest when only 20 lying cyberbullying (most obvious in collusion and with very one-sided bias) as idiots and documented liars, and bullying - and clear as day repeatedly insulting and defaming an old man with lies to world of internet. And using or abusing Global News for their sick and very vain self promotion and lies. And also using police. Simply, based on these facts none of the slime should be trusted.

And yet idiots seemed surprised at an old man's anger? What sort of stupid research and reporting misses "motive"? This when in contrast and fact, over 130 
oddly supporting as solid no debate fact my efforts and yet not mentioned at all in article. Not mentioned at all in article? At all? Odd? As documented. Shows malicious bias clearly prima facie, and a total lack of fair comment. And yet the twisted 20 liars and/or lunatics (as named), oddly focused and repeatedly as scripted falsely stating my honest, charitable, volunteer efforts a criminal "scam" and "suspicious" and "needing help" of public interest? Helping liars and losers lie, bully and defame is NOT in the public interest. Or in Global News best interest when eroding audiences and credibility now so very critical to all media. Busting, exposing and humiliating slime, however is meaningful news. True? False? This story requires far more credible and wider media coverage and as a warning to other lying bullies. See Global News guidelines for fair comment. Seems hypocritical? True? False?

As per a much bigger rat problem in Montreal?

Legally funny the double standard for "Global News Commenting Policy" as per as quoted verbatim:

"What’s acceptable?

"The importance of free speech and debate in a democratic society cannot be overstated, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to make comments that are defamatory, unlawful, malicious, threatening, overly sexually explicit, profane or advocate violence. Harassing or attacking other people who comment will not be tolerated." Global News Commenting Policy

Dan Spector oddly had the right to be:"defamatory, unlawful, malicious" and clearly beyond debate helping others as also documented: "Harassing or attacking"? Both. See Global News article on documented double standard. 

And with this Global Legal must allow this blog de facto showing "The importance of free speech and debate in a democratic society cannot be overstated."

Qui quo pro prima facie Ad hominem? Ignoratio elenchi

Dan Spector's "defamatory, unlawful, malicious" indirect but very direct aid and abet:

My only chance at free speech and full debate as per Global News as  documented: "debate in a democratic society cannot be overstated.":

(as per how credibility killing ad revenue and audience ratings even for hardly qualified "Potential Reach" as ad reps claim?) How to rope a dope to follow.

And if all lies or misleading defamation with no "honest" public interest and just the illusion created: a legal slam dunk?

A bit obvious for being extremely biased and so very one-sided. And how very odd 20 cyberbullies stating lies as fact they simply can't support in civil or criminal court. At all. And how oddly the twenty should be given such voice over 130 "honestly" supporting these honest efforts but oddly not even mentioned? How honest of Dan Spector? How fair? Not. Kind of a joke how all their reputations, careers and legal defence riding on Gordon Yee's Toastmaster and mouse cage sales skills put under a legal microscope.

Dan Spector and buddy Gordon Yee are human cowardly slime and easy to prove. And how odd other more newsworthy stories of honest public interest like hungry and homeless, abused children, date rape to currency manipulation just not as worthy of "public interest" as this so unusual so very one-sided "storytelling" by Dan Spector? And as fueled by Gordon Yee of Anacare. Anacare is where Gordon Yee sells cages for unlucky mice to puppies for test or torture? Now I trap and cage Gordon Yee as figurative irony for test and legal torture. Why did these two punks do this? Showing off to lady friends what slime or morons both really are? Let others judge the truth.

(b) the comment must be based on fact;

My note. The liars and losers must show fact. Not interpretive best biased guess to impress and clearly biased cherry-picking as "storyteller" Dan Spector did, and from Gordon Yee's BS babble also makes clear. And thus documents with Dan Spector's words both their pathetic efforts to create illusion of fact and objectivity. This in all their profound very sick and cowardly ignorance and arrogance. Defamation law "reverse onus"? Slime should ask all their defamation lawyers what it really means? What it really means. I did. One of the three best in Western Canada?

Slime should also have lawyers also explain why defamation law defined as "peculiar" as could help slime see the forest for the trees stuff?

And now both slime left now to trying to fool those far more educated and far more experienced in law, that they're also not clearly very malicious, deceitful, duplicitous and defaming and trying to impress their similar very little shot friends - and again, now so well documented and seriously very embarrassing to Global News, West Island Watch group and any of Dan Spector's co workers of any integrity? See how even others from their own group and friends turned on them and noted their sick excess. As documented. Two have even already documented guilt and apologies? Global News hasn't still?

If two admit unsolicited with apology of a Salem style witch hunt or old time public character lynching what will courts think of all other slime involved?

(c) the comment, though it can include inferences of fact, must be recognisable as comment;

Any debate here? Fact is fact. Any recognizable opinions as inference of real fact other than use of uppercase type and angry at liars? Any? An obvious witch hunt and character lynching hardly recognisable as just comment and inference of fact?

(d) the comment must satisfy the following objective test: could any [person] honestly express that opinion on the proved facts? 

My note. Proved facts? 130 vs. 20 cowardly lying loser scum expressed on proved facts. Real numbers matter. 20 liars and losers biased by gang patches to hardly reflects the deceptive hyperbole of "West Island Residents" and as such an obvious selected homogenous group. Statistically valid? Hardly. Honest? Hardly.

(e) even though the comment satisfies the objective test the defence can be defeated if the plaintiff proves that the defendant was [subjectively] actuated by express malice. [Parenthetical notes in original; emphasis removed.]

My note. Express malice just far too obvious as prima facie as well, and so easy to prove as clearly published revealing malice without "honest" cause or adequate research. This beyond debate. Ask a real "defamation lawyer". I did.

Good luck to all the losers and liar and their impressive loud mouth leaders Gordon Yee and Dan Spector - and their very critically needed high billing lawyers, if trying to bluff any absurd defence  and fight this case.  Slime bully punks should ask even their very own high paid lawyer how screwed they really all are. Don't trust hearsay or even me, ask a real lawyer on paid time by just you. And do not trust Gordon Yee or Dan Spector. They are liars and losers as fact. Or even trust me? Trust a top good lawyer you each hire as each case so very different. Needing both individual Criminal and Civil lawyers. More?

As a few us also with studies in Formal Logic, Rhetorical Fallacies and Chomsky, Hitchens and Hedges stuff and 
Linguistics, so best the slimes lawyers should best exercise very special care in both readings and their writings and defence claims. Other lawyers have been very humiliated. Some called before the Bar?

See why:

The Ontario Court of Appeal has upheld an $80,000 libel judgment against conservative provocateur and former lawyer Ezra Levant. Gil Zvulony says the decision highlights how important context and motivation are in defamation cases.The court confirmed a decision by Justice Wendy Matheson who found Levant had defamed Saskatchewan lawyer? See other key related case law below.

To be very clear to lying and/or stupid morons, as defamation law "reverse onus": 

This blog is not a defence of my actions, but for handy notes for best evaluation of "total damages" for settlement, and to counter Liars and Losers before any more lies or silly sophist word play attempts, and should idiot slime dare further defame me. Or other acts of criminal wrongful prosecution. Such clever punks. Now my turn.

Slime reading this ask your lawyers soon why an even an out-of-court @ $15,000.00 "each" would be very generous, and why I'll be asking so much more based on case law below? Point: A carpenter got $17,000.00 for just a bad job reference in a job HR file in BC?  This here in this case, I was published on world wide web that I'm a criminal scam, suspicious and needing help immediately and as wrongful prosecution or public mischief police also called. Liars? Losers? Idiots?

Yes for just liking the lies of "others" gets you for aid and abet and more.

Calling someone a specific singular criminal scam worse than general generic racist and anti-semitic "like"? Adding editorial comments as false facts worse? Do the math. 

See how little needed for six figure settlements below. And hardly published in National News like Global News media as Gord the Goof and Dan the Dummy did with their sick gang. And stated as fact as in this very sick and perverted case and adding inciting others to defame, ridicule, humiliate as a gang one (1) old man. The wrong old man. Bets? The sick slime who must now defend their statements as honest fact or cheap efforts at innuendo, plus intimidation and harassment are warranted or true, are:

- Dan Spector from Global News (documented low level junk journalist)
- Gordon Yee from Anacare (animal cage test and torture supplier?)
Emily Campbell CJAD junior super star (likes to think she's a somebody as documented who can insult and intimidate)
- Karine Saba and Stéphanie Sabbagh (Seems they like calling police and using police as props, puppets and pawns for wrongful prosecution and defamation and later bragging about their abuse of police thinking they could intimidate me.)

- Terry Cutler cyber-security expert who forgets to do minimal research those he claims "suspicious"? How sick and sloppy?
- Alison Palkhivala (top psychiatric authority in her own very sick little mind and just a common MA as documented).
- West Island Watch Group

More names of those who aid and abet as documented on various Facebook pages to follow).

Fire Dan Spector now from Global News? Now?

Dan Spector, as far too well documented, clearly, deceptively and illegally defames far more honest people than his friends and the company he keeps and as sick or worse, defames in addition an honest volunteer effort he helped crippled. And as well Danny boy clearly helps and "incites" other low life deceitful frauds and liars like Gordon Yee to further defame honest people and honest charitable, volunteer efforts. As also very well documented. And with clear malice, bias, intent and deception. Well documented. Fools only fools with lower IQ than poor Dan Spector and Gordon Yee suckers for such BS. Dan now a daily growing joke in junk journalism from Dorion to Dorval - even Kirkland and Pointe Claire to Kelowna and Victoria BC. Should help his career big time now being documented as such a cheap cowardly creepy very disgusting deceptive slime journalist with his buddy Gordon Yee, Pointe Claire, Toastmasters' top liar and loser?

Time to escalate and mushroom this case study in cyberbullying big time with national media and courts. And how slime using various media and police to try and criminally defame. Sounds expensive. Ouch?

Dan Spector's article in harmony with others claims clearly defames me in the mind of a "normal person" as a sick criminal "scam" exploiting both heroes and victims. The compuragation or collusion documented in article again prima facie? And this article certainly lowers my previous real honest charitable reputation and my real history. This as per this bully herds documented sick mindset. And the sympiosis with Facebook as also very key. This as in Dan Spector's article also well documented (See link to Dan Spector's article above and below). And with many misleading claims and documented lies - and misleading on many points as illustrated clearly below. Not just Gordon Yee's deceitful sick claims. And this far beyond scholarly debate or misleading junior legal defence babble. (See recent real case law below. And real facts. And the size of awards for far less sick and blatant disgusting abuse?) Yes, I played Gordon Yee from his very first arrogant posturing and deception. I knew how.

Dan Spector deserves to be fired? Absolutely!

Embarrassing Global News and other respected Global coworkers and honourable writers and editors with soon thousands seeing through Dan Spector's juvenile cleverness, and with his textbook junior junk journalistic fake very "biased", "malicious" and extremely defaming and deceptive news. Again, as so well documented reason enough to throw him out of Global News? If not reason alone for  just for his very extremely very boring day old snow storm to late train, ratsat a gas station Peabody award worthy and other big yawn tales as also well documented. What a great "storyteller"? Articles that others so often like Gazette all cover far better. And sadly often even days before. Delayed Trains some of his very best work. We do keep and file every single article he writes now. My friends and family possibly his biggest fans in Montreal.

See a few new true facts below. I even did research at CBC in Montreal for a midday show, before Toronto CBC contract work as national media liaison for CBC. There dealing with all editors across Canada and top national journalists and when just in university? So I have a tiny bit more depth than most and first hand in such media matters before Dean requested at McGill ("Canada's Harvard") to speak on such. That was my start before Federal Elections and Fortune 500 work paid far more.

Yes, clearly Dan Spector and Gordon Yee as documented not to be trusted. Think about it. And by any present or future employer. Clearly both with others both lacking any serious management, legal or moral judgement? And with such pathetic portfolios and resumes. As documented. Both too lazy and far too duplicitous and deceitful as per this article. Exactly.

Dan Spector documents why he should be kicked off any media positions of any fiduciary public trust and judgment. See link to his article above and below. Then consider all real honest facts. Facts. Honest facts. And how they didn't know anything about me or do any legally required research at all before insulting and defaming me, until far too late. Far too late. Note what obvious cowards they are now? Why so cowardly now? When once so loud and proud lying scum using media and social media. Why the big change after doing research on me far too late? Little old men fun and easy to abuse, defame and insult. I'm not.

Preface Note: As you read this, lawyers please note for your complete amusement and humour at lawyer lunches, how these sadly ignorant and arrogant cyber bullies and very junior junk journalist like Facebook friends Emily Campbell of CJAD and Dan Spector at Global News, clearly thinking they could intimidate me and all knew "absolutely nothing about me", or even bothered to do even a tiny wee bit of honest research on what I've done, who I was, or who I knew. They thought I was just some small weak old man who they could ALL easily all just gang up on and could take turns to insult, defame, ridicule and "lie repeatedly" about, and feeling themselves so very very superior. And so very clever.  Also, as so very well documented. Yes, the former Attorney General of Canada found me funny attacking senior lawyers? And my old roommate a BC Criminal Court Judge found me funny as well when out with lawyers, and I often make my university buddy a Oxford/Osgoode super brain and former law faculty chair at UBC laugh, and often at others expense.

What did they miss with such deceptive lies and such sick clearly twisted one-sided biased reporting?

How about my 50 years of volunteer, social, compassionate or charity work totally ignored. Easy to prove. Dwarfing all cyber bullies like Gordon Yee and little shot journalists named and many "combined". Or as some from Montreal know:

  • also going into fires to check for children (but not a far as my friend from CJAD did?)
  • going out to stranded cars with just shovel and coffee in a major snow storm
  • volunteering time to help autistic children learn sign language 
  • even helping a real major top award winning investigative CBC journalists brother when brother's basement also "flooded" in Montreal. The irony not missed by some. Who will honest intelligent people believe? A top award winning investigative journalist who has seen me do charitable volunteer work or a punk garbage junk journalist like Dan Spector who paints with his prostituted prose I'm suspicious and a scam. Who will honest and intelligent people best believe?
Add my "successful" work with national programs with deaf, blind, handicapped to immigrant woman. Or my added "successful" work with Tiananmen Square refugees for Pacific Institute/SFU. Stuff Dan Spector failed to research or include to play big shot with human fraud Mr. Yee and deceive Global News readers with abuse of fiduciary trust. Will get more amusing when whole truth and nothing but bit further humiliates and exposes such a gang of nobody deceitful human cowardly garbage.

Odd how they missed "anything positive about me" doing such honest research? Not.

Biased, defamatory lies and very one-sided far beyond intelligent debate as well.
Any idiot lawyer want to debate or dare defend? Yes, these slime can be billed thousands each if they try and defend. Hope their own lawyers put them near bankruptcy.

Poorly researched indeed. Facts are facts. Lies are lies. Very defaming as defined by law. And these sick and very tragic and twisted cyber bully "lying" scum dare publish as fact I'm a criminal "scam","suspicious" and I'm "needing help"? The ones needing help are those I do help. Often. Fact. What these sick cowardly abusive slime punks needs are civil and criminal lawyers and some do need psychological evaluation by a "real doctor" as a real doctoral psychologist or psychiatrist. Not by a deceptive joke with a minor league MA faking God-like authority and superiority as documented. One of my ex girlfriends also from McGill and with a Doctorate in Psychology, oddly never mentioned I needed help. Well, other than on guitar.

More to follow on who I am, and what I've done and directly compared to this group of lying dishonest and cowardly human punk garbage that we'll put under a legal microscope. Yes, very direct comparisons will be made and this scum exposed fully to friends, family, neighbours and employers. As they should.

Dan Spector had to be "very selective" in his wordplay and his very blatant biased selection of his "special authorities" he far "over referenced" to be so disgustingly deceptive. Clearly. This pathetic pretense of petty research will be also be "no-debate-obvious" as extremely: biased, malicious, deceitful, targeted and clearly all very "one-sided". Why wasn't I given a fair and equal voice and to bring in my friends to show what slime and jerks Dan's references were? And what a goof Gordon Yee will always be.

This made clear as one gets all the real honest truth and facts. This deceitful defamation as documented so well in the actual article by Dan Spector bordering on absurd. I guess they and their editors never heard the well known legal rule of thumb "Publish at your Peril". Now they will. Doubt they'll ever forget it after facts below and the next few years of legal and media exposure for those not willing to settle out of court who will have it fully burnt in their big brains and wallets or purses. As with the other losers and liars named. And to be named. Lies cost.

Again, all the slime cowardly deceitful cyber bully scum knew "nothing about" me. Nor made any real, responsible honest effort to even try. As documented. They just liked pretending they are not clear as a bell very disgusting, deceitful liars and losers - and much more sickeningly now also exposed as faking as honest community heroes trying to intimidate what they once thought some weak old man. Seriously such very disgusting frauds. It gets very funny. Read on. There's more. much more.

1) The slime gang foolishly thought they were just taking turns in the illusion of safety in numbers, harassing, insulting, belittling, bullying, insulting and demeaning and defaming some weak old man and published and stated as honest fact as a possible criminal "scam" and "suspicious", and they thought this little old man couldn't or wouldn't fight back. They were wrong. Very wrong. As documented. See below. And best they also called police. Their biggest mistake.

2) They also thought calling and abusing police time could legitimize their claims. Hardly. As documented. This also makes it a criminal matter and thus backfires on the slime. Big time. Had they simply checked my very few "selective" Facebook friends oddly a BC Criminal Court Judge and an RCMP officer, they wouldn't have done something so very very ugly and so very very stupid? Would they? True? False? Can they look more stupid? Yes, they can. See below. They are more than welcome to call police on me again?

And this also very criminal as textbook "wrongful prosecution" with clear deceitful motive, collusion and conspiracy to defame. As well documented.

What is their motive? Yes, what is their motive? 

Seems they didn't like "any" rebuttal back to their very insulting defaming, insulting, arrogance and ignorance on my Facebook web page designed CLEARLY to honour community heroes? Fact check. As documented. See honest chronological, contextual and logical order. Some just wanted to show off and shoot their lying ignorant mouths off thinking or not, that I wouldn't reply in legitimate anger and disgust to their lies, insults, reckless ignorant claims and rudeness and allow that they could impress other low life in their lying cowardly creepy herd. As documented. And they were not invited. On my page. As documented.

Angry? Ask any similar accomplished senior, like myself if a bunch of nobody nothing punks and junior junk journalists ganging up and start getting very insulting, if they would also be a bit angry? I have no apologies for my anger at all. At all! In fact am very proud I stood up to each and everyone in their gang or group and that I could as documented and from Gordon Yee to more idiots named below. Emily Campbell might find it novel how I totally humiliated CJAD top sales department star in front of my client Trizec Place Ville Marie for what most on merchant association agreed deceptive representations in 1979, a novel note. Yes, I don't take abuse from bullies clearly. And even before out of university. And whenever sleazy slime trying to impress or intimidate me. For decades.

They thought as stupid and as documented arrogant slime punks they could also intimidate and humiliate me. Now my turn to humiliate. And in court we'll intimidate using the rule of law. Not rule of lunatics. Big time. For possibly a few years until all legal settled. They'll all get exactly what they deserve. They should ask their defamation expert defence lawyers and needed criminal lawyers "both" how much worse case scenario? And for a little positive news their best case scenario in courts and with court of public opinion in their own communities.

Now my turn to insult, judge but I'll base it on honest truth not lies..

3) Then so sickeningly vain, ignorant and arrogant and full of themselves, they thought a few blog mini-micro media titles and cheap media business cards that a junior junk deceitful low level and low paid Fake News journalist at Global News, like Dan Spector and friends flash could honestly impress or dare "intimidate" me as well. Hardly. As documented. Clearly as documented they also got very insulting and rude when I clearly appeared neither impressed nor intimidated by certainly Gordon Yee, Dan Spector, Emily Campbell, Alison Palkhivala, Karine Saba, Stéphanie Sabbagh, Terry Cutler, West Island Watch Group. And others. Nor willing to suffer their sick dnsults and defaming claims, inuendo and skews. So arrogant. So ignorant. So demanding? What a joke that was? As well. They started it. I'll finish it. And them. They certainly deserve it? True? False?

Fun legal note:

Two have already admitted their obvious guilt for false defamation and apologized. Doing some solid research on me I suspect? One even stated was "mislead" specifically by Dan Spector's Global News defaming article? Over a hundred "unsolicited" supported me where only about 20  incited and by default "solicited" to attacked me like documented slime like Gordon Yee? Think basic legal optics?

They also did not know I knew "real" honest highly accomplished award winning journalists and publishers in business and socially. From Montreal to Vancouver. And some for over forty years. And one of my long time girlfriends even a Photo Editor a Maclean's. My former Intern an on camera financial reporter once at Global and now CBC. He knows first hand why my work gets awards in Hollywood, recognized by international trade and consumer media to my leadership in investments for staff at the X-Files. Hey, I shared ownership of a sailboat with a Publisher of Vancouver Magazine and other Telemedia rags. The publisher of The Vancouver Courier also a big party buddy. Right, their tiny next to nothing media titles certainly impressed and intimidated me. Hardly. Journalists and others who knew Justin's father know me? As a "best man" at major weddings in Quebec City and Vancouver, a few Federal Liberals know me. And as I was reporting directly to Ron Basford, former Attorney General of Canada, gets very expensive defaming those so far more accomplished and such a long history of honest kind volunteer and charitable acts. And with such ridiculous statement of fact when such a 100% lie and clear malicious deceptive false cause. Like a young male nurse thinking they can judge as an authority of real Doctors the courts simply never amused. Nor any lawyer judging a judge?

As per the threat of "Jamie Benizri" as their possible legal muscle some thought would impress me?

Ask Montreal lawyer Jamie Benizri and put your money where your big mouth authority is? Don't trust me. Trust a top lawyer you actually hire. Unless all full of BS as appears, as we look at each of you. And now we play judge.

As per Jason Prince showing off and dropping another lawyers name:

" If anyone needs legal help with what this "donkey" contact Jamie Benizri at legal logic he's the best of the best."

I'm very anxious as defamed as also a "donkey" by clever Jason Prince also inciting, aid and abetting others to defame using a lawyers name i never heard of to have all who made such similar clearly very ignorant and arrogant statements do now pay Jamie Benizri or other lawyers for a few months of fair honest billable time on me and this case. She/He'll love the incremental easy thousands in money. Thousands and with a solid retainer -  as such clients or cases require. And when that a go, I'll love running the slimes legal costs through the roof, just dealing with them. Just as I did years before with other similar defaming frauds costing over six figures in Legal. Just so I could laugh at those liars as well. And now soon with these clowns

Such big talkers like Jason Prince. They talk big, but now time to put their very own money where their mouth is, or Jason Prince looks like others so very full of it and full of themselves as with Gordon Yee. And wow, using a lawyer from McGill. Wow! My Oxford/Osgoode former acting chair of UBC Law Faculty will find me the perfect match for the very best you can pay for in montreal. Also a McGill scholar. Or highschool to former clients who were stars at tiny law firms like SE and MT may also suggest a senior pit bull. Maybe go with a lawyer in family. See how it goes over the next few years.

I do again suggest slime all give your names and call police on me. Again. Cheaper than a lawyer and about the same success legally as to best test your tales with? If no luck with police again, a lawyer helping slime do better a bit of a joke. And use this call to police again as a fair focus group like test for the real strength legally of slime's legal case and full merit - and saves money as far cheaper than a lawyer.

Or slime show your friends, employer and family this blog? If such community heroes as you pretend while deceiving thousands, defaming and demeaning and insulting as a sick punk gang one weak old man, "show the world". I want this out. And while asking police if I've done anything wrong expand it to asking if  I've "ever" have done anything wrong in self-interest and not cause. Or big party and play related. They know I'm fun.

Ask police why I have special security clearance for DND and NRC in Ottawa, oddly doing what I did when reporting directly to Ron Basford, former Attorney General of Canada. I should have my clearance removed if what Gordon Yee states as fact not a 100% lie and what Dan Spector aids and abets also beyond debate.

Notes to Idiots: Of course first you raise the ante then you start showing Aces. As I did to trap both Gordon Yee and Dan Spector forcing both to escalate this matter with the other liars and losers and up their bets on their documented stupidity. Play me. See if I'm still holding more Aces? Do some more serious research or you look like little slimy lying big talking punks and just pretending you're not. Cowards and creeps empowered in a crowd. Now we go one-on-one with each.

4) Then they, as a show of further force - that they probably con fools, and the smaller brains in their herd to fear, daringly dropped the name of another lawyer thinking that could also also impress and intimidate. I sent that lawyer this blog immediately to show how intimidated I was not. Unedited. As documented.

Consider how very sick and ugly if they tried all this sick disgusting cowardly abuse BS on your grandfather or just "any other" honest weak old man, or old women? And as such now a highly documented cowardly mob of fraudulent disgusting punk scum? Other old men not able to fight back. Or have my varied resources. I could. I do. I will. If I get an older senior judge in criminal and civil some may pay very dearly. Very dearly.

As such the lawyer play, also very amusing as another long time friend where not just a BC Criminal Court Judge or RCMP officer - and also knows me for over forty years as a friend, an Oxford/Osgoode internationally recognized legal scholar. And again a former Law Faculty acting chair at UBC. Hey, I even had a law firm as a client and Federal Liberals. And they think an unknown lawyer's name can intimidate me. Gets even more ridiculous. Read on.

Working and "Directly Reporting" to Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada and dealing with dozens of senior partners of the real big name big national firms, I'm not so easy to intimidate. I do screaming matches with lawyers when they push too far? Intimidate me? Hardly. Not with a lawyer's name I never ever heard of or a lawyer's letter. Did volunteer work for lawyers for LAC in BC. And these ignorant and arrogant lying frauds think a lawyer's name can intimidate me like their tiny little shot media titles. The second lawyer to help me in Montreal in 1979 Cookie Lazarus who is also defamed on my Facebook page by Gordon Yee. I also worked for Stanley Hartt ("The brains behind Prime Minister Mulroney"). I even dated lawyers whose names I can't remember for the moment. I lived with a lawyer. I partied with lawyers. A lawyer in the family. That effort to intimidate also revealed how insanely weak they legally really are? True? False? Very weak?


New Note:

A letter and  this blog link has been sent to CARP (Canadian Association of Retired People) about helping us get Dan Spector fired from Global ASAP with advertiser calls and boycott "if needed" and soon ideally much more widespread coverage by far more senior, honest and far more honourable media? They still do exist. Possibly a letter to PETA and SPCA on Gordon Yee will follow.

This for added exposure for Dan Spector's documented malicious, biased very deceitful and clearly legally defamatory efforts against an honest senior (See recent case law below so no stupid silly debate and embarrassing sophist word play). And to further - and also textbook, see Dan Spector's "aid and abet" as clearly inciting, as well documented even more sick sleazy cyber bullies and greater abuse. "Even more" to defame and insult an old man. And possibly far far worse and far sadder Dan Spector's and Gordon Yee's the idiots documenting defaming and crippling a 100% honest 100% volunteer effort to clearly honour "real honest" 100% community heroes. And my goal certainly not to provide the deceitful scum with Dan Spector's free press for very well documented pretentious vain self-absorbed self-promoting human lying garbage like Gordon Yee blatant. True? False? As documented. Obvious or what? As documented. And then, as very vomit worthy further falsely and fraudulently "vainly" posture as such super fake community heroes and community champions - as well fraudulently calling police as also textbook "Wrongful Prosecution", "Obstruction" to "Public Mischief". Possibly more?

If Dan Spector and buddy Emily Campbell such big shot news reporters they should do more stories about me for Global News to help me escalate this and for other national media as now I'm even far more angry and disgusted with self-serving defaming cheap cowardly punks. And no longer burdened helping with a cancer patient and worried by a sick child as I was then. Quebec lawyers will see the prescription factor. Now I'm ready to fight back and escalate big time. Let's play.

This sick and ugly attack on an honest effort to honestly honour REAL heroes. As documented. And this my small slow start to fight back. I'm not one to suffer such fools, their insults and bully efforts. I've been fighting other sick ugly lying bullies, women beaters, liars, frauds, fakes and felons for decades and not just doing charity work. Fact check?

Guess the brilliant legal strategy here via top Oxford Legal Minds (x2) and proven to work in past with other such similar low life nobody scum and slime?
And will work again with these punks.

Others in Global News are also mentioned specifically like Gordon Yee, as an impressive animal cage and animal torture testing supply sales type. Plus a word "Toastmaster" and regional "sales star" from Anacare. And do note and add his impressive and so "noted" Toastmaster tuned black belt deceit and spin sales skills. Intimidating? Hardly. Fun? Absolutely. I do have some training from Keith Spicer and Sen. Eugene Forsey on how to deal with lying unaccomplished scum. Gordon Yee liked playing superior, being insulting and judge. Now I judge and I get insulting - with some far better coaching.

They better do some very serious research on me now.

The "integrity" and intellect of West Island Watch Group also spotlighted in spades and now for endless future ridicule, fame and endless shame. And their added incitement, collusion and conspiracy to defame exposed, plus add the two phone calls to police as wrongful prosecution - they even "bragged" about. See Dan Spector article. And for icing on the cake see statement in various social media. Harassment also very blatant from police calls to idiot claims on various Facebook to Blog pages.

They should have done real honest research first, these lying lazy journalistic frauds and not waste police time as morons looking to deceitfully legitimize their lies and malicious attack without "honest reasonable cause". Expensive stupidity. See how I know exactly below how expensive for idiot punks with tiny titles or even an MA in psychology to make published statements as fact using their tiny titles to intimidate and defame. I guess research and writing sales literature for pharmaceuticals the Bauhaus theory of less is more, also applies to her research? Not that Pharmaceuticals ever mislead or hire whores to write biased reviews. What is deceitful omission and fraudulent concealment? Ask a soul for sale PR writer for pharmaceuticals. I also have a past involving those in legal at FDA in US?

Others have also called police on me years before and also pathetically trying to intimidate me, also not knowing who I was or that I fight back and oddly do have a few friends. And this prior scum also tried to posture some feeble false power before as well. Feeling also once safe out numbering one (1) old man and with their high priced union and Hollywood lawyers. Didn't work then. Won't work now. Just as with this scum then and now also fooled that the rule of law to help liars, frauds, fakes and felons. Just like them. Wrong. So very wrong. Most lawyer's in past never replied to my reply to their fancy letterhead. How rude.
Just settled?

Can anyone see how stupid I'd be or any honest intelligent person to ever respect or even tolerate such human cyberbully punk human trash and their poorly planned and researched efforts to defame, insult, coerce, intimidate and wrongfully prosecute an old man and based on their very well "documented ignorance and incredible unfounded arrogance", and with their absolute 100% lies and other misleading claims? And trying to put me in disrepute with friends, family my many small nobody employers and clients. With 100% lies. As documented. Time to put all of us under a legal microscope and see what police, courts and honest major media and journalists think. Let them judge the real full honest facts.

This why "we all must fight back on such sick bullies" as named and to be named. And expose them all to major public exposure, ridicule, endless shame and financial damages. Plus expose them to their community, neighbours in West Island and employers from Anacare to Global News for what they are. Really are. Slime. As documented.

If people like myself don't stand up to such liars and losers they will bully others as they must certainly have in the past. Obviously. Those who can't fight back. I started standing up for others officially as per RCMP files from 1973 and dealing with clever lawyers since '75? Fighting bullies since 1968.

Some lawyers will recall the pleasant faces and somewhat normal lives of the bullies who murdered Reena Virk in Victoria and their herd's so similar mindset as so "superior to others" as to dare judge others? The ugliness of both followers and leaders in that mob of note. They started out as just word play bullies and name calling and then the more sick arrogant and ignorant ones thought themselves so "superior" as well to judge others not worthy of life. Murder followed. What are bullies capable of in a mob frenzy? Many case studies. See this herds documented mindset. As documented.

Let's ask clearly objective and honest police and criminal and civil courts when truth all told and documented in chronological order as what's more honest.

(A) Am I as stated or obviously implied as fact and clear "published fact" by many in the cyber bully lying gang a: sick criminal "scam" and "suspicious"? And "needing help", (For what exactly? For normal people, I simply got very very angry with sick cowardly lying insulting nobody sick punk bullies repeatedly insulting me as a gang? As documented.) I think most seniors, lawyers, judges and honest media would agree very normal to be so very angry and so very disgusted with such punk scum?  And even go so far as to use uppercase type as article exposes me capable of?  What idiots? Bets?  And as well, too well documented.

Would Emily Campbell of CJAD and Facebook buddy Dan Spector at Global have tried this stupid disgusting sleazy deception to try and intimidate me as junior junk journalists when my friends have ranged from Daniel Feist at CHOM and Gazette. And another guitar buddy and his brother at CBC Montreal. And another buddy living with Mutsumi Takahashi then at CJAD? I dated the GM's daughter at CFCF TV. And my fairy Godmother a fav at CFCF radio and who bullied Cookie Lazarus to go get another radio station manager shaking after trying to bully me?


(B) Am I a person with a fifty year history of kind and generous acts including going into burning house to check for children (with a braver guy then working at CJAD who went deeper into the flames), teaching Autistics sign language, defending abused women (many, many times), veteran advocacy (my favourite), helping refugees from China, peeling potatoes at Good Shepherd mission in Ottawa and feeding hungry and homeless and so much more. Much more. And very clearly also not afraid to stand up to a cowardly gang of young punk liars and life losers and all their very now embarrassing minor league titles, business cards and accomplishments. As years before and again now.

Pick one?

And what is deceptive and defaming an honourable reputation? Am I a sick criminal "scam" and "suspicious"? Hardly to those who have known me for forty years and my very unique charitable nature. And my career success like my charity work and friends I have, also dwarfing all these scum. Many combined.

They better get very expensive impressive lawyers. Criminal and Civil. And top defamation experts as defamation as they teach at top law schools "peculiar".
Even Gordon Yee can't fake it.

And consider if any minor research done by the junior junk journalist and cyber security guru and their key cheerleader, noted animal torture testing cage supply "marketing expert" Gordon Yee, they wouldn't be so very easy to now to fully expose, ridicule and humiliate while criminally prosecuting.

Also, all this serves as very serious case study to illustrate as documented why the "big far more proven cyber security firms", with much higher standards are best used over tiny independent and less qualified like Terry Cutler as Dan Spector thought so clever. Seems even real honest top cyber security types no match for hackers as even Bell Canada now reveals. As well documented.

And in addition, best customer's like Terry Cutler's now best favour those with real specific university education and ideally at least graduate studies, and working in big respected up-to-date cyber security firms, as reference. And intellectually far more honest. Might be the logical best choice? Consider? Some so transparent and so well documented "selling fear".

I myself was warned by FBI going too deep using Compuserve back in 1990? My other friends on Facebook even more senior to Terry Cutler.
  • If they're all so super honest and real community heroes and nothing to fear now, they should all just call police on me again? Or hire a lawyer very fast. Why not? I'm far more aggressive and far more angry now? Far more insulting. And soon far more abusive. And will soon be even far more aggressive and insulting. And far more aggressive and insulting as "law allows" those defamed. Fact check.
  • If they're all so honest and nothing to fear now, they should "all" do a sworn affidavit and signed against me with full denial and rebuttal to "any" or "all" of my claims and under oath, if my claims not absolutely true and their statement of fact true? If not disgusting liars and human garbage so easy to do? And nothing to fear. Other than another trap?
  • If they're so honest and nothing to fear now, they should get more and seriously far better top journalists and editors on this "whole" ugly story to get the "real truth" out and to totally destroy my reputation? Or all their careers and reputation with employers, future employers and neighbours? If nothing to fear? This perfect for the CBC's Fifth Estate world class national investigative journalism. Trivia? I visited Brian Mckenna there on CBC's Fifth Estate set in late 70's? I do have some small depth in media and law. Been a fan of honest journalists for a while? I stayed at Brian Mckenna's place in Sutton when I skied. With gangs of real top journalist visiting. Even Conrad Black. I did get to know a few top journalists like Nick Auf der Maur (Montreal Star, Gazette) to Daniel Feist (Gazette/CHOM-FM). I helped both of them.
  • If they're so honest and nothing to fear now, they should get one of those fancy intimidating lawyer's template letters from an impressive big name firm - who has "honestly" read "all material" and type out his/her very very best "opinion" and send to me by registered mail. I'll entertain it. With my few friends.
The wrongful prosecution and misleading obstruction and using and proven wasting police like their private paid political props, pawns and puppets for a fake very dishonest facade or "look" of legitimacy and clearly wasting taxpayer money and police time -when better saving and protecting lives like "children and seniors", kinda also backfired on the defaming cyberbully slime. Big time.

And this a very serious real abuse of police, when just a wee tiny bit of due diligence and standard of care in "journalistic research 101 for major punk dummies" - and as so many impressive junior junk journalists in the cyberbully group, would have helped their legal defence. You know for that silly standard of care and due diligence stuff courts demand. Demand. And not look so lazy, stupid, sick and so very ugly, all defaming and as a very deceitful swarm all ganging up to all bully one (1) weak old man? I doubt this the only time these cowardly creeps have bullied others? Ya' think? What about their children, partners, parents or subordinates a valid question? They did document their personality trait given to bully when feeling safe in a swarm or mob. And soon they get to go one-on-one with me and they can prove they don't need a crowd.
Any formal legal forum works for me.

Many in BC legal circles know BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay my old roommate and another guitar buddy. My ex girlfriend oddly with a doctorate in psychology - not just an everyday MA from McGill so sick and full of herself, and lucky not flipping hamburgers, and who also knows I'm also long time friends with the former acting Chair of UBC Law Faculty and Oxford/Osgoode internationally respected super brain.  Their best friends? They both are also friends from high school. We all went to university together. Another ex in Ottawa also an MA in psychology? Two ex girl friends with an MA and Doctrate in psychology never ever thinking I needed help. But one asshole bitch on Lakeshore road thinks her words more valid? What a sick ugly joke.

I've destroyed careers for dishonest MBAs (Western) and CAs (P&P), but this will be my first MA for my trophy wall busting lying scum again. In fairness, I do have respect for another MA in psychology, not just my ex girlfriends and also again far more attractive, and also from McGill, Jayne Heitmeyer. Ms. Heitmeyer who I worked with on a Spelling TV series. She didn't have such gross sickening superiority issues as honestly very accomplished. And as another West Island lady who knows of my work. She was the leading lady in the movie "Snake Eyes" and a model for Cadbury. We talked Montreal ad and McGill world. A very classy lady. I was offered Producer Credits to fix the systems on another series shot in the studio but they couldn't afford to match my present package at the time.

Any curious how it is I can so easily jump from political work at the highest strategic levels of Federal Politics writing words for a Prime Minister, to an International Engineering firm working with again Oxford scholars (See my LinkedIn profile for hints) and there designing environmental management systems for Natural Resource Giants - and as a key speaker at their AGM. Then just jump to working on the X-Files updating their management systems to higher standards than FOX or Disney had?

Added with Dan's and Gordon Yee's disgusting and deceitful, defaming, poorly written and "pathetically researched and extremely deceptive defamatory article" with blatant civil legal liabilities, now add the very serious criminal matters. Very serious. Such sick Salem style witch hunts obvious for what they are.

Yes, I certainly profile like someone any normal person you'd "suspect" (as per article and cyber expert) "needing help" (as per some Facebook arrogant and clearly ignorant authority) and a criminal "scam" (as per Gordon Yee) and exploiting my hometown community heroes. Those who once helped me when I had flooding and had waterfront in Ste. Genevieve. Never saw the heroes just the house protected with Sandbags when I returned. And yes I'll admit it I do use Upper Case type when angry with insulting punks. Probably always will.

If Patrick Brown resigns as Ontario PC Party leader based on allegations of abuse of position shouldn't Dan Spector resign ASAP when facts here prima facie not hearsay or he said/she said? Is Dan just another sicko like Jian Ghomeshi as also given to a very very sick abuse position with his Facebook buddy Emily Campbell at CJAD just waiting for a bigger title than bottom-of-the-barrel? And both with such a low paying titles and assignments? As documented.

Let others judge the real facts and all honest evidence and "exact chronological" documentation. "The WHOLE truth and nothing but" bit. Not Gordon Yee's document games with dates and details, deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment. And his other practiced and studied deceptive sophist rhetorical sales tools. And not suffer more of his amazing skills as a top regional animal torture and test cage supply sales star . And getting Gordon Yee's gang of sick goofs in big trouble. Making West Island Watch Group, Alison Palkhivala, Dan Spector, Emily Campbell, Global News, Gordon Yee, Karine Saba, Stéphanie Sabbagh, Terry Cutler, all a growing joke by name and employment in Montreal and West Island. And all very suspect to police in future. As should be. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Yes, more Latin to follow.

Don't be fooled by Pointe Claire "Toastmaster" animal testing torture cage super star at Anacare salesperson, Gordon Yee, playing with dates and times and his other many unsupported statements of fact. Like his bold and so very brave so very published claim with other idiot's lies I'm a criminal "scam". Yes, a very criminal claim as even police called (x3?), now defines this matter's other levels of stupidity and makes clear the type of sick people they really are. Really are.

Gordon Yee is/was one of Dan Spector's clearly documented trusted sources with other members of this swarming cyber bully gang. As documented. Gordon Yee's games of excessive absurdity with multiple rhetorical fallacies will now be exposed. Not paraphrased, but fully. Truth ALL told stuff. Both Dan Spector and Gordon Yee published and documented themselves as clearly very low life very very small man complex liars. Defaming an old man and a total 100% volunteer charitable act, and clearly abusing public trust a bit sick and very disgusting for many. Actually very sick and very disgusting. Well for those in my herd. And certainly civil and criminal court judges. Can anything Dan Spector now reports or writes ever be trusted. Ever? Any bets?

Look for these sick cowardly sleazy faces from Ste. Annes to St. Denis in Montreal. (More pictures of others to follow).

Who is Dan Spector?
Dan Spector

A train is late?

Who is Gordon Yee?

Why he's just a test and torture animal cage regional sales and Toastmaster speaking star others can judge.

Who is  Terry Cutler?


More names and faces to add shortly.

Can we handle such cowardly superminds? Looking so forward to face-to-face time in real courts with Danny boy, Gordon Yee and Terry Cutler. One-on-one. To be fair. One-on-one. And some big media coverage to help undo the damage done.

As this also nicely involves "criminal law" and tandem defamation, as clear wrongful prosecution, obstructive and public mischief issues abound, as having also called police on me - we are, as such, very very pleased. And as such, as police called and abused by these slime gives defamation a whole new feel and a much higher price. Do I seem intimidated. See below exactly why not.

NOTE: I am absolutely willing to swear under oath that all statements here by me all fact and true. And obviously will very soon.

Will "all" the documented lying slime, including Dan Spector and Gordon Yee also: "all" swear under oath their statements of fact, and honest "FACT"? Again stating: I'm sick, "needing help", criminal "scam" and honestly "suspicious"? And swear they did reasonable unbiased research before shooting their mouths off as experts and are not fakes, frauds or liars as courts may allow?

Gordon Yee had me pulled from Facebook to show off. Took me one letter to Facebook legal to make a joke of Gordon Yee and be back up in four hours and flying free. High paid lawyers seem to understand my babble.

And very cute the article suggesting I'm "suspicious" but not so smart spreading a computer virus with Facebook helping as reference? Kinda defames Facebook? Makes Facebook also seem "suspicious"? True? False? Idiots with small man ego  issues looking for free PR selling fear getting very sloppy gets obvious. i'll have to write Facebook legal on this. They may be a bit pissed off at Global News allowing such single named suggestions? We'll see?

And am I so criminal as published in article as even posting childrens names (but not published age or picture)  when their mothers "requested")? As documented. The only thing needing help will be their careers, reputation and bank account.

Maybe I'm just a fun guy simply needing Spell Check, Gramarily and Flesch-Kincaid

And will all the slime all now also "all" swear under oath their statements as fact "not" based on clearly collusion or conspiracy targeted, meaningless, malicious, and biased and not based on far less than legally adequate research as law demands? And adding sworn, very extremely stupid calls to police "legally warranted" as to self-legitimize a gang of lazy, low life cyber bullies lies with easily bruised small man narcissistic checklist egos, and yes, "warranted"? The women involved just as as filthy and disgusting. There's a reason so many accomplished women like me or loved me and such garbage girls don't. This a case in point.

This blog about cyber bullying by sick petty empowered full of themselves very ugly punks (both ladies and gentlemen) documenting their clear sad superiority complex and with an absurd sick deceptive malicious article as defined by law. Done by Dan Spector in the Global News and further on Facebook. And as documented the article inciting and empowering this swarm of cyber bullies more, as again well documented on Facebook. This after his Global article gave the gang of gasoline fire. And chronologically from seed issue. As documented.

In formal logic the fallacy of begging the question (petitio principii) easily identifies any very "simple minded sophist" as both liars and fools like these stupid punks. See super brain Gordon Yee use Dan Spectors deceptive efforts with his use of Dan's article as his circular validation and to motivate others to insult and defame. What an idiot? As documented. Will the circle of desperate self/group affirmation be unbroken? Easily. Give me twenty minutes with a criminal court or civil court judge.

If the slime really did their research they'd know I rather enjoy criminal and civil courts, labour, small claims to even doing CRTC appeals and veteran advocacy. Labatt flew me to Ottawa without lawyers to appeal a CRTC ruling? Why me?

This bullying, harassment and bullying on "MY" Facebook page all done with very sick defamatory "lies". Uninvited. Only invited posting of hero names? And each  inciting others in this witch hunt frenzy as documented for about twenty others very blind and mindless to then also defame an honest old man, his family and friends. And all past business associates and by association, as law sees it. This so key when defining total financial damages and punitive awards. This so the slimes lawyer's don't look so very stupid with petty offers to settle out of court "both" criminal and civil issues.

And do add as also extremely well documented the slime cyber bullies also crippled this "HONEST" volunteer, charitable kind and "real" community effort. AND AS COMPARED TO THEIRS TO MAKE A VERY KEY POINT. And once what was also a clearly "anonymous" effort. Well until they dared me to identify myself. So I did. Fact check. See time stamps. They are idiots as documented even when not defaming or calling police as well.

Slime should ask each of their very now needed individual criminal plus civil lawyers for best and worst case scenario financially and both actuarial or just Bayesian or Vegas spread as odds on each, and as based on most recent case law. All that Obiter Dictum, Stare Decisis and Ratio Decidendi in defamation law stuff.

This isn't just Brian Mulroney and strange business practises. Or Mike Duffy milking it. But an old man with a very honest charitable totally volunteer effort while more sick Dan Spector "paid" for helping as so key to telling and publishing lies by these liars about my non-paid efforts. More disgusting. See how real educated Judges think? Read on.

And this all as per his/their gang or group of twenty other low life cyber bully gang members and herd as named all defaming in a "synergy" so the total greater than sum of parts bit also applies. As to damages. As documented. And inspired by the very false integrity and blatant intellectual dishonesty of those Dan Spector so very selectively and all obviously one-sided referenced. Like big shot nobody Gordon Yee - and those clearly also mentioned in article with those named on Facebook as well. The super idiots in their gang even more obvious on Facebook with their insane lies stated as honest fact. Not "opinion" or "fair comment" as law defines, but stated as unqualified highly misleading fact. As documented. And their clear desperate need for their desperate self promotion also sadly as tragically obvious and embarrassing like their lies - and as one should suspect their whole lives? And all their sad personal and family relationships must also suffer such bully brains and babble as one might now suspect as fair comment?

The "only honesty in the whole sick article" is where the police very clearly stating I'd done "nothing wrong". And as they did a check add "Ever"? The idiots missed that police stated I'd done "nothing wrong" posting names of heroes, as so consumed in their punk gang of liars group noted self-affirmation and illusion of superiority. Then so clever added "So far". Brilliant. Predicting the future? Another gift they have like Emily Campbell also documented in her big shot insulting "future" threat. As documented. Love it. As will those get it as their clear intellectual superiors and those with far more integrity and not finding them clever.

Some idiot playing smarter than God asked if I was a registered charity trying to catch me off guard? I was honest and said no. I was asking for names, not money? More proof of their profound ignorance as with their other literally high school like efforts at entrapment after the fact. Sadly idiots herd with idiots. Idiots posturing they're clever also well documented? Very clear to those not in the gang of liars and losers.

The article lacking (as defined by law) minimum standard of "honest", "newsworthy" research, and in addition defaming and crippling a: 100% honest, volunteer effort and clearly done to honour "real community heroes" (as numbers support). And as also suffered from cyber bullies, also as documented. And more disgusting this gang as identified by Dan Spector's article pretending, posing, posturing, postulating and pontificating that by false junior high school implied deceptive logical induction they are "community heroes": big bag vomit worthy? True? False?

What a joke. Hardly heroes? Sick deceitful defaming very ugly self consumed cowardly creepy human frauds hurting a community. Big bag vomit worthy?Absolutely. As documented.

We also have the names of all scum involved and "tons of names of real honest heroes" all across West Island  to email shortly with this blog link so the names and their employers, of all deceitful lying scum fully exposed. As defamation law clearly allows me to get my side out. And only fair? True? False?

And very noteworthy, this defamation and "criminal" very "wrongful prosecution" clearly by very "highly unaccomplished" punks painfully desperate for recognition as "false community heroes". By clear comparison my real honest community efforts initially anonymous. Fact check?  All ganging up on one (1) old man in Global News, and as documented and further and fully on Facebook. Slime's lawyers best read everything on FB and note very critical chronological order.

This while this one old man honestly trying to clearly honour REAL community heroes. Why? See below. And this lying and defamation by these cyber bullies done on this old man's Facebook page. My page. "Not invited". In front of my friends and family and my very varied career contacts and networks all across Canada. Including some very major Montreal families. And all across Canada. Serious defamation. Serious damages. Expensive? You bet. This as far below exact recent legal case study and reference tests, as certain key legal points may far more than hint, more as below? Slime better see lawyers fast.

Or simply ask about the common man legal test defined by law. To keep it simple.

The gang including deceitful big mouth major mouse and puppy animal test and torture cage supply salesman Gordon Yee, who stated with his loyal lunatic friends and family ( I suspect family needed and also deceived for pumping numbers up to twenty), also stating as honest fact (and in reality as clear misleading dishonest fact) my volunteer effort: a criminal "scam" and "suspicious". Lies. 100% lies. As with other lies. As documented. A gang of liars clearly. Very clearly.

Why did this gang of liars and losers do this? How did it start?

My story under oath and very well documented with time stamps: I got fed up with (1) one of their gang members and West Island Watch Group "darlings" on "my page" and scolded but not blocked. No profanity (Even if so very well deserved?).

But I was pushed hard, very hard, as clear, by the very sharp journalistic mind of Dan Spector, and his article and not missed, with my eventual very criminal nature, as Dan suggests, I started using "UPPER CASE" type. This not missed by Dan's sharp journalistic or "storyteller" so limited intellect,just  like so many other real important things like all the ALL the honest truth he did miss?

Yes, I'll admit now and no contest, that I dared use UPPER CASE type on some vain self absorbed insulting, rude, young major nobody punk thinking I could be abused. Just as she must also abuse staff at retail at fast food places or shoe stores. As documented. On my page. Such a princess. See quotes. She will also be key in court. Do her hair. Nails. Look pretty so not just pretty disgusting with others in her gang as quoted.

She, as further honest clearly documented fact was my "only problem" and as documented in a sea of support. 1 of 130. Clearly as documented "my only problem" in a sea of documented support as prior. See time stamps. As documented. Yes, as actuaries or William Deming may admit always a few bad apples. Or as we also know a 10% psychopathic element always factors in such numbers?

My only problem. Well, my only problem, until her filthy lying gang of major tiny shot media friends and other sick ugly nut cases of cyber bullies also got all involved and started bullying and insulting an old man. Defamation a given. Based on truth? Hardly.

Acting so superior as a blinded herd. And all more disgusting showing off to each other how powerful they are to defame and take turns to harass and insult an old man not in Montreal (that often) and knew nobody. They thought. And often so very stupid. As documented. And more to their idiot credit all busted as all in collusion to also conspire plus bait and entrap. As documented. Check. See how they think themselves so very clever and superior. But literally just desperate liars and losers. True? False?

Then she got her lying slime friends and family to swarm and cyber bully this old man and they all attacked as documented. We have all their names. Soon all addresses for legal letters.

Sorry for this human slime, but this old man was not going to be lied about, insulted, intimidated and ridiculed by a gang of so very highly "unaccomplished arrogant and ignorant" young junior jerks and literally nothing punks. Nor their very pathetic junior journalist cheap business cards and major minor media titles and any less than doctorate psychology degrees trying to intimidate. I lived and worked with real scholars. See below exactly why. So many around me with real doctorates as per below. My LinkedIn profile even includes another Oxford Scholar reference from my pioneer work with environmental software with an International Engineering firm designed for Natural Resource Giants.

Dan Spector's 's documented extremely misleading deceptive defaming on many levels published article mushrooming the bullying frenzy. As documented. Chronologically. No debate needed on this true fact.

Again, to be clear, the idiots and human garbage also called police to further flex their minor media muscle and so impressive networks. Calling police as to very falsely legitimize their lies and posture as major sick frauds acting like such noble community heroes. A sick witch hunt blatant. And this more absurd even after police stated as honest fact I've done "nothing wrong". Even stated in same Global News article police stating as honest fact I did "nothing wrong". Odd if police don't think I did anything wrong odd others from this slime willing to publish as fact I did? Stating I'm a sick criminal scam and very oddly in very same article as kind of a very big stupid? A first for a non-profit requesting no money I might add. If not obvious enough? Obviously, I would have asked major breweries to grocery store chains for money for victims to honour further heroes with a major full page ad listing their names. But the scum also crippled that effort. And I might as well admit it now, I have I have bullied both Federal and Provincial governments and corporations for money for blind, handicap, deaf and immigrant women employment programs, while paid well and not in my job description. And oddly a win for governments, those I helped and even my employer.

And best is the article naming and identifying gang members and friends all who aid and abet in defamation and cyber bullying to police calls as clear as a bell wrongful prosecution to even handy so classy public mischief, now also very obvious. Easy to connect.


And note where no legal significance some of their very idiot claims and deductions "goes to character" to borrow a legal phrase. Yes, even non-legal elements define their gross ignorance and big stupid. And on many things. But nothing illegal about being stupid. Well until you hurt others.

Had they checked with RCMP (as I so suggested best in very "beginning") they'd find out, I not only did do nothing wrong, but have done many things right. 50 years of doing right and charitable acts. Even have a Montreal RCMP officer as a grade school friend on Facebook (had they checked?), and with just a minor degree of honest research that alone should have been a very big red flag and warning enough not to publish their names with their ignorant and arrogant lies and demeaning comments? And that small research may have hinted that they had seriously picked on the wrong old man. Big time. What lazy sloppy research? As such any such claim of "honest" responsible research ridiculous. By any of the documented slime.

Now it gets very funny. Very funny.

Had they checked and done even minimal junior high school paper due diligence and standard of care, they'd see my very few friends on Facebook also a BC Criminal Court Judge: Russ Mackay, and even an RCMP officer. Idiots? Frauds? Deceitful, disgusting and defaming, unaccomplished cyber bully, liars and losers? Would appear exactly so. And it gets worse for the liars and losers. Read on.

I do have a tiny wee bit more than just one RCMP officer and a Criminal Court judge as friends? And their friends? And their friend's friends? Why don't they attack this weak feeble old man now? I've certainly gotten far worse? Far more aggressive? Far more angry? More hostile? More rude? And I'm using UPPER CASE TYPE again? AND STATING AS FACT YOU'RE ALL DECEITFUL SELF ABSORBED DEFAMING UGLY DISGUSTING PUNKS!

What are they so very afraid of now? The rule of law? The brains in my "legal" gang having IQs 20 points higher than their best? And a honest history of REAL integrity and multiple volunteer charitable efforts they can't match. And multiple accomplishments they all don't? Won't. AND WITH  FIFTY YEARS OF HONEST CHARITABLE WORK THEY CAN'T EVEN NEAR MATCH, MAKES TOO MUCH TOO CLEAR. AND COMBINED?

Global Defamatory Misleading, Deceitful Junk Fake News Journalism:

Again, what about the poor children or family of these now documented defaming, deceitful, tragically sad cyber bullies judgmental mindset? Are they safe from similar and more constant deceitful bullying and abuse by these sick documented types as parents, siblings, partners and lovers? I suffered less than a day of their bullying, lies and abuse, what about those who must suffer this cowardly abusive mindset daily. 24/7? 365?

Should we post their names in West Island Watch Group to best protect their kids (as seems West Island Watch Group cares about kids. This will test them?) or give Dan Spector a chance to write a real honest reasonably legally adequate researched story on cyber bullies and undue influence in a mob frenzy witch hunt as also possible very very sick parents, partners or lovers? Linear regression?

A sociopath manipulates you with little empathy. A psychopath feels he / she is so far superior than you that you are not even a person.

Well the facts speak for themselves as these cyber bullies certainly clearly documented they once felt very superior to me, when suffering the sad mistaken illusion I was some weak tired old man who couldn't or wouldn't fight back. Not appearing superior then at all? Fact check? And the illusion they were actually people who could intimidate me. Those who could intimidate an old man and not become so clearly such obvious nobody cowardly liars and losers feeling safe in a crowd of similar losers and liars. Well, until real honest facts proved very much otherwise.

And they also pleaded and postured as fake community heroes for empathy. Sociopath or psychopath? Both? They may need professional evaluation to best define as beyond my humble opinion? And beyond any MA in the eyes of the law.  Maybe my ex girlfriend with a real doctorate in psychology and my cousin one of Canada's top forensic shrinks best judge the mouthy drama queen with an MA from McGill pushing for Pharma their PR. I'll pull my insights from US FDA contacts when we meet in court. And as per Churchill quote paraphrased: We know what she is. Only her price to define. And other liars as desperate for attention and lacking similar responsible judgment or any meaningful qualification to judge others. Or myself. As documented.

Now some other fun points on how misleading, demeaning and defaming such statement of fact as published and "framed" by Dan Spector's journalistic sophist artwork, so poorly faking objectivity to help maliciously target and deceitfully defame:

1) Easily one of the most defaming, bias, malicious and totally absurd, revealing and ridiculous statements of stupidity in that misleading article was the sick reference to "posting children's names" to make me look twisted? Sick and irresponsible. A judge thus may ask the very documented major stupid ones: "Just how will anyone know the names are of children if no age or picture given?" How? How again the slime so transparent and with Hollywood "C" list dramatics, and disgustingly faking like community heroes? Caring about children but not thinking how very stupid such a giant stupid claim? And as published. Not thinking. Not researching. Idiots? Malicious and reckless? Defaming based on falsehoods to the absurd. And use of Uppercase type referenced very silly. You bet. I posted children's names as their mothers or grandmothers asked me. As documented. How evil?

2) The other obvious desperate act of gross stupidity is the killer reference to the use of uppercase type when this old man insulted. From a serial killer to a fender bender in a shopping mall, just exactly why would uppercase type matter or mean anything at all? Ever? Please show the actuarial regressions on this one idiots. Or look very very petty and very pretty desperate for article "Fluff and Fill". I have an old girlfriend who fills her correspondence and almost every sentence with uppercase, what should I "conclude"? And, I still find it adorable.
Am I sick and needing help finding it endearing?

Misleading, lying inflating defaming desperate slime getting very obvious?

3) And the sleazy defaming idiots oddly fail to clearly note, as per honest real fact I "only got aggressive" and very angry (used uppercase type?) with stupid punks when warning ignored on clear repeated polite page policy and blatant efficacy, and later only real anger and disgust when outnumbered, and "first" insulted and defamed by non-invited swarming gang and critics, posing and acting as smarter than God? Twenty documented twits as named. As documented. Their families must be so very very proud of both their documented intellect and integrity. Do their neighbours really know such sick disgusting ugly trash lives next door in West Island? Do their employers like Anacare and Global News need better HR screening to avoid hiring types like Dan Spector and Gordon Yee? They will.

4) They also to further defame and grossly mislead by fraudulent concealment or further deceptive omission, also failed to mention my unanimous and unsolicited 130 "likes" on Facebook prior. And before their gang of clearly solicited of only "20" motivated herd turds, connections and friends, including the idiots as named in article, who all decided to gang up on and cyber bully, insult, lie and defame one old man. Dan Spector's clear biased one-sided reference well documented.

Want a recount on the documented votes and notes of honest support and good will for my efforts? Numbers matter. So do words.

They better find out and research seriously when other sick cowardly slime who tried to dare intimidate and defame me with a few lawyers and even also with their lies to police, also found out about me, and "exactly" why they ran. And settled out of court. Or wait and find out later. More pricey but buys time at compounded credit card interest or more? And they ran very fast. And they had big shot expensive Union plus big shot Hollywood lawyers and much more money and even a much bigger gang. Even they couldn't intimidate me? They tried. I got luxury cars then rented for me. They suffered that humiliation as well?

Even a think tank super brain closed his company and moved to Toronto. I fight bullies and scum. Even former CD Howe super brains. For over 50 years. Not always doing volunteer or just charity stuff? West Van RCMP also big helped once big time  taking off my leash and muzzle and letting me run wild.

Hey, I do have a touch more than just one BC Criminal Court Judge, an Oxford/Osgoode Legal Scholar and an RCMP officer from Montreal who have all known me for more than forty years as friends? Better the unaccomplished slime also find out exactly why I also have Federal Security clearance in Ottawa for DND and NRC "special projects"? And why I was a Dean Requested speaker at McGill, UBC and SFU, and oddly not one of these ignorant cowards and idiots at same age can match me? Not one? But yet feel so superior to dare judge me? So far less accomplished and appears all a bit desperate for reasonable paying work? And so very full of themselves.

Hope they can "all" afford good expensive lawyers. And they should find out why more than after a half dozen psychiatric studies and tests on me for employment and police, why I seem a bit more confident than most? No not your average weak old man. And then as a point, also why even hired by shrinks to help them in business? Just like I helped law and engineering firms? Add Fortune 500 giants and Federal Political parties. And my success helping a psychologist oddly in Montreal. Both Federal Lib and PC paid well. And yet, and to be honest, for the record, I'm a big Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton fan and now vote Green? And why none had a problem ever at my bill out rate or expenses. Ever. Or thought I needed help? This should all be researched fully? Even after invoice no one thought I needed help. And invited to their BBQs? I am fun.

And kinda fun in civil and criminal courts. Even in small claims I get a laugh or two at others very humiliating expense. Judges seem amused? Can I handle a Toastmaster black belt like Gordon Yee and his expensive top legal? Ask those who really know me how they'd bet? Or those who have already watched me in criminal court and civil and play lawyers. And why even when I get very aggressive with lawyers, I have less problems than with this gang of slime?

Dan Spector failed to mention in his deceptive article these are ALL his friends and their friends and very strange contacts. This as his key obvious one-sided very biased BS resource, and this as his very disgusting clearly biased one-sided malicious defaming reference. Hardly unbiased? And as documented as additional fact by his disgusting deceitful network here.

Oddly excessive bias, malicious and unfair since  ZERO (0) of my friends or contacts, or nobody employers checked? Not one (1)?  ZERO (0). Or my history? Fools? Just the cyber bullies all self-affirming in a frenzied tribal chant in this article and now making themselves all too obvious as human LYING garbage. Why?

Headline: Old man takes on twenty in very sick gang of unaccomplished low life liars and cyber bullies!

Copy: And AN OLD MAN exposes a dishonest defaming junior junk journalist at Global News named Dan Spector and other media junior all-stars also trying to intimidate like CJAD's falling star Emily Campbell. As judged by the friends she keeps and tries to empower and help intimidate. As documented. As also very well documented.

And then the weak crippled old man even takes on all the princesses at West Island Watch Group plus even a Pointe Claire Toastmaster Black Belt in spin (and top animal cage torture and test regional sales pro) Gordon Yee. Plus challenges the intellect and integrity of West Island Watch Group fully. And all alone. For now.

Kinda much more fun for this old man than crosswords and lawn bowling for a retired senior. However, tennis starts soon. So my focus will be diminished by a few hours a week. I use to play tennis at a variety of Yacht Clubs around West Island. Why John Molson Jr. a friend on Facebook. Don't know him personally but I knew his father. A class act. His cousin a lawyer in BC also fun. And also by default that family also suffering humiliation just knowing me now as I'm falsely defamed a scam, suspicious and needing help. Like others in Montreal as friends like Charlotte Fineberg and Joseph D. Carrier Sr.'s reputations also suffering my defamation here knowing me, lunching me. Hiring me. Both major mentors with my landlady a former member of the Club of Rome with Justin's daddy, as also put in disrepute as my friends. Funny, who I play well with? And who I don't and who disgusts and anger me? Fact check?

And as so unaccomplished these slime in any major matters of "trust" now very embarrassing from West Island communities in  Dorval to Dorion to animal cage Anacare HO south of border.

As documented by this Global article: can they be trusted? Alone or as a group? At all? At anything? Posing and pretending as community heroes? Loving the vanity of their tiny misleading free advertising and self promotion and empowered by their comparative very tiny success and accomplishment. Clearly. As documented.

I was national media liaison for CBC when still in university and handling top news editors and producers all across Canada. I know a tiny bit of how media works. Others have even seen me get cash settlements at the side of the road from lawyers. Oddly with a girl now with a Doctorate in Psychology and the former Photo editor at Macleans. And I was in just university?

They really should have called the RCMP about my other similar efforts with other bullies and defaming creeps. And the others who could afford real top expensive lawyers? And had much bigger numbers of support? Once. Had to kill a few misleading reputations and careers.

Or had they just called the far higher paid and so far much more accomplished journalists and media, I know, they may not be now documented as such cowardly deceitful sick ignorant arrogant nothing punk slime? Would they?

Or for real fun times, had they checked if my supporting boss the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford that I reported directly to when managing Western Canada in elections or extremely highly decorated Veterans like Larry McHale wanting me as CEO of GEODOM. They knew I was not a "scam" or "suspicious" as well. A letter from Sen. Grafstein with Sen. Fitzpatrick a witness to my work should explain why exactly why I wrote the "7 Point Plan" for Western Canada for Prime Minister Turner. And why Sen. Grafstein also appreciative. And when younger than these losers. Already far more accomplished. Guess they trusted me? Scum and slime don't. As I might also expose them as I do here. As I've done before. And where no legal merit I was the practice stills model for Joe Clark's photographer. Yes, I'm fun. When not angry or disgusted by creeps.

Seems many smart people not only like me but pay me much more than junior junk journalists or a MA psychology. Much more. And by my long history also appears only cowards, bullies, liars, women beaters, thieves, fools, frauds, fakes, tax cheats and puppy kickers find me a problem. Clearly. And now add two junior junk journalists and a mouse and puppy test and torture cage supply sales star to that list.

I do have a fan club of hundreds supporting me. Documented. 475 documented votes of trust in one union? Oddly also fighting bullies and creepy people, frauds and fakes there as well. And when on the board of directors of a public company also trusted by COB and honest directors and investors from insurance companies? Some more than approve of my anger and rage.

Defaming Cyber Bullies now busted, exposed, humiliated and suffering full legal response (Criminal plus Defamation Law), key community awareness and endless exposing ridicule. For years. For both fun and sport. Unless tennis. Ensuring they never bully as quickly again any old man to young child. And if this gets hopefully far higher media profile with far more honest media as it certainly should, this case should will serve as a big warning to other such bullies and idiots.


With over 3,000 pageviews for this blog prior to any official launch, many now in Montreal now very aware (some tipping point exponential elements should factor soon ?) of this documented deceitful published garbage from this human slime from Dan Spector, Gordon Yee and the totally self-serving sick, vain self-promoting disgusting "West Island Watch Group" ladies and their documented disgusting deceitful mindless herd or gang.

Note: Some of these ladies also think their beauty models and not. Having worked with top models they are dreaming. As screen captured and also documented as so very vain. And very well documented beyond debate. Vain and self absorbed? See below.

With all the real crime and injustice in Montreal and so many needing an honest champion in media to give them honest voice how odd Dan Spector picks this very strange story to show off to friends and family. Sick? Why? Why this story when so many real honest serious issues? How odd Dan Spector picks this story? Why? Much more to follow on this key point.

Note: Homo sapiens are "herd animals", and humans are most happy when they are amongst "their own herd - or tribe". Unfortunately lika barn leka bäst - similar kids play best together - and the more homogeneous a group is, the more tightly knit the group is . As documented. Tightly knitted. Like mindset. They should share a lawyer where possible. Herds usually have a thirty point window for IQ range in their herds? So some should be smarter than others and settle faster?

I'm also please with my very different herd and the company I keep for over forty years. Compare.

Time to raise the bet a bit bigger and slime's legal exposure. Yes, time to raise the bet and legal exposure for these cowardly cyber bullies and liars as follows:

1) I am absolutely willing to swear under oath that all statements here of fact and true. And documented. Hopefully, the pathetic and ignorant cyber bullies can "ALL" do the same with their claims, their statements of truth, motive and fact that: I'm a scam, suspicious and possibly needing more help than flood victims? Under oath. Yes, a game changer. And with two already documenting and fully admitting guilt, mistake, error and with apology more than just kinda fun. Another trap?

With twenty slime in their pack a few should be more than willing to sign their name on statements taken under oath for police and civil matters? Or why not? Too much of a trap and trick to add further criminal and civil charges? I soon will. Hope the cyber security expert can prove he really can be trusted and sign a sworn affidavit with his whole herd? And supporting his documented wisdom. And ideally with Gord Yee and Karine Saba and Stephanie Sabbagh. They better all be able to?

Funny in Vancouver similar slime also called Vancouver Police suggesting I was a danger to myself. Funny that when police arrived I was in tennis whites with friends about to play. When they informed me about call and that call stated I was a "danger to myself" and "needing help" the fun really began. I said at least wait until I've played tennis and possibly upset about loss. I also showed prepaid cable bills as proof not a danger to myself. Who prepays cable bills if a danger to themselves? Fun times with police. They also helped big time prove conspiracy and harassment.

2) And as a big plus, as this also a "criminal matter", as police called by idiot lying, vain, pretentious slime (and police used like props, pawns and puppets) so why not also "all" of us volunteer for "non-admissible" voice polygraphs (as it is a criminal matter) by all of us, as this can really help police save big money and big time and not wasted abusing taxpayer money more with cyber bully toastmaster Gordon Yee and his and others golden gift for BS.

We all want to help police don't we? Don't we? And be "honest" heroes in our community? Don't we? Not just pretend. And save money and time for all innocent parties and police? Don't we? I'm in for both sworn statement and volunteer poly.

If all twenty of this scum not ALL willing to do a non-admissible voice polygraph, plus signed sworn statement saying again I'm a "scam" and "suspicious and "needing help" (As a punk MA in psychology stated as fact. And will now suffer dearly) and I am willing to do both,  the legal optics get far too clear. The documentation to date beyond debate or defence. As per the law.
Lets increase the bet.

Note: I became familiar first with why polygraphs - well, we'll call them "handy", at John Abbott College, and in Montreal and used in their Police Technology department in 70's. Later, I would use GSR in my graduate study in "Biocybernetics" at Loyola/Concordia in 1978. Been a giant fan and follower ever since. Helped me in early nineties sending other liars and losers running. Love 'em. I do have Federal Security Clearance based on my willingness to do polygraph and character references and support from an extremely highly decorated veteran. Added to my work with a former Attorney General of Canada.

Yes, absolutely an out of court settlement much cheaper. Sleep well slime

Intro overview: This blog is about legally catching, documenting, tracking, exposing, humiliating about twenty very creepy and cowardly young abusive "lying" ignorant and arrogant self-serving and very vain, self-promoting punk cyber bullies all ganging up on (1) one weak crippled old old man with a heart condition. And also dealing with helping a dying cancer patient. As documented. And their low level junk journalist friends using their pathetically very "minor media" titles to amusingly intimidate and harass - like I also don't know about media or what a top paid "trusted" journalist is. See below. Gets more funny. I do know what a top journalist is. A few. See below.

More sick and disgusting?

This sick defamatory, demeaning and excessive insulting was of an old man with a 40 year history, of beyond debate, honest charitable work no single slime can match. See LinkedIn profile. My references range from Judges and their friends to Grey Nuns that I also helped? I'm the guy people call to help their children or advocate for veterans. They'll help me here as well? And I certainly protect Special ED kids to women from bullies and assault. A few friends on Facebook have seen this. And often I'm also outnumbered.

I've peeled potatoes at The Good Shepherd mission in Ottawa for homeless and served meals on crippled painful legs to hungry to leading national franchise employment programs for deaf, blind, handicap and immigrant women. Successfully. Can any of the lying scum match that? Any? Combined? Or come close? Dare they? I've also been asked from Jewish General to Palliative care units in West Island to make people smile and laugh or stay with others children when alone and frightened in hospitals. Global news oddly failed to mention that.

And further these sick punks also documenting falsely defaming a 100% honest, 100% charity, 100% volunteer effort as a criminal "scam". And more sick and twisted suggesting a profit motive with some sick listing of children's names? And my 40 year history of good deeds mean nothing? Their BS also as obvious before I really get started a 100% lie. This will haunt them for many years to come. Many years.

Their only tiny slim hope, as their legal muscle or minor legal muscle will soon or eventually advise - after thousands of dollars in research and clearly needing an up front retainer, is a very generous out-of-court settlement plus very key here for a few to finger and "squeal for a deal". And on "exactly who exactly motivated this gang swarm" - and those who were leaders in these lies get no deal and go to both criminal and civil court and no tiny settlement. That's how it works in honest world. Gets funnier below as I've been defamed years before and with the best legal minds and West Van RCMP helping me. Funny?

Dan Spector pivotal at inciting others in conspiracy to defame. This obvious. This as documented as some also clearly claiming Dan Spector's article their key reference - and best with an apology for their motivation and admitted "guilt" defaming me? Dan's honourable journalism mushrooming others insults and defamation on an old man sort of a legal slam dunk?

And seriously Danny boy further clearly embarrassing Global News as with many publications using such similar junk journalists who deceive public and should also be fired. See below. Global like Globe and Mail has had many documented readers questioning integrity of other Junk Journalists as well. Certainly "Just Cause" for dumping Dan. As documented.

And as audience and ad revenue eroding very fast on critical credibility factors and alternative reliable news sources found too easily, not a very good career move for Dan's editor? Or very marketing savvy of Global to keep such clearly low paid junk journalists like Dan Spector employed - no matter what the savings having such cheap staff? Too many far superior and honest and more experienced journalists now out of work from Postmedia all over Canada. Those who can easily replace Dan Spector or Emily Campbell at CJAD. Integrity matters. Most hate bullies.

Dan Spector should be fired for his cowardly knowing deceit. His posturing as unbiased and his facade of so obvious one-sided, selectively biased and cowardly malicious research is pretty obvious stuff. He will fool no honest person or common man legal test. His poor girlfriend or wife or friends and family suffers such word play as well? As one might now ask?

Dan Spector should be fired for his cowardly disgusting deceit.

This textbook 100% defamatory bullying with very serious damage to many good honest people. Both victims and heroes forgotten, plus my friends and family by default and by association, connections who have trusted me also suffer, and as well a casualty of the sick defamation on my career contacts. Gets very expensive. See case law.

Sad that "real" honest community heroes suffered for frauds in the spotlight when my goal far too clearly to honour them. And then as well documented beyond debate my honest honouring cause totally crippled by these self-promoting, self-consumed, ignorant and arrogant cyber bullies and junk journalist and friends. "Liars and Losers".

And sadly "real honest heroes" were not properly honoured or victims further helped as a result of this Gord Yee, Dan Spector and "West Island Watch Group" group/gang and their herd of misleading self-serving vain, ego driven lying claims flexing and abusing public trust. As documented. "West Island Watch Group" now watched carefully for more abuses. Using Google Alerts and friends in West Island.

We even have documented Gordon Yee misleading and trying to cover his tracks on "West Island Watch Group" posts. Still pretending he's so very clever. As documented. Why won't he deny my claims now? Under Oath with his gangs full "signed" support? Smell the fear?

Gets far more disgusting. Read on.

They did very clearly tried "using police at honest taxpayer expense as their props, puppets and pawns" to pathetically and falsely legitimize their efforts with a few nobody very junior junk journalists. When simple research easily done? And based on what EXACTLY? And failed big time at that as well. And police criminal check even said I did nothing wrong? Should be fair to do a criminal check on those in their gang? Judge and be judged stuff.

As such, I now certainly welcome far more increased police involvement for public mischief, harassment to wrongful prosecution issues and charges. And soon having their names on police and border files as proven liars. And, yes US border. Show police this blog and ask that they honestly research me again? Maybe more surprises? I've helped many people. Often totally volunteer. Sometimes while paid. Well paid.

I can swear for charges filed for wrongful prosecution, obstruction and public mischief to start in 2018. Even a small tiny win in a criminal court against a few makes defamatory actions kinda easy? Ya' think?

Hey, what do I know about junior junk deceptive journalism?

I know junk journalist from honest class acts as my friendship of almost 50 years Terence Mckenna and simply comparing his "tons of awards" as an "honest investigative journalist", to these dishonest junior junk journalistic jokes combined, very blatant. Two clear extremes.

The difference between honest class acts showing intellect and integrity and a gang of punks in low level junior media position drunk or blinded by the illusion of power and privilege with their tiny wee titles on their cheap business cards as to dare cyber bully and try and harass and intimidate an old man pretty disgusting and difference obvious. And so well documented. Well most think so.

Terence Mckenna has known me since high school. He's the gold in Canadian journalism to compare to these junior journalists and the sad pathetic self-promoting West Island Watch Group. Their careers now haunted and credibility of "West Island Watch Group" an "endless target" for honest ridicule and exposure. And very serious financial liability for those involved.

Oddly, I also did charity work with Terry in high school at Christmas bringing gifts to poor in St. Charles. I also helped his brother Bill when basement "flooded". Flooded? Irony or what? We studied together at Concordia. Played tennis in West Island. Skied Sutton. Sailed great lakes with Stuart Mclean. Ran into each other in Richmond BC when I was working directly reporting to the former Attorney General of Canada. And doing message and media mapping and writing words for Prime Minister Turner and the "7 Point Plan" for Western Canada. Comparing Terence Mckenna's awards to these junk junior journalists I may have a feel how much they differ? Terry knows me better than most Prime Ministers he knows?

I know what high paid writing about. My old long time girlfriend was also a Photo Editor and graduate from Carleton University, working at Maclean's. Vancouver Sun Justice Critic knows me from various other publisher friends I boated with and when I was writing 7 Point plan for Prime Minister Turner. And when billed out at more than doctors for Federal Political and my internationally recognized Fortune 500 work. At $300.00 a half page my spelling, grammar and editing oddly improves. Sometimes. Mostly paid for my thinking, not my writing? Proofreaders and editors help as clinically dyslexic as some mock as documented? But still more highly paid as a writer than my critics?

I even had awards from Hollywood when younger than this human pretentious trash recognizing just my thinking and not my writing I suspect. And far more recognition and accomplishment than some of this human trash and oddly acknowledging my written words in both international trade and consumer media. Fact. And far more than these documented life losers and liar punks accomplished when at their age with the silly West Island Watch Group or selling animal cages will and have. And they judge me with such superiority? My turn to be as insulting and play judge.

And a major Toastmaster at Fairview Pointe Claire and animal cage salesperson like Gordon Yee, thinks he can bully this old man with silly little deceptive and documented lies and posture as clever? Sadly, he must have been successful in the past as a cowardly sad bully to how many others as to now be so bold and brave? And he used or abused Dan Spector to add false credibility with their mindless herd or gang of swarming cyber bullies. As documented. And then calling police simply priceless. And nicely handing me the ability to also swear criminal charges against these sick disgusting mindless morons harassing, ganging up and bullying a poor feeble weak old man. Wrongful prosecution and calling police very serious. And very criminal. Okay, maybe I'm not not your average feeble weak old man?

Legally my dates and girlfriends have also been lawyers. My friend as clear from Facebook for more than 40 years as well, former BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay. I helped him. And helped with LAC in BC and my former clients even include the Law Firm Fox Morgan. None oddly ever thought I was a scam or suspicious or needed help? Even when billed. Another on Facebook former RCMP officer who also knew me from grade school.

And this slime of nobodies dare try defaming me as a criminal "Scam" and "Suspicious" when so clear as a bell I was trying to honour  real honest heroes and without even a minimal standard of care or due diligence as basic legal demands for research - also defames my friends and family and business contacts by association. Naturally. Possibly even defaming a Prime Minister, an Attorney General and two Senators, a BC Criminal Court Judge by association with me, as their well published claim a criminal scam and needing help according to some struggling MA, and that I was looking to profit from victims and heroes stated as fact. Not very fair to bring the Prime Minister, an Attorney General and a few Senators, a BC Criminal Court judge an Oxford Legal Scholar, a variety of senior journalists and publishers and producers to major TV and Film producers into disrepute by association with me suffering published as fact I'm a scam, suspicious and needing help by those who do no research and rush to judgment? We are talking damages.

And as bad or worse thinking that the police their personal paid slaves, servants or staff for postured and pretence to further defame, harass and willfully make efforts to wrongfully prosecute one old man just a bit sick for higher IQs? Ya' think? Read twice if not clear.

What if I was your old kind Grandfather lacking my national and natural resources. How ugly they are? Are children safe from similar abuse by slime as parents. Or partners. And more to follow on this. Read on. Gets kinda very funny. Wel, for some. Some not.

And their blatant documented malice and bias or simply lies, makes clear they are both liars and losers. This from Gordon Lee, Dan Spector and West Island Watch Group and their clearly documented mindless followers. Given I suspect as very impressed with Gordon Yee's "Toastmaster" local star babble status in Pointe Claire's top babble and verbosity circles. And further reinforced by Dan's Spector's very junior junk journalist cheap business card. All used for abusing public trust. Abusing a volunteer effort to honour heroes. And an old man. A legal hat trick if you will. And my family good name and long time friends also suffer their statement of fact I'm a scam, suspicious and needing help as using Upper Case and posting names of children. And as well hardly impressed by an MA in Psychology. Where she couldn't afford me like Dr. Gandel at the Lakeshore General Hospital could. More to follow on this one. And her theatrical posts in blind ignorance and so judgmental. Who else suffers her? Who else?

Dan now "documented " deceptive and/or a major idiot as well as given to illusion of his media credentials and abuse of "public trust" his license to lie and defame. And with their basement league journalist titles not appearing also more than silly as to dare harass, "intimidate" and totally defame as a criminal "scam" and "suspicious" an old man - and possibly worse in financial merit hurting helping victims of flood and defaming an honest honourable volunteer effort to honour real heroes. Look closely? Too much too obvious.

Do their "children" or family and friends also suffer this documented very cowardly bully ignorant and arrogant mindset of those in the herd also so superior?

Key points to ponder:

Does Dan Spector, as article would imply, as to showcase his gross lack of journalistic integrity and research and deceptively claims: "West Island Residents Suspicious" in headline and as a criminal "scam" in body copy seem honest?

Reality: Dan had at best twenty very biased, selected and malicious cyber bullies at most,  not the very misleading and implied million mass of "West Island Residents Suspicious" as he deceptively pretends and desperately needs to suggest. Clearly Misleading Headline. Lie number one for common man test.

I did do research for years doing polling research and focus groups: Dan had a non-projectable totally "homogeneous" focus group of same herd mindset idiots. At best. As to honestly reference and not the very deceptive inflated implied mass of "West Island Residents Suspicious"? Hey, I studied formal logic, and arithmetic - rhetorical fallacy and some linguistics, so give me a break on word play by these scum? I'm hard to fool. Like so many court judges.

Let wiser more educated legal minds decide I think best what is more honest and what's lacking in absurd malicious misleading defaming hyperbole? Yes, he even starts his story by misleading readers in headline. Clearly. In the headline. West Island residents "Suspicious" very misleading and more so when majority 130 vs. 20 like my work. And an actuary would factor the twenty down to what more reflective index? 3? I do have better numbers by this logic to support "All Montreal Loves Heroes Honoured" as headline. If numbers matter?

Funny? My additional forty year friendship with an Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar and recent visitor husband, has been pivotal when dealing with very similar low life Liars and Losers prior and in oddly similar defamation matters. Yes, years before. And was a tad convenient as she was the flown-in acting chair of the UBC law faculty when I needed her guidelines most. Had other great kind and fun very well known lawyers also helping, but wanted a "pro quarterback" as legal lead who could throw touchdown passes. And she did. Using criminal law to trump civil and labour worked well in the past, as it will here. She leaves as I write, England to teach in Berlin. Soon back in Canada in Fall. How handy again? World class?

The prior bully problem I suffered, also ran like mice, exactly like these disgusting cowards soon will and shut their ignorant lying mouths as well - and the prior bullies just finding out about my support at West Van RCMP and the acting chair of UBC Law Faculty doing sailing and dinner with me. They ran. They did not know of my friendship with a BC Criminal Court Judge until much too late. At first these bullies thought I was just a feeble young man?

For four years I was silent about my other world and accomplishments with previous bully gang. As I was on Facebook with these new cyber bullies. As documented not given to brag or overstate. Unless legal actions demand it.

The other bully gang thought for years I was just a "funny computer guy". These new idiots thought I was a weak old man who couldn't or wouldn't fight back and could be intimidated by their media little shot titles and bold and brave bravado with calls to police. And thought I'd have more respect for an MA than an MBA or CA. Others have tried calling police on me before (3 times) and trying to intimidate me before with that so poorly thought out and researched strategy and tactic and also backfired big time, as it did in the present problem on East Coast in Montreal.

When not asked or forced to disclose about myself I say little. As documented? My charitable efforts even here were anonymous until challenged by these cyber bullies and media flakes to show my face and name. So I did. As documented. In fact, only now will some friends and family even be aware of my other accomplishments as forced now to defend my good name and brag a little bit. My family and friends only reading this now know of my other accomplishments so I'm hardly one to brag. A few know of many things but most know little. I'll save my aces for court time? Even some girlfriends will be surprised so many things not mentioned by me. And not needed be mentioned.

Dan Spector should be fired. FAST. Very Fast.

To start, I have clearly documented beyond honest intelligent debate a lazy sloppy reckless defaming junior junk journalist Dan Spector and his dishonest sophist babel and cheap low level rhetorical fallacies at Global News. He should be fired. FAST. This more than qualifies for his immediate dismissal. This reflects on Global Editorial and Legal department and whole publication. Obviously.

He can either swear under oath his article/statements all true, all "honestly" researched and without any malice or show-off stupidity, or he should be fired. Fast.

And an apology by Global a given future demand for below standard writing and editorial responsibility. Who exactly was Dan Spector's editor who allowed this? Dan makes him look suspect as they say?

This all added with clear documented picture of the obvious deceptive super brains also posting at sickeningly self-promoting and self-serving West Island Watch Group trying to there to also harass, defame and intimidate an old man by documented as fact know-nothings and allowed to post - and documented inflaming others by obvious incite and "conspiracy" to defame. And again vomit worthy, posturing and pontificating like their "honest" community heroes while using police as puppets and pawns and worth a few vomit bags in "any court". And worse while disrupting efforts to honour real heroes.

You'd think as pretending so smart they'd at least check my Facebook friends as not to appear so incredibly lazy, stupid and sloppy in matters of cyber security, liability and journalistic research and sadly wrongly thinking they in their superior herd mindset were just defaming some sad weak old man. What if it was your grandfather? And sadly not having my resources and friends? More to follow.
It will get very ugly soon.

They thought I was some weak old man, as they'd once hoped and believed, and should have been so easy to bully and defame. As they'd certainly had hoped, flexing and flashing their -90 IQ and/or documented very low EQ, and such very sad and pathetic minor and mini media muscle.

Why don't they continue to bully now, defame and insult and call police again or further state in media I'm a criminal "scam" and "suspicious"? Why such cowardly sleazy mousy silence now? Why? And when once so very sickeningly loud and proud and boastful and quick to judge and defame with even lies published as statements of fact.

If honestly nothing to fear this slime should show this blog to "all their family and friends and employers"? I will. And their lawyers must see this as critical material to read? All of it. Or look stupid later. And slime should ask their lawyers what they think - if any smarter ones? And not a cheap lawyer trying for extra billing time to only advise after billing things maxed out things not pretty. Certainly slime simply asking their lawyers logical - if nothing to fear other than truth?

What about these cyber bullies "children"? Again and important are they safe from those given to such documented abuse of perceived power and authority? Should we ask a real shrink and an actuary? We can. I have two in my family.

This defamation done with numerous, repetitive, scripted lies and extremely well documented untrue published statements of fact.What about these cyber bullies children? Are they really safe from such abuse? Really. Are they safe?

100% legal textbook reverse onus defamation.

Debate? And as published in Global News by junk junior "FAKE NEWS" journalist Dan Spector. Defamation? True? False?

Dan Spector I suspect sadly was further, and now so very embarrassing, trying to play "big shot tough guy news reporter". And possibly as might very well appear to impress his low life friends and low self respect girls he knows, as clear, with his now documented, very poorly researched, biased and very cowardly deceptive sophist abuse of a fiduciary "public trust". This as to further bully and defame an old man with absolutely needless misrepresentation and incite others What a class act this pile of slime?

Wouldn't let him date my daughter. And for such obvious reasons.

Hope the liars lawyers read everything as best tricks and traps are sprinkled below. Faking an opinion pointless. Unless looking for more time and more billable hours. Researching the obvious. As documented.

Do hope the real stupid ones delay seeing a lawyer saying "wait and see" to followers trusting them as it will force a bit of a panic when things happen much faster. Been here before. Any PMI type will tell you to plan and prepare. Idiots won't.

And again, so liars and losers not confused also reading this, again they were also defaming:

A hundred percent honest, a hundred percent charitable, a hundred percent volunteer effort as to CLEARLY HONOUR "REAL" HEROES.

And some tiny sick self-serving vain self-promoting Facebook blog called "West Island Watch Group" possibly even far more disgusting and now disgraced, when calling police (Twice +?) and "posting and even bragging about it" like the power in their hands to dishonestly abuse police time (See quote), and based on their spider sense as to further "fake their legitimacy to others" or abuse of power and trust, and then in addition, faking as super frauds, faking as community heroes and all at public expense - and nicely for my side adding criminal law to this ever expanding matter. And to add to their list of liability for defamatory published 100% lies.

Hey, I've forced others to move their homes, family and business just telling the truth before. Exactly as I do here.

Using police as their plaything props, pawns or puppets to desperately try and further legitimize their 100% bullshit lies as they document so well, even in the Dan Spector article. All shows how very sad and sick the herd are.

The ignorant fools thought they could intimidate an old man with such a very juvenile facade. As documented. Also beyond debate? My history with police is they help me. Big time. And have since 1975. I have a file? There is a very serious reason when I'm pulled over in Northern Ontario and when my drivers license and file checked they come back and call me "Sir". They do their research. Dan didn't. Why do I have Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC projects in Ottawa if I'm a Criminal Scam and "need help". Dan Spector missed so many things. More to follow.

With hundreds who know me in Montreal, West Island Watch Group now being also very exposed as total self-promoting and self serving junk journalism, and this when Gazette and so many other media clearly more professional and honourable than West Island Watch Group "herd types", also of note. As with many of the cyber bullies who regularly posts there. As documented. Screen captured. West Island Watch Group also a great place to screen capture many names and other deceitful posts. And add blocking those who wished to support me. What integrity?

And for idiots quoting Shakespeare "methinks he protest too much", this about a final damages claim and not a defence just fun notes on the full damage done with estimates based on similar case law. I'm helping your lawyers find a price and not look stupid.

Defamation 101 for dummies.

Legal defamation reverse onus:

PROVE your claims true, with sworn witnesses and real evidence, motive honest and not a tiny bit malicious, targeted and misleading. However obvious. That simple? Can't, the slime are screwed. That simple. A lawyer will cost you less than grand I hope to tell you the same thing.

If not able to swear under oath: That ugly. That cowardly, criminal and disgusting. And it costs.

Most and more lying cyber bullies named below. This including a couple of other very pathetic junior junk journalists as "friends" of slime, also ganging up trying to "intimidate" an old man thinking their pathetic literally "extremely meaningless" tiny very junior media low paid journalist titles could ever intimidate or impress me. Ever. Or my far superior and far more accomplished friends. Fact. Their first big mistake thinking their numbers, titles and IQ and even a big shot Pointe Claire Fairview black belt verbose Toastmaster intimidating this old man possible. Hardly. Soon they all suffer in multiples for their sick ugly ego, illusion of superiority and motivated sins.

What about the children of these documented types. Seriously? Are children suffering this mindset? An actuary to shrinks know the odds. Should Dan or Gordon Yee be fathers? Should other slime be mothers with their documented unfounded ability to so quickly and falsely judge so fast anyone or anything knowing so little? Poor children? Poor partners? Poor families.

If they had done even a tiny wee bit of "honest research" to show simple legal tests of due diligence or standard of care, and no bias, or no clear malice and no obstructive wrongful prosecution, their objectivity, their intellect and integrity and MA degree would not be such a big obvious sick joke now. Would it? As documented.

They not only documented how lazy and ignorant they each really are but would have easily seen my "very limited and few friends" on Facebook do include a BC Criminal Court Judge and an RCMP officer. That easy. That absurd. Really that easy? They wouldn't have to even change computer browser or do another Facebook login. Just easy clicks and with a cyber security guru missing this so simple clicking, a bit embarrassing to say the least. And so Dan and Gord could feel so secure in his cybersecurity editorial authority and conspiracy and collusion to support. What disgusting fully documented idiots they now all are so clearly. Documented.

Now as months pass they will find out more and more who else knows me as not a scam including even clergy. But again how my charitable work over 50 years dwarfs all these defaming deceitful defaming scum possibly all combined named in article. We should compare. Shouldn't we. As to best define damages.

Both these two legal friends on Facebook with many others who have known me for over 40 years might make a point vs. those so few cyber bullies who knew less than 40 seconds or minutes knowing nothing and possibly all know nothing types too very lazy and sloppy to check. Ugly nasty people? Parents? Partners? Hope they enjoy being insulted as they documented they like insulting an old man. Much more to follow.

Funny the company I keep, and who plays well with me and pays me well vs. these few ugly slime that dares defame me and with their low pay and little accomplishment lives and severe lack of charitable acts by direct comparison. Direct comparison. Liars? Yes. Losers? Yes.

I'll save some other friends for court time, as still holding more colourful Aces. I'll keep my other friends and my full charitable history for last. My buddy in Ottawa has had RCMP for clients for twenty years. They trust him. He trusts me. And I do have "honest" Senators as references and know who I know, and who can speak of my real character and work. As a best man at Weddings in Vancouver and Quebec City, I was noticed.

As I'm a Dan Spector and Gordon Yee declared statement of fact criminal "scam" and "suspicious" funny how those far more accomplished and trustworthy and who "honestly" know me, oddly trust me with their children, their homes, their cars, their credit cards, their dogs, horses and some limited cooking and wine selection.

I certainly did work directly under and directly reporting to Ron Basford. Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada (1975–1978). He trusted me with message and literally millions of votes and dollars. Ask Vancouver Sun "Justice Critic" Ian Mulgrew to confirm. Senator Fitzpatrick in meetings. Why I was a requested speaker at SFU, McGill and UBC, maybe now getting more obvious.

This just the small start of the legal problems for this group of human slime trying to bully and defame an old man they assumed so weak they could defame, bully, insult and ridicule. PLUS an honest charity support also defamed and crippled. Now my turn. I'll soon be very insulting. Very insulting. To be fair and as allowed by law. Maybe get a couple of dozen seniors to also help me insult them all on social media as well? Fair?

They thought I couldn't or wouldn't fight back. Thinking in their disgusting documented very cowardly ignorance and arrogance and mob support they could defame and get away with so many lies using their tiny titles and word play. As a note my few media friends and contacts not only include publishers and TV producers to senior award winning investigative journalists from Vancouver newspapers to CBC TV in Montreal. But even other networks? Calgary? More to follow?

Glad my other friend and former intern Chris Carter no longer with Global and now at CBC. He knows me from my other successes stories from international award winning ads to my leading numbers work at The X-Files ("The truth is out there") - and a few of my very amazing girlfriends. Not dirty deceitful very vain ladies with little education or less accomplishment faking they are honest respected journalists. Or that they could be potential models. Some of my lady friends even Chatelaine Top 100. Twice. Some owned a variety of businesses. Some drove cars Gordon Yee couldn't afford to rent. We can also compare my ladies to theirs? My men to their boys.

Gordon Yee with great liabilities will encourage those with far less liabilities to share his cost and time and fight on with him in solidarity. Those with far less liabilities will see through him and accept the documented facts as others have. As documented.

As an added note consider my legal friends also range from top senior legal research support in major law firms - and as key intellectual quarterback in past, my recognized Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar and former acting UBC law school faculty chair friend a precious cornerstone. And soon back in Canada.

Any form of cognitive dissonance or delusion by these cowardly defaming cyber bullies now also a joke. My family oddly also filled with psychologists to a world class and recognized top forensic shrink. The slimes uncertified non doctorate psycho babble also amusing when so desperately trying to defame. As also documented.

My other client in my past also shrink Doctor Gandel and oddly a shrink from Lakeshore General Hospital in Pointe Claire 4E. Doctor Ian Grant -Whyte from West Island fame also a friend on Facebook. We did non-billable house calls for seniors. He invited me along to make them laugh. A mentor and a personal hero for his kind caring community free efforts. I skied with his daughter. I was also inspired by Senator Eugene Forsey. More later.

In short these cowardly cyberbully human trash need help or seriously and sadly possibly their children?

Note: I don't have a lawyer in Duncan as their further very juvenile sloppy pathetic cyber security research dared falsely also suggest, as documented and never have? Only further shows how they embarrass themselves. This as to show off as documented his deep research cyber security skills and objectivity. More like I have a proven winning "national" legal team than a lawyer in Duncan. More on that to follow. Should be enough for now to check. And dozens in that network. Oddly, some who would also know of my other charitable and compassionate acts as well. For decades.

Who and what exactly are these documented superior posing Liars and Losers? Need more? See below. The French in-laws also a lawyer and another was a judge in Quebec.

Good News January 1, 2019: Legal Strategy is first to legally now not go right at Global News and Dan Spector tandem to criminal charges sworn. But play some novel new games in 2019.

With all the honest and respected journalists out of work this past Christmas Dan Spector career should be trashed. 2019 he gets a lesson he won't forget. Ever. He should be fired before further embarrassing Global to thousands. At least to offer advertisers more value than rag tab click bait junk journalism.

Note: Global parent SHAW/CORUS Ent. Head Legal at Corus knows my Oxford/Osgoode friend from Osgoode fame? Someone who has known me and my charitable acts for decades. Real honest research counts. Liars and losers now too obvious.

A former Kelowna Local Politician at SHAW in Calgary (owners of Global), I also helped in Kelowna. He knows why so many like me and not just on Facebook and exactly why coworkers give me a free computer I didn't solicit or qualify for? Seniors to MS patients also grateful for my help in Kelowna.

My own tiny remedial legal studies in Quebec and Common law in Ontario even now a bit handy? Makes it fun.

And thus in tandem with CORUS/Global go right at Dan Spector for his very cowardly, disgusting and well documented efforts to aid and abet and directly defame and inflame with others, as so well documented. And clearly defined in his Global article (link above and below) and sadly for others to defame, sadly trusting he's not just another below average  junior junk journalist. And very possibly a junk human being like Gordon Lee? But they are as documented. Again, as documented. And both about as clever and full of themselves as they both document to extreme and best in their own words and both their deceitful malicious herd mindset blatant. Showing off to their twenty liar and loser mindless supporting and defaming scum friends.

And so very cute with Dan Spector's juvenile junk journalist sophist efforts "poorly faking" no malice or bias, but oddly this oddball failing to simply check that both a BC Criminal Court Judge and an RCMP officer my "very few" friends on Facebook or why Montreal police stated clearly I did nothing wrong. Or having any idea what the courts mean with "in the mind of a normal thinking person" stuff.

Hey, I studied linguistics and formal logic, so do look forward so much to face-to-face, eye-to-eye time with tiny Kung Foo verbal toastmaster Gordon Yee, and the brilliant "storyteller" Dan Spector  and their use of rhetorical fallacies to deceptive omission to deceive others. Ideally in criminal court first? Possibly even their family friends and children often deceived as documentation also suggests as so possible by these herd of liars.

Not a lawyer on earth who can save them money now or from seriously increased public ridicule, and only best now only adds to any of their real personal cost to dare fight more or bother me further? Check? Any group effort to share their thousands in legal expense also supports "conspiracy and collusion" to defame. If not obvious enough.

Why go right at Global/CORUS and Dan Spector with his editor and boss with tandem criminal charges?

Well, as Global have the very strongest legal people and "potential" or hope in this gang of defaming cyber bullies, so the best place to start. With some of the best and the most expensive lawyers serving Global - and who are oddly much smarter than Dan Spector and Gordon Yee: It quickly becomes clear there is no hope as so much so well documented. So later legal babble very limited. Case law speaks. No potential for Global to win in court or with honest public opinion. Bets?

Best Global fire Dan Spector and write an apology and send a tiny token tiny amount to define consideration and then we go after all others for the big money.
Deals for those who also apologize first. The last to apologize will suffer the most.

The slimes best potential defence now will be based on more high risk lies, bluffing and being further deceptive with their teenage posturing and pontificating - at best. And will soon know what super idiots all or any who defame and "Publish at their Peril".

As defamation "reverse onus" law and with cute tests, using 100% false defaming facts they can't support other than by conspiracy and their sad little gangs self-affirming tribal chants and with others defaming, all now looking all very silly, sick and guilty? And very disgusting. True? False?

Seriously, again, do their children suffer these documented damaged bully minds? Do their partners, family and friends suffer this bully mindset and culture? Poor kids. Hope they don't have children or family suffering their well documented bully lying mindset and poor judgement?

But this direct legal attack at Global and Dan Spector makes a point to others cyber bullies who in Quebec, sadly literally can't afford the best legal in Canada like Global News and Dan, together possibly can - for the moment. And if Global legal and Dan Spector can't defend and win, none of the other losers and liars and their lawyers can either. Any defence effort after the fact bordering on the ridiculous.

Making legal claims both criminal and civil many needing two legal specialties costing thousands (Criminal and Defamation). The price liars and losers pay to continue to bluff anything more will only rise. Fast. Ask a lawyer how it works.
How I know?

I do know how exactly to send their legal costs through the roof. Done this before with other defaming bullies. Will cost them at least a few grand to get their lawyers to read all the documentation as to simply supply an initial "best initial opinion". How frightening?

Note: As per below, Dan Spector appears just another classic misleading junior junk journalist at Global as with others at G&M, misleading trusting readers and mindless as others also see through these junk journalists hopefully soon replaced by better writers now out of work:

With out-of-court settlement (and apology signed) from Global News Editor and Dan Spector, poor super jerk Gord Yee, and silly duplicitous deceitful stupid self-serving "West Island Watch Group" ladies, and rest of the cyber bully gang, soon will see they can't ever win in court nor bluff at such a price? If Global News CAN'T WIN in court? THE SLIME CAN'T WIN. None.

And lying slime will look like idiots trying to further lie, bluff or posture any or try and reduce their, by legal reference, financial exposure, as being such ignorant lying bullies. Ignorant about law and many other matters. Their combined little league media titles and gang numbers of support now just another opportunity for much more public ridicule and public shame.

And do add I already have two apologies as admission of guilt already documented by some of the guilty again admitting guilt very clearly? Early? And thus clear similar guilt kinda well documented for other slime by this as well? True? False? Even one of their own getting a bit fed up with Gordon Yee documented. Another asking me to forgive? Their own have turned on them already. As documented.

Funny, I was willing to help Dan Spector with contacts and special stories, as I've helped many in their careers, this before clear what deceitful garbage scum he is became quickly obvious. He fooled me for a few moments not suspecting he was a key part of gang. He fooled many. His idiot statement gave him away in seconds as not to be trusted. As documented.

His friends fooled with police? As documented.

Good News?

Now he has Gord Lee's world of mouse and animal testing cages and local toastmaster success stories and awards soon all to help Dan's pathetic career at critical tipping point stage at his growing age.

In fairness, Dan Spector however does appear as a very good fit at "West Island Watch Group" as so dishonest - so may have a job there and be their top paid very low paid "storyteller". He may have a future there or maybe with Gordon Lee in the animal testing and torture supplier business at Anacare if they don't fire Gord Lee before Global fires Dan Spector. Anacare should be warned of pending exposure. They will.

And thus with a no-contest response from Global these very ignorant cyber bully deceptive slime will be forced to accept an out-of-court offer. We define? Or as "all" their own lawyers will make very clear: pay very dearly to even defy actuary reality and dare trying any "word silly" far less educated dance in court after apologies and admission of guilt already documented. And apologies by others and those less guilty and with clear documented recognition of defamation needing no further debate.

Getting fun?

I'll be looking for a tiny token fine of only a hundred dollars from Global as basically 3rd party innocent employers. However, Dan Spector and gang of cyber bully liars and losers will be demanded to settle out of court for $10,000. Each. Some with brains will apologize (in writing by registered letter) early to mitigate cost and exposure. Idiots with big egos and small titles won't.

Maybe won't settle with Gord Yee and West Island Watch Group and wait to totally humiliate them in court at full and maximum costs and full public ridicule. Their legal costs, my legal costs, punitive and damages now their intelligent high risk wager. Ask "any" lawyer after reading this and support documentation. And add to my friends and family defamed by these liars and losers for cost.

This will shut "West Island Watch Group" down financially and destroy any credibility in West Island they once had by name, and shut up Gordon Yee and his too obvious few cyberbully friends. Forever? They'll think twice next time trying to bully an old man or a child. We can only hope.

My friends and family now part of West Island Watch Group so I don't miss much. Every article by Dan Spector since May captured by Google Alerts. From those who live in Hudson, work at John Abbott and in churches from Westmount to Vaudreuil now know their names and what disgusting cowardly slime they are.

And as clearly contacting Dan Spector's employer now, will to be fair, also contact Gordon Yee's at Anacare across the border. As possible innocent third parties they should be warned of the damage corporately these two can do so full of themselves and the embarrassing titles on their cheap business cards.

Why on earth should I show such scum liars and losers who bully and defame an old man any consideration? At all? It could be your grandfather.

Lawyer's say I can feel very free to contact Anacare and do this as Gordon Yee probably twisted the story about me with his boss and co workers who possibly suffer his slime faking he's a hero there as well, and not in reality a documented super asshole with a pathetic career and pathetic friends in his mindless gang. See Gordon Yee's Youtube and others videos and see exactly what they are? Gets more obvious.

Yes, Gordon Yee in reality just some arrogant small suburb "Toastmaster" selling animal testing and torture equipment and supplies. Thinking himself so clever. Well just to be safe his employer will be notified to protect my good name as opposed to deceitful mindless Gordon Yee. And of this blog. As allowed by law.

So watch Global legal address this. If Global can't win or try even defending this, these real liars and losers can only fool themselves for a very short time they are not in big trouble.

So Global gets the first formal lawyer's letter. This after e-mail ignored and registered letters as to further increase their time and cost thinking brilliant initially ignored, as to help defend Dan Spector's deceit and credibility. Don't expect a response to casual notes, but will use later as reference their value.

Still needing time as per "prescription" in Quebec Law for final few knives of documented evidence of their ignorance, cowardness, intellect and integrity. Why not? When your retired you have the added time to do legal fun stuff again. These punks sadly don't have time or money to play a long game. Again, been here before. I did cost one gang over $100,000.00 in BC in their legal fees and group time trying to bluff a defence. Lies take time. Truth flows from the tongue.

#171008-000563 is the US border security reference for those going to US named above and below. For work or play. Slime may want to best try and clear things up before even attempting any US travel. As named below and above, with more pictures to follow of slime. This blog again is about exposing, with witnesses, documents, corroboration and compurgation very cowardly Cyber Bullies defaming and harassing an old man and an honest meaningful charitable event so they never try anything as disgusting again. Against a senior or a child. Nor in US.


And this makes clear what cowardly deceptive slime Dan Spector is showing off his minimal junk journalist media power. And makes too clear what an asshole Gordon Yee really is getting his friends and family also in big trouble from his sad small man ego issues. Guess it appears when I thought him a joke and documented jerk he got others in his mindless gang of nobodies to help bluff he was a somebody who could intimidate me and with his sleazy friends calling police and big media titles. Do I appear intimidated?

Funny how bold and brave they all once were and now run very fast and afraid to do dare another article as I'd so hoped and prayed. And as I still hope to bait and provoke.

I have my reasons to expand this much bigger and do more damage to their careers and reputation and may protect some of their children from this twisted mindset herd as documented. So much for their lawyers to read to even fake a defence.

Too bad they found out too late my very few friends on Facebook include a BC Criminal Court Judge and an RCMP officer. Irony? And my legal buddies Oxford/Osgoode scholars. Or they'd still be shouting their documented lies. Wish they'd still wanna play. Miss them.

Fun and profitable for the cyber bully's criminal plus defamation lawyers (will need two lawyers each), to help explain to them what total idiots they really are as to make statements of facts contrary to police statements in same article that I did "nothing wrong". Clear as in the Dan Spector article. Real idiots? In same article. Check?

Bringing up use my use of UPPERCASE type in same junk fake news article makes them look so very small and very pathetic. About twenty in their very ignorant and cowardly gang no better. Disgustingly defaming and harassing this old man in addition his 100% honest, 100% charitable, 100% volunteer effort to honour others charitable efforts by "REAL" community heroes - a bit of a big stupid? And on "my web page" they did this. Not invited. Very well documented. Very cowardly. Creepy? As documented. Do their children suffer the same?

Defamation blatant and documented with insults and harassment. Arrogance with false authority or a  minor MA defines them as human frauds and flakes as well. Their names now enjoying mushrooming fame as slime around West Island. Certainly as liars. Certainly as losers.

Hopefully others watching them now to protect others from this lying and bullying mindset and future gang efforts. If they gang up on an old man who else might suffer this gang of human trash.

Here's the Global article link below and how they used a low paid junior junk fake news journalist Dan Spector, who thought he could impress me with his punk Global News article and such a big shot media title. Has he tried this before? What a certifiable fool? Beyond debate? And this a case in point why CBC to other Montreal English media far more trustworthy and newsworthy than this junior junk from Global news and West Island Watch Group. Advertisers and readers should avoid both. As they are. As a former national media buyer I know how advertisers suffer this.

Not just my lone opinion Global deals in misleading or junk defamation with junk fake news journalism as Dan Spector displayed in link below:

SEE Dan Spectors defaming article with too transparent malice and bias and the idiots and low life he uses as resource and authority to add credibility:

Others including other junior junk journalists also aid and abet beyond debate. And tried to intimidate. Disgusting? You bet. Evan Dan's sad little friend Emily Campbell at CJAD documented and exposed. As documented. Upset she didn't get the respect she also thought she deserved. But she must have done a tiny bit of research and ran fast when she knew her big shot title and arrogance a small joke in my world.

Sick also how they document they have some entitlement to demand anything of me? As they did. And thinking I could be intimidated by very sick punks. Maybe boycott of Global advertisers by seniors groups could make a point to get Dan fired? We'll use that in Spring 2017 if still there.

And this blog also about bullies using disgusting cowardly, "very dishonest" and lazy, junior bottom-of-barrel junk journalists as very key to intimidate and falsely legitimize their efforts. Using police also like pawns borders on insane. Nice try kids. This case should be used in Communications and journalism schools. A prof I sailed with at Concordia may find it amusing.

This using local and national media to dare try and "intimidate" like their real very low level journalist titles and pay had given them power to abuse, intimidate or even impress, one more oddly their clear senior and far more accomplished. Read below what else they missed?

These junior junk punk journalists did not know my friends, social and business acquaintances include "real"top award winning journalists, publishers, producers and one national magazine photo editor as a girlfriend. How sad for the liars and loser cyber bully gang can it get? I know what junior junk fake news and a nobody journalists is. And what is first class award winning journalism. We will compare the facts. And compare what my friends, family and contacts think what and who is a "Suspicious" or a "Scam" to what they thought?

Deceptive disgusting Dan Spector as documented certainly is as fact not impressive and often very very boring from his topics (sometimes days old and handled far better by other Montreal media. Wanna bet?) and his boring banter on day old topics classic. See his defaming article so poorly researched. So biased. So misleading. And getting major nobody Emily Campbell at CJAD also now as documented to add bigger high school muscle, also a joke.

I embarrassed CJAD in 1980 with number audit and can do it again. I use to eat national radio ad reps and sales managers for breakfast. I do numbers. They fake it. And I do sophisticated research. Why I did national media buying "strategy" for Fortune 500 and for Federal political parties and again in 84? I worked directly under Ron Basford. Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada (1975–1978) writing the 7 Point Plan for Western Canada for Prime Minister John Turner. I met Mulroney at Montreal Press club when just a lawyer so was fun.

I know how media and ad dollars "really" work. That's why I was a requested speaker for Dr. Goldberg business school Dean at McGill. I helped him with some research oddly on news content?

And by now this group of uneducated, unaccomplished cyber bullies have now found out, both very sadly and tragically my "very few" Facebook Friends do also again include a former BC Criminal Court Judge, an RCMP officer and the husband of an Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar. Are these slime so much smarter? One who the top legal at CORUS/Global know of. And a former acting chair UBC law faculty. Yes, they like me and low-life slime never does. Never. I'm lucky that way. And a few other legal minds who helped me in the past from SE, Davis and MT.

Now these cowards and very low level disgusting junk journalists all get fully exposed to employers, family and friends and legally get what they deserve. All legal. Let's dance?

Maybe I'm protecting their children long term doing this?

Funny how these cowards stop their sick vain self-promoting righteous efforts once they found out they ganged up on the wrong little weak lonely old man. Even my cybersecurity friends outclass their (1) one with real university and graduate degrees and major corporate work. Cyber security and he forgot or ignored a basic checking up on me? Hardly makes cyber security seem real and just token.

Some work for Google. Oddly, one real expert an old school friend and another I encouraged. Many cyber security games play off needless fear? Like insurance business.

Hey, I was working Computer stuff in 1980 in Montreal and by 1986 helping IBM (US) launch Infowindow at Expo 86 in Vancouver. As a VP. Their cyber hack amusing at best. Hope courts see exactly why and also think so. My own computer depth enough to make me a key speaker for IBM to US aerospace giant engineers as with my later work speaking at AGM to a international engineering firm on designing environmental response software to protect director legal liability. And oddly with another Oxford super brain buddy and business reference probably also suffering by association based on Dan's article. Smart people seem to like me cheap, sick, deceitful fakes and frauds don't. This is why I don't like bullies.

Many questions for their cyber security expert and his documented claims of "Suspicious" BS when legal mushrooms. Aiding and abetting the witch hunt with his smarter than God authority based on comparative petty paper certificates and limited awards should be fun as well.

And add to this cyber bully slime, some repugnant self-promoting self-serving disgusting "West Island Watch Group", also as documented flexing their pathetic suburb small town very deceptive and major very minor fraudulent media muscle and now also "totally busted" as deceptive and so sickeningly self-serving and self-glorifying. And vain. How vain? How sick? How obvious to those far more accomplished and superior in both intellect and integrity? As documented. All a bit too transparent as self-serving.

Calling the police was possibly their very biggest mistake ever. Idiots?
This to try and further fake and legitimize their false claims with acts of lies and wrongful persecution. And intimidate me.

Oddly CRA, police have been very helpful to me screwing bullies. Yes CRA. How stupid is real stupid? Some who have known this old man for over forty years including a Criminal Court Judge, an Oxford legal scholar and a RCMP officer, and very highly decorated veterans would think these cyber bully punks as very uneducated, unaccomplished disgusting deceitful morons. And by default suffering this defamation by association with me. And as documented in their own words and efforts. Priceless?

My proof of deceptive liars and losers and defamation and criminality:

  • Dan Spector's Global News Article.
  • West Islands Watch Group Posts.
  • Facebook Posts.
  • Posts on "my" web page.
  • Notification and messages to me.
  • Apology and admission of guilt from two of their gang.

Legally as defamation again "reverse onus" they just have to simply prove: their claims as "true fact", my actions as "suspicious", a criminal "scam", that they are qualified to make judgements as Doctors not fake it I need help, and they all are not guilty of cowardly defamation, cyber bullying and can show some standard of care and that no documented malice or bias.Good luck to all the liars and losers.

If what they "state as fact" to defame and can't support, is true, this old man should also lose his Federal Security Clearance with DND and NRC. Take it away kids? I dare you?

However, if they are as documented liars and losers, they should suffer extreme exposure and humiliation and the laws that protect the reputation of those far more accomplished, honest, charitable they get legally financially crucified. Are these cyber bullies disgusting ignorant arrogant idiots as documented? Just read on. It gets worse. Much worse.

I got the honest emails they chose to ignore, block and not post. Clear fakes and clear human frauds. Pity their poor children or partners.

Further enhanced, this defamation effort mushroomed with Global News and very dumb deceptive Dan Spector article. And all efforts to dare intimidate, criminally harass and defame very related. Conspiracy to defame blatant. Making things legally all the more ugly. And even calling police on file and better even referenced in their defaming article. Making this also a very handy added "very serious criminal matter". Making police waste time and taxpayer money researching what they could have so easily, very revealing and a clear abuse of police time and taxpayer money. So full of themselves an understatement. The defamation outrageous. Even the police knew this old man has done nothing wrong. As stated as fact? And stated it clearly.

So if any brains, the cyber bully slime recently have also found now doing desperate research to try and save thousands of dollars and their reputations plus business and careers, in addition that out my very few and selective and limited allowed 67 friends on Facebook, again who do really include a BC Criminal Court Judge and an RCMP officer I have a few friends in Ottawa. And that just the tip of the iceberg. Adding Oxford/Osgoode/McGill legal scholar I dine and sail with, as an acting faculty chair at UBC verges on possibly legally insane by these morons? Now add my closest friends and family as real respected Doctors and shrinks? My business references another matter to save for court time. One of my clients was even a law firm? I did volunteer work for LAC. In Montreal I had nobody lawyers help me with other bullies like Cookie Lazarus to Stanley Hart. Family and friends a bit connected.

Did they ever make a major stupid mistake cyber bullying and defaming and posting their names with the wrong old man? Seems so.

If IQ over 10 or not, clear some of slime defaming cyber bullies making statements of fact they can't possibly support and now for mental protection now in very deep denial. However, their cognitive dissonance won't help as all in very, very deep trouble and as a classic case study in cognitive dissonance.

And lawyers and courts should also love that I have two of the former bullies who have already apologized and thus admitting to a guilt others must still defend or hopelessly deny not so. They could be that literally stupid and in denial. As documented. Admitting guilt and "mislead" by media a handy documented quote? Defamation law reverse onus. This about damages not my defence.

Again, think of their children and partners suffering these types of lying bullies long term? I suffered just one example. Others not as strong as myself certainly suffer such types even more.

They are all so screwed. And so very well documented. Even time stamps handy they ignored, so even a disgusting deceitful animal torture cage salesperson like Pointe Claire Toast Master Gordon Yee can't twist words and time chronology. Nor junk journalist Dan Spector. No more wiggle room. Truth is truth. Fact is fact.

Had they done a basic grade school bare "minimum "of due diligence and checked my Facebook friends as too easy to do and shown some "minimal standard of care" or "honest public merit" as required by law for journalistic research and to avoid defamation charges with nicely added criminal conspiracy at wrongful prosecution to public mischief, they would have seen my limited "long time friends" on Facebook do include an RCMP officer and a BC Criminal Court Judge. Fools? Idiots? It would seem beyond debate? Wait for what follows?

Why do legal and other scholars and award winning journalist (plural), Senators and many highly accomplished women ("Chatelaine 100") to even top Grey Nuns ( I helped them with computers and getting furniture for older nuns with back problems) to even Jasper, West Van and Montreal RCMP like me and trust me (one a Facebook friend) and most have known me for years and this human dirt of cyber bully punks defames and intimidate me and as such pathetic fakes and frauds, and not knowing me or doing any minimal research and just assume in their very artificial superiority they can bully, lie and defame an old man? Or worse children or weak women. Possibly even their own children as such a real honest consideration. See what they document.

Possibly, as well should let them know my cybersecurity friend also on Facebook more credible and credentialed than their so called "honest choice". Ha! Ha! They embarrass themselves even in their own Global News article. Trying so very hard to not seem like vain self-promoting and very misleading community heroes. Disgusting? This while REAL HEROES get recognition stolen and diminished by their gang of human creeps. Sick? Yes, very sick. Ask a real shrink. Have a few in my family.

Had they also checked my LinkedIn profile they would have seen my "honest history of honest, charitable and volunteer work", in fact may exceed all twenty of these bullies and defaming slime. And possibly all combined? Yes, combined.
And they dare judge me. Now my turn ideally for next few years those wanting to play hard ball?

They tried to bully, intimidate and defame the wrong old man. Clearly. How could they know long time friends also include top Oxford Legal and even Oxford Science scholars and my family and friends including one of Canada's top forensic psychiatrist and handful of other psychologists. Or more in fact, if bachelor degrees also count over their CEGEP electives? Yes, these cyber bullies, liars and losers and frauds appear highly uneducated and/or very full of themselves. As documented. Glad I'm exposing and busting their whole sick gang.

One of my ex girlfriends also a Doctorate in psychology. My client was a shrink at LGH 4E in Pointe Claire. Was she crazy? Was he crazy paying me so much?Are they all crazy not seeing I'm crazy just as these highly uneducated frauds, highly uncertified and fakes suggest with zero certification of near same merit. All documented.

Summary to point.

I was textbook law defamed as being a criminal "scam". This clearly by Gordon Yee, Global News junior junk journalist Dan Spector, and the very impressive West Island Watch Group. And their gangs other extremely low life cyber bully slime as per Global news link below and their "West Island Watch Group" and Facebook posts also well document. Exactly. And add the Facebook postings of harassment on "My" FB page? Not their page. My page. On file. Clear fact.

And as textbook lawbook definitions of falsehoods presented as absolute fact. The only absolute fact being what disgusting cowardly idiots some are to dare defame someone their senior and by accomplishment their superior in so many matters. So many matters. Everything documented.

Now, all I this feeble old man wants, as per case law and "appeal to equity" stuff, and as legal precedent defines as punitive -- and as damages. Fully. See below real legal reference for costs and tests. Not a penny more. What I want. What the law allows. Not a penny more. Or less?

The idiots even called police?

These super self-loving idiots even called police to pathetically legitimize their illusions and promote themselves as "total BS civic champions" in their witch hunt frenzy. As more than clearly documented in Dan Spector's documented Global News Article. And sadly police made it very clear as per same article I'd done "nothing wrong" but oddly still the cowardly idiots continued to defamed and in the very same article? And followed by a flurry of cyber bully defaming posts by literally more real liars and losers in Facebook. Their friends. As documented. Idiots?

Idiots? Just wait until the court sees their efforts to hide their sins, and run, and see their serious and various mental midget efforts at entrapment. Little league scum.

The Global Article shows how disgusting and cowardly their efforts and lack of both research and merit as to pathetically legitimize their bully efforts. Clearly. And as disgusting, very sickly self-promote themselves as "Community Champions". What utter disgusting fakes and frauds? True? False?

And more embarrassing is Dan Spector's juvenile wordplay faking at unbiased and fair merit researched journalism. A joke. Prima facie. My friends and I have also studied formal logic, linguistics and rhetorical fallacies so this junior junk journalist punk wordplay extremely fake, transparent and obvious and very juvenile in its pretentious to those a bit more educated than idiots Gordon Yee and Dan Spector. The pride of Global News? As documented. We should have fun for next five years or until legal and damages paid in full.

My friends publishers and top award winning Journalists. More ironic again is I helped one journalist brother when his house flooded and as well he oddly helped me shut down some previous defaming cowardly bullies. I've also been defamed before and by publications like the Computer Paper mocking me. For a short time. Now all trophies on my wall with other bullies, losers and liars. The Computer Paper editors also in the end looked very dumb. Very dumb.

I was even a previous Montreal flood victim when having waterfront at top of St. Charles road. As hundreds flooded then in '79 or '80. Easy also to prove. My empathy for those flood victims and for similar real heroes who helped me then my obvious motivation?  Ya' think?

As they can be extremely cruel as documented so can we? We can put forward a very strong case of text book "small man & small penis complex" for both little men Dan Spector and Gord Yee and their giant ego cover. Can't we? Legally I can now in rebuttal play as they faked as certified shrinks just as I was first defamed/attacked/bullied/harassed by their also false implied superiority and authority. As documented. My turn.

So many sad young women in their group of cyberbullies trying so hard to look pretty and smart and pretending they also have superior brains and sadly trying to impress those more educated, intelligent and accomplished. As documented. More cruelty to follow. They give it. Now hope they can take it. For a few years. It may be three to five more years before this gets to court for those who don't settle for deal prior. Win-win. Either way?

How do their family, friends and employers suffer such cowardly bullying lying scum. This is their real character and personality. And such fakes. As documented. Think of their children.


(a) I'm a criminal scam. Suspicious and sick. True or false?


(b) They are as fact low life defaming misleading scum. And I'm legally very playful. As my long history proves.

I say for fun we let the better legal minds and court decide and let all documented facts speak for themselves. As documented.

Global Defamatory Misleading Junk Fake News Journalism:

Some may ask just how stupid, disgusting, less accomplished and less educated are the cyber bullies and as those named in article and posting on Facebook as documented as superior and authorities:

So lazy and sloppy not even checking my LinkedIn profile below and my "real" and "honest" long history of other charity work (dwarfing many of this low life to even dare comment, little less falsely defame - and even for many of them "combined": my "real honest charitable" efforts. Efforts that also dwarfs these uneducated, unethical, very showy, phony arrogant, abusive slime possibly even "COMBINED"? As documented.

I have no problem swearing under oath or doing a volunteer non-admissible voice polygraph as per non-defamatory and very criminal matters involved to not waste more police time. They better as well get ready to lie or mislead under oath or just give up dreaming and their credibility zero. Legal optics can be fun.

Sadly, some also very vain and post pictures of themselves as beautiful women. This also tragic. Having worked with top international models and actresses clearly they sadly fool themselves. Tragic their desperate pictures trying to APPEAR as ignorant trophy wives. But not.

My girlfriends have been in MacLean's to Chatelaine not only far more attractive but far more accomplished than any in their ugly cyber bully gang and as junior journalists and local Facebook "West Island Watch Group". And my girlfriends once a national photo editor, not just one top 100 business women in Chatelaine. Why I find these women involved in bully and defamation so utterly disgusting and can illustrate to a court and judge why? Fact check? More comparative on those women who know I'm not a scam and do go into burning buildings to check for children and not one punks screw with. I told them ask RCMP? They ignored that warning. Idiots?

Note: In fire my buddy went farther. I wasn't crawling on floor to avoid smoke and second guessing collapsing floor. But did go into the fire.

And how extremely stupid and even more lazy to have such absurd conclusions as junk journalism not even checking how my "very limited exclusive" Facebook friends again still, and oddly range former RCMP to a BC Criminal Court Judge. Sloppy research? Biased? Misleading? Lazy and liars? Makes the merit and due diligence of Dan's research and Bias BS self-evident. Or major Morons now too easy to humiliate now and forcing all too ashamed to apologize. Of course I want them to continue to try and save face. Have used this trick before as well. No problem I like cash. And I can wait.

My other legal, wealthy and accomplished friends like top Oxford Legal Scholars to highly decorated veterans don't do Facebook. Nor my friends as award winning journalists and two publishers? So, I know what garbage low paid low life journalism is and not just a few years of previous direct defamation law experience. Gord Yee might feel he was baited and trapped? I do have to protect others from these types.

If they had read this would any dare do it again?

See list of other honest, volunteer and charitable work at bottom of LinkedIn. Fact check. I may have forgot some and will only remember in court?

Why did they do this?

Why did they do this and think I'd let them just insult me, my honest good name and my charitable, honest, volunteer efforts without rebuttal or legal claim? Or why I'd let let these junior junk journalist with their real nothing bottom rung titles to their stupid self-serving posturing and the slimes, try and intimidate me with their desperate self affirming calls to police that clearly has "all" failed to intimidate me? Just infuriates me. Motivating nonetheless.

Calling police without the tiniest of standard of care and due diligence and wasting honest taxpayer's police time no tiny joke either. And so very and clearly malicious. So sloppy and so lazy. Who employs such sick arrogant people? So sad for children if these their parents or partner. Yuk!

Quick overview:

I told (1) one very self-consumed member of their big intimidating Gang of Bullies and Creeps to basically do as others on "MY PAGE" do? Nothing more. Accept and follow rules. When further ignored, basically I was in a corner and forced to use UPPER CASE type (Which oddly Dan Spector's deceptive Global New article makes too clear possibly a criminal style effort? This to smarten her up that I wasn't her paid servant. And it was "my page".

Then idiot supreme Gordon Yee (Pointe Claire superstar "Toastmaster" and word master) tried to intimidate me with his documented belief of superior intellect and integrity. What a joke. This will be more obvious in a courtroom. And posing as such a human fraud as a faux Champion of the people. What a wordy goofball? No wonder his career has peaked selling goods for animal testing or caging.


Then the low life slime dared and called police now making this not only a matter of defamation law but using police like their paid puppets or pawns to intimidate me now adds a major added criminal matter. Wronful prosecution, obstruction not my problem now.

What a joke for those who know me? I also dated or played tennis or guitar with many lawyers. Not just a BC Criminal Court Judge. Nor simply sailed and dined socially with former acting Chair of UBC Law Faculty and an Internationally recognized Oxford legal scholar. There's more.

Using police for the pretense of righteousness now not only embarrassing them as pathetic desperate fools but certainly a criminal act by these cyber bullies from: (1) public mischief, (2) harassment, (3)obstruction, and (4) wrongful prosecution of an innocent honest old man. Add some economic interference principles as well. As applied to a non-special interest charity?

Are they a group to be trusted on anything from selling animal testing supplies to security services or self-serving pages and posts in the the West Island Watch Group? And well documented.

Hey, been here before. I say let court decide if my charity effort a criminal scam and I'm crazy. Or if these cyber bullies whole lives possibly a sad desperate s"h"am and possibly they're mentally unstable with many variety of issues. That their partners or children also might suffer. As well as their lawyers? As such they should be exposed for "West Island Residents". Court of public opinion on this matter also welcome. And any honest higher level visual media coverage.

For the profoundly stupid in denial or cog-dis:Two of the cyber bullies have already documented apologies already. Are they crazy as well? And as they claim "mislead by media" like "West Island Watch Group" and "Global News".

Shouldn't honest Dan Spector continue on this now mushrooming defamation story with his brilliant journalistic efforts on this if not fearing legal and career suicide? And still thinking himself not a fool. Bait?

What will any top lawyers think and court judges.

Criminal and Tort law. Just took one law courses in Quebec Civil Code law. Forgive me. Or as per the police who wasted their time on this lying slime plus tax payer dollars humouring this group of deceptive, ignorant, arrogant, "misleading", word playing cyber bully slime. As documented with timestamps and dates.

As I studied law and partied with dozens of lawyers I'm more familiar with rules of evidence, prescription/statute of limitations, defamation, obstruction, wrongful persecution, public mischief than the "common man" or most very ignorant cyber bully slime and 3 junior junk journalists. I'd guess.

Having also done research and national media liaison with CBC and socializing with major magazine editors and publishers I also feel capable to judge what disgusting journalists they are. Really are. No debate.

Can it be any more simple?

Let them counter with top legal and babble at their big added legal expense and now with added criminal exposure. The more they fight the more it costs. Love it. Those who ignore legal counsel early easier legal targets.

Closing: There it is, the false merit less wordplay sophist libel and defamation as per article and case law below as cited. And documented. And for criminal law multiple items of note.

Judge and be judged and publish at your peril and other legal rules of thumb missed by these ignorant, arrogant cyber bullies. This will teach such documented cowardly scum to dare call an honest man and effort, young or old, male or female, a scam or suspicious on or about his Facebook page and not invited to comment. And it gets worse.


Hope Gordon Yee and Dan Spector and other cyber bullies never smoked pot. Or try and lie at the border when asked. As they'll have your names as "suspicious" courtesy of Moi. As per:

Note: If you admit you smoke pot (even if it was in states where it's legal) you can be banned from the U.S. For life. Border officials have already done this before.

Yes, I know a lady at border security.

"Suspicious" the perfect counter?

They bullied and like sickening cowards tried to intimidate and humiliate the wrong weak old man? Were they ever wrong? My friends from BC Criminal Court Judge to RCMP could have warned them or a real top award wining journalists Some simple fact checking could have saved them all five years of serious grief and major legal costs soon to begin.

They should ask their lawyers or police why I legally can do this and many other very cute things (Legal Realism). West Island Watch Group will be folding as readership and views drop and profitable ad revenue a dream.

Dan Spector silly career now under a microscope (We save everything he writes). Yes, very boring little league stories often after being news or once newsworthy.

Add other big shot wanna-bee journalist friends showing there stuff like Emily Campbell from CJAD and Gordon Yee cheer leading another junior junk journalist with byline at best in West Island Watch Group. Reap what you sow. Judge and be judged.

"Losers and Liars" will prove the best label possible for all ignorant slime named and demonstrated as documented.

These defaming, cyber bullies, intimidating, arrogant and ignorant low level creeps (as documented) from posts to e-mails should show ALL their individual lawyers EVERYTHING or who we kidding? (NOTE: sharing a lawyer to save a few needed pennies do note the legal optics possibly also spells conspiracy to defame bit and add aid and abet stuff)? Include for lawyers apologies from (2) other cyber bullies as "mislead by media".

Yes, priceless.

I look forward to comparison of my honest charity work that dwarfs all these scum as my LinkedIn profile defines-- in part? And why police say "I did nothing wrong". And why oddly a BC Criminal Court Judges and RCMP officer my limited selective friends on Facebook? And have known me for over 30 years? You have to know me for years to be my friend?

And why my business work with Oxford Scientist and CD Howe Political Science Engineering Scholars to social events with McGill's best and Internationally recognized Oxford Legal Scholars my "party friends"? Why? And why not lucky enough to know Gordon Yee? Am I the dumbest of the bunch of my friends? Odd when I'm the only non psychologist or psychiatrist at a Barbeque?

Hey, I am the one 7-Eleven, Toy City, Federal Liberals paid more than doctors (or had an expense account greater) that they put in Limousines to tell the Future. Bets?

Better? I was once DEFAMED, humiliated and ridiculed by The Computer Paper (a "once" major National Publication) by other "know everything" know-it-all.

That article now a major source of major personal pride when talking advanced tech and challenged.

And this in tandem when Marketing Magazine listing me as one of the "Landmark 100" for the "decade" when I played in Advertising. The Landmark listing ignoring my key work with Federal Liberals, 7-Eleven or I'd be "top ten" not just one of a hundred. Not a nothing like Gordon Yee selling animal testing and caging supplies. Marketing Magazine also failed to mention why I was a Dean requested speaker at three of top business graduate schools McGill, UBC and SFU or at least top 5 in Canada for the Decade. Fact check? How accomplished are these Cyber Bullies EXACTLY?

The End.


Then I so look forward to putting all these slime named here and their Facebook faces on my Trophy Wall with the other slime who thought themselves so clever and bullied me or nice honest people.

I've humiliated publicly and take great pride in the careers of slime I've "legally and honestly" crippled or capped - and income. This as a whistleblower on bullies and others given to "coercion and intimidation" of others.

My trophy wall of liars and losers ranges from (2) Board of Directors (1) CEO, (1) VP, Slime Criminal Union Executives (small herd), (2) political wanna-bees and many dishonest corporate entities also suffered. Now I can add three nobody junior junk journalists, an extremely repulsive Toastmaster who fakes he's a civic hero "selling" others his lies. And self serving group from West Island Watch Group also faking public champion with incestuest motive clear and hero when self interest and motive so transparent by chronology? Duh? Liars and losers? Let courts and public opinion judge us all. And top "respected" media.


Below just key case law reference for their lawyers and to help them plan a shared defence when two others have apologized.

For idiots imagine a bunch of murders pretending they can ignore claims of murder and two of their gang already apologize. Legal optics couldn't be worse?

These idiots named below like Gordon Yee should get together fast and get a good lawyer ASAP and call police on me again if they "honestly believe" they are not in the wrong as cowardly abusive human garbage. Others have apologized to me in writing. As documented. As fact. One side clearly far more informed and not delusional they did not do something disgusting. They should try and intimidate me with police and lawyers I'm ready now to fight big time including doing to Gord Yee's career what he did to my 100% honest, 100% volunteer efforts with his pathetic animal cage and accessories business. My Montreal and Calgary connections will help me with Dan Spector, we read all his impressive low boy articles waiting for his next disgusting mistake. We also watch West Island Watch Group? My friends were members long before and now will see how this group will fade as slime exposed. Get ready for Christmas my warning. Judge and be judged,

Or are they afraid or too embarrassed to see lawyer and waste police time again trying to intimidate me? And so sadly can't. Together they must have enough money to see a lawyer? Maybe not?

Their West Island Watch Group babble also speaks volumes. Don't they know any lawyers who will help for free? They should show "EVERYTHING" to police and their group lawyer. Then see how smart they think they are?

Simply as a matter of "Law" not ignorant opinion:

(a) I'm either harassing them and I should be stopped. I wouldn't put up with this abuse. Why do they and together so smart, so accomplished (joke) and so honest.

(b) Or am I defending my good name against cyber bully lying losers defaming me and less educated, less accomplished nobodies busted as sleazy cowardly bullies?

Which is it?

Hope Gordon Yee has problems going to his impressive head office and crossing border to US. He deserves everything I got. Everything.

They should read what they wrote. I kept all documents. Hope they did. Ha! Ha!


See your name now if a new addition below, if one of the dishonest cyberbully gang and/or the slime low paid fake news low level journalist like Dan Spector. Or find out more and more about animal testing cage salespeople like Gordon Lee? Such sad and sick lives they have. No wonder they are critical of others far more accomplished, honest, educated and experienced. Fact check. Get the real truth! Much more to follow. They'll all be exposed by Christmas to many in Montreal and their employers or advertisers supporting such punk fake news. They deserve full exposure and truth told. Ad sales people and their clients will be disgusted by Global News writers like Dan Spector. Time to escalate and haunt such scum and get the truth out so their reputations suffer as they get known more and more in 2018?

News Flash: Good news? Have found connections to main gang or lead cyber bullies employers and clients. Not just their neighbourhoods. Have to clear my "real" good name as "allowed by law" for any who know this sick cowardly dishonest slime. As their inner circle is where they showed off first faking such bogus civic champions as per below. Such transparent frauds.

This is why things have been slow here doin' Detective work. Hey, I just didn't do research in radio for stories and rating points (at far more senior trusted and respected levels), I was also hired by Stanley Hart's detective agency. Mulroney's Stanley. Know how sadly so few medium dull to milder stories Dan forced to now cover for Global News. Dan Spector documented micro news as opposed to many far better Montreal journalists. West Island watch goroup also being watched. As their readership begins to fall for fake news and witch hunts.

Hope help from old CORUS (Global News Parent) people who know me as I oddly helped them politically?

Some of these slime named below should now be starting to have a tiny bit of trouble at customs crossing border or at airports. I circulate. And know how media works with reach and frequency as per e-mail marketing. Good luck going across border or at airport. Expect delay? I also worked with a border security lady in Ottawa days?

The ones who already have apologized for defamatory cyberbullying will be excused others to be haunted by full truth what human garbage they are from Hudson to NDG? And some may note possible tax audits. Possibly even very low level journalists with expense accounts as well?

The defamatory cyberbullies thought themselves so very clever and could gang up, bully and "intimidate" an old man. This with their tiny group's self-affirming bullying efforts as documented. And legally the very sick published lies that an honest charitable and volunteer effort was a "scam". As such claimed as fact the effort criminal.

They seem so very "suspicious" showing off as liars and bullies? And even documenting it. If they can call police "with lies" based on misleading police we can do even better with real honest truth and with CARP? Police know I've done nothing wrong. And yet defamed as criminal using heroes and victims for profit.

My only regret now was being far too polite with this gang of West Island cyberbullying literal scum. And far too charitable with their low level journalist friends, thinking they could intimidate or impress me with their highly inflated titles. I worked in media so hard to impress. And from now to soon after November we escalate even far more from Hudson to NDG. We have their names so they can run, but now a bit hard to hide.

"It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence." - Upton Sinclair

Blog Purpose: The very fascinating, but very ugly side of Cyberbullying. And the related Defamatory plus Criminal matters done by clearly uneducated cowardly "very deceitful" and misinformed Montreal slime (documented in their own words and named below). This with their added gross false defamation (stated as fact, what is in real fact clearly false. A lie.). Add the swarm or cyber bullying of an old man as a "scam". Thus, ergo being "criminal". Clearly. As documented.

They accused (with 30 criminal charges) Sen. Mike Duffy and even former Prime Minister Mulroney of being a scam. Defamation and Damages. And oddly my ethics hardly an issue, but accused of possibly taking advantage of honest heroes and victims as a "scam" and with no economic gain or motive in my behavior. Please have police check again. This case as such much simpler. And with no honest proof by these "Liars and Losers" to any of their defamatory claims. Zero. The failure to prove to courts a "scam" will get very costly for these self-worshipping slime and bottom feeding journalists feeling far too empowered by their business card. In this case with no money or victims involved so much harder to prove to any more educated, more honest that these cowardly slime anything but liars and losers. Their lucky families and friends to have such intellectually dishonest human dirt in their family or employment? Co-workers be warned of such types. As documented.

And more disgusting their pathetic efforts to show off how important, connected and how media savvy and powerful these cyber bullies are -- well in their own minds, and possibly far worse destroying a real 100% honest, 100% volunteer, 100% charity effort as too lazy and self consumed to fact check. Plus add even using junior junk journalist "fake news" media as "documented" and various needless claims and suggestions of defined criminal behaviour.

This further compounded by absolutely pointless calls to Montreal police to create appearance of legitimate claims for their lies. And at best based on being rude to one of the cyber bullies and warning of legal consequences they ignored. At best this sick group an echo chamber to self affirm each other.

Oddly, when I clearly told them to call RCMP as to truth of my character they may have got the whole truth. They ignored. And called Montreal police. Who at best have some parking ticket history. The named sick people who do it below verbatim as documented. The cost, they by legal precedent should pay thus indicative. Or pay far more by comparison?

Pageviews last month 297
Pageviews all time history 2,428
Comment Denials 0

Defendants: Cyber Bullies (and those who also aid & abet in conspiracy to defame):
Dan Spector,
Global News (Published),
Gordon Yee,
Karine Saba,
Stéphanie Sabbagh,
Terry Cutler,
West Island Watch Group,
Emily Campbell,
Others to be selectively named as per below with pictures and names to follow and their libel also documented as verbatim in "honest chronological order".

Fake news among desperate low level and low paid journalists nothing new.
Editorial integrity eroding making mainstream news suspect (and killing readership to also cutting journalism jobs as fast as ad revenue also fact). See circulation decline from Fake News as with the Global News article by Dan Spector (link below).

NOTE: "Someone with an IQ of 155 can typically think circles around someone with an IQ of 125. Evidentiary questions prove it. "

"Without analysis, no synthesis." - Friedrich Engels

Key Legal Question:

If what they did so honest and honourable and their claims not 100% defamatory and not based on 100% lies a "scam" why did they stop? Why? Why did they stop?Why don't they defend their honest good names if not in fact sick, sad, cyber bullies using lies to defame an old man and volunteer goodwill work efforts. As documented.

Readers ask, now exactly why some as noted below by name, would ever deserve any employer's trust or support for their "dishonest", "lying" "cyber bullying" - and should reader's or audience ever trust o three junior junk journalists involved trying to intimidate with their pathetic petty titles and power and myopic vision?

Odd where others as real fact "far more educated, far more accomplished and honest", oddly support the victim of these cowardly, cyber bullies ganging up on one old man and a 100% honest, 100% charitable and 100% volunteer acts. What does that mean? Sick? Sad? Fact Check. The lawyers and smarter ones will.

Yes, "far more educated, far more accomplished and honest", oddly support the victim as do police: "I did nothing wrong" and Facebook after requested legal review.

And more funny yet, some clearly far less educated, far less accomplished and less experience in almost ALL matters here, amusingly term others "delusional". Who is dealing with law and fact and what idiots only have conjecture and impulse opinions? Pick a side. And with (0) zero facts or history just their self proclaimed authoritative opinions and conclusions as stated or clearly imply as "fact"? No "honest" premise to support? How convincing? And zero credibility or certified authority for their babble. See below.

Hope the cyber bullies get a compassionate and intelligent lawyer not motivated by big endless billable hours. Defamation defence means: "Based on honest facts not documented lies". And not deceitful duplicitous opinions of a self-affirming group of nut cases. As documented.

Gets a bit obvious for those with a higher IQ and EQ. Others just babble not knowing actual real documented facts and history with time and date stamps so far beyond debate. Solid facts, with the law and the people and sequence involved. Archived with Google and Facebook. As warned?

They even publish their ignorance on many things actually and sadly offer nothing with their "nobody opinions" and false fact conclusions oddly never "honestly or fairly" supported. Some even use "fake identities

And more revealing and in their own words and their totally postured superiority to judge others but looking very closely not fit to judge anyone or anything. Fakes and frauds? Delusional is when one deals with their opinion as truth and not facts. Check? See below. Thank God that police and courts so much very much smarter and deal in "real facts". Teenage-like banter of opinion only very revealing. Lacks forethought.

For lawyers reading this reason for this affidavit as such, I realize much here absolutely not required by myself as defamation law as "reverse onus", I do so this as simply more than defamation law at play here with criminal potential. Now being researched. Helps with numbers when establishing damages on many levels.

Blog Purpose:

1. This blog about detailing for both side's legal people key points for efficacy. This with the exact names of those in Montreal who thought they could cowardly gang-up, cyberbully and intimidate plus defame an old man and his %100 honest, volunteer, charitable and "once" anonymous acts of honest tribute. I was asked to identify myself to prove not a "scam". So I immediately did? And with exact examples. And yet they clearly continued to defame a 100% honest, 100% charitable, 100% volunteer effort. And now myself? What kind of people would do this? See below in their very own words both their arrogance, ignorance and possible literal clinical dysfunctional sickness and their full legal exposure. Real facts. And researched and documented on each detail and not based on hearsay or ignorance of assumption.

This intimidation and mob frenzy cyberbully effort also using 3 very junior, very unaccomplished "fake news" junk journalists as named below, and adding even calls to police. This all out team effort to try to intimidate and self-affirm and legitimize their deceitful statements and implications. Sadly, so many not fooled by their word games and lack of integrity and intellect. As documented. And blatant and documented efforts to humiliate, intimidate as textbook cyberbullies. Check? See below.

Some smarter and more intellectually honest ones and DOING HONEST RESEARCH already apologizing to me and admitting defamatory claims false facts "mislead by media". Simply, they picked on the wrong old man.

This old man as a note, a historic whistle blower knowing and inspired by "real heroes" and has been here before with top legal (Criminal Court Judge, Oxford Legal Scholars) and key RCMP helping. Two files still open? (See Below). Sad these cyber bullies didn't do honest research. IQ far below 110?

Other's would have warned them of the high cost and time to pick on this old man. Now far too late. Now they get their legal, personal and social backlash. As they all legally and honestly fully deserve. Transparent to everyone possible.

They also documented "using police" like police their pawns or puppets but backfired as with previous slime as well, who also thought trying that stupid trick of using police for personal and gang legitimization could intimidate me. Not then. Not now.

Both past and present groups of bullying slime failed to understand calling police makes this an added "criminal matter". Cyber bullies should not be embarrassed missing this even if lawyers for other slime didn't see how this plays. And also "again" works so much to my advantage now in both cases. Hardly legitimizing their false claims in both defamation and added criminal cases extremely clear. Lucky, I have first hand experience with defamation, and bullies.

Their lawyers will explain this to these idiots what it means when police say I've done "nothing wrong" (and others as "fact" thank me and praise me?) and yet still some idiots continue to defame me as involved in a criminal "scam". Further even suggesting showing off for advertorial merit with Dan Spector's show-off abuse of fiduciary position and ego games and their added suggested group depth that "Facebook" and my page can lead to virus also not very clever. We are now learning more and more about the cyber-security business where demand a function of fear. Facebook will not be amused? All documented in this group either trying to sell their services or play "BS local hero and champions", obvious. No facts? Based on lies. Some idiots will say anything. Not thinking ahead?

Why did they so suddenly stop bothering me if their claims so real and so honest? Hard question to answer? Finally a few honest facts shut them up. Or fear from deeper legal research? They found out they ganged up the wrong old man.

Funny, as documented, I even told the cyber bully slime to call RCMP on me to "honestly check me out" and my "real history" from 60's even of charitable, honest, volunteer, work? And standing up to bullies. From Montreal to Vancouver? My charity work dwarfing many of these cowardly major nobody bullies "COMBINED"? As documented? But the bullies and fools ignored? I also told them this is CLEARLY defamatory? But the bullies and fools also ignored? I also told them to check with other bullies who tried to intimidate and "smell the fear" - once other sleaze so similar as these present cowards and as clever as also calling police, BUT previous slime were using big shot and big time Union plus Hollywood lawyers as well, and all in a vain hope to intimidate me. Didn't work then. Didn't work now. Got very expensive and very humiliating bullying with me and hoping to intimidate me. Fact check? And also add their pathetic "group" efforts of false legitimacy to their false claims with calls to police. An old trick. Been here. Have the T-shirt. But the bullies and fools again ignored? All documented? I begged the previous slime to file charges as I hope these slime would or will do? Escalation works big time for victims?
Asked the previous group of slime nicely to file charges as we will this group as a group?
Checkmate in two more moves?

Below they find out why they could not intimidate this old man. And why bullies disgust me and so many others. And how previous similar slime suffered in their community and industry reputation to their mediocre careers going no where in an endless loop. Fact check? And add the six figure cost was to just try and intimidate me. On top of also bothering police for faking legitimacy? Higher IQ folk not fooled by such pathetic knee-jerk fools.

I've been standing up to sleaze, slime and cowardly bullies for over 50 years. Fact check? Grade school?

Add all the fascinating social and psychological points below where in this recent defamation case, about these types of low life cyber bullies as defined and compared exactly to textbook or clinical definitions also makes a point. And best points made with the added "well documented" critical legal facts involved below (and with their own words with date and time stamps so no silly chronological self-serving confusion on real facts).

Time to put those cyber bullies under a real legal and public opinion microscope. I was doing more good for community than they all spent wasting police and media readers time with false statements and intended intent to imply I'm "criminal" and all based on lies? Why police if not suggesting I'm criminal. To be very clear I'm as criminal as Dan Spector is Honest? Who are the lucky ladies in these "men's" deceitful lives?

This case and blog is also a very interesting case study for law schools on defamation or even lectures in psychology on the "mindless mob" and even a journalism lecture at Carleton on how lowest level low paid media employees (junior junk journalists?) thinking they answer to no one but bored editors. And not the rule of law. Ethics are moral values in action? And this also illustrates how intellectual integrity means nothing when motive is clearly obvious as malicious and defamatory, with a text book fake news seasoning of unrelated facts like use of UPPERCASE type?. The market for journalists now shrinking like pay scales so they get blinded and so very desperate not able to handle big stories worried about their future and how the past now haunts them? So they do Fake News. Clearly.

This blog documents with real names and faces with the real ugliness of cyber bullying and character defamation. And how sleazy, deceitful, and duplicitous some punks are and why now such fun for me to also expose them. As I have others. Abuse of public trust not a joke, whether West Island Watch Group facilitation and aid and abetting to nobody journalist like Dan Spector, and a gang showing off his clever word games that hardly fools those with higher IQ and EQ. This is a major problem:

Cyberbullying continues to be a major problem. In fact, four in ten U.S. adults say they've been harassed online.

According to a new study from the Pew Research Center, online abuse is as rampant as ever, despite efforts by major tech companies like Facebook and Twitter to cut back on trolling and bullying. (Yes, I asked for Facebook's help. With "legal review". Oddly like police Facebook found I did "nothing wrong" but simply stand up to rude, uninformed or dishonest people who dare abuse police as their personal puppets and pawns when somebody dares be rude back to these morons? And as they say in defamation law "Publish at their Peril". I'll use some of the Legal Latin stuff later.

Wonder what Facebook thinks of a two intense course Cyber Security experts who suggest Facebook and myself can spread viruses? Idiot?) The study, which was conducted among 4,248 U.S. adults, revealed name calling and embarrassment as the most common forms of online harassment. Common people common style?

2. The purpose of this blog is also serves as a key reference for both sides legal people. And as per efficacy of full calculation of all damages as per recent case law below. And to provide key and critical points of "honest" fact. Making statements as statements of fact when 100% false is literally textbook defamation. Fact check? I am not a scam. Good luck to liars and losers proving I am. My family, friends, legal and business contacts see this as deceitful, misleading lies. Funny enough as deceit by "documented liars" and life losers. Dan Spector does a rather pathetic effort at faking impartial or objective with his support for such fake news. This will haunt him. I handled Municipal election "stuff" for an executive at CORUS in Calgary who knows I'm an honest and "charitable guy". Who owns Global. And yes I helped an intern now On-Air at Global as an intern oddly when my work getting international trade and consumer recognition. I get around. Also getting written thanks for "Red Leaf" senior work handling Western Canada communications for Federal Liberals election "messaging". And doing pioneer Internet work for IBM.

3. The purpose here also is so these cyber bullies are named, identified within their community and business world for their words and actions, as they tried with my honest charitable and volunteer efforts. Plus be fully exposed, humiliated, prosecuted and punished. This all as "allowed by law" to challenge this cyber bully defamation and defend my "real" good name. And expose their dirt and mindset. This done so these arrogant and ignorant self-righteous morons NEVER EVER try something as stupid, ugly and ignorant on anyone, old or young or any goodwill or charity, ever again. Ever. AT LEAST THEY'LL DO SOME HONEST FACT CHECKING BEFORE SHOWING OFF HOW SMART THEY REALLY AREN'T.

This cyberbullying and defamation done by an arrogant and highly ignorant gang with unresearched statements stated as facts that are 100% lies. Fact check?

I am not, and this 100% honest, 100% volunteer, 100% charitable effort is also NOT, a criminal "scam", "sham" or even "suspicious". This as they state as fact and thus law book defamed. To misquote Churchill: "We know what they are, the issue one of price"

It is not like this published Global News story (link below) at all newsworthy without "misleading, malicious defamatory drama to fluff their BS stories" - not with all the "real crime" in Montreal both cyber and traditional and with honest serious victims from children to seniors. CTV and CBC as such don't show case hyped up fake news? Classy people with their false fact focus? It seems from article nothing more newsworthy here than just vain punks suffering ego and power trips and love faking themselves as social heroes and champions as per Dan Spector's Global News article. And empowered to intimidate anyone. How two faced? As also too well documented. Truth hurts.

And proof here how strange some are and based on "real facts" and "honest" truth. And quoting their own EXACT words? As documented. A swarm or group of twenty plus, self-thought, "super beings" ganging up on (1) one retired old man. Bullies? Cowards? Creeps? Fools? Incredible fools?

Plus clearly crippling and destroying a 100% honest 100% charitable 100% volunteer effort. They and their families and friends should be very proud of their now well documented total lack of integrity, intellect, focus and courage as DOCUMENTED cyber bullies.

The legal onus on them to PROVE the charitable effort was a "SCAM". Good luck. That simple really? Ask senior top defamation legal? Can't prove a scam they not only look very VERY stupid and dishonest but now fully liable for all damage done. I won't quote the cliche' from Shakespeare on damage to character but those that matter know it.

Samples of false, misleading defamatory claims of statement of fact they have to prove from West Island Gang:

Lissa Albert reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 1 star

May 12 ·

People help for the sakes of others, not themselves. This page has the makings of "scammer" written all over it. Tagging people on Facebook without their knowledge or permission leaves too many vulnerable - those named as well as their friends and family. Do NOT fall for this. Give of your time and effort for others, not some plaque that will likely never materialize after this page owner collects funds for it.

Hope she can prove to a court this a scam "written all over it". And she's not just trying to "self promote" herself as some false social hero. A bit obvious. A bit sick?And without fact checking? What other poor judgement does she also illustrate? "Scammer"?

Alison Palkhivala reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 1 star

May 11 ·

I used to think this was a scam but it's becoming increasingly apparent the owner is seriously mentally ill. If you know him personally, please, please check in on him or call his family. He is showing signs of being in a manic state and needs help immediately.

Both claims above I could have deleted but to be very transparent I keep everything my critics wrote. Everything. Honesty is power.

Funny when facts challenges her BS authority to make such sick ugly statements. Some shrinks do know me "personally". I get invited to Bar-B-Q's with the best in Canada (I have a fun side? Not just fun with top international Oxford legal scholars).

Even locally Dr. Gandel at LGH paid me more than junior junk journalists to help him in business. Not to help me? My ex girlfriend and cousin also psychologists. What will far more educated lawyers, shrinks and real psychologists and courts think when whole truth told of Alison Palkhivala stated lack of knowledge, truth, education and authority to make such false defamatory claims? "Please, please..."? A touch dramatic? And very defamatory? Do her poor family and friends suffer her sense of uninformed superiority to play fit to judge others.

This above just two samples (many more below) of many in mob of those not checking facts and defaming based on hearsay and their serious illusion of superiority to judge others and not based on facts or truth, just lies, a rude reply to rudeness and use of UPPERCASE type? And their added sad illusion posturing as community heroes pathetic, as based on their very well documented published lies and defaming and very misleading claims. Makes them obvious of what and who they "really" are. Possibly posturing a critical motive and their needed love of self-promotion. Very sad. Mr. Gordon Yee even as head cheerleader used media to continue defame. No wonder he can only sell animal cages for labs and other confinement needs good or bad?

Dan Spector now also documented beyond debate for the rest of his desperate career just a prime example of a fake news junior junk journalist fueling and further inspiring this defamation. We follow him daily (Google) looking for his continued integrity and other Peabody and Pulitzer Prize efforts.

Joke? Was told Global News checked Decietful Dan's story with legal? Another documented lie? I think NOT or rather very sloppy legal? See my legal network below. Doubt they'd support such nonsense as Criminal Court Judges and Oxford Legal Scholars. People who know me versus people who knew nothing but make statements of fact in there huge ignorance? Makes a very valid point.

What does it mean to lawyers and a court if even an on air Global News person on West Coast who has known me for years from skiing, advertising, finance and film career differs with Global's big shot investigative reporter Dan Spector act of integrity. What does it mean if another top award winning CBC investigative reporter and producer also agrees knowing me from high school this was not a scam? What does Dan look like for legal optics now? Am I scam or somebody who tries to helps many people in careers or with investment for free? Ask both of them?


What motive for this sick group to defame and cyber bully and gang up on a senior and defame him plus a 100% honest, 100% charitable, 100% volunteer effort?

Cause and effect?

As documented: One (1) of their gang of mindless self-affirming group found me "rude" to her "repeated selfishness and inconsideration" for others. As documented. (See Below). This after multiple more "gentle efforts". As documented. I should have told her to just FO with her superior arrogant attitude and blocked her. But that would not be fair to those who should be named. Note how she tried at her leisure making more work for others doing continued single line entries when requested not by EVEN generic billboarding request to "ALL". And specific request. Fact. Did I start it? Hardly. Cause and effect? FACT CHECK. EQ?

And then she and others got the cyber bully gang in a mindless and factless frenzy, lacking any critical thinking, and all together in a mushrooming mob frenzy to cyber bully and show-off to each other their cruelty to an old man? And use (3) documented junk journalists who want to "intimidate" not "investigate". Clearly? This to show how superior they were from real experience, education, accomplishment but in reality not? Not at all. Sad nobodies wanting an image of heroes or power now find both their intellect and integrity needing serious questioning and legal review and observation. Opinions meaningless. Only facts matter?

What do shrinks think of those who do not consider ramifications and document their low EQ? And no critical thinking? Some nuts also just wanting to show off their ignorance and stupidity as documented by just jumping on as volunteer cyber bullies unlike those apparently seemingly solicited for conspiracy to defame by the documented cheerleader toast master Gordon Yee. And as extremely well documented.

Deception and defamatory damage certainly "Turbo Fueled" by Dan Spector's Global News fake deceptive news article and Gordon Yee's many documented deceitful statements and his cases of cheerleading the defamation as a "scam" - using all his best Pointe Claire "Toastmaster" sales skills at word play. As documented .Obviously also never studying formal logic or rhetorical fallacies as I did at Concordia. He can only fool those less educated with his stupid word games. Only those less educated and suckers for hearsay?

The gang clearly liking the cowardly illusion of safety in self-affirming numbers? All against one old man they must have felt pretty tough? For a short while. They always do. For a short while. Not realizing their gang efforts to defame also serving as a "gigantic legal target

Afraid of one-on-one? Another illusion these punks once had was thinking they could bully a senior if a gang. This cyber bully bit as to show off their sick pathetic lust to showcase to their other gang or group members, and be empowered by this self affirming circle or group - or possibly just advertorial showmanship as it possibly also very much appears. As little to do with fact other than claims of my (1) rude replies to lies and rudeness. Not the cause? And my (2) use of uppercase type? All they have. Just (2) two silly points. All they got? And the gang still sticks together. All as documented. But as in the past the bully group will fracture when legal liability clear.

Important Note: My replies, to these unsolicited false fact comments was on my volunteer charity page, and thus should have been far more rude. Hindsight?

As a side note I have a friend who is both rude and uses UPPERCASE in almost every sentence. Should I call police on her? Or call her a scam? Sadly I still have a crush on her?
She's also a McGill scholar.


The cyber bullies defaming me with false statements of fact later found out the honest facts of a bit of who I am. After some research by the cyber bullies then referred to me and possibly upgraded me to a "has-been"? Shows some respect. I was amused. Well coming from a "never-been". Wait until they learn more. I love surprising such scum.
I even told them the last lawyer who helped me in Montreal was Cookie Lazarus. Then they mocked him? Didn't tell them I once worked for Stanley Hartt in 70's. Nor was Mr Hartt the reason I worked for Sinclair Lewis after Liberals in '86. A has-been?

As such, I was not some feeble old man as they had thought so easy to bully or intimidate with police calls and power play with 3 junior junk journalist credentials as other slime tried in '90's. I also worked in media so they could neither fool nor impress me. My days working with a Law firm, Law society and dating lawyers as well as a buddy a BC Criminal Court Judge and another a Oxford legal scholar, gets kinda hard to legally intimidate me? Many tried.

Now they run? Where are they now? If their initial cause "honestly" so righteous to save society from criminal "scams" like me, why are they so afraid to now suddenly stop? And now I'm even using their exact names and providing this blog for both key police and legal reference. Why not defend themselves now and continue to escalate for children and society as they claim as motive? Don't they want to protect their "honest" good family name and business reputations? Their careers? Why fear a legal microscope and spotlight? Why? They should call police on me "again" as this blog certainly is "harassment" if not honest and legal? Too bad my legal right?

Note: 91% of those involved had no part in this cyber bullying and as real fact 91% "liked" what was being done by my honest, volunteer and charitable efforts. Others even added notes of appreciation and thanks for my efforts. Even for listing their kid's names? Documented even one mother wanting her child to see their name. Over a hundred likes in under two weeks puts many others efforts to shame? Compare? Fact check?

These sick misinformed or deceitful 20 cyber bullies given to ignorant defamation the only clear problem. The only problem? But crippled this 100% honest, 100% charitable, 100% volunteer effort and should suffer 100% what the law allows victims of cyber bully and defamation efforts. Fair? Yes, this 9% the "only problem"? Odd? You bet. Do the math.

Never in my forty year history of honest, charitable and volunteer work have I encountered these very twisted types who can't think for themselves and suckers for deceitful and duplicitous opinion leaders like Gordon Yee who sells lab cages for animals?

Judge these ugly people and the real legal merit at any hope of a solid legal defence. Or am I wrong and they are honourable, higher educated, more experienced and more accomplished and can be trusted to do honest fair research and report a simple honest story? Fact check and see if what I state is true and much, much more?

NOTE: I often am silent about many things even for years from my accomplishments, network, but come out when cyber bullies gang up and defame an old man's charitable work as others now suffer. Most who know me know little. But all who do can support the various parts of my honest claims. This a fact. Not fair to brag about what I do and was originally anonymous. The effort as clearly documented to recognize local community heroes 98% who had zero problem listed. That 91% who liked the 100% honest, 100% volunteer and charitable effort. All now documented.

And best this also involves 3 three young punk journalists in the gang showing off their ethics, integrity and abuse and deep illusion of position and power. They need a lesson and will be reported with others names to various sources from border security and federal government with interest.

Starts to get their names in data banks from RCMP to US border authorities (and possibly flash at Revenue with their expenses) as such honest types as their defamatory claims and word play skills illustrate their integrity selective and limited? I use to do audits on things?

The goal to build up police files to other data banks with the names and businesses of these low life. Trying to intimidate an old man. Not doing research. What if it was your grandfather not able to stand up to such cowards, liars and bullies?

Unfortunately for these three junior junk journalists my media friends and associates so much far more accomplished in media and much better paid and even better far more honest. Real award winners. They as knowing me for decades should add that I'm a scam as well, or the junior junk journalists do appear as clearly junior junk journalists if they don't agree with senior expert high-paid pros? Much more on this to follow.

Why do junior nobody junior junk journalists think one thing to fuel and support I'm a "Scam" who don't know me or do any legally honest research and yet award winning investigative senior journalists who've known me for DECADES don't? Makes a solid point? As documented.

And further not to be missed these junior junk fake news journalists supporting defamatory efforts. Clearly as documented, biased, unfair defamation without any logical honest "public merit" or even based on honest facts - or even newsworthy? Without honest and fair research they now might look like both liars and fools. And more disgusting these juniors thinking their junior nobody media credentials would be intimidating to this old man? I was a contract national media liaison for CBC radio Sunday Morning in 1976-77? My social life with various Vancouver Publishers. City to Community mags. I worked at CKO, CHOM, CJOR in 70's. And they think I'm impressed or intimidated by low-paid junk journalists. I was a national media buyer. i know how ratings work.



Police even told them "nothing wrong" or even criminal. And the cyber bully gang still "continued" and defamed an old man and an honest, charitable, volunteer effort as a criminal "scam". 90% liked it. 9% not. 9% possibly with personality disorders as linear regression might suggest against psychiatric clinical definitions?

Some should worry about the children of such sick minds that think this cyber bully ego trip okay. Even the integrity of their personal relationships also in question as so ignorant, abusive and clearly dishonest and given to such documented wordplay?

This defaming a 100% honest, 100% charitable, 100% volunteer effort and my character as a "scam", "sham" and "suspicious" done without knowing, researching, or far worse clearly ignoring many honest pre-documented facts and then making a variety of very ugly false or misleading claims and false conclusions. Without any supporting "honest" premise? Guess this why they get all the big news stories to cover like compost to bug problems. Not.

This exactly is why these cyber bully gang needs public exposure, humiliation and prosecution for defamation and possible added wrongful prosecution and public mischief? As documented. This stated defamation as published and as statements of authoritative or fiduciary fact. Reality? All false. Lies. Liars?

Group or gang members stated and published "I" was a "scam", a "sham" and possibly more threatening "suspicious"? My "100% honest "volunteer" work and the "charitable" effort was also stated many times as a scam. Fact is all lies. All lies. Biased beyond fact, reason and designed as misleading. My effort 100% honest. 100% charitable. 100% volunteer. Their's malicious conspiracy to defame documented as such. Facts. Reality. Fact check. All police and lawyers must also do so now. And read this blog for far more honest facts and reporting. Or miss some important facts below for both sides of story?

Why cyber bully me and by law defame and libel me?

I was offended by (1) one of their valley girl friends "repeated selfish actions" and after gentle warnings (as documented) and then became as rude. This as to best help efforts and focus of a 100% honest, charitable and volunteer cause. I was not the cause? I didn't start the problem. Just stood up to all and "any abuse" and cyber bullying defaming cause and myself. As documented. I have a legal right to tell name callers and liars they're idiots. True? False?

All my legal, media, political and business friends contacts know I'm not a criminal who would do such a scam. Only twenty punk uneducated cyber bully nobodies dare and document they disagree? Hundreds of votes of support as whistle blower and bully buster my real history with multiple honest volunteer and paid charitable efforts make many points and add multiple supporting witnesses. Real facts.

Zero self-interest.

Yes, zero self-interest on my part. No commercial benefit? Fact. So unlike the self-interest and blatant effort at vain self promotion of my critics in their cheap Dan Spector spectacular advertorial as "false community heroes" while these very cowardly deceptive cyber bullies defaming me. This in what these tiny ego maniacs thought a free advertorial for their own sick self-promotion and with no legal backlash? Big hearts caring for both children and computers their image? Hardly fact.

One-on-one we'll see how brave, intelligent, honest and so very clever they really are. Defaming an old man's can be very foolish if they pick on the wrong old man. See below.

See Dan Spector's too clever article link below. Seems they wanted the spotlight almost as much as to defame and self-affirm their illusions? Or more. Their tiny circle affirming group bit is a tad too obvious. When no other side allowed the "same fair case" for "honest" rebuttal. How honest? How fair? Makes Dan Spector a bit disgusting thinking so he's so clever and his word games can fool hundreds who "honestly" know me? This as defined by law defamation. This also very well documented beyond debate and/or any very deceitful "Toastmaster" virtue less sophist wordplay by Dan's deceitful buddy Gordon Yee. As documented. You can't fake integrity or intellect with those more educated and honest. But good luck to all cyber bullies. This they will learn. Again, well documented. Including all high school level word games and duplicitous exercises as such junior junk journalists.

They felt I was rude (in their own words) to one of their gang or group members initial inconsiderate rudeness and then the gang feels in their own very very arrogant (as documented) and their abusive mindset, that this then legally justified their:

- junior junk journalist and their pathetic efforts at media character assassination with little league media credentials used as intimidation,

- to calls to Montreal Police that I was a money "scam" (defamed as clearly a "criminal" as police involved?), but as per their own words concluded this "criminality" from my being rude. Idiots? Nothing more? See the documented leap in logic. Some of us actually studied formal logic in Montreal and some are just babbling self-serving sophist idiots. Fact check.

NOTE: Rude sadly for these morons does not justify calling police, defaming an honest, volunteer and charitable cause with clear harassment, wrongful prosecution, public mischief, false claims, personal defamation and character assassination. Not very logical. Very stupid. More stupid is having blindly documented it. And again note repeatedly police advised I'd done no wrong? Even referenced in article? Very odd they'd continue to defame? Idiots?

- to even ridiculous reasoning I was endangering children. I stated to call RCMP to know more about me as very non-criminal and as a documented whistle blower for decades on sleaze, women beaters, bullies, tax cheats. But they ignored that key warning. Fools? Fact check. Lawyers must.

Net: The Montreal police also told them I've done "nothing wrong". Not worthy of even a parking ticket or even a tiny verbal warning with just a phone call from police? But oddly "still worthy" of Global News and ignorant Dan Spector's defaming article - using the common man legal test? Black and white defamation and libel efforts, just to defame an old man as criminal. And show off what big shot media people they really aren't. No real public merit or honest newsworthiness. Except for the true story newsworthiness now of cyberbullying and defamation by uneducated slime and junior junk journalists they oddly ignore. And cyberbullying easy to prove based on real documented almost text book definition as facts.

"Scams" are not legal or ethical. So labelling me criminal via "scam" wording in motive or deed as a scam both absurd and 100% false. Can we trust these cyber bully types to be honest under oath? At work? At home? And too easy to prove as deceitful and absurd no matter what word games they try on those more educated and accomplished with real law degrees and real investigative and interrogation skills.

Dan Spector the brilliant abusive fake news quarterback as article writer. Gordon Yee the Toastmaster cheerleader as documented. Conspiracy to defame another no brainer. Just need two people for conspiracy here we have twenty plus. See article. Hardly a conspiracy of truth? See others named below.

Dan Spector quarter backing defamation fake news link at Facebook.

Dan Spector quarter backing defamation fake news link at Global News.

Dan Spector, Global News

Dan Spector, Global News: Fake News fresh "new junior" junk journalist hire from some non-prime time effort? Let law and court decide this clowns veil of integrity and intellect can fool many more educated and not given to his just too clever word games versus both real honest fact and truth - and the obvious. He claims he's a "Story Teller". Seems integrity not an issue?

Reality, and real fact: My efforts just an honest, honourable, volunteer, charitable act. Any bets? How could Dan help mislead and defame as not? Why would he? Yes, why would he? Peer Group Pressure? Impress the girls who can't do better?

And yet even when these slime, gang or group informed or told by police I've done nothing wrong they "still continued" to defame. See Global News fake news article by new hire junior junk fake news journalist Dan Spector as 100% proof below as clearly defaming? 100% proof defaming in the same article police made clear nothing wrong? How stupid are some to still publish defamatory statements that I'm a scam or as such "criminal" when BOTH police plus Facebook legal say I'm not criminal?

Who are these documented deceitful or delusional morons? See below names and pictures. They can sue me if anything I say false. The truth they must now suffer. And as police make clear I have done nothing wrong.

Again, 90% liked my work? Documented. No scam, no sham and oddly just suspicious to this tiny sick self-serving, self promoting mob or group of now clearly documented cyber bullies. Alone all sick cowards but so impressive empowered by their mob and connections with very petty credentials and life accomplishments. Fact check?

This will be made clear in court when they sit "all alone" explaining exactly what LEGAL right "alone" they have AS to cowardly gang up on an old man when both police and Facebook make clear nothing I did wrong, including my rudeness? AS DOCUMENTED. Will be fun in court humiliating such dishonest slime. Police wrong, Facebook wrong and I'm wrong a very hard sell. And Gordon Yee and Dan Spector hardly models of integrity and intellect to dare challenge all three real facts when documented as both very misleading. Even with their group members or followers?

Real fact. Again, 90% of those involved had absolutely "no problem" with my honest volunteer charitable efforts - just this 10% supporting their friend as a literal gang or group cyber bullies. This as obvious as the documented defamation. All documented. Fact. Legal optics stand.

Makes much pretty obvious to those far more highly educated and certainly those with both higher IQ and EQ factors with added 90 likes vs. the 9% gang grouping and joining in the defaming - and all based with "false statements stated as fact"? Point. Justin Trudeau and Justin Bieber both, not that 90% popular - statistically speaking, but makes a hard mathematical point for any idiots to dare debate this simple math? Courts of law and top defamation lawyers have studied enough arithmetic to understand the 10% factor - oddly as do most psychology text books what is so sick about 10% of all people? Linear regression here could make an interesting added point on such deceptive characters?

Courts and lawyers just a bit too hard to fool and not like the clearly documented fools who blindly followed such life losers and liars. They will check real facts and ignore worded fabrications they confront daily. And those other creeps and cowards who joined the gang in ugly insulting defaming acts of self-empowerment will also have the pleasure. Well documented.

NOTE: Some of the guilty have already documented their efforts to apologize and "regrets". See below. Honest Fact.What can it mean if only some of the guilty now regret and apologize to lawyers and courts reading and referencing this? Guess how the others look saving face as ego again, and over rules their ability to reason? Bets?

Side Note: My other blog dealing with another gang decades ago oddly of very similar defaming slime, but on West Coast, now has over 60,000 pageviews from law schools to community and church shares and very humiliating many to their family, friends and employers. Just exactly as this blog will do and well before Christmas in West |Island to these punk cuber bullies and their company and watch group efforts now watch daily? Ideally I do exactly the same to this West Island bully defaming slime. The full focus for now with this gang of human slime from West Island. My West Coast times were very rewarding for standing up to cowardly deceitful bullies others feared. Fact check?

Yes, I'm a whistle blower. Have been for decades. Ask RCMP or Revenue and Environment Canada. Exposing criminals and other such cowardly frauds. No criminal charges for moi (ever) and oddly all who tried to intimidate me with some rather impressive lawyers letter's also all gave up? Got "extremely expensive" faking they were honest and I was not. Truth wins. They finally did their homework? Their careers also went no where on West Coast when truth got out. Still have their low paying jobs as they did twenty years ago. Truth hurts. And hurts sleaze. Big time. Hopefully it costs these jerks here as well over a hundred thousand dollars in legal just to try and intimidate me at least as well as West Coast gang tried and also failed.

And as added further real fact: I have an honorable, charitable, volunteer "real history" that dwarfs many in this West Island cyber gang's top members "combined". COMBINED! They dared judge those they had no charitable right to judge and defamed as DOCUMENTED as angry reckless nut cases and all far less accomplished or honourable then those they dare defamed and judged in 100% blatant ignorance (Or MALICE?) as a "scam". Fact check.

Do fact check why big shot expensive Hollywood and Union Lawyers on West Coast now all leave me alone. Why are police not even giving me a traffic ticket or warning on West Coast or from West Island? Ever? Well, a few parking tickets hardly makes me a scam or criminal? Simply, truth trumps everything? Everything. Even losers and liars. Even such slime and idiots as named below. More pictures and names to be added.

Also insulting, and a bit trite, is thinking with my proven creative and entrepreneurial history and profitable success lessons from ski business during school days in Montreal to international marketing and as recognized from McGill, UBC and certainly SFU is as fact: I could easily make far more money "legally" than any such tiny illegal dime store scam on flood could provide, as they so silly suggest as to further defame me. And as such also defame my skill level. If I was a criminal I'd be capable of far bigger crimes than something so tiny and so cowardly as these idiots suggest. Far bigger would more my style? I worked with the top brains in Fortune 500 and Federal political parties not just Oxford scholars as my social world. When I was in investor relations or on the board of directors my integrity made me unique - even later with dirty criminal unions. I'm a whistle blower with top legal coaching? Why are the cyber bullies now so silent and afraid? Feeling caught and exposed?

Note: Go to Preface (below) for quick executive brief and summary if new to blog.


This is funny? Déjà vu? A decade or two before suffered for a month same defaming stuff but just on West Coast was just defamed as threatening and again oddly also a threat to children? Other clever defaming frauds. No scam mentioned. Guess the West Coast group forgot to accuse me of being a scam?

Some have mentioned to me that it seems kinda odd that those who now claim being "threaten" by "moi" are missing totally:

How after asking for legal review oddly Facebook put me back up? In total? How odd? What can it mean? Saw I was clear as a bell "responding" as documented to other's needless and abusive initial cyber bullying negative libel and defamation? And soon many many others clearly will see what both police and facebook saw? Hopefully, thousands.

Apologies from "some" defaming for "clear guilt" also speaks volumes to even average junior lawyers. And of course adding police saying I've done nothing wrong. Only an idiot deceptive word playing clever boy like Dan Spector and a cyber security expert and Toastmaster animal cage seller like Gordon Yee oddly all missed this? Totally missed the facts here, I suspect blinded by their hurt ego and now so need to save face and still create any illusion of legitimacy or fairness without malice (See legal cases below). Even if in their own clever defaming Global News article they missed it? The police said I've done nothing wrong referenced in the very same article and yet they "continued" to paint me as criminal - even using the common man legal test for disrepute? How stupid is stupid?

As documented. I was never initiating? How the hell would I ever know these young punk cyber bullying idiots and punk fake news junior journalists any other way? Not the type in my social circle of far more accomplished journalists, publishers, editors and producers that I'd waste my time with. Or ever find impressive. Or hire. Deception is a character trait? True? False?

I started it? Hardly. Each came at me on their own and stating their own set of false facts as documented with date, name and even time stamp. This is not opinion. This is truth. This is fact.As each shot their know-nothing and no-research mouth off, I responded as rude or better as to protect my good name from libel and defamation and stand up to cyber bullies and obvious efforts at intimidation. Clearly. This as allowed by law. Fact check?

I should have been much much ruder. MUCH MORE RUDE! This ALL so very well documented ALSO with dates and times. No intelligent debate possible with these real and honest facts as well. I REGRET NOT TELLING THEM TO "FO" AS I SHOULD HAVE!

From Dan Spector's documented obviously "fake news" no-news biased defaming and highly unethical junk journalism and other's "expert" warnings about me, we have many things "captured as real honest fact" including textbook cyber bully babble as further supported on West Island Watch Group and as with Global News clearly both "aid and abetting" from lack of standard of care. And also now soon desperately defending their sleazy selective credibility and as still further supporting, I'm criminal - and a threatening criminal. This ALL also Google captured.

NOTE: Are budgets so disgustingly cheap no editorial control anywhere anymore? This as ad budgets and media "credibility" shrinks daily and any wanna-be journalists so low paid that quality and integrity as such reflected? In fictional film business legal review critical on everything? How legally sloppy for media news? Who are their editors not getting real legal clearance?

Best all this "insanity" stated after police STATE as fact: I've done "nothing wrong"? 100% correct. Oddly? This while those sadly totally ignorant of criminal to defamation law still feel they are sane as to continue to still state in very same news article and to the documented contrary of police: I'm criminal as being a scam? 100% false. How stupid is stupid a fair question?

Calling somebody a scam, suspicious or a sham "after" police make clear "Nothing Criminal" defines very ignorant defamatory libel. Who will the courts honestly believe "real police" who say I've done nothing wrong or a documented ugly punk cyber bully gang of clearly uneducated deceitful punks and three junior junk journalists (trying to get a following in Montreal?) clearly trying to intimidate and/or defaming a poor feeble old man as criminal? Who will any honest person believe seeing this and the plethora of documentation of head cheerleader Gord Yee?

And yet tragically they still desperately still try to legitimize their shameful acts? Ganging up on one old man (with great references) if they had only fact checked first - possibly as stupid as stupid gets? Character matters?

And more ugly as this ugly creepy defamation against an old man with a real history of "honest charitable volunteer work "that exceeds" all these punks charitable efforts with most "combined". What are they? Who are these slime and their names. See below.

Have so far (3) three apologies? How odd some already apologizing with others qualifying mislead by news article? What could that real honest fact also mean to a judge and lawyers? Yes, as some fact check the lies become obvious. The libel and defamation textbook.

Add that "None" (Zero) of "my people" have decided to support Mr. Lee or Mr. Spector's BS of note? On anything. All BS. My family, friends and variety of business, political, legal and social contacts are hardly going to be impressed with Dan Spector's credibility, integrity or intellect. Gordon Yee and "experts" will hardly impress as well. There legal response should be highly amuzing when forced.

And add with my real history of literally "hundreds" previously supporting my integrity from real successful award winning journalists (not junior junk journalist fake news masters and a cyber bully mob) to actual Senators in Ottawa. Who will lawyers and courts and more respected media believe? Add real facts?

Plus also add how odd I still have a 91% "like" rating from other total strangers with notes of added "appreciation" and documented before these 9% low-life ignorant cyber bullies all ganged up by conspiracy to defame me as "criminal". Even kids liked seeing their names. As documented before the cyber bully cowards showed their sloppy research and mindless defaming efforts.

This defamation clear as being a "suspicious, sham and scam"? Clearly defining me as criminal. Again this absurd "after" police informed these idiots no crime? No criminal past? Just a real honest history of over 40 years doing kind and compassionate charitable work? And some very serious whistle blowing. Even on unethical bosses? Literally my history includes helping poor, nuns, cancer patients, special ed children, beaten to immigrant women, troubled youth, cancer, MS, substance and abuse victims, paraplegics, deaf, blind and possibly best even oddly helping Montreal flood victims. Specifically the brother of a top CBC "investigative" journalist when brother suffering basement flooding? Yet the dirty human trash cyber bullies defame and claim I'm a scam?
Names below.

The gang here sadly thought I was easy to bully and intimidate with their very Mickey-Mouse media credentials back when I was just considered by them a lone, weak feeble old man. Easy to bully? Oddly cowards far more aggressive then and now not when simply challenged now by a "weak feeble old man"? See how they run? Not so feeble am I? Not so weak? This an attack on all senior's sensibilities and sensitivities? Easy to bully and defame as twenty or more against one? Fact check? How wrong is wrong? How insanely stupid is stupid picking the absolutely wrong guy to cyber bully, libel and defame? How sick is cyber bullying with defamatory libel against a guy with a decade of depth in specifically such matters and other legal issues including labour and contract law? Read on. These liars and losers to soon all be identified below and who they work for and with. As allowed by law?

What is even further defamation? Now as this gang's few die hard fans desperate to still save face - now as little left now in the figurative "Bunker in Berlin", and now so deceptively inflates and clings once again (as "Toastmaster" sophist trained now do) that I'm a "threatening"? Oddly after the fact? Some get dates confused?

Some other sleaze two decades ago tried that "threatening" bit one before in Vancouver? As per RCMP files. The idiots should have fact checked before they also stated false conclusions as false facts and defamatory before their mouthy ignorant opinions as well. Too bad for these losers and liars in West Island not researching my West Coast legal history? I might drive a little fast or park too long but hardly criminal. And for past help like both Revenue and RCMP.

Now "again" this cyber bully gang, not thinking again, nicely getting ALL in their tight group now into and involved in added Criminal Law(?) not just Provincial Defamation Libel issues with further added "Wrongful Prosecution" and " Mischief", as their added ante they that can still save face and reputations, careers and social respect and credibility - and again with fraudulent concealment or deceptive ommission their key strategy and tactical? Idiots? And best with (again) police investigation also serving as "Obstruction" as losers lied and misrepresented me.

This again as cyber bullies still failing to to do minimal research as law expects of journalists and published statements or to allow my side told. "The whole truth and nothing but" stuff?

This as clear with documented efforts by CJAD Emily Campbell to Global News ace junior junkman Dan Spector in desire to control and misrepresent the narrative. Such deceptive punks. Asa documented.

The idiots then so stupid they wonder why I'm angry and "aggressive" with documented abusive cyber bullies in their gang and far too-clever-for-school junior low paid journalists? One even thinks I'm paranoid as an old man. Odd as one old man against twenty and three junior junk fake news journalist social club all trying to intimidate me. And hardly backing down? They even decieve themselves? Do I read like I fear any or even all of them together? Have actually taken on tougher and stronger slime. Fact check. Ruined a few careers and businesses of other such slime. And will now again. They deserve it. These slime deserve it as well. Read below.

Emily Campbell of CJAD states I'm "aggressive and paranoid". Fact? Seems I'm hardly paranoid of her buddy Dan Spector and their gang of cyber bullies, a cyber expert or her inflated self image to judge others?

As fact I am not paranoid. In fact far more aggressive than I appear. Her CJAD news status hardly intimidating and now very embarrassing for her and buddy Dan Spector as head fake news writer at Global news. I fear neither. Why no more news interest? Who is paranoid now?

Are they now in fact paranoid for their junior careers and reputation based on real honest facts? Facts they now still "pretend" to ignore. Am I aggressive? Ask police how incredibly aggressive I am with women beaters, bullies, crooks and frauds. I have a history of standing up to lying slime. Even doing aggressive audits on tax cheats? And on BC Tourism and Franchise investments for Molson Pension Fund. Fools don't fool me? Fact check?
Why isn't Dan Spector still following this now mushrooming and major story for Global News on "Fake News Exposed"? Or CJAD's best intimidating journalist on this? What exactly are they now afraid of, if such honourable people not power lust punk journalists showing off their tiny new news positions. I worked for CBC, CKO, CHOM, CJOR so I know what nothings they really are corporately and by ratings factors. And why even ad reps paid so much more.

For such Freedom of Speech nut cases they seem not to fond when it works so hard against them with added defamation facts? And now even better added criminal law factors.

This case was once just defamation now expands into real criminal law with the new focus. And ALL cyber bullies now further suffer by gang association and the company they keep (or lost) as possibly now involved in added "criminal matters" blindly trusting the integrity and intellect of Gordon Yee and his power play with Dan Spector and their charming Facebook friends?

Love it. Dan Spector, Emily Campbell and West Island Watch Group should all in fact publish more at their "peculiar peril". As they say in legal circles for cheap jest.

Well, unless already totally humiliated their new silence profond and also telling and still before many more know all about them as a junk journalist trying to intimidate an old man? Such class?

They should now also get a lawyer to now intimidate me like others have in my past? Almost worked once?

Other have tried that? Déjà vu? Oddly now I do not fear big shot lawyers letters as that also a historic fact?

Fact check how rude I get with lawyers pushing too far? Ask Global to cover everyone's legal defence?
We really should escalate this all far more now and as now involving criminal law. A very different chess game but serves my defamation claims big time. And damages now mushroom.

These further claims as per Gordon Yee and Associates, I'm "threatening" now goes to boiling point as a matter of Law. Now Criminal Law. Called "Wrongful Prosecution" and a bit of a beauty to have "in-the-bag" when totally leveraging a no-debate defamation case. Kind of cute. True? False? Ask a lawyer? And drags whole cyber bullying gang in with it.

Again for real world context and consequence stuff do fact check again on Facebook one of my late friends former BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay. We were room mates after university and both played guitar since '73. Fact check. So some tip-of-the-iceberg reference for my legal knowledge and network not simply legal scholars suffered my guitar playing and sailing and a bit beyond my own legal text books referenced here.

And this documented cyber bullying with what they thought as a feeble minded old man and literally without qualification clear character assassination defaming his 100% "HONEST", volunteer, charitable efforts. This possibly now bordering on bizarre?

And as again if Mr. Yee and gang still so very very desperate for legitimacy to now further claim I'm "criminal" and a "Threatening Criminal" they should now CHARGE ME?

I'm threatening? From a thousand miles away?


His and others babble will be as exposed. And funny this after the fact I'm proven to have a giant majority of "likes" and with added "unsolicited" support from strangers. From strangers? This all before this gang or group of cyber bullies got initially abusive as documented and Dan Spector tried to show-off to his friends his high school clever word play efforts at objectivity as a classic junior junk journalist fabricating fake news for his friends and added advertorial as blatant? Must think he's smarter than so many? This claim of threatening is sadly their very last legal bullet? They better not miss or soon a legal field day for my side? And ALL go down bad by association with Mr. Lee? Cute? I think so. All for one? Sadly their group think suffers lowest common denominator factors. And clearly some fed up with Mr. Lee as documented.

This claim of "threatening" they need now and so very badly as to not be now "totally humiliated from Hudson to Westmount" and this added defaming as "threatening" claim is their last crumb of food for their textbook cognitive dissonance. And we will play it as well. Some one in the cyber bully defaming gang must also have legal scholars, lawyers and judges in their family and as friends that they can check on this with if lawyers fees too prohibitive.?


I as legal fact can threaten (as a whistle blower for decades) to legally ask that a marketing director or independent cyber expert or watch group have their "expenses" fully audited. Anyone can? Having done franchise audits I know exactly how funny some with numbers are, as with words. What next?

Odd they don't go now hardly as fast to police once again and file charges to show how smart they are? Very odd? Or do more Global News articles again using Dan Spector's junior junk journalism again to add further false validity? So sad for them they can't cyber bully me or intimidate this old man? They picked the wrong guy for their small low life gangs ego trip and self-serving advertorial and junk journalism. Are these three journalists named the reason people really can't trust mainstream media and even advertisers now avoid? Fact check.

And once again they should use police as their personal puppets, props and now enter and entertain real added criminal law with "Wrongful Prosecution" and certainly have police used again to further defame as implied and as documented in Dan Spector's defaming article. Now Federal Criminal Law applies.

Fact check with RCMP (West Van and Burnaby, BC) I was also previously accused in a "extremely similar previous" defamation case with same gross breach of Fiduciary Duty of oddly also being "threatening". Fourth time idiots have tried this stupid game of defaming me. Also very stupid people with similar low EQ and IQ as well.They also stated I was "threatening" to still unnamed union executives - plus children as well? 1995-96?

This all a re-run for moi. Again not even getting a parking ticket. Not even a police warning? The RCMP in Burnaby back then however focused on my literary skills and a bit critical but nothing criminal just my grammar and spelling? Unsolicited. How criminal am I? Not including spelling? West Van RCMP kinder with my prose.

Then also after 4 years that slime also thinking I only had a few friends in film industry vs. their gang they also discovered my legal world far larger. For 4 years never then told any who defamed me many many things from my real experience on board of directors, my academic recognition at McGill, UBC and SFU. Audit work? Nor ever mentioned my very long history of charity work to my non-volunteer high paid work for Federal Liberals and Conservatives. I seemed an easy target? The two Senators who appreciated my work never mentioned? My charitable work not referenced other than a variety of kind acts for others? Later when people do an honest fact check they get humble real fast. As proven in other cases and now here.

There no one ever dared again put anything in writing and sign anything when they did fact check. Humbling and humiliating then and now again for this similar deceitful human dirt here in Montreal. A gang once thinking I knew nobody, had no history or knew anything about defamation and criminal law. Or how I like court rooms? As documented.

I did see my pay go up dramatically and my car allowance enhanced and allowed to triple bill to keep me fat and happy. Some buy time. When they saw I had over 400 people supporting me it was very humbling and humiliating for previous defaming 20-30 uneducated idiots. Adding a BC Criminal Court Judge and an acting Law Faculty chair as social friends a bit too much for their tiny minds. The senators and national journalists a bit too much for them to also digest. Fact check?

Key point: My rudeness with one self consumed ego as legal documented fact does not justify cyber bullying by a score of mental morons nor defaming an honest, charitable, volunteer effort? They are free to question rudeness and take their "pound of flesh" by law but not bloody everything by cyber bullying and defaming an old man and 100% honourable volunteer charitable effort? Fact check? The slime better show police and their hopefully top extremely expensive lawyers this blog. The writing is on the wall or Facebook plus Google in this case. I'm sort of a cyber security expert as well. I was hired by Montreal lawyer Stan Hartt ("Brian's behind Mulroney") by oddly his detective agency. I didn't just do a tiny bit of work for CBC. Heck, I have a past.

Yesterday's news:

Only (3) three documented apologies so far for cyber bullying and serious false defaming comments against an "honest", "non-profit", "volunteer", "charitable "effort. Some clearly so much smarter than others. Or have "really" talked to a "real defamation lawyer" - and showed "all" the real facts. Selective truth just more deceitful and called in law fraudulent concealment or deceptive omission. Show lawyers everthing or you fool no one? Those smarter see through it. The signature of dishonest people. Some actually fact check. As documented. See below.

In hindsight I should have been far more rude with these cyber bullying Liars and Losers as others suggest now and named below. Never told them to FO or defamed them as "criminal" or their career or charitable efforts and in front of family and friends? Just was rude and playing word and mind games with these (as documented) mental midgets? My only mistake not being far more aggressive and abusive with cyber bullies and the selfish ego of many.

No Rush. Legally we have until Christmas? Just gets bigger and better for getting all others. Plus far more expensive and embarrassing for all named below still masters of cognitive dissonance and ignorant of defamation law. And how it works. And gets very very humiliating for all "Liars Plus Losers" much more as they get more and more exposed (And as Friends of Friends?)

This expansion happens as this blog is shared more and more and word-of-mouth starts mushrooming around the West Island. Scheduled for after November And these losers and liars soon will be known from homes in Westmount to churches in Dorval to restaurants in Hudson. Yacht Clubs on Lakeshore. Many will now be exposed as "obvious as documented" Liars and Losers. With their intellect and integrity also of key note. And best caught in their own words. And in their own words vs. REAL TRUTH and FACTS.

For COWARDLY BULLIES AND GANG MEMBERS/FRIENDS helping or authoring the defamatory witch hunt the legal money meter now running and now very fast. And this long hot summer now a very serious bummer for such "well documented" liars and losers.

Next we contact their employers, efforts and causes. As they did mine. Only fair? And we'll be honest about all facts.
Liars and losers and their lawyers should read below very carefully, as many very key details only a fool would miss. Or have already missed and now gone.

Honest people only need a scan of paragraph here and there with the fueling fire Global News article "pivotal" to see the facts and "both" sides of real story. Balanced reporting that the law requires but not Dan Spector as a low paid junior junk journalist once thought with his possibly even stranger friends and word play.

NOTE: Some humour here at the gangs total expense used below as such sleaze should be publicly humiliated, - and as well to entertain my friends all over the world and many still living West Island to Westmount.

Have copy of comments from West Island Watch Group and the endlessly impressive "Toastmaster" Mr. Yee. And this after police said I've done "nothing wrong". What are losers? We have their names and their words. Funny how they all know each other? And still no fact check.

Get Global News to do another defaming story if "honestly" so saintly and righteous or call police again and charge me? Or just big talking frauds? Let others decide. Like police and courts. Works for me. I've made this offer to others before.

Preface: In a nutshell, those named below with Global News and their junior junk journalist Dan Spector have stated as fact and/or were very biased, malicious and grossly misleading by aiding and abetting, directly and indirectly and clearly defaming me as "criminal" with totally false statements of facts as follows:

(1) I'm a "scam" (as documented). 100% Not true.

(2) I'm a "sham" (as documented). 100% Not true.

(3) I'm "suspicious" (as documented). 100% Not true. Over 90% had NO PROBLEM? Only their cyber bullying and defaming 9% gang did by conspiracy?

(4) Could be spreading computer viruses (as documented).100% Not true.

(5) Possibly endangering children (as documented).100% Not true.

(6) Taking advantage of Flood Victims and Heroes (as documented). 100% Not true.

(7) Mentally unstable. Compared to who EXACTLY named below? Who? Who in this deceitful disgusting abusive gang of cyber bullies (as documented) more stable? Who in this group has "any" certified authority to defame as such AS LAW DEMANDS? My client Dr. Gandell did from LGH in Pointe Claire. I helped him get corporate clients? Who paid ME well. How crazy is that? Others paid me far more? They don't have the education to make such claims. Or much education on many things.

These defaming cyber bully critics also neither have my education, and tragically my "experience and accomplishments" to even dare make such fraudulent superior posturing with these false statements of fact. How telling honest facts really are?

Neither in this mob has the intellect or integrity to make such claims (as documented). My cousin Dr. M. Tremblay one of Canada's top forensic psychiatrist does have credibility as does Dr. Gandell. The deceitful self-serving human garbage don't. Should we ask them if I'm criminal as these know-little non-experts state? Or if those named just major liars and losers and do seem to also have other added serious personal problems (as documented). People in the West Island I know know some of these clowns.

They even called police it appears a "number of times" and portrayed me as a "criminal" as they state as fact and suggest. Obviously?

YET? I couldn't even get a call or warning from police? Or even a $10.00 Parking ticket. Not very criminal am I? With that ALL their very desperate need for legitimacy the police saying I did "nothing wrong" their total credibility totally vanished. But they continued to defame and bully. Clearly? Why?

NOTE: Just my charitable volunteer history "dwarfs" many of those who defamed me "combined". Yes, combined! How sick are they really? How much in damages should they pay?

As do my accomplishments dwarf most of the bullies "combined". Academic, Business and Social. Fact check?

That in a nutshell above is my "defamation" case to be very brief for police and lawyers with more ugliness below for overkill and full damage calculation. Wrongful Prosecution and Mischief law another matter when using police as puppets or props to fake legitimacy. As documented. If no crime how can they state I'm a criminal and my honest charitable volunteer effort a "scam"? Clear they try to appear falsely as society's heroes when it appears more human abusive bullying scum?

NOTE: Others have tried to defame me. However, they also underestimated how police not fools and don't appreciate being "USED" as puppets, props or pawns. Thank goodness RCMP can tell liars and bullies quickly.

In this case more strange as I even start with police saying as fact: I've done "nothing wrong". Big head start this time.

And certainly this group of low paid journalists (unlike my far more honest and successful friends across Canada) have neither the high paid Union and Hollywood lawyers to fake a case. Same with my computer friends. My old girlfriend at Maclean's magazine even paid more. Who are they? Much more to follow.

Those named as cyber bullies trying to intimidate an old man plus defamed, mislead, calculate plus as documented "aid and abet" include - and avoiding or totally ignoring my side of story, as to be absolutely unfair as well as bullies named below. All trying to "intimidate" with 100% false statements suggesting I'm criminal. Again, all 100% fabrication. And add very juvenile wordplay at objectivity when truth all told. Honestly. Fairly.

Hopefully they try and use police again as their props, puppets and pawns to try again to desperately legitimize their lies or aid and abet efforts to defame and mislead. Wrongful Prosecution and Mischief laws are there to stop such nut cases. The defaming gang of sick cyber bullies should show police this blog if still posturing as frauds so honest righteous and clever. Show them. Not showing police is Obstruction. Also no joke. Those bullies now clear legal targets and for public exposure and ridicule. They like to give it with deception hope now they can take the truth of who and what they really are? Nobody defaming bullies. As named:
Dan Spector,
Global News (Published),
Gordon Yee,
Karine Saba,
Stéphanie Sabbagh,
Terry Cutler,
West Island Watch Group
Emily Campbell
Others to be selectively named as per below pictures and names to follow.

These false statements of facts as documented below defaming and "appearing falsely objective" with obvious malice and zero public merit. No privilege for libel. Obviously. Evidence and legal cases and arguments below seem to support as well. Possibly very well? This to further "help" the lawyers for the defaming mob to appreciate how very prudent to settle-out-of-court and save face big time as well as save money? Bluffing such extreme high risk. Ask a real defamation lawyer and a real actuary? I would. Costs literally rising by the day.

Most notes below mostly to define full damages based on other key and related (stare decisis?) defamation legal cases and details and as fact what serious liars and losers they certainly are. I studied a tiny wee bit of law so had to use "stare decisis" once in my life.

Those who haven't a clue what to do at this stage play or state as brilliant strategy "wait and see" while those in fear accept. This while others prepare for war. Soon they must meet as a group to "democratically" plan their legal defence and then the finger pointing at who got who in this deep mess starts. Been here before. Hope they also have fun.

If police find you've done absolutely "nothing wrong" (as documented) like in my specific case here, and this as to not even justify a parking ticket or even a written or verbal "warning" or chat, can very ugly crazy people then still bully and defame you and mislead others into a mob frenzy of added false statement of direct and indirect facts you are a "criminal"? What a brain buster for our libel courts?

Possibly more repugnant as a bit more sick add suggesting (and void of simple logic) putting children at risk (playing the caring parent for media while defaming an honest man. Can you trust her? Honestly?), plus possibly in addition spreading computer virus as an "expert suggested" very clearly as a "threat" fluffing up his free advertorial as defaming? Plus others adding more disgusting suggestions of exploiting money from "victims" and heroes, and stating as fact I'm a "scam, a sham and suspicious". Clearly. And clearly defines criminal? I'm not. Ask police again if really stupid?

NOTE: Again, so not missed: Just my real "charitable and volunteer history" "dwarfs" many of those who dared judge and defamed me "combined". Yes, combined! How sick are they? How much in damages should they pay? Using their junior junk journalists media credentials to intimidate and give them a totally artificial sense of empowerment a joke. Certainly for those who know more about me. Liars and losers? Certainly some are.

This defamation unjustified and motivated this mob for my just being rude to some (1) very selfish rude person (as documented) and using UPPER CASE. This rude reaction to rudeness that her group, gang, swarm, network, "FB Friends" or mob did not approve. As documented. I was rude so the as named then think they can gang up and bully an old man and defame an honest man, an honest volunteer effort, and an honest charitable gesture. Who the hell do they think they are?

However, as real honest fact 91% "unsolicited" liked what I was doing and many more friends and fans to follow after November . Plus hardly justifies in their "blind mob mindset" destroying an "honourable" cause that as "honest fact" many really "liked" (as documented. Majority @ 91% better than Justin or Trump?) and supported (as documented). And further with added "unsolicited kind words and appreciation"? And now apologizes and empathy?

And their gang's defamation obviously in addition also "destroying" this volunteer effort. And an "honest charitable volunteer's reputation". A reputation that as further honest fact includes far more charitable acts than those who defame have as "truth" in their miserable bully history "combined". The law appears not to be amused by such human deception and misleading arrogant human garbage. As documented. See below.

And as an added point verbatim from Facebook:

John, your friends have liked your posts 17,000 times!

We're glad you're sharing your life with the people you care about on Facebook.

Maybe half will be as disgusted with these major Montreal liars and losers as many live in Hudson to Westmount. Only (20) twenty losers don't like as named? Fact check?

Intro: This side of the legal story ("as documented") shows clearly how a rather sick ugly gang, mob or group defamed (1) one old senior's very honest charitable efforts. And thought they could "intimidate" him with other low paid junk junior journalists friends at other media and their documented abuse of fiduciary public trust (as documented).

Like the mobs did to Jews? Like the mobs did to Jesus? Based on totally misleading and biased defaming blind mob efforts. They defamed my:

(1) 40 year business and ethics reputation (Can churches that trusted me with children's names and stockholders and brokers when on the board of directors of a public company still trust me? As so defamed by a gang of arrogant ignorant punks? Those hundreds who voted for me? Will they still trust me as this slime defames me? Why just once in my life with this strange group/gang? How odd? How revealing?

(2) my very long charitable history (more than my critics "combined". How sick?), even starting in Montreal doing Christmas Parties with gifts for younger kids in Pointe St. Charles. To bringing coffee out to stranded cars during the big Montreal snow storms, peeling potatoes in an Ottawa Mission, National employment programs, etc. All for no money I might further add. No scam. Fact check if not also cowardly bullying frauds in denial or working cognitive dissonance to the max.

(3) plus defamed my present volunteer efforts (the only time ever? And just these 9%? full of themselves. As documented. Why?),

(4) and this whole charitable cause now also an additional needless victim of this mindless defamation. And stands as an entity also deserving "added damages". Or serious community work for a year or two to severely punish and humiliate them all in front of family, neighbours, community, employers and schools. They now reap what they sow.

What was their "very sick" motivation? For my reacting with rudeness to rudeness to (1) one of their gang's or group's major ego maniacs (as documented below). Yet, oddly, no problem with so many others. 91%?

Bringing in another junior low paid desperate junk journalists from CJAD (and Facebook friend?) with Global News to try and intimidate me a very serious joke and makes them only look more like "abusive" punks in their trusted media early careers. And to try and bully with the obvious blatant veneer of objectivity (as documented) also too revealing. I offered an interview at our mutual convenience. To both. As documented. How rude to ignore and then defame or did they just get frightened in too deep to want to follow-up? I do.

Odd, when I've known as further fact so many very REAL and real successful honest and accomplished journalists from Vancouver Sun to CBC Montreal. Socially, and when I handled Western Canada for Red Leaf and Prime Minister John Turner. And they thought as a gang they could defame and not be exposed as liars and losers. What are junior junk journalists? See below.

Then some other idiots also decided to show off their West Island "toastmaster" brilliance, clear superiority and seniority in their full ego enriching mob mentality - all trying to impress each other also throwing stones (as documented). Let's put their full career success and accomplishments as journalists or selling cages for lab animals under a legal microscope shall we?

But sadly their little egos also got hurt trying to impress others. Never told any to FO as I should have. But not that rude or vulgar? Fact check.

Trying to gang up bully and intimidate a feeble old man with textbook cyber bullying. Even an expert missed?

Too bad I'm not so feeble or fooled by morons and the mediocre in media to marketing. Club of 20? Safety in numbers they thought I guess, but what a nice "big target" for conspiracy, and some with interesting profiles in West Island now more easy to destroy. And as my legal right?

I may be old but hardly as stupid, feeble, criminal and foolish (as documented) as these punk Liars and Losers "once thought or liked once to pretend" thinking that I could be bullied and intimidated by 3 low paid struggling junior junk journalists (as Postmedia lays off better journalists) and a pack of punks?

Should have done their home work on me, I didn't just have real respected journalists and producers as friends but add successful publishers and producers? Not just Senators in Ottawa liked and "trusted" my work?

The documented idiot at CJAD stated I was "aggressive and paranoid" (See below)? Paranoid of a junior junk journalist like her and Dan Spector's attempts or abuse of position? Hardly Angry and aggressive? Duh?

Then to further intimidate an old senior they used a very "transparent" and very absurd defaming efforts at fake "legitimacy" (false premise) for their claim:


(1) I'm a "scam" (as documented). 100% Not true.

(2) I'm a "sham" (as documented). 100% Not true.

(3) I'm "suspicious" (as documented). 100% Not true.

(4) Could be spreading computer viruses (as documented).100% Not true.

(5) Possibly endangering children (as documented).100% Not true.

(6) Taking advantage of Flood Victims (as documented). 100% Not true.

(7) Mentally unstable. Compared to who? Who in this group? Has any real or certified authority to dare defame as such? Or even my education, experience and accomplishment plus added greater charitable work to even dare judge. on anything?

(8) They even called police appears a number of times and I couldn't get a call or warning? Or a $10.00 Parking ticket. Not very criminal am I? No scam.

Then they:

(1) Enlisted friends (conspiracy to defame blatant) to further gang up or swarm (as documented) and run their 3 word war cry or chant of "Scam, Suspicious, Sham". Added with echoing "meaningless babble" of threat to children and wasting police time by West Island Watch Group. A abusive group that now needs watching? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Clearly. Google alert now on all West Island Watch Group activity. All. In case they abuse public trust again and use police again as props or puppets. I follow the journalistic genius of Dan Spector almost religiously with added Google alerts on given names below? To fact check many things?

(2) Used a cyber security "expert" to further defame showing added no objectivity or fairness by all parties. At all. Not "expert" enough to check before fueling the symphony of defamation for his free advertorial. And no facts used just his trusted expert opinion and aid and abet to libel. No facts. Paraphrased, cherry-picked biased BS and hearsay and conjecture at best? How impressive as junior junk journalists, experts, communications graduates? Can anyone now trust "these types" on any serious issue? Any issue to be objective and not gang or self-serving?

(3) Used super sucker Dan Spector's brand new struggling career at Global News to add fake news legitimacy for those unable to think (Link Below).

(4) Added fake disgusting efforts at legitimacy using, at tax payer's cost, police like their personal props and puppets. And failed big time. Totally failed! I didn't even get a parking ticket. No rear light warning to fix metaphorically either. Lies often fail when faced with real law and real truth and facts not a blind ignorant mob-mindset? Maybe a news story for an actual parking ticket has more merit? It would appear legally speaking?

(5) Got "West Island Watch Group" who now suffers very very serious intellectual and very serious "ethical credibility problems" as clear their leader a key leader in this major newsworthy fake news witch hunt. Worried for children? How criminal am I?

What do idiots who do no research but believe these liars and losers state as fact?

Will courts exactly like police state I've done nothing wrong? You bet they will. Will they compare my 40 year history of a variety of charitable work with these big talking bullies who think they have any real "credibility" to defame me?


Anne Callister likes a post on your timeline: "You are either a professional criminal..."


Johna MacDonald‎ to West Island Roll of Honour Heroes

May 12 ·

You are either a professional criminal and scam artist, or you are a sicko who needs psychiatric help. All charities have government registry numbers. Where is yours? All charities have to publish their business address and the names of their directors. Where are yours?

Are you really in British Columbia, or are you working out of a boiler room in Russia or India?

Let's see the names of your buddies in the RCMP. I'm sure if they are such good friends, they would not mind being identified. I'm sure they approved your threats against others. Put up or shut up. You show every sign of being a professional fraud and professional bully. You say you are a media expert with many years of experience. Let's see your list of personal references. I'm sure that all of your past friends, employers, and admirers will want to show how much they support you. 😀

In the meantime, you have been reported to Facebook for multiple violations of their policies.

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes

2Anne Callister and Lopez Glenn

Write a comment...

NOTE: Like I have anything to prove to this very ignorant and arrogant Johna MacDonald? A coward who won't use a picture as many ugly cowards do. Who the hell is this nut case Johna MacDonald? We'll find out.

Well, after that BS above I contacted Facebook and asked for a "full legal review" and net I'm back and many of the defaming slime now oddly are long gone or deleting their page now feeling sleazy, criminal to just very very stupid. Thinking their words have vanished. Like Emily Campbell to other's named and capyured also now wish?

Hurting their careers and reputation big time. And very exposed now. See how they run? Hiding or destroying evidence when criminal matters involved like wrongful prosecution, harassment, mischief, etc. is what put Conrad Black in jail and called obstruction?

As per: " All charities have government registry numbers. Where is yours? All charities have to publish their business address and the names of their directors. Where are yours?"

Some one who has actually studied law should inform this self-righteous moron missing the obvious:

I am not a charity just a simple volunteer effort. Don't need a number? Just like those helping flood victims need no number? She's a real ignorant nut thinking I need that stuff. Never studied law I guess and just likes to shoot mouth off without thinking or researching anything? Just likes pontificating like the other know-it-alls and cyber bullies who actually know so very little before they shoot their mouth off as well. As documented above. And documented more below. I asked for no money nor was I using victims or heroes for self-gain only creative credits as documented. If I wanted. If anyone cared to Fact Check.

Hint? One of my late RCMP FB friends still listed on FB as with BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay. My greatest debt to RCMP in West Van. As my friends also know I dated lawyers and socialized and sailed with Oxford Legal Scholars and then acting chair Law Faculty UBC. I also have a great driving abstract. Check? I am not a scam. What are my accusers? Liars and losers? Read on.

Gordon YeeView Profile


MAY 11TH, 1:37PM


People are on to your scam. We know that you set this up with a faker profile too!




SOME TELLING LIES. SOME JUST LOSERS. MANY NOW RUN SCARED. FROM GORDON YEE TO JOHNA MACDONALD AS PER ABOVE. All once so aggressive, defaming and righteous above? Where are they now?

What happened to their gang of defaming "bullies" great and noble ONCE so righteous cause?
. Al







NOTE: Of course with "reverse onus" in defamation law, I appreciated for years "ei incumbit probatio qui dicit" stuff. But being old weak and feeble minded, I thought I'd have some fun giving these big shot intimidating gang of cyber bullies and defamers and their three very strange biased low paid media junk junior journalists and impressive and now hardly credible "watch groups" all ganging up on "little old me", and give them some game. So now the games begin. Ha! Ha! I've actually played in the big leagues?

Now we play with their very saintly reputations but now using "real honest truth".

Being old and weak. And feeble minded. I thought notes helpful. Obviously, I'm very transparent and accountable. Five with a dozen others as defaming cyber bullying support against one old feeble man? Bullies?

Have I as fact destroyed others careers (political and business) and with those with far more money and even with big shot union and Hollywood lawyers - and now they still only having the same low paid level work as twenty years prior when they defamed me? Yes. Fact check. Expect the same. I'm a historic pain to other losers and liars from auditing tourism BC for Cossette advertising or talent on the X-Files or for Molson Pension Fund franchise investments.

Witch Hunt? Cheerleaders?

Caroline Houle

Gordon Yee Rhonda has been doing tons of online reporting about the crisis... perhaps she should report on this too, as the entire page seems like a scam. I am not sure what this person is up to, but it is very suspicious. Read the other visitor posts to see the concern.


· May 11 at 1:20pm

Rhonda Massad Thanks West Island WI Watch Page has taken the lead on this security issue and brought it to light.

NOTE: Rhonda Massad "taking the lead" on a "security issue"? They also got Ms. Campbell CJAD friend of Dan Spector from Global news to try and intimidate me as well? Hardly. See below. Also all Google captured. As documented. The other visitor posts from the cyber bully gang so a bit one sided on coaching honest objectivity. He's got my trust? Hardly.

See Dan Spector's article with link below? Don't they look sleazy, stupid, and like bullies? What if it were your grandfather? Or Grandmother? Not cute is it? Very sick? True? False?

With that even adding "multiple calls to police" that all "failed".This as clearly even more disgustingly desperate efforts for some basic "legal legitimacy" for their group or gang. FAILED. Such losers. And liars. What a total deceptive waste of "police, media cost, readership time". Costs that just a tad or touch of "honest unbiased and objective research" would have all avoided? This as defined very well by law (See Below). Warned them and told them to call RCMP. As documented. How stupid are they?

Did I not give Dan Spector enough information? As documented? Google all captured as well. Why did he leave out the good stuff about me? Hardly objective. Certainly far more defaming than not. Clearly biased BS. This will now haunt Spector for years to come. And other such junk junior low paid journalists.

If not enough? Still police plus "fake news" strangely empowered junior journalists with published national media defamation, intimidation and coercion but fails to intimidate me? The old guy takes on the whole gang or social media swarm? Why? How can I? maybe more surprises to follow?

Added with some "two certificate cyber security expert" warning of suspicion of "criminal" money fraud and viruses. But not mentioning any real threat by Wells Fargo or bank fees? Defaming? So many do think "all" very defaming as totally misleading (even for the comon man test?) and clearly very one sided.

Five against one with a dozen vocal supporters (friends?) sounds like bullying? And very biased? Fake non-objective news. When police made very clear after repeated attempts I had done "NOTHING WRONG" they still pursued? Strange? You bet? Malice? Obvious.

Could make a very sane person angry and aggressive? Ya' think? With ZERO effort at fact checking. And on anything meaningful. Obviously (See Below)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 Not who I'd hire with such pathetic standard of care? Or hire Dan Spector to even write ad copy in a radio station in the Yukon. Clearly. Also all totally wrong on all points. I had no virus. I asked for no money? I was not a registered charity, just a volunteer wanting to add another act of appreciation as fully and clearly documented. How could he find me suspicious of criminal acts if he fact checked and not just another mob-think sheep loving media spotlight advertorial and based on nothing but high potential hearsay?

Then add the mind-boggling authority of "The West Island Watch Group's" founder and Queen of the witch hunt (see her own words below) and her incredibly interesting word twist for "fear for children" by my suspicious reckless behaviour. Just to make her appear some fake hero. Sick? Let courts and lawyers handle this. Most see right thru these clown's best efforts.

With all the REAL CRIME from murder and rape to investment fraud, kind of funny how "who you know" gets news for Fake News? To quote a phrase possibly "suspicious"?

No wonder Dan Spector will soon be fighting for his career with such disgusting Fake News when Postmedia lays off many more higher and honest quality, real journalists? Now media credibility is everything? Word of mouth will be around West Island/Montreal FOREVER!

News Flash!

Another one of those named below has also now written an apology as follows, as documented (some now offering to help me as also now disgusted by this group? See more below):

Terry Cutler: "I don't mind apologizing for any pain I may have caused you. I was commenting on the story and about the page. I wasn't implying you personally"

Thursday 6:54 June 8, 2017

"I just apologized."

What did I do? I accepted his apology, and as "sincere" and based on review and some signed document and token damages he's back to normal with a brief legal lesson.

In fact, now add more formal signed apologies PLUS with others below and now waiting for are:
Dan Spector,
Global News (Published),
Gordon Yee,
Karine Saba,
Stéphanie Sabbagh,
Terry Cutler,
West Island Watch Group

And others or a few smart ones, will save big on legal costs and far greater amounts than their very real legal and damage potential. "Risk management is an actuarial art". Defamation reverse onus. "Peculiar"? Doing nothing is for fools

Now as the law fully allows, I will defame them, and their work or charitable efforts as "Scams by scammy or just very ugly weird people". Only fair? And very very legal. Check with a real Defamation Lawyer why? Research something?

I'll be looking for more and more apologies on this blogs comment section to join others. And for Global News to finally "act honestly and fairly" in this matter of fabricated fake news.

Are there no murders, rapes, child abuse, major fraud in Montreal more deserving of this fake news spotlight by a young punk journalist trying to impress his friends with abuse of this fiduciary trust? Why this story such a major priority? Why? Why such a rush to impress with this pathetic abusive power-play? What is blind mob mentality?

Still looking for a "Real Defamation Lawyer" in Montreal who might be looking for very big easy money that makes conveyances seem labour intensive? I dated a few lawyers. A buddy and former roommate a BC Criminal Court Judge. Another buddy acting legal chair at UBC one nice summer. I know what I want and what I like. Having real experience in such matters. Not what I learned from TV?

A co-worker who was defamed for simply being an "average carpenter" got $7,000.00 in out of court settlement. Hardly compares does it?

See more abusive cases like this. Sample references below.

(1) I'm a "scam" (as documented).

(2) I'm a "sham" (as documented).

(3) I'm a "suspicious" (as documented).

(4) Enlisted friends, media and police to further gang up or swarm (as documented). Police not idiots.

To keep it simple for new readers:

1- Did very misleading malicious defamatory extremely biased comments get published? This by a group simply self-reinforcing their totally false legitimacy on all points with no facts to support claims of "suspicious", "scam" or "sham" just their documented lack of deductive reasoning. And my rudeness. Dan Spector's deceptive omissions. And this defamation as irrefutable as statement of fact in Facebook to Global News Story a priori the veiled criminal character assassination?

Thus defaming a senior person with a long history (40 years?) of charitable work and accomplishments and as well, also defaming a volunteer and very charitable cause. Note: No money involved. I would not be exploiting victims or heroes as they all suggested. Big corporate sponsors if I could? Absolutely.

2- Was there reasonable care as defined by law or reckless negligent malicious damaging behaviour in bias see court case notes below?

3- What are the damages?

Why are others apologizing now or disappearing very fast if this national media cause once so real-world righteous and "honestly" newsworthy: if still legitimate that I'm a scam or suspicious or a sham?

Or I'm not as they state as fact? Never was. All false claims. I'm not a criminal. Others might be for public mischief, wrongful prosecution, obstruction?

And all statements are wrong, misleading and defaming. See if any more facts than "rude to very self-consumed rude people". Hardly justifies their groups efforts defaming myself, my charitable history (my charitable history as fact dwarfing many of them "combined". But also not researched? Fools?) And defaming this volunteer effort plus far worse this once very charitable cause.

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Thank you so much for a nice clean list with Names with capitals. And not forcing us to search for duplication. YOU ARE AN ANGEL. AS SUCH I'M PUTTING YOU ON THE LIST.

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes...See More

"Heroes and Angels" Mtl Flood 2007


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· Reply · May 11 at 7:12am

Lyne Paquette small error above please fix to read
Maryse Dery
Dominic Speranza
Vered Vered.
thank you

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· May 11 at 7:17am

View 1 more reply

Stéphanie Marie He won't it's a scam we called police see West Island watch and community. Feel lucky he didn't insult you like he did for us

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· May 11 at 7:43pm

Lyne Paquette what did Police say??

Stephanie Marie? What an honest girl? Insulted so calls police? "We called police". Does her research as well. Attitude? What did police say? Did they say we're not your props, pawns or puppets to abuse when we could be saving lives not protecting your sick ego when "insulted". That's my guess.


Stéphanie Marie I would like to nominate Marie-eve Menard Aline Marie and her dad Paul Habib, Simon Fulleringer, Marie-Line Habra Sabbagh and Antoine Sabbagh as my heroes in this mess! They are my angels 👼🏽 and I love them 😍

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· May 11 at 4:45am · Edited

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Be a "Hero Hunter" and be an Angel?
Ideally, 10 or more, as a message to page takes ten minutes doing each one.

Send as a message to:

Yes, the idiots called police as the valley girl Stéphanie Marie got insulted possibly thinking I was a cashier at McDonald's who would or must also suffer her well stated ignorance and arrogance. Clearly. And she stated as a fact this was a SCAM (as documented). She lied. Hope she can prove in defamation court not a 100% complete lie and not look so self-righteous and guilty of both "wrongful prosecution" and "public mischief" calling police. Does she have high school or just very ignorant?


Side Note: Some of my critics and defaming 9% who did a tiny bit of research (after the fact) now mock me as a "has been from the 80's" for "back then" recognized by international awards and academic, trade and consumer recognition, (including work for Trizec and Place Ville Marie in Montreal. But now defamed?) And do add working "words" for Prime Ministers (Trudeau and Turner, MTL & Van) and Dr. Bull at McGill also a client? And I was requested speaker by Business Dean Dr. Goldberg at McGill and then just in my twenties (Turner stuff in my early 30's), but they will now have to explain comparing what condescending winners they are at same age or look like deceitful condescending wanna-be human garbage.

They can also try to then explain the very sizable increase in my income up to my retirement in 2008 and working from a Condo in Whistler and my work with Disney, FOX, Spelling Productions also successful (Again, like my ad agency days only working with the "best of the best"). And paid very well for my non-scam, non-sham, non-suspicious work? Here with my numbers and systems work or skill making money. Not just creative words. I was the computer guru at The X-Files Season 2 & 3 until much better money and "deal memo". Fact Check? Cutting costs and shows rewarding me for it. Very well. As documented. Why I now give back.

And I had fun. This from previous board of director work for a public company they must all have to see fit to judge an old man and with such gross defamation? And I even worked with an International Engineering Firm with environmental management as a pioneer in "systems response modeling". This reducing "director's liability" with proof of "leading edge due diligence and standard of care". I was a key speaker at their international AGM. Made doing Hollywood North numbers later very easy.

2008 was when I turned my semi-retirement towards the Arts. And so far pleased. Now also enjoy in front of the camera after decades making cost reporting systems in the office. And my music publishing struggles also a semi-retirement plus and trending well.Why I now give back.

And I have a history of charity work from 60's even bringing gifts into Pointe St.Charles and in Montreal then. As most who know me, know I'd volunteer for anything. Even peeling potatoes in a Mission in Ottawa. I even volunteer for heavy labour just to keep in shape. And I just don't peel potatoes but have setup franchise employment programs from Ottawa to Vancouver for immigrant women, handicap, blind and deaf with support from both those involved and with government funds. Even bathroom modifications. Improved team building and bottom-line. Even in my own office I had a paraplegic and immigrant women. Superstars. And this sleazy mob thinks clever to judge me as "suspicious"? A "scam"? A "sham"? A danger to children and worthy of multiple calls to police? As statements of fact?

I also had no friends or family help in my career. All by my "reputation" and "references". Now defamed.

The uniqueness of my past makes logical sense if you add women, sailing, skiing and tennis factors. This above all reflects on liabilities and damage done. Not just an "average carpenter" with a $7,0000 out-of-court settlement?

Who are they EXACTLY to judge me suspicious, a sham and a scam? Who are they? How reckless they are in defamation. Time to put them under a legal and public microscope for their accomplishments, charitable acts, academic merit? And sickening defamation. What charity work have they done? Exactly? A scam? Or just another exercise in self promotion? What are their superior accomplishments to judge others? AND DARE CALL POLICE?

I did say/state to call RCMP on me, oddly exactly as others have trying to defame moi. Ask why I have Security Clearance with DND and NRC or why so many people trust me with their children, their pets, their credit cards, their house, their car, their incorporations, their taxes, their investments? Some, to be honest, however don't trust me in the kitchen? Also defamatory.

NOTE: Thoughts for Global News about credibility and their fake news story:

Mike Wyman Figure outlets that make errors, admit them and issue corrections/retractions have more credibility than folks who maintain falsehoods long after they've been debunked/exposed.


· Reply ·


· 5 mins

More cheerleading and using the defamatory Dan Spector's Global Fake News article as his biblical validation:

Gordon Yee Victoria Lee - I don't know if you've been following, but after being told you are absurd, you might want to read this.

Quebec floods: West Island residents suspicious over ‘role of honour heroes’ Facebook page

What appeared to be a kind gesture recognizing West Islanders helping flood victims now has residents worried about online scams.


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· May 13 at 11:12am

NOTE: Telling people that doing names one-at-a-time "absurd" over ten at a time is not absurd. What a sad person Mr. Yee must be to be filled with so much evil? Again, clearly cheerleading and using the defamatory Dan Spector's Global Fake News article as his biblical validation like others used police calls as their validation as not deceptive and defamatory? But failed. Slime should definetly call police again if not feeling like dirty deceptive slime? If what you state as fact a fact nothing to fear. If deceptive and defamatory you're a real idiot. Lacking both intellect and integrity. True? False?


This case possibly major legal history in Quebec? A case where one old senior person after ganged up on then goes after dozens of rude obnoxious punks for "publishing at their peril" defamatory statements as defined by law. As documented. And in both Facebook and Global News with defamation of a person's reputation, volunteer work and a charitable efforts.

Legal history? A good lesson for many. And this really is "now" a very newsworthy story. And with time stamps. Great for law students? Or other graduate papers?

Because I was very severely and grossly defamed, as very clearly defined by defamation law both professionally and worse as a volunteer and a charity, as documented on both Facebook and Global News, and with further mushrooming needless defamation, I am taking full legal action ideally against ALL who defamed with extremely misleading, deceiving defaming statements of fact as per:

Legal Note: (Gilles E. Néron Communication Marketing Inc. v. Chambre des notaires du Québec, [2004] 3 S.C.R. 95.)

In Néron, the court found that the CBC had committed a fault because a report gave incomplete information and resembled more a "settling of accounts" than an unbiased account.

This case? "Incomplete information"? Absolutely. "Unbiased"? Hardly. A "settling of accounts" what will a judge in a court or common man really think? And this critical defamation by a defamation management group or witch hunt cheerleaders including Dan Spector, Global News, Gordon Yee, Stéphanie Sabbagh, Karine Saba, West Island Watch Group, Terry Cutler and all others named and to be named.

Legal Note: (WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40)

The "fair comment" defence is limited to matters of public interest, and does not apply if the comment was made with malice. The statement must be recognizable as a comment or opinion and cannot be a factual statement. It must however be based on facts and the comment must be one that could have been honestly expressed from these facts. The "fair comment" defence will have little chance of success if there are no facts to support the comment.

NOTE: Or if deceitful omission, fraudulent concealment as to mislead. See original initial "FULL interview" with Dan Spector? See clear as a bell how he paraphrased out of context the cherry picking items when also warned in same exchange to "Fact Check". Gets embarrassing for Dan Spector? Who was he trying so hard to impress?

"It' a scam!"
"After scrolling through West Island Roll of Honour Heroes group and reading some of the interactions, Gordon Yee said he felt the page “reeked of a scam.”

As per legal notes above: "It must however be based on facts...honestly expressed"

Legal Note:: (Cusson c. Quan, 2007 CanLII 771 (ONCA)).

For this defence to succeed, a journalist or "media defendant" must show that reasonable steps were taken to ensure the fairness and veracity of the published content. Like the "fair comment" defence, the information must be of public interest. What are considered "reasonable steps" will vary with circumstances. For example, if the allegations are fairly serious, the defendant will need to show that more thorough research and fact checking was done than for a fairly benign allegation.

"Fairness and veracity of the published content"? And this very much including the obvious and blatant defamation in Global News article by Dan Spector that made things mushroom by clear unfair bias (See Below). Or read first:

Click here for article.

This defamation mushrooming "internationally" as US and other out of Montreal responses. And including Facebook friends of Facebook friends. Their gang.

These clear claims are totally false but stated clearly as "statements of fact" was that I was: "suspicious", a "scam" and a "sham" and worth calling police on (x2) and mentally unstable. And made people worry about childrens names. With no "honest and fair" defence allowed. Dan Spector just clearly "cherry picked" comments from Facebook (as documented). Exactly.

Such class? Such journalistic integrity? Such fake news. So biased it is unbelievable as clear biased and grossly unfair. (Was I and am I angry with this defamation, name calling, bullied and ganged up on? You bet! Wouldn't YOU? Wouldn't YOU?) Destroying this volunteer and charitable effort and efforts at my 40-year reputation is not amusing. As the law would have it. Thank God.

Here's what they oddly missed. Deceptive omission, fraudulent concealment, pick a term?

I don't even know these two people below but they are honest. And they possibly did some very minor honest research. Wait until my real friends from Montreal and fans show up who have known me since grade school and what they differ on? Point-by-point.


Solomon Feldberg Bovitchstein reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 5 star

22 mins ·

mr. sinclair does not deserve the undue criticism he is receiving! the wiw banned me for simply attempting to defend this man. this is unfair and unjust!

Phillip McGrawView Profile


MAY 15TH, 2:05PM


Global news and every one of those stunted slimes will pay for their insolence . they MUST be brought to justice for their sick behavior. i think the bbq buffet is good idea. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. goodluck my friend may god be with you

Again: This legal action on ALL those who implied suggested, declared, concluded, calculated, or clearly led others to believe as "truth" and as real fact that I was "suspicious", a "scam" and a "sham" and worth calling police on (x2) and even mentally unstable. A criminal? See below. As documented.


Louis Van reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 1 star

May 14 at 6:50am ·

SCAM SCAM SCAM , stay away from this site , the guy is a scam artist .

"IS" a scam artist? Sounds factual? A clear statement of fact? Inspired by May 12 Global News Fake News by Dan Spector and Gordon Yee cheerleading like a Toastmaster Tony Robbins?

Louis Van is one of the 9%? Who oddly felt I was criminal. Who coached him? Or did Dan Spector and Global news media mislead him as well? Note date stamp.

A review will also show I did absolutely nothing more than was "rude"?

This rudeness to very selfish, very vain, ego-driven showboats and inconsiderate very very very rude people and punks. As documented. Some liars. Some Losers.

And almost as bad as being rude, I used Upper Case type in my reply. This as Global News Article so precisely defines and documents for my total newsworthy "criminal profiling" and obvious adding fuel to the mobs burning fire of defamation. An UPPER CASE user. How insightful? A journalist?

Please Fact check news article and the monster witch hunt that followed as characterized below by dates and times. Some also suggested as per article EXACTLY that I even put children in danger and would try and get money from local heroes and possibly use my Facebook page for spreading a COMPUTER virus. Nice things to say. Some still try petty entrapment offering money or suggesting money involved or other silly tricks (as documented)? Do they look and now act guilty? You bet.

A quick or very detailed review, will show I have not only been a requested guest speaker at McGill, SFU and UBC on media. but my well paying clients have included the Law Firm of Fox Morgan in Vancouver, Lawyers Assistance Committee, Psychologist Dr. Gandel, Dr. Harm Gross and an engineer Dr. G. Bull of McGill (Montreal), Federal Liberals/Red Leaf and a variety of Fortune 500 clients. Including 7-Eleven to IBM. My work with Dr. Morgan on IBM systems 1986 PLUS for international engineering firm SRK 1990 with Oxford Scholar Dr. H. Gross, should suggest how very little I am impressed by a self-claimed cyber security expert with far less academic or business standing than most I have known socially or professionally. As with Gordon Yee, just a Director of Marketing? See how he shoots his mouth off as superior? The cyber expert claims his education "intense"? Dan Spector's career spotty?

Were these "statements of fact" true or false and thus seriously damaging and defaming by law and now worth serious damages?

Was my rudeness and use of uppercase type deserving of this sickening defaming news article equating in any way to suspicious, scam or sham?

Criminal in nature?

Or very serious calls to bother police as THEIR PERSONAL pawns, puppets or props as to desperately legitimize their lies and defamation? (See details below and as they grow). What is criminal mischief? Wrongful prosecution? Economic interference?

Did this bring me is serious disrepute with literally thousands or maybe more who don't know me, and even those who might and do?

Will I lose my Federal Security Clearance for DND and NRC? Will others?

What is possibly the largest defamation award in all Quebec legal history against multiple defendants? In dozens? Good to set goals. Good to check. And Fact check?

What will high priced very smart defamation lawyers for these multiple pathetic defendants offer "moi" in Quebec to settle out-of-court? Before this blog has major national circulation. Love Google.

And fast before costs increase tenfold? Or even more? And their reputation and careers destroyed based on these very prima facie honest facts about their duplicitous deceptive defaming ways. And by the generous allowance the law allows a victim of defamation. This including using your pictures below to best defend my good name with those with "dirty hands"?

Note: I've had to deal with big shot Hollywood and Union lawyers before. And Defamation. And I actually was rude with them as well. But did not use Upper Case type. Forgot?

Hopefully, their own billing top lawyers ($250/hr? and a retainer?) will explain the "obvious" to those delusional that they have papal infallibility, or enough cognitive dissonance or self-love protecting them from the reality here. And their illusion they have "any right by law" for defaming an "more accomplished" person, his years of volunteer efforts, and here for another added charitable cause. All defamation void of any legal merit. An illegal witch hunt and defamation that soon ends. For their sake. Their families and employers.

Read on it gets even far worse.

Graph Note Below: 2,000 views in "just 5 days"?

Some extremely interested in this blog. And from both my social, media, business and legal friends plus the named defaming members of "Liars and Loser" groups and their friends with pictures and names below. And their ever rising billable legal costs to simply have a hope to defend.

And this absolutely includes readers from churches from St. John Fisher to St John's United and school boards around West Island to nicer restaurants in Ste. Annes, and homes in East Gables, Hudson, Westmount and a few from BC, Ottawa, and Kelowna. St. Thomas, BHS, John Rennie, Mac, Pierrefonds and Dorval alumni all over my Facebook pages. I'm not just known in BC. Many will now be watching West Island Watch Group for other abuses and dirty deeds.

Get ready to play in the big leagues and pay the big ticket price if a liar or a loser wanting to pay and play up to Christmas. Or both.

Imagine if this group had not been challenged and exposed? What if it was your grandfather being defamed and swarmed? Your grandmother?

Some of the hundred views on Friday as noted below will be surprised by many novel changes today. Everyday.

Defaming gang better get all their lawyers the FULL latest updates and prior work and FB data to read - and themselves possibly take a few days "off work and on the weekend" as to just keep up to date and not appear to bluff anymore not reading and finally honestly researching something.

And to coordinate your conspiracy stories, and as best possible with all involved - and do try and avoid finger pointing at each other. This so often happens when liabilities differ by legal design? And do avoid looking like a conspiracy, gang or club?

No time to fake anymore this gets very costly.

Statement of Claim Summary:

The other key issue beyond this very classic big textbook legal "freedom of speech/defamation case" and based on many factors, and key Quebec law and court judgments to date (as per below). And with the very sick and very abusive defamation WITH conspiracy of defamation, and against an aging senior (once thought by these bullies not possibly knowing nobody in Montreal and simply weak and wouldn't or couldn't fight back) these text book bullies and swarm added with the needless destruction of this as honest fact "a charitable and honest cause", and this is also how this also hurt and eventually destroyed my attempts to:

1) not only recognize heroes of the community for West Island, for present and my own first-hand gratitude years ago when my house sandbagged in Montreal. 79-81? Easy to prove.

2) but my intentions to also address flood issues in Kelowna and below Vernon as my other hometown a few times. With some great memories as well. And dear friends.

This defamation cost me very many things including damaging my real and honest reputation as per below for those damages considered.

Cut to the chase:

A) Just find one (1) "honest person" who would support that I'd use flood victims as a "Sham" or "Scam as my credentials hardly suggest I'm suspicious"? And possibly even for more added credibility: get someone who "actually honestly knows me"? "Actually honestly knows me"? Possibly since grade school? One? Just one? One? I just might have a few friends of my own that will call absolute BS to both Gordon Yee and Dan Spector's crafty conclusions and their so classy and honourable lady friends from West Island Watch Group and the cyber security joke who missed the obvious. Like just a simple phone call? Due diligence? Standard of care? Just defame for who ever gives Cutler free advertorial? Such ethics. So professional.

How come Mr. Cutler as a cyber security expert does not find this Global Page "suspicious"? Missed that as well? Right under his nose?

This a sickening abuse of media for fake news and will best be fully showcased when "all" each under oath with heavy and hard cross on this cowardly senior bullying garbage group of slime. Much will certainly be transparent. Fooling less and less by the day already. See below. See above.

a) I was once trusted to write the 7-Point Plan for Prime Minister John Turner for Western Canada when handling damage control and election after Justin's Dad patronage party. Now these nobodies call me suspicious, a scam and a sham. Red Leaf, Ron Basford (minister of justice and attorney-general 1975 to 1978) and Senator Jerry Grafstein also trusted me on strategy and tactics. This defamation of me also hurts the memory of Mr. Basford foolishly trusting me as major nobody Gordon Yee feels I should not be trusted. Now these ignorant slime make such judgements. And I was rude then with a number of lawyers. But not using UPPER CASE as Dan Spector feels critical in a criminal profile with being rude. What a stupid punk. So compare what twenty cyber bully nobody punks against those who know from high school. This also defames by association even hockey and rock stars. Ian Turnbull trusted me when we played tennis before going to NHL I was honest with line calls.

b) I was once trusted to handle National Media liaison for CBC on Quebec polling? Now these geniuses say I'm a suspicious scam and sham. Ask Terrance Mckenna executive producer "The National" if both "a" and "b" are true. He busted me as a Liberal Communications consultant with Ian Mulgrew, Justice Critic Vancouver Sun. Now, I can no longer fool anyone as the integrity and intellect serves to paint me as a scam? Funny how I'm a suspicious scam or sham to those hardly brighter or accomplished and don't know me but felt free to defame and state as fact. Three worthless junk journalists will now learn to do better research as those from Tofino to Turo read this. They will now see how truth hurts their desperate young careers as this story spreads across Canada.

I was once trusted by both Labatt Breweries and Molson pension fund to help with my proven media skills. They also missed I was suspicious, a scam and a sham unlike these super clever misleading nobodies make their case. Sad none studied formal logic or rhetorical fallacy to see how they even deceive themselves. Can West Island Watch Group have any credibility at all after stating I was putting kids in danger and calling police on me? They are now another fake news joke and clearly as some documented ignoring those who do real honest research defending me?

I was once trusted to share a place with BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay and trusted to take acting law faculty chair from UBC sailing. Also both missing I'm suspicious, a scam and a sham. Both have known me since the 70's? Who you going to trust? Those who know me or those who don't and fuel, support for such grossly defamatory claims and as direct and indirect statement of facts?

Now for those who think I'm bragging. Fact check. Half of my friends even don't know half of what I've stated here charitable or accomplishments. Some of the other half do. And this volunteer page was anonymous as was hoping to build a team until challenged to show my face. And forced to embarrass myself now with this disclosure to defend my honest good name and what damage they've done. I did not want the spot light just creative credit from insiders when seeking major sponsor contributions. Who cares who I am clearly. Those who defamed didn't. And those 91% who liked the page didn't care who I was either.

Damage to reputation or what?

Not like I'm just some junior junk fake news journalist like Dan Spector, some Top Toastmaster from Pointe Claire like Gordon Yee or a cyber security expert like Ted Cutler who couldn't make a single phone call to RCMP on me or why my Federal Security Status is possibly far higher than his? What is his "intense" education? Honestly? Kind of "Suspicious"? Really? Deceptive omission? And having to deal with big shot Hollywood and big time Union legal hardly prepares me at all to deal with West Island Watch Group and their power legal team and self-appointed Queen?

B) What they have, and all they "really" have, as honest fact is:

- I was rude (have been rude many times in my life. I confess. No one went nuts like this before?). Yes, oddly rude to very rude arrogant self-consumed vain people, which oddly: I'm very very very very proud of and can prove it. As documented. Plus even more proud of my standing up to this arrogant selfish gang of cyber defaming bullies all empowered on what? Sadly others can't. Like I have with others before. As exactly documented.

Who started it? Who escalated it? Who made statements of fact that were lies. I never attacked anyone until attacked and did not attack their "business" or "charity" as a "suspicious, scam or sham". Or more haunting for theatre of the mind "Suspicious"? Until as now I'm allowed to defend my good name by law. Allowed by law.

They are free to make intellectually honest arguments. Not just "conclusions" of/as fact as to defame, void or reason or "fair" evidence such as suspicious, scam and sham with little or meaningless research other than Prima facie. More latin to follow.

- and yes, I confess I used UPPER CASE. I'm one of "those"? I'll fool no one? Dan Spector no fool he noticed this or was "coached" this is modern state-of-the-art "criminal profiling"?

Get real, if claiming I'm "suspicious, a scam and a sham" disguised as a charitable venture, simply net, they're all calling me all a criminal? NET: They're all calling me all a criminal? I never called them a criminal as a statement of fact. "Yet"? And using UPPER CASE use to get me?

Well, they did call the police (X2? X3?)? Seems they wanted and very much needed me to be a criminal or the Queen of West island Watch Group will look "very self-serving" and abusing police, and now to many in the West Island appear with power lust.. They defame with deception I'll defame with truth and public merit.

She even mentioned using names of children (with no ages given?). Or taken. For anyone? Children or vulnerable seniors can be identified by name only? Hardly? That's the strangest thing I've read or heard? And soon many others will hear the absurd logic to defame (See Global News, Fake News article link below for those who need to know and get all sides for once?

That is, in "all real honesty" all the facts they have, and I'll even swear under oath as true. All I am is:


That's it? Factcheck? Hardly justifies "any" news story? Any news story if Fact Checked. From fender bender to serial killer. Who in their right mind tries to inflate such meaningless trite of UPPER CASE into criminal profiling? Who? Who does it? Who does it? They do. Not absurd? However without misleading defamation and the big BS dramatizing uppercase-rude for no minds they do look pretty strange?

And their visions, insights, conjecture, calculation, as to make statements of fact they can't support in court, as text book and recent case study legally defined defamatory - or in the court of public opinion, - or logically, or at a West Island BBQ of those with a higher IQ, should sense the unusual? That's it? Check? I'm "UPPERCASE-RUDE". just shoot me I don't want to live anymore. The shame.

Freedom of Speech is not a legal right so a mob and/or medium can get a three-word rotating redundant defamatory chant of "suspicious, scam and sham" as no one I guess has a thesaurus or grossly ignorant of defamation law.

Feels coached with a three-word chant? What a choir? More later on this gem.

NOTHING about "UPPERCASE-RUDE" can ever justify defamatory lies/non-truth of statements of fact as: suspicious, scam or sham. And on both volunteer and a charitable cause? And volunteer efforts blatant.

Hurting a "charitable volunteer cause" obviously seen as just "collateral damage" for their vanities and ego on parade for free advertorial and dare as so bold to damage my far far far more honourable and far far far more accomplished reputation. Shall we compare ALL my charitable acts and accomplishments to each of them and exactly as to make a very sad but honest point about this gang? Lets do it! Fact check like my friends in higher media positions do. Time for them to be under a legal microscope and spread as newsworthy my more honest interpretation of facts.

But in their own sad and sick little minds these chanting defaming bullies love themselves and think they can do no wrong? Calling police and wasting their time. As proven. Getting difficult to bully a volunteer doing charity work without I guess. Is that clever? And obviously they like affirming each other as possible authorities on everything it seems? Wanna bet? Well, they did. The bet is on. And they bet very very big.

And again, so not missed for that, the slime actually dared call and used police like also their personal servants as to give them some sick desperate credibility but oddly failed. Factcheck? Wonder why? Failed.

Police must have thought they were absolute idiots as these self-consumed morons thought the police had nothing better to do but entertain and empower ego maniacs based on "UPPERCASE-RUDE". Ask police across Canada if this was clever or moronic. We will. They could have been saving lives not interpreting what is so rude to be criminal? Is there no REAL CRIME in MONTREAL? Does Global need fake news. Biased BS.

Yes, I never told one to F.O.? Class or what?

It really is that sick. Think how many they hurt. Including kids wanting to see their names on list(not age?). Fact mothers thanked me if anyone did any homework? Anyone? Why was I only rude and had a problem with 12 people or 9% (Who oddly some do know each other?) And I did not use anyone's age.

What if they did this to your grandfather, mother or uncle? And they didn't have my experience in defamation, tiny law, tiny logic, tiny resources and networks that I luckily do? Pretty sad what a mob could do.

Only a total moron thinks both rude and upper case, justifies hurting and killing a charitable volunteer effort with honest solid merit as will be absolutely impossible to defend. And damaging an honest and accomplished man's lifetime reputation. See the law.

Using police based on a compurgation or conspiracy on what one sees deep inside the darkness of "UPPERCASE-RUDE" needs much further examination. And it will as well.

Why not just attack my personal rude reply to rude assholes? Not my character as criminal. Not the charity? Not the cause? Big difference.

And if feeling aggressive with my moderate use of upper case also reply with upper case back at me. Don't be shy? Attack that. Not the charitable cause and use police as props, pawns, and puppets to posture some flimsy veneer of legitimacy as is clear in Dan Spector's article? Too clear? Judge for yourselves. Read as a Judge would? Using three rules of interpretation. Common man perspective. Formal logic. Common sense? Basic feel? Any POV?

Again as a judge will ask (possibly in a minor rage) and also possibly full of disgust like many now: Why not just attack my rude reply to rude assholes and my moderate use of upper case. And not cripple a whole charitable act and use police as props, pawns and puppets to posture as is clear in Dan Spector's article?

Deserves repeating twice, so the ugly gross shame can no longer be ignored by Dan Spector, Gordon Yee, and their whole brainless gang/group/social club?

This defamation case shows how far very sick people will go hurting thousands for their "individual ego to advertorial issues". Can't wait for a courtroom and let a judge and lawyer destroy this slime and now even my friends are getting very very angry as well. We all hate bullies and show-offs. Ganging up on a old senior and making it very clear the "royal they" state as fact that as suspicious, scam and sham with the implication from all three premises is they imply I'm "criminal", and is a bit more than just weird and defamatory.

This is not about just claims of "suspicious", "scam" or "sham" but about the gross vanity and ego of those defaming wanting to posture an authority none really have. Nor will. Or possibly ever will. And they make me to be a criminal abusing heroes and victims, endangering children obtaining money for my pockets. Very true or pretty sick stuff?

Simply, here's the real honest story.

I started to collect names on Facebook (as documented) and then would get others with similar computer skills to help at threshold or tipping point when momentum would also fuel expanding efforts. Textbook.

Consider: If some person was rude and even used upper case as a volunteer at the Red Cross or at Doctor's Without Borders, this gives absolutely no person alive any legal, moral or ethical right to call the volunteer and charitable work a "Suspicious" "Scam" or "Sham". This why those who defame without fact must be held FULLY accountable to the rule of law. Only an idiot won't understand this very simple fact.


Foreshadowing note: Consider this one of many quotes immediately below when others check the "real honest facts", and not some junior junk journalist like Dan Spector working for Global News and his defaming friends all supporting each other to defame with "wrongful prosecution" as a swarm or circle and possibly far worse dare even calling police like their private paid and servant props and puppets as to desperately legitimize their BS and very damaging defamation. And based on what? An "insult" as in their very own words - and add clear as a bell "economic interference", to obvious other claims for very serious legal debate. We can put a value on charitable efforts and funds lost for victims and heroes?

Wonder if their expensive defamation plus reasonably priced criminal defence lawyers (They will need both?) have both told them what the rule of law now allows myself and others to do to their careers, business, reputation, and sick Watch Groups "as to fairly now protect and mitigate my good name in kind" and of/for public interest and merit?

Do their families suffer such mentalities or their children? Fair question.

Will anyone trust these people or their lack of maturity, integrity, and judgment? They should ask their own lawyers why the law now clearly allows me to contact their employers and clients "directly" as to best protect and mitigate the damage done and get addresses for lawyers - even with Dan's clever girlfriend at CJAD documenting her efforts at "entrapment, abuse and denial of fair reporting". In her own words. Guess who trapped who? Google captures Facebook?

What may come ahead?

What happens when finally an honest and more intelligent effort made to get the other side of story happens?

Sample 1

"Bad reviews by media" and who mislead:"my self included" as per:

James Maurais reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 3 star

May 30 at 6:31am ·

...intention is good ..........


How did this sick witch hunt start? Somehow I insulted some young self-important valley-girl with major attitude (as named and as well documented below) for submitting names one at a time while I was requesting and suggesting 10 or more heroes at a time. Efficacy. And as documented fact: "Be a Hero Hunter".What a bully I am? And then a defamatory and criminal witch hunt exploded and mushrooming defamatory attacks began that I've never seen before.

Her hood or gangster group then mushroomed the demeaning illegal defamation like an endless Vancouver rain. Even manipulating with Global News with Fake News. Pivoting on a flake or two of truth. How clever? Well, until they finally did some honest home work and research and then all shut up very fast. And ran? And ran fast. As documented.

Why? If their cause was "honest and right" why do they now "retreat and run". And apologize? They close their facebook pages? Even if too late? Some shut down their facebook account and deleted where they could. Oddly, just like Conrad Black went to jail for called "obstruction in a criminal investigation". Tres cute.

I think if not busted totally both Dan Spector et al, and West Island Watch Group with the token cyber security expert should continue their major investigation of me and also write their local MP. Call police again?

Prior her gang or the swarm of her show-off friends from media to cybersecurity gurus then got into a very sick and deceitful defamatory power play of very very sick and small minded people, trying to, I suspect, impress other such small minded people profiles and with similarly exaggerated power and intellectual posturing. As documented below. A very self-affirming group. What is mob mentality?

They thought safety in numbers as all against just one poor old feeble minded senior missing his meds - and stating or implying as honest fact defaming remarks and would suffer no wrath? I'd be intimidated by Global News, Police calls and cyber security expert and a guy from Toastmasters" they thought. Not.

How sick? How foolish? Too bad. Seems when you are not some old feeble senior "suspicious", "scam" or "sham" with mental problems and clearly with an honest charitable cause, they run away very fast or change their tune as fast. Why? This charitable volunteer no-money effort well thought out and planned I might add. And as a second wave of motivation for manpower or money via churches or other small charitable venture groups or teams. Ideally, before Christmas. As documented.

The statement of defamatory fact by these clowns "are not facts and absurdly one-sided" and hurt my reputation over 40 years and is blatant and very well documented below.

Sample of defamation following posts are veiled efforts as support for Dan Spector's defamation of damage done. And Gord Yee's defamatory claims plus also cheer leading friends, and followers in their choir as well oddly all singing the same swarm's simple single-minded mindless three term chant:

Note: As per use of national flag below was Bob Dylan correct "nationalism the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings? Or Norm Finkelstein? What does this say?
Best for those Jewish to answer like my friends.

She was convinced there was crime. These kind folks accusing me of being a criminal which hurts this charitable and honest effort. And my reputation.

First real stupid comment is above the reference to "using children's names". In court, she can try and prove people can tell whether a child or an adult by simply names given? No ages?

And as Dan Spector felt that as well newsworthy as with upper case abuse he can also try and explain as well how to tell children's names from adults? I myself and others I asked can't tell children's names from adults unless they already might know them as having similar names. That's just crazy. Using it in a news story absurd? Don't they even fact check themselves? Who is the editor of Dan's work?

If a judge can tell ages by names only, the defamer's won't look like total idiots and guilty as sin of conspiracy for malicious defamation. If he or she can't? And lies, deception, fraudulent concealment and interrupting charitable causes not in "Public Interest" becomes blatant. This line alone worth a half hour of court time alone with both lawyers billing court time. Are liars often losers?

Imagine them doing this to your grandfather, mother and as feeble and old when doing an honest and charitable act. Fact check as they say. Publish at your peril.

Some defamers now already documented and "tagged" idiots in employment and security searches? Using this blog and others.

Defamation very ugly. Will these bullying types do it to their employers, co-workers, and subordinates? Family?

Call a girl a tramp, a store keeper a thief? A charitable effort a scam. Most defamers are repeat offenders oddly enough. Maybe a real scam behind those who scream the loudest full of sound and fury or fluff? Time for myself against ALL my defamers to all go under oath and full legal and public review. Fair? Just me against a whole gang. Okay, I'm in. Like court rooms. Fact check?

Back to story.

The insanity then escalated. And then they brought in an illusion or farce of false media, cyber and legal authority And almost all wrong on every single point to aid and abet this twisted conspiracy and very sick defamation.

This made very clear in an article published by Dan Spector (link below) in Global News? He fakes objectivity very poorly by lacking any meaningful "honest" fair-play or common man concept of fact checking or meaningful research. Yes I got rude and used upper case when treated like a paid servant to a princess and name calling and games began. Again, 91% liked what I was doing.

Legal world wants "both sides" and no just-too-clever-for-words word games? Or ideally a jury of our peers and even better the court of public opinion. Now hearing both sides finally? Fair? True? False?

Read. Pretty obvious one-sided and defamatory to those more highly educated.

This below a very brief overview of action proceeding in Quebec Superior Court (Amounts exceeding $100,000.00 each) with a prescription under 1 year against:

(1) Global News/CORUS (present or past employer of writer Dan Spector)

(2) Dan Spector (Took defamation national. The power of the press to abuse with juvenile word-play at best?)

(3) Gordon Yee (Pointe Claire "Top Toastmaster" who can now talk about defamation and sounds like he actually knows something.)

(4) Stéphanie Sabbagh (Angry or spoiled and insane?)

(5) Karine Saba (Called the police to fake legitimacy. Called police.)

(6) West Island Watch Group (angry or insane?)

(7) Terry Cutler (Cybersecurity expert. Needs competitive comparison)

(8) And others as secondary and named and documented below.

And those others as friends (or not) who aid and abet (Names below) for the published and far too well documented witch hunt and conspiracy inspired as quoted to defame. And totally void of "fair comment" or "public interest" as is in Global News report, May 12, 2017, 5:10 pm, plus on Facebook prior and mushrooming following the defaming Global article and national cause.

I do now get insults from other countries based on this clever defamation not working too well. (As documented. See Below):

"Quebec floods: West Island residents suspicious over ‘role of honour heroes' Facebook page,

By Dan Spector

For: Global, Media, Legal Department.

Attn: Gary A. Maavara, Executive Vice President and General Counsel at CORUS Entertainment Inc., (Gary A. Maavara was at Osgoode when Oxford Scholar friend teaching there? Hope he knows how generous SHAW/CORUS/GLOBAL is with out of court settlements. I do.)

He'll only need (1) one simple single phone call to an old law school prof at Osgoode to see if I'm a "SHAM" a "SCAM" or IN FACT an honest, accomplished, charitable and generous person. Others can document my many other charitable and goodwill works later. Including Executive Producers at CBC Montreal.

For: CBC, The Fifth Estate.

& General National Media Distribution.

Important Note: Others who had previously supported such sick and gross defamatory claims have already begun to change their minds when just a minimal honest and responsible standard of care finally taken and real truth told or researched. Both Sides of Story?

Some to use their own words have as fact extended an "Olive Branch" (See below as documented) or no longer want any association with these slime and their conspiracy to defame. Even friends of Gordon Yee have asked him to stop. Clearly finding him as well excessive. As documented. See below.

The more informed see the gross perversion of truth in this article for what it is. And lacking even the minimal standard of care or due diligence, appearance of natural justice or fair play, blatant.

Further, and possibly far more disgusting and is clearly both misleading and abusing is:

USING Police as props or puppets to clearly and desperately legitimize their sick conspiracy to defame, but again failing. And as bad, this: done as a gang or swarm trying to bully a weak old man they thought they outnumber and certainly could all out think? And they thought knew nobody in Montreal but other weak old men and women on West Coast. "Missing his meds"?

And to this add various elements of criminal law from "Wrongful Prosecution" and "Obstruction" to "Public Mischief" and "Threats". Even "Economic Interference". Possibly more? Did Conrad Black get in trouble for trying to remove evidence and he had good lawyers. Ya' think? Maybe not?

NOTE: My threatening to call the police on "mischief" interfering with a charitable cause, or inform CRA of "Suspicious" cybersecurity business expenses or my threat of using lawyers and legal defamatory action and to get home or business addresses for registered legal mail are not a crime. Not a crime. I'm called a "Whistleblower" or "Bully-Buster". Trouble maker for trouble. Since 1960's.

Even use of upper case is not a crime or even that politically incorrect

Nor is being seen as rude (No profanity?) or insulting to some very very self-consumed, self-entitled person (by comparison to so many others on this charitable page (91%) with no problems oddly and as very well documented) - and who shows clearly no understanding of others charitable time value (but will). Like many named below. This including hurting majority of the real heroes, plus my honest charitable work, and deeds in future. And as such some so-entitled they treat others or like myself like I'm "also their paid hired personal secretary" (As documented. See below) and expect me not to get a bit rude is simply absurd.

This very sick and ugly conspiracy to defame a poor old senior trying to help as best possible from afar as per research on "Volunteer Recognition" as he had done with Red Cross years ago also defamed. So many mistakes these people make. Worth a toast at Toastmasters?

And the defamation exactly as published clearly lacking any reason in itself or evidence to even having the appearance of Natural Justice. This as to justify the lowest tests in law for "Fair Comment", "Public interest" or "Privilege". Or any rules on legal interpretation.

More Strange?

Those who think and dare documenting their individual thinking for others without agency that:

"real volunteer heroes don't need recognition "

Now go to any military graveyard and repeat twice in front of an honour guard with a loaded rifle. "real volunteer heroes don't need recognition ". His honour guard 24/7 looks like recognition to some blinded by their own BS. Or simply forget Mothers day. Hopefully for some the obvious is obvious and vanity with duplicitous purpose of self-worship over others also obvious?

Note: "He who is his own lawyer is certainly a fool".

How very very true. However, he who can provide a top Defamation Lawyer's Full Team (again?) including secretaries and paralegal, on all key related matters, as a solid irrefutable base foundation, probably very far from being a fool? Possible efficacy? Compare?

Add having previous exact experience in Vancouver with a variety of top legal minds from Oxford acting chair Law Faculty UBC and a BC Criminal Court Judge as friends, can't hurt much either. And having had RCMP in West Vancouver help prior in similar Defamation matters prior not too shabby either.

And add old feeble John Sinclair's own tiny weeny studies in civil law at Loyola in Montreal and common law at Carleton University with a great lecture by Sen. Eugene Forsey prior to media studies just so I can avoid looking so much like a total legal moron like others now certainly can't do. This can't hurt either compared to those far less educated and far less experienced in such as they say in law "Peculiar" matters.

My studies in formal logic and varieties of rhetorical fallacy at Loyola helps a tiny little bit more. Basic linguistics and psychology not such a waste. As now I'm no sucker for very stupid virtue less sophist "Toastmaster" babble and wordplay. For now, I'll avoid the Latin, Laskin, and Linguistic factors.

Note: This draft is really only half done, at best, with many many more names of liars and/or losers and pictures to be added below, as well as more specific legal references on defamation to the very wrongful prosecution, economic interference, and mischief factors. And some additions and some subtractions. I will also be adding more "Suspicious, Sham" and "Scam" versions that differ so those playing games must have their lawyers time be billable "over and over" as key or minor changes occur? Yes, I've done this before many lawyers taught me legal realism? Stuff the Judges and Scholars never covered.

Case law will also be referenced to a limited degree as to interpretation, definitions, and tests.

Spell-checker and Flesch-Kincaid adjustments will also be employed with multiple editorial and legal support so even the most ignorant reading this will get most of what is stated.

And I'll possibly run Grammarly so few will realize I suffer dyslexia and ADHD and their ignorant demeaning comments made by them about spelling, now made even more meaningless and more disgusting? True? False?

Those named now have an extremely expensive and a possible life-changing and career choice to make:

(A) Save face "momentarily" and try and continue to "bluff " (use lawyers to intimidate me like with police and cyber experts used prior as cost do rise fast and to bluff further those far more experienced and educated in such matters (just like uneducated fools short-term do as documented prior). In many many cases.

And look even more like Liars and Losers later. With far greater cost. And clearly as financial risk-management and actuarial fools. Fear a very strange motivator?


(B) Accept and mitigate and dramatically reduce estimated (based on case law) very serious financial cost long-term and full public humiliation. End it fast. Penny wise pounnd foolish? With signed apology and generous cash and community work requirements. If IQ over 90 answer possibly obvious.

Final bets?

With their reputation to careers as their big bet, what would odds makers in Vegas to actuaries on Wall Street bet? Risk Management?

Hope they are using top very well paid lawyers from SE or MT or like my heroes at Gowling in Vancouver. Quality counts and junior lawyers like junior junk journalists too easy to play as fools.

Formal Rebuttal. Legal Brief. Very brief.

This case is "exactly why we need defamation laws".

Time to drag Dan Spector and Gord Yee and all their very sick and slimy bullying and "aid and abetting" defaming friends into court. And make them pay the price feeling they all are above the rule of law. And can swarm a senior.

We can not have people saying things that are misleading, false, biased and as "statements of fact", that they can't support in court as to damage a business or a person's character. Makes sense to many?

This more the case when those defaming having less Experience, Integrity, Intellect, Education and against a long history of honest volunteer and charitable acts. As documented.

A young girl should not be called "suspicious", a slut or tramp unless those who state it can support it with FACT and as real honest fact and in court and under Oath.

Nor should some make statements of " physical" or "mental" status unless having a "certified medical authority to do so" as real honest fact or even a psychiatric nurses phone app to quote still need fact. Pretending you're an authority counts for nothing. "Zero". See how many sick fakes "pretend" below. Like pretending you're pretty. Nobody fooled. The obvious is obvious. Courts not amuzed.

A retailer can not be called a thief or a "Scam" or a "Sham" unless those who state it as fact can prove it. Nor should honest "volunteer charitable acts" be labeled a "sham" or a "scam" without honest cause void of malice or contempt. Or needless cavalier claims of "Suspicious" and worse without a very minimal degree of stated professionalism or due diligence. Or at the very very least a simple phone call at both parties "convenience". Media bullying also extremely disgusting.

Are "experts" lacking a basic standard of care and as to even dare state a Facebook page looks "suspicious". Compared to what? Yes, compared to what? Wells Fargo as such less suspicious or Bankers web pages in Iceland or closer to Montreal: The Charlotte County Whisper? Get real. Get honest. And with statements that a Facebook page might lead to a "virus", seems clear some feel very very reckless and courts and Facebook should/will hardly be amused?

Why did "no one" as named and defaming as documented EVER even bother to ask politely and professionally without "hidden agendas" for my side of the story? And before this revolting witch hunt and their pitchforks sharpened and fires lit and Dan Spector's defaming national news article published to make an international impact?

NOTE: I told an RCMP "cyber expert" once how criminals can use screen capture and turn a spreadsheet into a large graphic file and use OCR to bring it back to life. I also know of computer crime and defamation using social media. Some experts oddly clearly don't understand either.

The Computer Paper prior mocked me when I stated in 1990 that "ad revenue related to computers will dwarf all broadcast media". Experts? First, the experts laughed at me? Many times. Most laugh no more. Hope Mr. Cutler smiling while making his biggest mistake in marketing and free advertising in possibly the history of cybersecurity in Canada. And ignoring simply asking me what's happening without obviously as well duplicitous and transparent? As documented.

This cyber security expert unless providing an honest and sincere published apology and minimal damages ($10,000.00 min.) he goes to court and with a very heavy cross under oath and no out of court settlement. What will his lawyer advise? And then he might fully understand my right to counter his business with matched or greater "Economic interference". This if he still thinks he's so flawless and my superior-superior. Let's see how smart he is with his bunch of loser friends (below) all like that. And vs. my cybersecurity experts? He will be judged by the company he keeps and those he helps "aid and abet" in a huge defamation case? He better see a top Defamation Lawyer fast. Or like other "Know-it-alls" I've also suffered in the past find possibly best to close business and leave town. And as some know exactly as I've done to others thinking they are above the rule of law and I have no friends?

Facts are facts. I worked with an international engineering firm SRK in Vancouver with literally a whole office floor full of "computer experts". As such am not impressed with Mr. Cutler, as others appear and even worked with students studying cybersecurity. Not impressed or intimidated at all by Mr. Cutler. More to follow. And I worked with Oxford scholars at SRK as well. Not such posturing fakes and flakes.

Nor should any journalist, given to support such defamation, ever be employed as a journalist or those using their position (as thinking themselves above the law) or as documented to try extremely juvenile petty efforts at baiting or entrapment. This just as junior friends at CJAD given to do, as to best aid and abet to help Dan Spector try and save his career and all this at no respect to others time and cost. As well documented. Aid and abet? You bet? As documented.

Noteworthy Legal Reference

Yes, Mr. Dan Spector and Gordon Lee's fan club must have missed this legal fact and more as so very many cruel comments to false reviews stated as honest fact. And not.

What is a conspiracy to defame? Why most don't trust mainstream media anymore?

Pet Smart and others ads beside this fake news suffer?
According to a survey of 400 programmatic decision makers from Yahoo’s BrightRoll, 96% are concerned about fake news in programmatic advertising.
In response to misleading content on publisher websites, 31% of programmatic advertisers will respond by reducing spend with programmatic partners with inventory associating brands with fake news while 43% will blacklist fake news publishers.

NOTE: Lucky Global News hires so poorly? A smaller number will deal with fake news publishers on a case-by-case basis (16%) or simply maintain their current spending regardless of the fake news issue (11%).
A majority of marketers, 55%, will put more pressure on ad tech partners to screen publishers for fake news while 41% will employ more granular site targeting, 35% will use a whitelist, 27% will shift from open exchanges to private buying and only 8% are planning to not take any action.

I guess Global News editorial likes sending their ad sales reps into a similar fury plus hurting ad sales? They'll love Dan just like I do?

They should use this case to teach Journalism to Communication students how incredibly stupid and full of themselves some can be. Like Dan Spector. Even "experts"? Thinking and acting (as documented) they are above the law. Even law schools should love this case? As so well documented.

Defamation in brief:

Well the slime's very expensive high-quality Defamation Lawyers should have explained "by now" I hope, to even the slowest in the human slime group, how I pass all three tests for bringing claim in a defamation case:

1) Damages reputation.

2) Defamation material refers to me.

3) Published for others. (Facebook, Global and other pages?)

As documented. No contest. No debate.

For Quebec "truth" (not sloppy best-guess or suspicion, but "real and fairly" researched TRUTH, the whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the-whole-truth, is the "only" defense" if the material is in the "public interest" and there is "no malice". No absolute privilege. Truth Matters? Ya' think? Lies are not in the public's best interest or inspiring mindless witch hunts to defame a senior when it appears clearly their superior in matters of integrity to charity? Ethics?

"Lies and defamation" by liars and/or losers are obviously not in the public's interest? And a tiny sprinkle and sparkle of truth even if high school twisted oddly fools so few far more accomplished and far more educated?

Odd how Dan Spector at Global News is so "quick: to publish "Charitable Effort: Suspicious"? And yet no acceptable objective research as courts and case law define so well. Mr. Lee's support or Mr. Cutler expert claims hardly hold a candle to real facts and honest truth. All of the slime asked me "nothing" just trying to funnel the pretense of objectivity by paraphrasing. Zero? How sick and sloppy a journalist can one be, becomes evident.

Gordon Yee, Toastmaster?

Now read below what some "state as truth" and is simply not, and filled with a madness and malice? Now research and ask exactly WHY? WHY? This can not be defended. Are we clear? Even some of their own now turning on them and apologizing? See below. "Gord enough!" A documented cyber bully. Why did he want to play big shot and come after me? A Toastmaster show-off? Why did he shut down his web page if once such a noble and righteous cause to defame me with others?

Why did Emily Campell shut down and run from such a nobel and honourable cause and her efforts as Google Capture makes clear.

Dan Spector, Junk Journalist, Global News.

This gets very expensive for those with giant egos, self-righteous or suffering serious cognitive dissonance so no upset tummy problems when looking in the mirror every morning at what human garbage they "really" are. They really are. Bullies as well just too obvious. Their poor families. Again, are children involved as they suggest in news article and now also a possible serious concern? Children were a concern in the article when it served to defame me why not now?

And with such acts of bullying bravado and swarm against a senior deserving some respect from minor league unaccomplished punks gets very expensive.

Certainly, Dan Spector should be added to Global's Wall of Shame with Chris Gailus and Leslie Roberts and with his so very clever Facebook girlfriend at CJAD. Want more? Read on. There's tons more. Muchmore.

As a person like myself, now having to NEEDLESSLY defend myself against this defamation by slimy young punks and bullying journalists and in "all" the industries that I built a marked reputation in:

- Academic (Requested Speaker McGill, SFU and UBC, now suffering defamation?)

- Business (Marketing Magazine "Landmark 100?)

- Finance (Investor Relations Advanced Media Technologies, who will trust me now?)

- Media (CBC, CHOM-FM, CKO, CJOR from co-workers, writers and ad clients who will not also be "suspicious", I'm a "scam" and/or "sham")

- Film & TV (The X-Files to La Sacree (French Comedy). Disney, Spelling folk. Nobody flakes?). They once trusted me and the 475 trusting folks who supported me against corrupt union and women beaters.

- Military (Helping Veterans and heroes. How can I walk thru DND installations from Esquimalt to Halifax. My special security clearance for DND and NRC now as suspect as my Facebook page as Mr. Cutler leads one to believe?)

- Clergy (Helping Grey Nuns. Now even they look bad as friends and family.)

- Charities (Peeling potatoes in a mission in shadow of parliament buildings when short staffed to "National leadership" on franchise employment of deaf, blind, Immigrant Women, and Handicapped for Molson fund investment interests. Government money poured in as they could not see me as a "Sham" or a "Sam" or even "Suspicious" as these so honest and honourable folks did. Seems Dan Spector's experts and mine will differ. And certainly under oath. Or affidavit?

Anyone dare put a further defamatory rebuttal together as an affidavit and sign it? No problem if no problem?

And now very very expensive for any possible counter by Dan Spector and Gord Yee and any other cybersecurity expert who oddly forgot his own professionalism, due diligence, and standard of care to ignore my side, and simply focus on their vain self-marketing to care to get my side of the story. No one did. Not at our honest mutual convenience. How rude is that? All trying hard to now fool far too many. And now both sides told. Their efforts far too transparent. As documented. Read news report once or three times. Something seriously stinks? Very expensive. They'll pay dearly. With the lovely honourable ladies they know, as named below key involved parties from West Island Watch Group etc will also know).

Any super foolish, as per below still dare try to prove that I'm a "sham" and a "scam", plus now also falsely accused of "exploiting victims" in a crisis and using "children's names" will be put under a "legal microscope". Only fair to defend my good name?

All my actions now as allowed by law as to undue the damage done with so many I've been involved with. This is very very very expensive (SEE other Quebec legal rulings below and size of awards. Courts are not amuzed by bullies and mindless swarms. For some do check your bank accounts like your reputations as soon at zero?)

This is far more than expensive and just disgusting. Fact? REAL FACT? I've helped more charities than "many" of my defaming slime and note "combined"? Please compare? Yes, combined! Compare what is "super sickly sleaze" with what is time-proven class with my charitable efforts. Even helping families or people who work at CBC Montreal and Global Vancouver. Media people I've helped. And witness to my charity and kind acts?

Yes, I have a few critics across Canada but most as always profiled as oddly highly uneducated human nasty dirt and most now scared shitless to put anything in writing ever again and sign it! Wanna bet?


Whether under oath, with the heavy threat of obstruction or perjury or in a trusted fiduciary role, as a Journalist, we can not accept bottom drawer standard of care and due diligence. Ever when reputations at stake. And worse "glaring" deceptive omissions or fraudulent concealment so critical to social abuse - and more so when it constitutes wrongful prosecution and almost absurd and revolting: "using police like props or puppets just to legitimize an inflated effort at defamation". How sick is sick? And why?

What is a conspiracy to defame? What does it look like? What is wrongful prosecution using, and just too sick, using police like puppets or props to try and "intimidate and coerce" submission and with their friends helping in swarms?

All will be named who made "defamatory statements of facts" and acting like they have supporting facts or are even near as educated to do so as they "pretend". Total frauds? Fakes? Or greasy flakes? Let the courts decide. Real experts in law?

And best a cyber security (as just about everybody goofs up once) just looking for free media marketing exposure and some business advertorial when the price simply only "helping defame in a gang some nobody". As he believed at the time. How come none of my friends and fans never questioned? Nor even myself just paraphrased. Only the slime gang and inner circle questioning each other? Kind of wierd? A bit biased? Hardly objective? Odd? You bet. Cute little circle.

What is public mischief? Why could less than literally ten people of a majority connected clearly provoke such national insanity when simply one gets "insulted" by their illusion some are their paid personal staff? Or personal secretary? Or is this like the illusion of power to abuse in a restaurant or when ordering a pizza. A lust for power and posture at any cost? As documented. Again, as documented. And some ask why my very limited anger at such sick disgusting, cowardly bullying idiots. Anger and rude has a place. Defamation does not.

Back to article and posts and then most disgusting and disturbing they EVEN dare feel they represent "ALL volunteers" or "Residents" stating "we all don't need recognition"? And more absurd when in reality less than twenty people in any way they ever or even represent? "All"? How arrogant and totally false. Do the math. Ask an actuary. I will.

Using the term "Residents" very very exaggerated when "literally and very honestly" under .001% of West Island involved, questioned or polled and with clear bias used as such and documented to defame by "falsely implied" election, referendum or documented affidavits or testimonials? Where do they get such authority. Certainly not by law. Less than twenty in gang statistically impossible to suggests as greater numbers. Yes, "Residents" sounds better than twenty nobodies with egos hurt or market and media fame inspired.

Why not the honest truth and just say (7) seven real slimy nobodies wanting some posture of power to bully others, plus media or social media attention just "think"?

Or just say, as even more honest, only 7 people upset vs. hundreds who as honest fact support me and some who know me. And the mindless no-research followers inspired by Gordon Vee's best Tony Robbins effort.

Why not ask those that oddly are far more honest. And know me?

And note unlike these slime I haven't asked any of my friends on Facebook and family to give me likes. "YET" as to quote the visionary insights of the know-it-all at West Island Watch Group, so safely add 200 on their way to the over a hundred likes and kind comments I have. Which group looks more honest? More sane?

Just told a few to watch and read this who can enjoy my different humour? When we hold their feet to the fire even more will hear their screams. Some have found me very entertaining when I turn my efforts against bullies, criminals and corrupt. As I will do again here. When time comes, if forced to be bored by last desperate efforts I will pull in all friends and their air, hotel and ground just added to expenses and damages to prove some are in absolute fact in a group easy to define as Liars and losers.

Why use the word "Residents" at all? It sounds like more than a hundred. And is not. Again, is not. We are talking less than (20) inspired by junk journalism, vain ego maniacs and some self-consumed weirdos like Gordon Yee (Toastmaster in Pointe Claire)? As documented. Looking so forward to watching this "Toastmaster" do his magic in front of police or a judge. And my presence a must. I like to laugh.


To get a very minor but meaningful token amount of damages from Global/Corus and written apology. They know the law. They know the game. And then financially cripple all others who actually authoured the defamation and aided and abetted. Hard to even fake a legal defence after Global/CORUS agrees with defamatory and other CRIMINAL and Defamatory claims. or when those in their own loyal ranks turn.More will.

Gary A. Maavara, Executive Vice President and General Counsel at Corus Entertainment just has to just make one simple call to a former Osgoode prof and former acting chair Law Faculty UBC to find out who I am. Scam and Scum or in fact far from it. This the simple similar call others never made to see if I'm a scam or are they just very stupid bullies trying hard to defame a senior as outnumbering him. And all games now end.

I am not a "scam" or a "sham". Nor am I a threat to children as also suggested. I baby sat in Montreal and was often trusted with others credit cards, homes, expensive cars and pets. Are they crazy trusting me or are my defamers low life disgusting defaming slime? We'll ask a judge? After CORUS.

Mr Gordon Yee at Toastmers in Pointe Claire will make a name for himself big time. And for his employer as also humiliated by association and disrepute that comes from such a bad hire for Director of Marketing. A title oddly I had before I began work with international engineering firms with Oxford scholars and Board of Director position in high profile public company.

As will West Island Watch Group become famous and other slime again as documented and their so sickening desperate needless efforts at "using" police like props and puppets to desperately legitimize their very sick and poorly planned defamatory witch hunt. True? False? Watch the word dancing now?

And where I haven't lived in Montreal since 1980 literally hundreds know me from various churches (Protestant and Catholic and from Dorval to Hudson and from schools, charity work and even some class in Montreal media).

My media career started at CBC in Montreal. Actually, that's not true. Fact in high school newspaper. I sailed with CBC's Stuart McLean. In fact I actually sailed or boated with many in media even CJAD copywriters and ad sales reps from rapids in Lachine to below Ile Bizard. Thru locks near Dorion and over to Oka. Across the lake from Molson compound in Ste. Agathe and beside Club of Rome landlady?

A top CTV news person dated my best friend then a copywriter at CJAD. I was fun friends with the daughter of the head at CFCF. As such honest media do not scare me. Dan Spector should scare us all. Gordon Yee is as mentally stable as he documents in his own words and videos.

Think these low life slime would have tried this if they knew (2) Executive producers for "The National" in Montreal found me running all Western Communications for Federal Liberals for Turner-Mulroney election. And Vancouver Justice Critic for Vancouver Sun?

Many in media seemed to like me from the late Daniel Feist (Gazette/CHOM) to some nobody named Nick Auf der Maur who is a hero in my books helping a father get DNA testing pushed thru Parliament so murders and rapists do not go free? Slime is slime and must do time or pay the dime.

Did I date psychologist from McGill days? Is my family too loaded with psychologists to top forensic shrinks all missing my mental well-being that Dan Spector's friends caught from just a charitable web page. What is an expert? What is a fake?

Who are these sick, lazy nobodies who love media attention and who do they think they are and worse thinking they are above the law?

Who are these sick, lazy and very reckless nobodies who "love media attention" actually think they are and themselves thinking all above the law and again, can use police as their private and personal props and puppets to desperately legitimize their loser or lying ways?

We'll be watching West Island Watch Group under a microscope. Ask your cybersecurity "expert" and a top Defamation Lawyer all the totally "legal things" I can now do to defend my good name and bury the West Island Watch Group. Forever.

Beginnings of this story.

This all starts with little me trying to get the names ideally of "All" or most heroes helping in the Montreal flood of 2017. As documented.

This using Facebook to collect names for some major but very minor recognition. Not as individuals but as a "community". Again: Not as individuals, but as a "community". As very well documented.

Then much later considering using "sponsors money" as is usually done and not victims (How sick to be accused of that:"using victims"? See below.)

Key Note: It was others who submitted names. Not I. I did not make them up. Hope we're clear. Some thought i just took names. Another idiot. See below.

I added no family and only one friend from Montreal because they did something honourable related.

As a note my family involved in a variety of other charitable efforts. You name it. From Cancer to Crippled children we've run to raise money to delivering food, gifts and money on Christmas Eve. And we get our family name defamed by these slime who do or did what as best effort. Who are these twisted people? Names below. Churches to social functions suffer to be in their company by association. True? False?

Easier to guess what my family didn't support as charities and volunteers than what we've done. And from white slavery to whistle blowing on dirty top executives and professionals to very criminal and corrupt union executives. And those involved with violence against women. The later one of my proudest efforts. I hate bullies in any form.

Why me? Why I fight back? Well, as a doorman and bouncer at various biker bars or rock clubs with some military and martial arts training I'm kind of hard to physically intimidate? Unlike women some beat-up.

And as some scholars suggest having a bit higher IQ than most I'm a touch hard to also intellectually intimidate. Ask the Scholars who know me. And with formal studies in Logic, Linguistics a bit hard to fool or lie to with high school level word-spin. People I had helped get fired or reversed their careers and reputation prior or brought to their knees have learned this.

And some with egos as big as Dan Spectors and Gordon Yee, Director of Marketing Anacare (Where he'll get legal mail). When I was a just lowly Director of Marketing for investments via PNF from Molson Pension Fund I oddly had an office with ocean view patio on North Shore so possibly more depth than most. My company car than an Audi. They flew me first class. Lawyer's and Doctor's office cubicles much smaller. I guess as Mr. Lee older than I was as a Director of Marketing he must really be something. More on Anacare to follow and specifically what they hired as fact.

Back to flood heroes.

Other honouring hero options included as well as "originally stated for example" to erect a plaque at Fairview Shopping Centre in Pointe Claire Quebec, as follows.

NOTE: Oddly having worked with both Cadilac Fairview (and most of their malls in Toronto) and with Trizec for Place Ville Marie in Montreal, I just might understand malls interest in community honouring. Any bets? Add Harbour Centre in Vancouver. Have I made a point? And the low life critics have what exact credentials beyond junior junk journalists and know-it-alls which facts below prove they didn't know much at all or honestly cared too little to know.

And other Local Hero charitable goals included a critical wave of secondary funds to those still needy near Christmas. This using a variety of local churches and sponsors. Thinking ahead. Yes, when everyone exhausted and the story told, there will still be a need.

I was recently at the funeral in Victoria BC of a former West Island preacher from St. John's United in Pointe Claire and recently wishing two Grey Nuns best wishes. So have many even in West Island who know of me well. Not just REAL accomplished media personalities.

A Wall of Honour for Local West Island heroes. Whatever? With various fundraisers as extensions. Or names painted all over West Island Mall Parking lot. Or simply flags with names almost impossible to read. Whatever? Something novel and meaningful.

With luck all names as eventually so many, and the names too hard to read - as the real true story is: "One of the community". Obviously, and from day 1. As documented.

To make a base point.

My own house flooded in '78-80's in Montreal. Easy to prove. Clearly no money "Scam" or "Sham". Had waterfront with long back lawn on water and two sailboats. Left at dawn came back to a wall of sandbags. I didn't need boots. I'm also thanking those who helped with my effort back then by honouring those helping now. Whoever they were?

Dan Spector and Gordon Yee never simply asked what's my motive, but like others "dictated my motive to me and world as a statement of fact" as a "Suspicious", "Scam" and so sucked into their own BS self-defined worthy of bothering police in a very transparent effort to try and intimidate me and sadly further legitimize their defamation. I guess like RCMP who have helped me in the past with similar defamation the Montreal Police also not at all amused by such brainless losers. As documented in News Story?

Can others help idiots who miss this? Or shoddy reporters like junior junk journalist Dan Spector for Global News, and others who defame by ignoring honest fair and balanced reporting? Yin and Yang? Pro and Con. Why just a Con job? WHY?

And worse key facts of a "flood crisis" make this "News" story so very very ugly and misleading? Any loss of life even far more disgusting. And as this a major interruption and killing my honorable and charitable efforts to recognize heroes others wished honoured as heroes, the damage hurting many thousands of real heroes and their families wanting recognition.

And add others who defame by making "statements of fact they can't support with real honest facts".

Zero standard of care or basic due diligence. Or simply no fair play. Or any appearance of Natural Justice.

Sloppy professionalism by both a junior junk journalist new hire at Global news, Dan Spector and a cybersecurity "expert" and some ladies with serious issues beyond financial? Did he miss the 60 Minutes story on cybersecurity?

Yes. A cybersecurity expert? Hardly without question. If somebody puts beside their LinkedIn Profile for education just "intense" is that suspicious?

This proves he's a goof defaming me. See his videos. All he had to do was a tiny weeny little bit of "honest" and "professional" research to avoid aid and abetting in this defamatory mess he helped big time. He didn't. Why didn't he call RCMP and check me out as I begged others to do? As documented?

We should both see who is full of BS and who is "suspicious" and both go to our local RCMP and both do volunteer voice polygraph? Why waste RCMP time i say? And ask each other some interesting questions with with RCMP video conference tools. Seems very very fair? One of us will have trouble with our Federal Security clearance after. Yes for Terry Cutler I'm suspicious but oddly for DND and NRC I'm not? Maybe they need him to help them define "suspicious". Maybe they definitely don't? Is he a big man with a big gigantic watch?

Chicken-Little marketing at best all I read showcased. Then in the press even also suggesting Facebook as a root to viruses by "suspicious" FB web pages, hardly will get you or your business credit extended at the bank. Will it? Hope his credentials good enough to stand rebuttal from my few computer and legal experts?

I started with Compuserve in Montreal in 1980 and by 1986 was helping IBM (US) as a VP with their MAP program for launch of their InfoWindow for Expo '86. I did the first TV ad in Montreal for Apple II. And he dares damages my reputation as "Suspicious". Dr. Bull at McGill my client for pentagon presentations. I did the first software ads in Canada using floppy discs and 24k modem. Hope this cyber security expert has at the very least my history and depth even before on the board of directors of a public company in advanced media technologies. My friends in computer world may not be very impressed with Mr. Cutler and his statement of facts as fact nothing more than an overinflated ego looking for affirmation among other cowardly defaming members. My education a bit more than: "intense"?

NOTE: And I did this honest charitable act for flood heroes initially with "no picture of me, nor my name". This so I would "remain unknown". Fact. Well, until some idiots (named below) said I was "afraid to post a picture and my name". So I posted. Makes my friends laugh? So now they have my picture and name. As documented.

Background: I had only, oddly prior (as documented) asked an editor at the Gazette LUCINDA CHODAN VICE-PRESIDENT EDITORIAL, EAST REGION EDITOR, MONTREAL GAZETTE on May 10th, to give me oddly "Creative Credit" in full. My request. On due date. As I define. My work has been recognized by international awards to international trade and consumer media. As documented. Just creative credit all I asked. Honest. And no money scam. All I need for currency is "creative concept credit". As in the past for Federal Liberals. Opens many doors. Some now closed or closing with these sick defamatory acts bullying a senior. One who will fight back and not take crap from arrogant and ignorant punks.

My REAL goal to get heroes a tiny bit of recognition within their own world of 250 people of family and friends as a rule of thumb, or their warm market as others term. Only their family and friends will really notice. All that matters? And in a way better and far more beautiful that way. And on a larger scale simply one of a good statement of community. Find the name on a sweatshirt using a magnifying glass a goal concept as discussed with top international fashion designers I know and oddly also a real Montreal hero. in many ways.

Again, this based on my own first-hand experience mentioned above, in a flood, and in Montreal. Impressed by heroes and more oddly my work with Red Cross with oddly "Volunteer Recognition" in Vancouver.

I did what I could from Victoria. Hey, I'm no expert? Who is? Pick from the names below? Maybe I am the real expert here? On many things. Please compare.

My academic goal was the "systematize name manipulation of stepped development from a few thousand names using social media to millions". How odd? Read below. This following my tiny weeny little understanding of PMI and Harvard guidelines. A bit academic, but has merit. For those who care. Or understand.

Defamation Overview:

First, we deal with the article by Dan Spector, Global News. He "chose deliberately" and "knowingly" to allow less than a "handful"(5) of very very odd and "connected" references to all sickeningly defame me, my reputation, my character to millions. Why? That is the real question to ask under oath? With added perjury or contempt charges to keep liars and losers a bit more honest.

What did Shakespeare say about the value of one's character and reputation?

Note: Initial defamatory excesses as such, asking dollar amounts are referenced from actual case law. i did not make up the legal cases or amount of damages awarded. Theis is not a sham or a scam. It's called protection by the law. We'd be idiots to simply trust junk journalists. Wouldn't we?

For those new to this, here's a link below, we can term "Defamation for Dummies". Kind of a nice first-day class intro. Don't read. Don't bother us. I have over a decade head start working with the best in BC. But don't believe me. Read. Or trust your own fairly paid Defamation Law Expert?

Defamation for Dummies

Defamation: Dan Spector, Global News did this with the extremely questionable and hardly honourable statements of ping-pong facts by "Gordon Yee" (Whatever he does?). Read it as is.

And Mr. Yee, to note another utter authority on nothing as this case suggests with
Cyber security (Sp?) expert "Terry Cutler" who oddly "agreed the page looks suspicious" and stated that as an honest statement of fact and poetic licence exceeded? The defamation obvious as may have viruses and looks suspicious.

Could I say your children look like thieves and may have stolen property and not defame? Get real.

As such, I suspect everything does look suspicious to myopic Mr. Cutler when helping "friends" defame, plus nicely market himself as protector of all with no ad space paid for in this advertorial sham - and with a touch of suggested heroic PR. A cyber superman. Using "in news" content how fashionable and bit black hat?

Karine Saba, who runs the West Island Watch Group (Simply not a force not to be challenged by any) and Stéphanie Sabbagh whoever she is or thinks she is? Who cares. Not I. Nor should I. As documented.

Then we deal with the "Very few" defamers with "Very Many" and very very sick statements of facts.

Facts they simply can't explain or substantiate. Not in any "honest way" possible. As criminal matters also involved here criminal obstruction with criminal wrongful prosecution may come into play on top of blatant defamation.

To deny my claims to further defame. That simple.

And all this swarm and witch hunt fuelled in high-test by the very fraudulent concealment and artificial legitimacy of an absurd article by defamatory Dan Spector. Full of misleading statements, deceitful omissions or the classic fraudulent concealment. True? False? As documented?

All fueled by these strange people listed above. Who are they? Who are they?

AND MOST REPUGNANT: Thinking they could bully a tiny, little lonely old man who they could CRUSH. Wrong on many counts and I'm still holding aces.

This as documented. See time stamp. They wanted to "crush me" when they thought I wouldn't fight back. Was to weak against their tough-talking intellectually superior gang and friends. As documented. And they thought I was a senior who couldn't fight back. Cowards and bullies as well? They thought I wouldn't fight back. Possibly like others weaker, they've bullied. Possibly children. Possibly coworkers. Why so afraid of me now? Why so afraid of me now? get a good defamation lawyer and then you'll know fear.

This is how you stop bullies to mindless mobs. You drag them into court. True? False?

As per Dan Spector's "International article" (if Global sales manager and ad reps to be believed). Hey, what do I know about media? The defaming article giving validity to false claims and starting a witch hunt is below. Click here. Read first. Then following rebuttal or what we call honest facts. And mean it.
Quebec floods: West Island residents suspicious over ‘role of honour heroes’ Facebook page

by Dan Spector

Then with their "friends" later adding to my defamation via both classic slander and libel. And even "threats". See below. A tiny weak old lonely man. Sadly for these punks, I'm not.

Pictures will reveal these are young, hardly educated (obviously), nor hardly informed as per their posts. As documented.

This by comparison to my honest charitable character and my friends and family references. They defame us all by defaming me? Not conclusive. But coincidence? Can we judge people by the company we keep?

How about if "ALL" my charitable acts "totally compared" to both Dan Spector's plus Gordon Yee's whole life. or Holier-than-thou Mr. Cutler. Their total whole life's charitable merit? Combined? Does that make a point? Should make a point?

To deal immediately in the obvious my friends have included as RCMP know in BC.
BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay and friends (See Facebook). Known me since 1973. Lived together in '85.
Top internationally recognized Oxford Legal scholar Dr. Judith Fudge known me since 1972. Former acting Chair Law Faculty UBC. Helped before.
RCMP officer Peter Dawson (Nephew of Johnny Bower). Known me since early 60's. And other friends.

Please, fact check. Please do.

Dan Spector did not.

Note: I liked the RCMP in West Van 90's. Helped big time deal with Hollywood and Big Time Union lawyers trying to intimidate me. And my cousin a top internationally recognized forensic psychiatrist at St. Pauls in Vancouver a big help as with a school buddy then acting chair UBC Law Faculty. She had another top Oxford legal scholar for dinner as well so fools easy to out smart. Not like slime flakes who pretend to be both psychiatrists and legal scholars. One with an interest in truth and justice a top national CBC national producer also helped. If honest, well-researched media needed. Add one of top three defamation lawyers.

I hardly expect the same Hollywood or Union lawyers in this Montreal case but seems would not bother me.

But most fun RCMP were in Jasper. 1975. Possibly the most fun guys in Jasper. Hey, I was once fun (See Facebook).

As to my "mental condition" as many do make as a clear "STATEMENT OF FACT", they can't support, nor certified or qualified to support, with my cousin a top forensic Scholar Dr. Madeline Tremplay. Or other psychologists who are either also in the family or past girlfriends. Or high paying employers like Dr. Gandel formerly of West Island Montreal Lakeshore General Hospital. So I know who is qualified to make an analysis of my mental health and those who pretend to inflate their self-image and make statements of facts they can't support. The real slime will try and water down their claims but not a chance.

In university, I was a custodian on 4East at LGH. I know what troubled people are. They look like Col. Russel Williams a secret serial killer, or a Deacon at a Church in Beaconsfield collecting child porn. Or an investment advisor at the most prestigious golf club in West Island cheating brother and friends of their savings.
I use UPPER CASE in an FB reply and I'm thrown in with this human garbage? I tell some punk I'm not her secretary. As documented and the witchhunt and pitchforks come out and they start the fires for a lynchin' or a burnin'.

How did I get my Federal Security Clearance for DND and NRC? Yet these highly uncertified and certainly grossly unqualified had judged me so different? Fakes or Experts?

Who are these major nobodies to make such judgments and blast it on social media or facilitate Dan Spector's deep investigating nonsense as Global News? Saying I'm a "scam". Stating I look "suspicious"? Compared to what? Yes, cyber security guru ccompared to what? Compared to who as you'll be asked in court and possibly that the most humiliating hour of your whole life? Wanna bet?

They "all" missed these real honest facts. Who are my references? What is my past? Who am I? Small details to totally ignore when the single goal to intimidate and coerce surrender and defaming somebody beyond belief. This to just simply start. Even before the witch hunt and pitchforks arrived.

Just Dan Spector, just trying to get a balance on the story and kinda honest guy? Hardly. Missed my side of the story almost "completely" and gave me no honest or honourable chance to defend. Other than his sick dictates as documented. The damage was done. And extremely sizeable to undue. Extremely?

This as a punk, with a bit too much abuse of fiduciary trust to work in media. Dan Spector, as documented, paraphrased and cherry-picked the most defaming quotes even if so minor requiring further amplification from a "suspicious page", "use of upper case" with an alarming amount of "RESIDENTS"? Less than 1% as fact.What a clown. And this for Dan Spector done to showcase his new job "journalistic objectivity and gold standard integrity". Hardly.

Also, add these other very-very unqualified arrogant little punks below in Part III, who however also did the same. And further fueled by the Dan Spector article and their cheerleading Gord Vee and the defaming gang. Names attached and below.

As to my military work with one of the highest most decorated peace time operative in Canada Larry McHale who considered me as CEO of his company GeoDom software. Ex-CIA. Also a personal mentor. I can possibly deal with Mr. Cutler better than most. A Cyber security expert. He neither fools me or intimidates me. And any others who think I don't recognize REAL MILITARY HEROES. And real computer brains? Read on. I worked with Dr. Bull at McGill before his assassination by Mossad on Pentagon presentations. Check my LinkedIn references. It gets better.

Vomit bags below your seat.

As to my character my work with Veterans no big deal, like Bert Williams on simple care for our senior veterans and that spans to peeling potatoes in a Mission in Ottawa with Ottawa Miltary Brass, or helping Grey Nuns (leaders in white slavery) and Seniors with computers, helping old ladies see grandchildren a million miles away, bringing food and gifts at Christmas in Ottawa to national programs for blind, deaf, handicap and Immigrant women. They missed that. Dan Spector missed that. All of it.

What is a deceitful omission or fraudulent concealment when it helps defame? What have these critics who defame my charitable acts honestly and really done as fact compared to me? Yes, in direct comparison to me. What is a real scam artist?

I taught autistics sign language. I did gym for special ed. Was a sub for high schools. The shots about children in this article as such, no less than revolting.

No less than revolting. Absolutely revolting.

I taught for the Pacific Institute under SFU, refugees from Tiananmen Square.

Thanks, Dan Spector and Global News.

Thanks, Mr. Cutler, Gordon Vee and two or three defaming ladies. Upset I use upper case and was not some hysterical girls volunteer secretary.

And yes big thanks to those other "handful" of experts to make judgments as a statement of fact or even worse "to call police as to constitute wrongful prosecution using police as their props or puppets to intimidate and coerce". This was sick. Nothing to do with community clearly, but to get in the media spotlight and act like they had a clue what they were talking about. And lacking any honest legitimacy.

NOTE: My personal generosity also of note by many. And again in Montreal. How's this: Ask some top CBC journalist in Montreal if he ever saw me go down in a basement and help his brother out when his basement flooded. I was cheap then. I worked for beer.

Please, fact check. Please do. Dan Spector did not.

Maybe time to get CARP involved as this involves grossly abusive bullying and defaming a senior and as these are hardly anywhere near honourable people. Possibly give their names to CRA as well? Should Border security be advised as I did with similar slime in Vancouver? Names help. Picture handy.

NOTE: I can get an "apology now and proper write-up with reduced partial damages and settle out of court". Or not. As lawyers will advise the price grows daily. Or builds over Summer and Fall a far bigger and stronger "full attack" provisioned and prepared and go for even more money with the full media humiliation of those all named in court records and in media.

Their lawyers will help them think about it if not a hack. Or increase their billings on their way to court? Get's expensive to play. And too costly to wait.

Maybe CARP will help boycott advertisers until Global does the "honest and right thing". The sales people at Global will hate the insane editorial stupidity after that.

Most of us seniors are retired and have far more time than those who defame me and we have no careers or jobs to worry about, as we scale down. Pissing off seniors never smart. Never. Ever.


Part 1: The story?

Who the heck is Stéphanie Sabbagh? "a Pierrefonds-Roxboro resident displaced by the floods?" Big Question. Many questions. Many many questions?

So she's highly stressed out? Like thousands and thousands of others? But placing names, one bit at a time strange as thanks? A bit strange? Very strange compared to others. Fact. See time stamps. As documented.

Does she ALONE have the honest right to compromise others and even now thousands of other volunteer's recognition? Playing games. And get others to spend endless time to address Stéphanie Sabbagh's one name at a time issue and imperative? She seemed to enjoy doing one at a time? See time stamp. Do the Math. If Stéphanie Sabbagh's time equal to 50 others. And she complains and whines? See posts.

How did a "Cyber security expert" and ace investigative Journalists both miss that index? And a top new junior junk journalist working side-by-side the cerebral cyber superman. Together? What a powerhouse of investigative and deductive brains. Based on one possibly spoiled girl? Did others suffer worse? Did others, in fact, suffer worse?

Side Bar. Thousands like recognition. Red Cross to other organizations understand "EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION" and as "Critical".

Need help? Think Mother's day kind of a "recognition day", well unless your dropping say 4k each week on her?

Think of medals and awards given to soldiers. Dead and alive. Does this need to really be debated? Well, we will.

But a few very sick minds feel or believe, as convinced they should "interrupt everything" to show how very smart and appears very spoiled they are - and make hundreds pay. Now thousands? In weeks many thousands. How sick? Read on.

Saying BS like "No one needs an award". Facts are millions and millions do. I worked on that exact project in 1985 for the Red Cross. Who are these experts to question me or defame me. Or dare question so much research.

And really and honestly who are these "less than twenty voices"? Who are they to dictate a truth for millions or even a hundred others, and obviously unelected or "who died and made them Pope" to even dare say "We don't need Recognition" consider the singular self-consumed mind that would make such an absurd statement on behalf of others with absolutely zero mandate to do so? Sick?

Mr. Gordon Yees demonstrated Papal infallibility. Time, after time, after time. How could the words of Dan Spector be honestly questioned? Together a prophet and a God. With brilliant role reversal.

And including the divinity of Mr. Yees. Mr. Cutler and Karine Saba, who runs the West Island Watch group. A trinity of tyrants? Normally unchallenged. Do their friends and family also suffer this? Often? Are they classic social bullies. And what of their children?

This about as sick as a Hollywood actress showing up in an $8,000 dress to say she needs no recognition for her "help for the homeless". Just who exactly are we kidding? About that absurd. Even schools do recognition to boys scouts. Get a life.

This is about thousands who do support recognition of volunteers and Red Cross, March of Dimes, you name it support it?

Side Note: In 1979 or 1980 "again", my house on North Shore waterfront in Montreal in Sainte-Geneviève required sandbagging so I know first hand the realities these slime inflate? My driveway requiring 2'-3' foot sandbags

This effort was an Honourable and Charitable cause.

For that I'm the victim of a witch hunt and as we see a gang swarm as many oddly connected to fluff their numbers.

Here's the insanity from the article:

1) "Residents say the administrator’s interactions with them turned aggressive."

For absolutely no reason it appears? None? Yes, absolutely no reason at all as it appears? No reason at all? Is there a reason? Or just not addressed in this very sick excessive bias and defaming article? Just how do wars really start? How do they? Or just screaming matches at a retail sale? Just happened? Just happened. Only idiots buy that BS. Good luck Dan Spector. Law Schools set the bar a tad higher than journalism. We'll have to check where you studied may get money back?

Is "Residents" one self-consumed hysterical upset kid or 5 adults or 500? Or as solid fact less than 1% of West Island

See time stamps. Swear under oath? Dan Spector oddly did not define a number. How odd.

Such class and integrity. Putting me in my place. Having worked for "decades" in market opinion research we know at least a survey of random 250 residents gives us some technical ability 0f +/- 8%. They say? Dan Spector did not. And used the term "Residents" to inflate his disgusting defaming article. Having lived in BC polls amusing. We need exact names. No names. No game.

Please provide EXACT names we can compare with real honest time stamps and real chronology? Or afraid?

And here's where the bullshit really starts.

2) "Sabbagh submitted a single name to be recognized, repeatedly and was met with a response "requesting or demanding" (Fact or fantasy?) she submits more than one."

OH MY GOD. HOW DARE I? HOW DARE I? HOW DARE I? And as per Dan Spector adds with what appears a touch biased to defame further like nothing happened in between? Nothing? And like Global News authorities will back? "Nothing happened in between"?

Swear under oath? Funny if her house is displaced, Sabbagh should have been far more than one name? At a time? Yes, more than one name at a time? More than one name? At a time? Ya' think? Something fishy here? How displaced?

3) "When Sabbagh posted in the mighty and above questioned WEST ISLAND WATCH Facebook group complaining that she was being harassed, other members grew concerned." So Global and WEST ISLAND WATCH Facebook group to defend defamation. Well, two powerhouses. I'd guess? Based on what and when. And the whole truth and nothing but their BS editorial lack of causation

The lack of honest causation missing from "ALL" claims to date. 2? 6? 12? 600? How does Dan Spector miss the obvious? How many WEST ISLAND WATCH Facebook group members or more fluff? Why again no numbers? Again no numbers? Any names? Can we have these names Dan Spector top junk journalist at his new job with Global News showing off an abuse of public trust and fiduciary position? Again REAL NUMBERS 2? 6? 12? 600? Or just made up by Dan Spector? If under 250 he's a moron.

Key Note: While these slime had possible "Mental issues" seems blatant in real world reality Hundreds of others had NO PROBLEM, Again for those who have a real hard time with elementary logic:

Hundreds plus of others had NO PROBLEM with list or cause.

And so Dan Spector and the other "mighty twelve" don't miss it ever again:

Hundreds plus of others had NO PROBLEM with list or cause.
Zero. Zip.

Just two young journalists drunk on their new found power to decide what makes news and what does not. Sick. Sick. Sick.

Even More Sick:

They thought they were "ALL" as a swarm all ganging up on some small "mentally ill" old man who "forgot to take his meds" and out to oddly needlessly to harass one immature self-consumed teenager or adult. (1) girl. Without cause? Without any cause?
Dan Spector as a trained unbiased newshound missed this? But added I was a possible "threat to children" as West Island Watch Dog group as documented in the involvement of "wrongful prosecution" and using the police like their puppets or their toys. What an idiot.

For Dan Spector, again: "Hundreds of others had NO PROBLEM". But honest power hungry and I suspect trying to impress Emily Campbell of CJAD and others for the profoundly stupid and for the ego of Dan Spector again:

"Hundreds of others had NO PROBLEM." HOW DARE I? Dan Spector of Global News missed this in his effort to document his unbiased and well researched work. Again.

One more time: "Hundreds of others had NO PROBLEM". Many thanked me for my efforts when I was "unknown". This slime felt different.Named below.

Now forced to reveal my face, my connections and parts of my past I fear too many will again try and be my new friends.

What do I know about journalistic integrity? I've known multiple award-winning journalist Terrance McKenna and present executive producer CBC "The National" since high school. I even sailed with Stuart Mclean.

On the West Coast Ian Mulgrew, Justice Critic, Vancouver Sun has known me since before I handled Western Canada for Federal Elections for damage control for JohnTurner election efforts against Brian Mulroney working immediately under Ron Basford. As such I have a feel for Journalistic integrity and feel. Dan Spector of Global News and Emily Campbell of CJAD have none. I was drinking at Montreal and Vancouver press clubs before they were born, then I got in with a bad group of publishers.

4) "Karine Saba, who runs the West Island Watch group, was among a "handful"(5?) of people who asked for their names to be removed from the list. 24 hours later it is still there".

Tough shit assholes, call my volunteer complaint group? 24hrs? Who on fuckin' earth do these absolute nobodies think they are? Give it a break you thoughtless idiots.Thousands could be helped without your arrogance. And defamatory intrusion, wrongful prosecution, conspiracy to defame, public mischief, intimidation and coercion using the police as puppets, obstruction, possible perjury. And denial is to defame. Your move.

5) “Think of the time you expect others to waste doing one name at a time…we are not your secretary,” Sinclair responded in all caps."

Holly shit. The case against me builds. ALL IN CAPS? OH, MY GOD. AND YES TELL THE LITTLE SELF CONSUMED Arrogant bitch IF NOT CLEAR: I AM NOT HER SECRETARY. Are we clear? I AM NOT HER SECRETARY. She has wasted enough time. See time stamp. Swear under oath? I AM NOT HER SECRETARY. In upper case.

And what journalist in his right mind from a fender bender to serial killer brings up UPPER CASE to fluff up a story. I'm thinking Peabody award.

6) "When Sabbagh posted in the West Island Watch Facebook group complaining that she was being harassed, other members grew concerned."

Getting sick or what? This is a witch hunt.

OMG. Again, Dan Spector top junk journalist fake news expert decided real numbers for West Island Watch Facebook group not material. 2 crazed old ladies? 7? Or 1700 war ready militant mindless mob? Can we have exact names, please? Exact. Who else defamed me? Hand them over?

"Mentally unstable. Look at my critics. Five against one? Who are they kidding? Who are they kidding? And idiots like CJAD reporter Emily Campbell wonders why I'm aggressive? Why I'm aggressive? Why I'm aggressive? What incredible eye for detail. But as a Facebook friend of Dan Spector should we expect anything less? I'm aggressive as one teenage girl can turn a town crazy. And a witchhunt of "endless conclusive defamation" void of timeline or causation absolutely mind-blowing.

Please note no swearing just a request in UPPER CASE for ten names. Again and again. And again. Enough to get Dan Spector to hang his new job and career on. Too bad.

Then the idiots and friends of idiots and family idiots decided they'd make me pay. I had posted no picture nor mentioned my name. These now documented slime decided with their impressive numbers and credentials such as the highly respected and impressive West Island Watch group and my fear of that name and the authority it carries maybe exceeding twenty nut cases they could BULLY a sad, small, "lonely", mentally unstable: CEST MOI?

And so some don't think I'm just some fly by night academic, idiot, verbose former board of directors of a public company ran by my great Mentor COB Bill Grant former CEO Nabob and PC candidate New West and just another Dean requested lecture at three of five top business schools. As I recently told the BC Federation of Labour I've been in more unions than any of them possibly all of them.

Twenty against one? So I'm hardly a bully. Am I?

Yes not like taking on big shot Hollywood and Union executives I agree. But still not a bully. Been here before.

7) “The issue I have, and I spoke to the police about this, there are children’s names on that list,” Saba said.

What a disgusting deplorable idiot. How would people know they are children? Only a first and last name. How would they no not two people with the same name? This gives us serious insight into the mind of Ms. Saba. Very serious. True? False? More on this disgusting effort to follow.

8) “This is no way for someone to interact with the public, especially when it’s supposed to be for a good cause.”

I'll skip any and all reference to above with Mr. Gordon Yee as there will be absolutely no out of court settlement for this absolute piece of human garbage. We go all the way.

9) Cyber "security expert" Terry Cutler agreed the page looks suspicious. "Cutler warned". Get real. Not a chance you could pick whats suspicious. Quality test?

I'd guess "everything looks suspicious"? Is he lost in this self-confirming cognitive dissonance circle? Who is this fuckin' flake? He certainly knows a scam when he sees one? Not? As "Cutler warned".

What an asshole. Major. Cutler further warned as a statement of fact"

"He said people should be on the lookout for links leading to viruses that might be sent from the page"

Could you say anything possibly more defaming and hurtful without a bare minimum of due diligence and standard of care? How horribly unprofessional. Even criminal? But blinded in his full sales mode. I was collateral damage as a prop for his pitch. What an embarrassingly sick man?

Could you say a statement of fact so impossible to support that any idiot can see hurts my charitable and honorable efforts? What are you?
For Mr. Cutler:
I started in 1980 with Apple II and my own bulletin board soon after, then Compuserve. By 1986 I was working with IBM (US) with the launch of IBM Infowindow for the launch and showcase of InfoWindow for Expo 86. The Internet still was Milnet. Got it?

By 1990 I was shortlisted CEO of GeoDom (and VP Oland's Brewery) by one of my favorite mentors Larry McHale. (Ex CIA and oddly also recognized with a plethora of medals and commendations).

By 1992, I was top computer brain at TV show "The X-Files", and then Disney, and this slime ball Terry Cutler dares defame me without a tiny minimal effort at due diligence and standard of care to allow me to even honestly defend myself? How reckless. I wouldn't hire him. Nor should my other friends. Or any reading this in Montreal Media.

10) ”If anyone is volunteering, they’re not doing it for the recognition. They’re doing it to help.”

OBVIOUSLY? This according to the great Gordon Yee and clearly works for Dan Spector's award-winning efforts to get a Peabody award in journalism.

What a profound and disgusting idiot Mr. Gordon Vee is, now trying to undermine my work. Again see Red Cross to Boy Scouts awards for volunteer work. Or is he and as he has documented again and again really the voice of God. Others get even worse. See below. What their highly educated and so informed friends and supporters now add also of serious note. We will need their added names of statements of fact they also can't support.

Part 1 Summary:

Global legal should hire one team of very expensive defamation lawyer ASAP as Fake News killing mainstream media faster than radio. Fire Dan Spector. He helps the spiral down. Ad boycotts hurt.

Defamation Law is "reverse onus". My law group in BC (4-5 firms) has made me well informed of this since long before the Mtl. flood starting in early 90's.

Only idiots bluff at this point, and those with very real "mental issues". True? False? Yes? No?

I know the awards to settle out of court and the extreme penalties to waste a judge's time with those with "dirty hands", trying stupid lies and stupid sophist and virtue-less word games. God see a few below with names and time stamps. Mr. Gordon Yee would tire an honest judge very quickly. As documented?

As would such clever word-masters like Dan Spector and buddy Emily Campbell of CJAD. Do they have 20K to just start to defend their actions?

Do others like Cyber "security expert" Terry Cutler have 20k for legal?

The West Island Watch Group must have millions I suspect? And going to the police. What is blind but oddly self-serving wrongful prosecution on top of defamation if police used to affirm their insanity, like puppets, props or toys?

FYI: The award of general damages against the two Defendants was $300,000. In addition, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the jury’s award of an additional $500,000 and aggravated damages and a further $800,000 punitive damages.

Good asking price. Each? Ask your lawyers to review the cases.

Okay, Say $250,000 each?

Read below. It gets worse. More names. More cruel. Very defaming.

Now as a side note: I not only can debate Laskin and oddly rules of legal interpretation and throw enough Latin around and with my own tiny little formal training in Formal Logic and Linguistics with the best of them (Sans ADD & Dyslexia) feel my pain. Executive Producer of CBC's "The National" forced me totally against my normal will to study Skaespheare. I wasn't even a fully ground mature adult. It started in CEGEP. And ended I'd hoped.

Until my studies in Law sometimes with LEGENDS like Senator Eugene Forsey. And media management from Keith Spicer both recognized coaches to Justin's Dad. I have a fee for some things. And I'm from Shawinigan so more on that later. My cousin a translator.

Here's where it gets really ugly fueled by Dan Spector's almost biblical totally objective, just-the-facts, truth-and-only-the-truth, we-need-to-get-others-to-support-these-claims. Or as they say at one of 3 of the top business schools I was asked to speak at: "Without measurement, there is no management". I think he's unmanaged by Global?

Part II

The Others far less careful.

(Poor Gord Yees and Dan Spector's friends and followers like Emily Campbell at CJAD we do have up to Christmas. They work and we're retired and bored

I call this why Boomer's Rock

In my little league law studies at Carleton U in Ottawa in 1976 I found it best to read backwards.


Preface Note: My case far worse as many defaming me all alone?

I told the truth. I'm an honest man.





NOTE: Denial is defamatory. Keeps it simple.

This also conspiracy to severely defame look at my world, my reputation plus efforts at wrongful prosecution calling the police? And where charitable the economic interference in a charity as sick and severe.

My career and reputation also bit different and use of a Global "International" News to ping-pong a witch hunt and fuel feed others with pitchforks amusing. Because it's me.

But get ready to vomit.

Worse these sick, disgusting bullies and human garbage did this thinking I was a tiny lonely old man easy to just bully with defaming needless and senseless mental illness to a scam artist claims or faking goodwill. They were wrong on many things.

I'm hardly tiny. I'm hardly lonely. I do not need scams. Too many people pay too well for me to be crazy. I have no criminal record. I'm fun. I'm considered wild. Chick's like me. I trust the RCMP and CRA? I believe in the rule of law not mob frenzy.

Don't trust me. Trust the law. Use this as a primer for those unfortunately only now poorly informed.

$400,000 – NEWMAN ET AL. V. HALSTEAD ET AL., 2006 BCSC 65

The eleven plaintiffs were all persons associated with a school district, including nine school teachers, a retired trustee, and a parent of a former student in a public school. The defendant was a member of the local community who used e-mails, the Internet websites and chat rooms to make a series of very serious

allegations about alleged misconduct by the plaintiffs.

The defendant did not appear at trial. The court found that she had

conducted what amounted to a “vindictive campaign” against the

plaintiffs. The total award of about $400,000 was made up of a

number of separate awards in favour of each of the plaintiffs,

including three claimants who received between $100,000 and

$150,000 each, and other plaintiffs receiving smaller awards

between $15,000 and $20,000 each.

The exceptional factors, in this case, include the fact that the allegations were made

- persistently, over a prolonged period of time;

- the campaign was on the Internet and by e-mail;

- the allegations against the plaintiffs were unfounded, and the charges were knowingly false or characterized by a reckless indifference to whether they were true or not.

- The defendant was willful in her conduct, and there was never any

apology or retraction.


The result, in this case, affirmed what is "clear in law" but has been slow to "gain general public recognition and acceptance": the Internet is not a “no law” space, and individuals or organizations who use the Internet for a campaign of "vilification" will face very substantial damages.

Are we clear? Need more? Okay.

Quebec Law:

- In the case of Sormany, Justice Yergeau awarded general damages for a sum of 20,000$ for a Facebook publication available to general Facebook users over a period of 4 days.

- In Carpentier v. Tremblay, Justice Bérubé awarded a sum of 5000$ to the victim of a Facebook comment available to 42 individuals over 2 weeks.

- In another case concerning the vindictive behaviour of an individual who published various derogatory comments on Facebook, the Court awarded 8000$ as general damages. It was shown that the comments became known by co-workers of the Plaintiff.

- In the case of 9080-5128 Québec inc. c. Morin-Ogilvy, Justice Langlois awarded general damages of 4000$ to one Plaintiff for comments made available to 426 individuals on Facebook, over a period of 2 days. The evidence showed the comments were most likely seen by only a few users.

Part III

Below one sample of the damage done to this charitable cause's clearly prior highly accelerated growth. Thousands may not be recognized as heroes. My character and reputation have some linear regression value here as well if any actuarial scholars involved. Easy to see trend accelerate and then the witch hunt with Dan Spector adding biblical credibility under the legitimacy of Global News and cheerleader Gord Yee rallying the masses.

How sick is sick when people make judgments as statements of facts they could never support, "afraid to show their faces" and saying things they never thought so easy to capture and prove. This is the insanity Dan Spector created with the human nut cases, Gordon Vee. Make your own Judgements.

This where it gets fun. Almost like Facebook wanted to make it very easy for me with notifications and messages and time stamps. A judge will love this:

- Gordon Yee: Lyne Paquette - he has been reported to the SPVM, and they are looking into it. This is starting to get some media attention as well.
NOTE: For what? To use police as props or puppets to give you legitimacy you so desperately have proved you all crave and it backfired? See how Mr. Yee tries to cheerlead. Why not more press from junior junk journalist Dan Spector and his buddy at CJAD. Have them both gang-up on me. Or now too frightened? I'll do live video chat and rip their credentials into pieces. You want a scam try these two winners?


James Maurais reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 1 star

May 16 at 2:06pm ·

This person is a scam artist!!!!!!! He is just exploiting the misfortune of others.

NOTE: James Maurais also makes (2) statements of fact, full of sound and fury, both he can't support in a defamation case. He can also explain it to a judge his superiority and credentials and standard of care in this matter. What a career joke. Please support your statement of fact that:

a) "This person is a scam artist!!!!!!! "
b) "He is just exploiting the misfortune of others."

NOTE: Later when James Maurais warned we get:

James Maurais I'm just reacting to what I read

Quebec floods: West Island residents suspicious over ‘role of honour heroes’…









· Reply · May 25 at 6:49pm

James Maurais Also no one insults my friends and gets away with it. Free speach man look it up

Like Reply · May 25 at 6:51pmShow more reactions


So now we have:

a) James Maurais admitting incited by defaming article as per: "I'm just reacting to what I read". Like others?
b) "Also no one insults my friends and gets away with it." Threat? Who are your friends?
c) "Free speech man look it up". Oddly I have since 1992.


- Stéphanie Masaha: He won't it's a scam we called police see West Island watch and community. Feel lucky he didn't insult you like he did for us.

Like. Like, Love. Wow Sad Angry · Reply · Message · 3 · May 11 at 7:43pm

NOTE: Stéphanie Masaha admitted in her own words above "We called police"?
On an insult? On an insult? Called police on an insult? You are in very big trouble lady. The police, not your props or puppets to use to assert your singular arrogant and very ignorant unsupported views on an insult, and legitimize your witch hunt? Who insulted who first? And for numbers how many against one? Adds more truth when you add more facts? And later under oath: Who are "We"?


- Tracy Bieszez

Tracy Bieszez Remove my name please and provide an updated list so I can see it has been removed please

Like · Reply · Message · 2 · May 11 at 7:31am

NOTE: Another Bozo who thinks I'm her "paid secretary"? Who raised these grossly obnoxious kids? Too much TV and texting?


Mark Francis reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes

Why are people still following this sham? Un like this page already.

1 star

May 16 at 7:55am ·

NOTE: Add "SHAM" to "SCAM". As another statement of fact that this moron also can't support in a defamation case.


Louis Van rated West Island Roll of Honour Heroes 1 out of 5 stars: "SCAM SCAM SCAM , stay away from this site , the..."

May 14
NOTE: Funny how the loudest talkers like Louis Van always so afraid to show their face.


Lissa Albert

· May 12, 2017

People help for the sakes of others, not themselves. This page has the makings of "scammer" written all over it. Tagging people on Facebook without their knowledge or permission leaves too many vulnerable - those named as well as their friends and family. Do NOT fall for this. Give of your time and effort for others, not some plaque that will likely never materialize after this page owner collects funds for it.

NOTE: What an idiot? Do her employers know she can't make one single "honest" meaningful observation or demonstrate effective judgment anywhere in the above? Well other than her beautiful first sentence suggesting falsely I disagree? Likes to blow her own horn. This type also fun when under oath and threat of perjury. I worry for family and friends. So little research and so quick to judge and defame. Scary to socialize with as such. Opinionated goes without saying. Defaming without fact a documented reality.


Jessica Childs

· May 15, 2017

I asked to be removed from the list as to be provided with an updated version of this as to verify my removal. No such update was given, nor was any answer at all. I saw the way mr. John Sinclair has been answering people, and thought it rude yet none of my business. Now it is, as I do not wish to have my name associated with this page or anything to do with you sir. Please remove ASAP.

NOTE: Now she is very much associated with this page. Is that how she talks to charitable volunteers? Or just me? Has she any education beyond CEGEP at best? She better see a defamation lawyer or look like a real idiot in court. Who in God'sname does she think she is? Who are her friends she's helping swarm on this fabricated witch hunt?


Alison Palkhivala reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes
1 star

May 11 at 8:40pm ·

I used to think this was a scam but it's becoming increasingly apparent the owner is seriously mentally ill. (I guess if you get totally disgusted with uneducated opinionated punks you get angry and slimey greasy sleazy little punks think that gives them the right to exercise a medical opinion?) If you know him personally, please, please check in on him or call his family. He is showing signs of being in a manic state and needs help immediately.

NOTE: We'll fuck her sleazy lying brains and see how she likes being under a microscope? Fair? She must be either "very sane" and certified to make such statements of fact or she has some history and big legal problems? We'll see.

Can we "judge her by her friends" as many do mine and from a variety of industries that I've had real success in. Who is she? She better be able to finger point as to who got her to show off her perfect marriage of profound ignorance and arrogance as documented.

How come with my many other volunteered and paid charity work I was never ever called a threat to children, I was never considered a business scam or sham. Why now. Too much video, video games, and texting?


No Name:

How can you be promoting heroes on a page and then say 'we will now have another list this week with "pictures" and names called "Liars and Losers" and posted to internet as I had to do before to shut up and shut down similar liars and losers'? It's turning the whole purpose of your page against itself? People who are struggling with this disaster want/need to see the good, not the bad. This isn't helping . . . :(

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· Reply · Message ·


· May 15 at 1:38pm

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes

NOTE: Why does she help defend the Liars and the Losers and not honest, volunteer me? Or help with list? Odd? Is she highly misinformed or underinformed? Nice twist of words at the end. How arrogant and presumptuous to add what people "need to see". Like I haven't a clue.
Of course, you're not helping at all if we are dealing with real fact?
Did she get the whole story or just jump to her superior judgment. As documented. If this person a parent given to such misleading babble and false authority can we question her the exact same way as a parent or employee?


Scott Travers reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 1 star

May 13 at 10:35pm ·

This guy is a genuine piece of Garbage and an internet troll

NOTE: Any employer want to bet on Scott Travers. Maybe Scott Travers a "genuine piece of Garbage and an internet troll" If he can't prove his statament of fact true and I can easily prove my actions volunteer and charitable who'd hire this moron - who clearly can't think for himself. He'll settle out of court as cheaper and he can't afford to be an idiot all the time.


And for a break here's some positive facts below. As documented. As we can see the goodwill going fine until May 10 and these slimey fraud punks got involved helping their friends as refusing to do their own research and be loud and proud in solidarity with the other slime.

Christine Matte reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 5 star

May 9 at 11:06am ·

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes



4 talking about this

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes

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Yes that's right "125 likes" that's more than a cybersecurity expert has on his youtube channel? And less than twenty who feel superior to myself and one hundred and twenty five. The slime who"feel" I'm a scam, scum, threatining children" fitting a very defined profile. They'll look good as a group with "clean hands" in court. Well those who don't settle first and fast with written apology for moi to post and post and post.

Are we clear?

Now in direct contrast Mr. Gordon Yee:
(Like others has deleted his Facebook Page and can't be found. This week. Guess he called RCMP or spoke to a good Defamation Lawyer and found:

"In Québec, truth is only a defence if the material is in the public interest and there is no malice.

And like others including Dan Spector's Global News "Story" wrong all three points:

- What truth? "Scam", "Suspicious". "Residents" Hardly truth?

- What public interest if just an honest charitable volunteer being defamed. Defamation not punished allows abuse of others by these types. I have no history of scams and a long history of charitable work. Even in Montreal snow storms.

Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Gordon Vee

Gordon Yee To be honest, this weeks of being a scam… I don't know what his endgame is, but I would not trust this person.




· May 11 at 1:04pm

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes For Mr. Yee and others on his friend list.

Feeling brave are we?

Lets put the fear of God in you arrogant and documented uneducated punks. And this before I really let you know who you're dealing with. A small sample? Call RCMP.NOW.

To start if your not just loud mouth uneducated punks call the RCMP on me. Yes, do call RCMP ASAP. Show them this message? With just that you should get a very tiny small feel with what you got yourselves into. Call the RCMP lets stop playing games idiots. No more games. Call. I'll be in Montreal this summer. We can meet at their offices to speed things up.

I have zero to fear. They have files on me since 1973 in Banff and Jasper? Just ask. Am a good guy or a bad guy? And how fucked you are and howw easily I can play assholes.
Time you get informed.

The RCMP know me since '73 and all the human dirt I've "crushed". Idiots oddly just like you. Big tough talking nobodies.

Ask if CRA now investigating people who once talked tough and clever like you punks? Maybe your family should be checked by CRA if also similar to you assholes? Are they? Your Daddy's hands clean? Better show your parents ASAP what you've done. Or better see some expensive lawyer how defamation REALLY works when so well documented. Show RCMP this post and all related documentation.

Are your parents just like you. Then maybe I should possibly suggest your families reviewed when I find out more about you and your families. And I will. Do hope you have nothing to hide as human scum. Let's start a file on you guys with this?

My friends on Facebook also include Border security in Ottawa. Any plans on travelling? Feel free to ask CRA about me as well Call the RCMP NOW, and see if I'm bluffing or if you're total assholes now busted as super idiots?

Don't forget to get Gordon Yee to back you as per:

"Gordon Yee
May 11 at 1:04pm

To be honest, this "weeks of being a scam…" I don't know what his endgame is, but I would not "trust this person"

His exact words? True? False?

Defaming some one like me gets expensive and this as lawyers will tell this jerk. Most settle quickly: $25,000.00 and I'll forgive. Ask a lawyer why and how very stupid Mr. Gordon Yee is? Fact check? Please do. Your education too revealing.

Call the RCMP I believe I still have one or two files open on me dealing with Big Shot Union and Hollywood lawyers in BC and real tough guys. RCMP Nort Van are who RCMP in Montreal should contact. And who oddly ran when they found out some things about me. As you will before end of summer. Better you call the RCMP and know what you're in for. Don't believe me call RCMP you scum. And see a lawyer. This is not new to me at all. At all.

Let's not play games. Call the RCMP. It will put the fear of God in you and your parents and family. Feel proud? Call. No more games kids.

My high school friend works downtown at Montreal RCMP offices. But I'll meet you at any RCMP office. I'm easy that way. Time to escalte big time.

Show RCMP "ALL" the posts as this is now a criminal matter and deception is criminal obstruction. Check?

Also ask RCMP how I have special Federal Security Clearance with DND and NRC in Otttawa. More important ask who my referce was. You'll freak. I did volunteer work for Vetrans as well. But not related to who was my connection.

Maybe RCMP will tell you even more. Be nice to them. The more you know the better for you and the more fun for moi.

Idiots, as well find out how defamation law really works. I'll avoid Latin and Shakespear so your lawyer can sound impressive. You're stupidity overwhelmeing ask why defamation a reverse onus? If you knew you wouldn't have PUBLISHED and documented your stupidity so clearly.

Tell your parents my lawyer was Cookie Lazurus in Montreal in 1980. Ask your parents idiots how is it I have the same lawyer as Justin's mother and how stupid you really are. Connect some dots. Do some research.

My buddy since university a BC Criminal Court Judge. Ask RCMP? I also did volunteer work for LAC in BC. My clients also have been law firms?

So call the RCMP if your as smart and tough as you pretend. I have your names for when I visit Montreal and think a chat at RCMP offices sounds delightful.

Call RCMP tomorrow. No need to delay the fear? Find out everything you can how I can create problems for you low life scum? Not just your careersand future.

Call RCMP and see if my legal muscle across can make a joke of the best lawyer you can find. How many oxford Scholars and former law faculkty acting chairs do I know. If you can't afford the $250.00 / hr lawyer your screwed. Ask.

Even real lawyers have been brought to their knees with fear of review before the bar. You really should find out why lawyers (after they've taken your money) will warn you as will RCMP you pushed the wrong guy. Ask RCMP how I know Prime Ministers from Shawinigan to my work with John Turner. Ask if Senators my reference and why exactly I'm paid more than doctors when helping federal Lib and PC? At McGill before assination was Dr. Bull. Check. I was a guest speaker at McGill so you are not just defamimg a nobody life failure like yourselves.

This just the tip of the iceberg. The more you know the worse your summer will be until we meet at RCMP offices. Call the RCMP NOW. If I'm bluffing throw it my face? If you find I'm not. Have a nice summer. The games begin. But so certain of what might happen call the RCMP. Or do more defamation. Both work for me. or run like little cowards do? Your choice. I'm easy going. Do all the above.

And don't forget to show RCMP and any lawyer you know this posts and ALL RELATED POSTS. ALL. Your ignorance on defamation law profound.

Ask about my media connections as well from CBC in Montreal to Publishers and Journalists I socialize with.

And before you start making evaluations on my mental state find out if my cousin is in fact a top internationally recognized forensic psychiatrist. Any psychiatric nurse has an app you should reference as well. Learn about me. And learn about yourselves. To me your obvious.

If I'm bluffing I look stupid and my Federal Security status will be revoked. I was actually at a military base on Vancouver Island today?

Call RCMP, and after you call you can try and spin you made a mistake and the same BS others try to get mercy when they find out as you will.

Show all the posts to the RCMP as fraudulent concealmenet or deceptive ommission will only make it easier to charge you and the crime is obstruction. Not a joke.

So shoot your mouths off even more in a reply. I document everything. Sleep well after you call RCMP and show them your very clever brilliant posts.


· May 11 at 8:30pm

Gordon Yee Tell you what... why don't you start with a name. A real one. The only one that anyone has found so far is APPARENTLY someone that had quite a career. That person SHOULD know how to write, how to organize, and how to lead.

That is not what I see here.


· May 11 at 8:36pm

Gordon Yee And hey, after re-reading what you wrote, do you know what I see?

You are threatening me. You are threatening my family. You are soliciting a bribe. And you put it all in writing... nice.


· May 11 at 9:14pm

Gordon Yee West Island Roll of Honour Heroes - far from court, but I have reported your post as threatening.




· May 11 at 9:20pm

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Brilliant. Play me. Call RCMP.




· May 11 at 9:48pm

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Let's escalate to the max before I get to Montreal :)




· May 11 at 9:48pm

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Show RCMP this below. I will. :)


· May 11 at 9:50pm · Edited

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Gordon Yee To be honest, this weeks of being a scam… I don't know what his endgame is, but I would not trust this person.
Like · Reply · 8 hrs
West Island Roll of Honour Heroes
West Island Roll of Honour Heroes For Mr. Yee and others on his friend list.

Feeling brave are we?...See More
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Gordon Yee
Gordon Yee Tell you what... why don't you start with a name. A real one. The only one that anyone has found so far is APPARENTLY someone that had quite a career. That person SHOULD know how to write, how to organize, and how to lead.

That is not what I see here.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Gordon Yee
Gordon Yee And hey, after re-reading what you wrote, do you know what I see?

You are threatening me. You are threatening my family. You are soliciting a bribe. And you put it all in writing... nice.
Like · Reply · 34 mins
Gordon Yee
Gordon Yee West Island Roll of Honour Heroes - far from court, but I have reported your post as threatening.
Like · Reply · 28 mins
West Island Roll of Honour Heroes
West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Brilliant. Play me. Call RCMP.
Like · Reply · Just now
West Island Roll of Honour Heroes
West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Let's escalate to the max before I get to Montreal :)
Like · Reply · Just now


· May 11 at 9:51pm

Gordon Yee Screen shots are much better than copy/paste. Of course BOTH can be faked, just like you have faked a page that should be showing concern for a community, yet obviously does not.


· May 12 at 4:24am

His last line a total lie:

"you have faked a page that should be showing concern for a community, yet obviously does not."
NOTE: Mr. Gordon Yee really believes his and Dan Spector's Bull Shit. Are they delusional? Or just cognitive dissonance on parade and over drive?

I had to stop my good deeds as documented and deal with idiots trying to "intimidate me" and defame my cause and myself, my charitable and volunteer acts and to protect my good name. They just wanted to be big shots and gang members or facebook friends showing off throw sticks and stones at an old tiny weak senior. See how they fear me now?

This causing obvious cost to myself and many "Residents" who were helping along the water or in distant kitchens making sandwiches. Who might like a very understated mark of appreciation? Hey, what do I know compared to these decietful, defaming child geniuses?

Much More to follow. Much.
Including idiots who thought they could remove their statements. Many who ran like deceptive cowards. Once such bravado. Now they fear thousands of dollars in defamation for damages.
Add another 50 FALSE AND DEFAMATORY statements they also can't support in a defamation case. Most Fueled by DECEPTIVE Dan Spector's word of God. And the intellect of Gord Yees and some clever Journalism by Emily Campbell of CJAD. Dan's friend?

Here's an update on West Island Roll of Honour Heroes for the week of May 22 - May 29.

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James Maurais reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 3 star

May 30 at 6:31am ·

intention is good .......... just got bad reviews by the media which led to a wrong perception by the public ( my self included) If you think about what he is trying to do and take time to see his side of the story.......... judge not lest you be judged - Jesus Christ.

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes


1West Island Roll of Honour Heroes











James Maurais Just trying to extend the olive branch. I have no ungodly secrets....... I hope you can back them up


· Reply · May 30 at 7:26am

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes When the time comes you'll be more honest. I'm an honest man. No scam. No sham. My critics too quick to judge zero care. No due diligence,. I have nothing to apologize for. Zero. Others now backpedaling and are able to apologize. Those wanting to try and save face won't save money. And better I know people at your school board. Not as many as a few years ago but enough. I don't need an olive branch I need an apology from everyone who took insanely cheap ugly shots at me and like yourself that legitimized a very sick and ugly witch hunt. You should be ashamed of yourself. Now I'll ruin reputations but with "real truth". Big difference.


· Reply · May 30 at 6:53pm

James Maurais I have nothing to hide


· Reply · May 31 at 5:13am

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes See your earlier comments as stated as fact and simply based on "defaming media" and those they quote, as you state.
To respect Facebooks editorial policy and defamation killing a project hundreds, support please refer to:




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Alison Palkhivala reviewed West Island Roll of Honour Heroes — 1 star

May 11 at 8:40pm ·

I used to think this was a scam but it's becoming increasingly apparent the owner is seriously mentally ill. If you know him personally, please, please check in on him or call his family. He is showing signs of being in a manic state and needs help immediately.

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes



2West Island Roll of Honour Heroes and 1 other

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West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Yes. Those reading should know what RCMP think.


· Reply ·


· May 11 at 11:10pm

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes If more than one involved we have conspiracy to defame? I'll wait for RCMP to call me and then you go to a Montreal office and I'll go to Van or Vic and get this all handled "honestly"?


· Reply · May 11 at 11:12pm

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Just for kicks imagine if you're wrong and proven sick and disgusting during a crisis how good I'll look? Merci.


· Reply · May 11 at 11:13pm

7 Replies

West Island Roll of Honour Heroes Alison Palkhivala, Gordon Yee, Global News, Dan Spector and twenty others or more? All who dare defame an honest man and his honest efforts and others defaming me on it ...See More


· Reply · May 17 at 5:35am

Update: OCTOBER 12, 2024     CRIMINAL EVIDENCE UPDATE!    Liars plus losers This blog done for exposing, plus legally documenting and ident...